SADO: And we are here.
Lynn: And you are there?
SADO: We are. And we are happy when you are happy. And we are joyful when you are joyful.
Lynn: Welcome.
SADO: It is important for you to understand that your life is not to be made more difficult always. You are to find joy in the joyful times that are available to you and to find joy every day. We know that we have been talking more to you about the problems with the energy of your world but there is also a time for you to be joyful. That is as important as looking at the change that you would like to be working with. Find joy in your life every day. Feel the love, not only from your plane but from ours to you. Understand that we love you and we have created a place that is full of love for you. We want you to understand and that every molecule of air that you breathe is full of love. It is full of love for your body and it is full of love for your spirit. Understand that there are different parts of you and one of our hopes for today is that we can talk about the conscious, the subconscious and the super conscious of you. It is time for you to start to understand that these are different parts of you. And that when you are able to understand, regulate and work with the different parts of you, you will have more of an opportunity to, as you say, they are always talking to us. It is good that you know that we are always talking to you. And that makes us very happy to understand. Here you understand that it’s not only in the meditation time that we are talking to you, but we are talking to you always and forever. We hear what you say. We understand most of what you do. And it is important for you to understand that we love you unconditionally. You are the brave one who have come to this plane. You are the brave ones who have come to this plane to work with the energies that are there. It is too difficult for some of those who have come to this plane and they make a decision that they can no longer stay. But they usually know of the spirit, the conscious, subconscious, and super conscious and they begin to understand that this is too difficult for them to stay and for them to be a part of this. You understand this don’t you?
Lynn: Yes, we do.
Chris: I, yeah. I will say that I understand this. I’m wondering are you speaking of those who…
SADO: She knows who I am directing this information to. She is aware of this.
Edwina: To me?
SADO: She is… Yes.
Edwina: Yes, I know that. Yes, thank you.
SADO: And it is very important for you to know that the discovery that was going on with her. The discovery of the decisions, the discovery of the minds, the discovery of the uncomfortableness the human skin. Much discovery was being done.
Edwina: Do you mean the discovery was being done by Rachael or by me?
SADO: Yes.
Edwina: By her, yes.
SADO: And you want to believe those that are connected to their conscious, subconscious and super conscious minds to be more alert because you have not done the same discovery, but we are watching you open yourself for this discovery.
Edwina: The discovery is still coming you mean?
SADO: Yes. This discovery is continuing to happen.
Edwina: Yes, for me. It seems to be ongoing there is so much to learn.
SADO: Yes, for all of you. It is one of the reasons why this group has been brought together. It is important for you to understand that without the openness of minds you cannot discover, if you cannot be open to that which you do not know. There is much that you do not know. You know, there is much that you do not know.
All: (Laughing)
Edwina: Yes, a great deal.
SADO: But we understand that. We understand that. You do not know.
Lynn: I am willing to change what I believe in every single day according to whatever we discover every single day, every single moment.
SADO: And that is a reason why you are a part of this group.
Lynn: And I am humbled and honored.
SADO: And that is a reason why we are always on standby waiting for this group to come together.
Lynn: And we thank you.
SADO: We want you to be assured in the love that we, as Sons and Daughters of the One, have for you. We want you to understand that the love we have and share with you is, as you would say, second to none.
All: (Laughing)
SADO: You cannot understand this love because it goes beyond all human ability. You will understand this love when you come home. But for now, please understand that we appreciate you, your ability to be with us to bring us through and to work to try to feel the love, the joy and the compassion that we have for you.
(Deep breathing)
SADO (different voice): There is nothing more important than the love that we are talking about. Make no mistake about this.
(Deep breathing)
SADO (original voice): This one is asking why we are having different voices today. But she wants to control the answer. This is the voice of the group. Period. The other members or factions of the group have more emphasis to place on something and that is the reason why the voice sometimes changes. It has taken us a while to get the voice in a way that is easier for her voice box to bring forward. We will do our best to try to make sure the voice is speaking with one tone. We understand what you are trying to do and want to help as much as we can by keeping the voice modulated at the same rate.
Lynn: Ok. We will try to make it work. Thank you.
Edwina: We appreciate your efforts.
SADO: You are welcome. We have another lesson for you today. And that lesson is about sailing. If the boat is on the ocean or a large lake and there is no wind what happens to your boat?
Lynn: You are bobbed around, turned around.
SADO: You are going nowhere fast. What is your wind? There are many antidotes about wind in your sails. By saying this, we are trying to get the message through to you that you must have the wind in order to go forward to find safe harbor, to enjoy, to experience new challenges. The wind in your sail is Spirit. You have many in your life who do not use Spirit as the wind, and this is the reason why you see them drowning. This is why you see them stagnate. And this is why you see them fighting. They have no ability to reach safe harbor. They only have the ability of their own strength to bob. There is no life jacket for them. You must understand that you have wind in your sails. You must understand that the wind in your sails is what will propel you to work and do your magic. You must appreciate the wind in your sails. You must be thankful and joyful for the wind that is there because when you learn to control it that is when you are able to reach safe harbor and to get where it is that you want to be going. You must know what you… you must know what you… you must know your destination is. Is your definition, is your destination love? Is it trust? Is it compassion? Is it change? Is it joy? Is it self-discovery? What is the theme for you? What is the theme for this group? This is something that you will need to work on for yourselves as individuals as well as for the group as one.
Miss Lynn has been trying to get the communication going between the group, between these calls. That is a very good thing to do, and it will create the energy to be more connected. You have not done this very well. And we will only be able to go as quickly as your energy can allow. We will not be angry or intolerant of this. We are just giving you the information. So, your homework is to ascertain for yourself what the direction is for your boat. And what is the direction for the boat for the group? We will provide the wind power, but you must, as spiritual beings having a human experience, you must make a determination of where you want your boat to go. Do you have questions about this?
Lynn: No. I know that you have heard me because you speak so closely to what, even in the last twenty-four hours that I have been dealing with. I am trying to …um. My biggest question is the language that I am using is not understandable to people around me when I talk of my own personal beliefs and Spirit. And I just need to discover a new way to speak and not just by backing down, but by backing down and letting them be right is out of the love because I don’t want to have so much conflict, but it doesn’t really solve the problem. What is your answer for that?
SADO: You must meet them where they are.
Lynn: OK. I understand that.
SADO: You cannot have the expectation for them that what you say is the only way.
Lynn: That’s very true.
SADO: You live your life in the way that shows them the beauty that you possess. The compassion and joy in your life and you will find that they want the same thing when it is time for them to understand that struggling is not something that they have do. As this one would say, you cannot put an old head on young shoulders. Many need to experience what it is that they need to experience in order for them to feel the wind in their sails. It is there but they are not willing to see that it is there, and it provides for them all that can be provided for them. When they open their sails, they will be able to breathe and live in an easier way. Do not rush them but continue to show them by an example the way you are finding peace and love in your heart. Remove yourself for situations that are taking wind from your sails. Do not allow for things to go on in your house and in your physical presence that interrupt the flow of wind. Remove yourself or remove them. But for you to want to convince them that this is the way that they need to do does not show that compassion. It only looks to them that you are trying to prove them wrong and they will not learn in that way.
Lynn: I understand. Thank you.
The other question that I brought with me today is about the duality that exists here on the earth plane and the way that we learn the difference between love and light, I mean the light and dark, or good…? I am very, I can’t decide how to take good and bad? Because if we are working towards eliminating the bad in our life then how do we see the good?
SADO: You are filtering through judgement.
Lynn: OK.
SADO: When we don’t see the duality and we see singularly they are all experiences. There is no good. There is no bad. This is all about experience that you as human beings want to have. We do not judge what is good and what is bad. We simply look at the fact that there is wind in the sails or there is no wind in the sails. We are looking at . . . we are looking at it all being experiences that can be helpful in the learning processes that happen for you. Can you give us an example and we’ll give the group an example of the good and bad from which you speak?
Lynn: Well I think as we see these murders and violence happening in the world, we as humans don’t want that to be part of our life so we categories it in the bad section. That would be bad. And as we see goodness and kindness and charity, we would categorize that as good or sharing love.
SADO: What if you do not categorize? What if you say, oh my, what happened, what an experience? What do we want to learn from this experience? You know that when and if your societies make a decision to understand the reasoning behind what you are judging as bad the bad will end. It is a way of understanding the issue. It is the way to shed light on the issues. When we understand why someone wanted to kill thousands of people and they say they have a religious reason for doing this; the understanding that that is what they have been taught needs to be in your heart. It does not mean that you have to agree with them or that you see this as a good thing. But when you are able to understand that is from their heart thinking that they did what was right. Then you go back to your World War 2 and you understand that those working under Hitler were doing what they thought was right because they had been convinced that war was what needed to happen. There was no wind, but they were using oars. Their boat was not moving very fast and took a very, very long time to reach safe harbor. But their boat moved. It is important for you to understand that this is not about good or bad, right or wrong, left or right, up or down, it is. It simply is. We are not chastising you for looking at, as you call, the duality. We understand that one of the purposes of being in human body is that there is no duality. You asking the question tells us where you are with that and how you are working through this issue. But for us we understand that the experiences that you are having are, creating the ability for you to learn and for you to make a determination of how you want to live your life. You can remove yourself from life but that spoils your life plan and does not allow you, does not allow you to have the full experience in the human body, that you would like to have.
And our energy is draining if you have other questions please ask.
Chris: I don’t have a question, but really quickly, what I would like to ask, I would like to say is that I have been working on this also but from a different angle. I have been wanting to just bottom line this. In my training, in saying, you have to start looking from your spiritual you, from your Spirit, rather than your human self in order to move through your grief, and grief is just because that is the group of people I work with. But in anyone’s life, in order to move beyond pain and suffering one must move to living their Spirit. And that’s the bottom line I’ve come to. Is what you’re saying, is this just validating that? Because that’s what I’ve been working on and thank you so much for bringing this up. It been incredible.
SADO: You are in human body to have a human experience. Part of the human experience is grieving, not just the horrific losses that you feel you have had but grieving every day. As human beings, you must face the grief as a human being. If you were Spiritual beings, you would not be grieving because you would understand that there is no death. The part that made your children themselves continues on. There was not a nanosecond of death. All of your children were out of their bodies before their bodies took a last breath. They were not within the capsule. They did not feel any pain, fear. To grieve from a spiritual standpoint is a non-ability when you are in the human body. Your conscious mind needs to understand and work through these losses as a human being. They cannot be spiritual beings. However, you are asking those that you work with to understand exactly what we were bringing up at the beginning of our time together today, which is looking at the conscious, the subconscious, and the super consciousness of the Spirit within the human body. When you are able to do this you first work only with the conscious mind as a grieving person. You move then into the subconscious mind when you begin to have experiences beyond the grief. When you are able to work in the super conscious you understand there is no separation with your child because we are all One. And their energy is more alive today than it was when they were in the human in body. They are free. They are love. They are joy. They are compassion.
And it is enough.
SADO: And we appreciate you being with us today, knowing that much turmoil has happened in some of your lives. And we appreciate the effort that you make to be with us and to hear us, as we know that you are beginning to hear more as we are working together in a way that is beneficial for your soul as well as your environment and your community of followers and believers.
We are happy that you have gained much from the analogy of the sail boat. We see you using and listening and rehearing that information throughout the time that we are not together in an audible way. You understand now that we are always together but sometimes it is not in an audible way as we are today.
This one was surprised about the exactness of the information between this one and the medium. That should not be surprising to any of you as you are connected as ONE.
We have dedicated our time and energy to be with the four of you and you have the same vibration together. It’s not only because of your experiences, it is because of who you have been and who you currently are through knowledge that you are to gain and what you bring. Your vibrations are impacting our ability to get through, for you to hear us and as you work as a group with us being audible. Your stance becomes more like one.
Can you feel your vibration change when the four of you are together in person or on the apparatus?
Chris: I do absolutely and when you just said you are connected as one, the same vibration, I felt it, um, right in my heart chakra.
SADO: This is true. This is true, you are all able to feel this. It is imperative that you work together in a more present way. It is imperative if you want to continue to expand with us. It is not so if you are happy at the way the information you are currently getting. We have much more to share with you but that is going to take more information time.
Chris: More information time, are you speaking literally or? You don’t have time. And so are you meaning in our time?
SADO: This is for you. We also do not have this language. This language is your language for you to understand. When we talk about time it is about the time that you who are inhabiting bodies are ruled by. We speak in this language as it matches the vibration of your language. If we were working with someone who has a different language, we would speak in that vibration. We do not have language as you know it to be.
Lynn: You are asking for a deeper commitment and more time for us to work together?
SADO: We are letting you know that if you want to make a deeper commitment and have more time together we will be happy to bring forth more information.
Lynn: Thank you. We will discuss that and I hope that is possible.
SADO: Our topic today is about guilt. We understand that your society would like you to be ruled by guilt. It is not something that we would like you to identify as a real emotion. Guilt is something that has been placed on the human condition. Guilt is fear and it is your responsibility to understand and to know what that fear is all about. You must do the work to uncover grudges, the feeling of guilt, so that you can truly understand the fear that is behind this non-feeling.
Many of you in your society are hampered and are allowing the energy to be taken out of you because of guilt feelings. There is no place in this laboratory level for the feelings of guilt. It is a waste. It is not something that is helpful for you or will advise any true learning.
However, we understand that you may have been taught as a very young child that guilt is something that you will always feel. Can you truly say that you have no guilt? The answer to this is no. And if you want to be able to reach and continue to go further in this vibratory level, it is important for you to understand that guilt will weigh you down like the anchor on your boat. What’s in your sail?
Edwina: The wind is Spirit.
SADO: This is not the only thing that sets your sail.
Lynn: Love and Hope
SADO: Correct. And the respect for others.
Lynn: Respect, yeah.
SADO: Compassion, gentleness, sincerity, faith, hope. These are the attributes that will fill your sails. These are the attributes that will help you to be healthy in the spiritual, physical, emotional ways. As those wearing the earth suits, it is difficult to always have those as your commandments but it is imperative for our work together that you make those your top priorities.
Now think about what is in the way of your wind.
Lynn: Fear and mine is guilt. Guilt and judgment.
SADO: Sadness
Lynn: Sadness, yeah.
SADO: Loss
Lynn: Grief
SADO: When you know there is no such thing.
Lynn: No such thing as sadness?
SADO: No such thing as true loss.
Lynn: No such thing as true loss.
SADO: Injustice, dependency, addiction, superiority, despair, excuses, unwillingness for understanding others, doom, fatalistic beliefs; all of these things will take the wind from your sails. That will cause you to go backwards, backwards in the life of spirit, backwards in the schedule of vibration, which allows you to contact us and to hear us. The wind in your sails are aspects to meditate on, to find them in your life, to use them as deposits in a spiritual bank. They will provide for you. Do you have questions?
Edwina: Not really a question but a request. Could you go back to our last conversation? Could you say more about the consciousness, the subconscious and the superconscious? I would like to understand better.
SADO: The conscious mind is the one you feel that tells you what to do every day. It is your conscious mind that makes out your grocery list. It is your conscious mind that, if you are safe, you use when you are driving. It is your conscious mind that allows you to make plans. That is very simply put but that is a good starting elementary understanding.
The subconscious mind is more connected to your past lives and your life of the spiritual fulfillment in the body. The subconscious mind has the memories. The subconscious mind is the one that is filtering the information from the soul, from us, from experiences that you have had while you have been within this body. The subconscious mind sometimes shows that you will say things that you may not have heard in your conscious mind yet.
For the conscious mind, you will formulate a word in the subconscious mind or an idea on the subconscious mind that will go to the conscious mind then to be explained. That is why there is sometimes a stuttering when we are talking to you because as we give this information to this one’s subconscious mind, the filter between it and the conscious mind is too thick. If this one was not insistent on listening, this filter would not be in place (ha ha ha).
The superconscious mind is the connection to the soul. The soul is always one with spirit. And the superconscious mind is the golden cord between spirit, the superconscious mind and then is filtered between the superconscious to the subconscious mind. If there is no filter between the superconscious and the conscious mind free will would have a very difficult time in being. We’ve promised you free will when you came here. And you becoming completely reliant on the superconscious mind would not allow you to have the experiences of the free will. Does that help you?
Edwina: Yes, it does. Thank you, especially the information on the connections between the superconscious mind and someone in spirit. That is where I was a little confused and that helps. Thank you.
SADO: You are welcome.
Lynn: So to connect what you were saying with the lesson for today about guilt, we feel guilty mostly in our conscious mind.
SADO: That is correct.
Lynn: Obviously not so much in our subconscious and not at all in our superconscious.
SADO: That is correct. You have gotten the message that you are in human body, you have human emotions. Guilt is a human emotion. Love is a superconscious emotion. That which puts wind in your sail is superconscious emotion. It is where they are kept. That which takes wind out of your sail are human emotion.
Lynn: Ok, but the connection, I feel, is because we came here on earth to be human and to feel these emotions. But you are trying to tell me not to feel the guilty emotion, even though it is a human emotion or just don’t allow it to take the wind out of my sail in order to advance.
SADO: It is important for you to know where the guilt is attached, what it is attached to. It is important for you to understand where the fear is attached, what it is attached to. This is the reason why you are in human body. Not to feel those human emotions but for you to know where they have come from, and why you are feeling them. This is the work of the human; not to feel them but to know why. And then to replace them with that which puts wind in your sail. We are not telling you what to feel and what not to feel. That is not our place. You have free will to feel whatever you want to feel. That is not something that we are going to work with you on.
Lynn: No, I know that. I understand that what we are going to work on is replacing those feeling with ones that put wind in our sails in order to advance our vibration in order to move forward.
SADO: Yes, that is true. And we understand, we understand that it is a difficult place for souls to be – in human suits. We do not have an expectation that you will be like us. We understand that you have created great sacrifice for you to be establishing yourself within the human body. We are simply giving you a task to do. A task that will benefit you, for you who want to raise your vibration. You could go through the rest of your years, your so called life, without doing this work and you would be perfectly within your rights to do that. However, you have informed us that you would like to reach higher states. We are just helping you to know what you might want to try to establish that.
There are some who become impatient to reach a balance, they want to achieve so much that their love sometimes sounds a bit gruff.
Chris: I fully understand, and thank you for explaining that. So the way I am processing this is the way I can move my vibration higher. And I am thinking in terms of past life regressions and meditations to help me understand what is holding me to those feelings of guilt and some of those others that you mentioned. Are those ways that might help us?
SADO: No, past life regression will not benefit you in raising your vibration or understanding what you are going through during this lifetime because the environment and society was completely different at that time. The feelings that you had the last time you inherited a body do not match with society and where you are in this lifetime. You have had, all of you, all of you have had many lifetimes in other universes. If you were going to go back to past lives to understand what you are feeling here on earth it would be like apples and steel buildings. There is no way to compare this. It is interesting that past life regression work with your society has taken a, as you would say, foothold. However, that is for entertainment purposes only. That will not help you to understand what it is that you are coming here to understand. I can, however, answer that question for you at this time. These are things that you wanted to experience during this time that you are inhabiting and interned in this body. It is as simple as that. If you feel that you are judgmental. That is not due to a past life. That is due to something you wanted to experience in this lifetime and to learn not to be judgmental. It is true you might have been judged in a past lifetime. It is true you might have experienced it in some way during the past, or many past lifetimes. But it would not have come into play unless that was something that you wanted to work through during this particular lifetime. It is written, it is written what it is that you want to work through during this lifetime. And that is what you are doing.
Chris: Thank you, Thank you for explaining, I really appreciate that.
SADO: You are welcome.
SADO: Do you have other ways that you would like explanation for?
Chris: I was going to ask because I had said past lives or meditation, I was wondering if meditation is the way that you are suggesting, because it is a way to get in touch with this lifetime that we are experiencing now?
SADO: Meditation is a way to connect and connect with the subconscious and the superconscious. Meditation is a way to make sure of your track and is very helpful in knowing your soul plan. That is very limited, not meditation but your soul plan. It is important for you to understand that the plan is very sparse and that through meditation you have the ability to work with and connect with your superconscious. In that superconscious state you have reopened books. We call that the reopen book policy, ha ha, (laugh). It allows you to see, it allows you to know, it allows you to connect with the superconscious and spirit. It is something more and more your society is doing. And meditation with the four of you together will be quite important. You do not need to be on this apparatus. However, in order for you to have the power of the meditation you could be in the comfort of your own homes at a particular time for a particular space of time. And the vibration of the energy that the four of you would emit without you having to go through higher vibratory levels and to allow more opportunities for you to advance. That is what we meant by learning to work together in different ways. There are many ways for you to work together to increase your vibration. That is just one of them. Just remember when you are on the apparatus or with us this is a sort, type of meditation that you are doing now. When you are corresponding with each other you are listening and processing our words that is another way for you to raise your vibration, and as you say, being in a meditative state. We have a good plan for you. We see this as a long term commitment that we have made to the four of you. We feel confident, completely, as you can handle us going forward with your learning. We will provide for you love, opportunity, growth.
Lynn: Which raises my vibration out of the sadness, loneliness, and brings me hope and peace.
SADO: And that is our light and that is our hope.
LYNN: Yes. Through my own peace may I bring peace to others.
SADO: You have no other choice.
LYNN repeats: I have no other choice.
SADO: When you are peaceful, the peace you bring to others is not a choice. It will just from your physical body, your earth suit. The same is said for all that brings wind to your sails. When you are connected to those emotions that brings wind to your sails, it also exudes from your body to everyone and everything that you come into contact with.
Lynn: That is wonderful. I am so grateful to be able to be a big part of that.
SADO: And we believe it is wonderful too.
SADO: If you have no more questions we will be going as the energy is fading.
Edwina: Thank you for coming.
Chris: Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Lynn: I just wanted to thank my daughter especially, our daughters and your sons, for allowing, helping us to get together, for bringing us closer together so that we can form this group. It is in tragedy that sometimes causes some wonderful things to happen.
SADO: And they are with us as well.
Lynn: I am glad. Just send them our love.
Jane: Your guidance and goodness is appreciated. We feel your love as you walk us through the many questions we have about his life. Your presence is felt in our hearts, heard in our bodies and embraced in our souls.
Lynn: Amen
SADO: And we are here.
Lynn: Welcome.
SADO: You know as sons and daughters of God we are commanded to choose who we shall serve; the mighty presence of God within OR the outer human self – the earth suit. The gratification of the outer human appetite and its demands has run and only results in misery and destruction. You know that all constructive desire comes from within and pushes its perfection forward into the use and enjoyment of the outer self. The great energy of life is flowing through you constantly, but if redirected to destructive accomplishments it brings illness. If redirected to constructive accomplishments it brings joy and happiness. If directed to self-gratification there cannot be anything but misery as its result. It is all the action which brings this to law regarding your personal life energy.
We bring you these works today so that you understand what one of you were relating before you brought us through is so true and is the lesson for today.
What you think, you become. If you’re thinking ill about another, the illness comes to you. If you think positive about another, the positiveness comes to you. It is important to think about the outer activity of your mind, the constant reminder that you are life, an action in you and your world. We ask you to claim yourself to power and authority to the great glorious God, which is your real self, and the source from which you have always received every good thing. We are but a channel, God alone is the great presence and power that does all things well. It is important to us that you praise the God within. That you understand that the God within hears all, sees all and creates all. Manifestation is nothing more than thinking it into existence. The it is bolded, as you would say, as it is can be and is anything that you think or will into existence. Many of your kind do not understand their ability to think and will into existence and that is as this one would say, “silly”.
We think ourselves into existence and we think ourselves out of existence. As you can see and hear from Rachel’s poem, she had in the back of her mind the thinking out of her existence. However, it was taking too long. She understood far and above what others can understand no matter the length of their life, their manifestation of existence. Your life is definitely what you think, what you feel, what you believe. We disagree that this is about a certain amount of time that has gone by. It is not one hundred and twenty days. It is now. It does not take long to manifest. Manifestation can be and is instantaneous because there are many, many aspects to the soul. And all of these different aspects of the soul are living all that has been manifested by the part of God which resides within each body.
You all have this power. You all have the ability to manifest to create. This happens whether or not you understand the perfect manifestations that you are creating or not.
To our our daughters; you cannot realize how very great is the necessity for manifesting harmony in the outer self if the fullness of the inner perfection and power is to be expressed in your outer life. The importance of feeling of peace, love and serenity in the personal self cannot be emphasized enough.
When this is done the Almighty God presence within can act without limit. The continuation of the feeling of peace and divine love, no matter whether you think it be deserved or not, is the magic key that unlocks the door and releases instantly this tremendous inner God power. Harmony is the keynote, the one great aura of life, because within harmony rests the perfect manifestation and without it, all forms disincarnate and return to the universal light. And it is enough.
SADO: And are here.
Lynn: Welcome.
SADO: And we have provided you much information. And we are happy to have you use this. As we told you the last time, we were together, it is time that you prioritize your lives in a way that will allow you to seek the harmony, the peace and the joy. It is important for you to understand this passage about the aspects of this joy. You need to understand there is a difference between the aspects of the Soul and Spirit. Many of your kind will use the aspect of the Soul and Spirit equivalently. This is incorrect. The aspects of the Soul are different from Spirit because the aspects of the Soul are around and within the physical body you have chosen for this life. Spirit is the food for the Soul. Spirit energizes and provides nutrition so the aspect of the Soul can work together, can become… That we did not make clear the last time together. And as you have been thinking about these things, it provides us with the knowledge about you not understanding certain aspects of what the information was that we gave you last time we were together. This one has also asked us to “clean up our language” so it is easier for you to understand. We will be working with your vibrations to make sure that the information comes a little bit more quickly. We have the ability to speak through her very quickly, but it is difficult for her mouth to form around the language we are giving. We are working to, as she would say, “clean up” our accent. It is a combination of all of the voices of SADO.
As you asked about your Course in Miracles, the course that came from Spirit energy to you. You will find much commonality in these books with the information we provide for you. But you are asking things that would allow you to have more loving space or as you would call it more concrete thinking. And it would provide for you some concrete thoughts and ways to work through the spiritual issues that we are communicating about.
We cannot stress enough that this is your priority. We would not have come in if this was not the right time for you to be concentrating on these issues. However, we love you unconditionally and if you want to have other priorities in your life that take precedence, that take precedence over what you have asked for, we will be patiently waiting. This one is surprised at the use of the word “patiently”, but we will be waiting when you go to the next level. You also have to understand that different ones of you will move through this information at different rates because of the time that you are willing to put forward. Do it. Do your meditation through other ways but allow yourself to work with this greatest gift. That is OK. There are some that you know that work with this information as their fulltime occupation. They are rewarded for doing so. However, you are in human body and through the human body you will have human experiences but never forget the spiritual life that you came into the human body with and ways that you have wanted to experience this lifetime. You choose a very difficult place to come to, but with that difficulty there is much gain and much reward. You had as many choices as the grains of sand of the beach. But you’ve chosen this grain of sand, called Earth, because of the specific lessons that this environment, this galaxy, this universe, this planet can provide for you. This was not a mistake. It would be interesting for us to ask you what you think your purpose is for coming to this grain of sand. Do you know? Could it be that it is about this information you are now being given? Could it be this is a priority that you have been waiting this lifetime for? What has led up to this for you? Why you? Was it because you were moving that tray around? No, it was not, and we humored you. It is because we wanted to begin the priority of your life path, but we will wait because we love you and we know that what you will get in this lifetime is what you will allow yourself to manifest in this lifetime.
We are love. We do not judge. We are happy to be helpful to you and we will continue to work with you to manifest harmony and peace and joy. Because in this manifestation you will change your world.
Your lesson today is clearly that which you have written from our last conversation. We will not be going any further until you have the opportunity to completely understand the information we provided for you from our love and our heart. There is much information and we appreciate you putting it in the format which is going to be most helpful for you and others. As one of you said before bringing us through today this is your individual independent work. But when you work with this as a group your vibrations will change your understanding, your communication,your society and your development. Do not underestimate what we are telling you about this. You do not have the luxury, at this time, of moving this information forward and we will see what will happen in the future. However, because you are not bringing the information forward, the information is for your group,our daughters. It is for this group of our daughters. We are very proud of our daughters. We are very proud of this group. You are no accident. And we believe we have much to discuss with you. Although we do hear your thoughts, there is something about the humanness that brings new understanding when you vocalize your thoughts. This is a good time for you to decide on your questions regarding the information that we have currently brought through to this group. There are other ways that you have the ability to know what questions you are struggling with. We want to provide for you. We are not with you to verbalize 24/7, as you would say, but this is a dedicated time to provide for you.
Lynn: Well, one of my questions is when I meditate at night has there been work being done on my throat charka? Are you there?
SADO: Whether meditation is at night or during the day when you can provide yourself with that energy in the gut of the human body and you can light up that area, that is when healing and expansion happen. We hear your prayer. We honor that which you are asking for and we provide as much as you have manifested. You see we cannot go over and above what it is that you are ready for. The manifestation, the thinking, the planning for, the vision of, what you are looking for, must be complete for our work and comments. What have you done to prepare the throat charka to be opened?
Lynn: Well, I have been asking for it and I have been trying to let go of my resistance, but I guess…
SADO: Asking for is manifesting the not.
SADO: It is not manifesting the have.
Lynn: OK.
SADO: When you see and you feel your throat charka opening it will be, if it is in Spirit’s plan for it to be so.
Lynn: It’s what?
SADO: It will be if it is in your body’s plan for it to be so. When you are asking for something, we provide the reason to ask. When you have the confidence that it is here, we provide it being here if it is in Spirit’s plan for it to be so.
Lynn: Ok. That sounds great.
Edwina: Since we are talking about throat charkas I wonder if I might ask too if the things I had last week at the session I was at, where I was in the cabinet, and the people there said there was light around my throat charka can you tell me anything about what that might have been?
SADO: The information that you are as the daughters are getting is coming through you in many ways. As you speak you are providing others with the information from SADO. When you are providing this information those who have the ability can see it coming from a very spiritual place. The spiritual place will often light up. That is what they were seeing. When you are in a place of comfort to bring this information through you rise to understand more. Your understanding allows you to connect more. When you are connecting more you are vibrating at a higher level. Vibration is visual to many people. And as you pour this information into your lives and you lend this information into your lives you vibrate at a higher level. Vibration from a higher level will allow you to connect at a higher level, will allow you to make changes, will allow you to impact your community, your society. This is the very purpose for this group and one that matches your life plan. You did not ask to raise the vibration of the society as an individual, but you did ask for your life plan as a group of the Sons and the Daughters of the One.
Edwina: Is that a change then from several years ago when a friend did a charka clearing and found that it was the, my throat charka, where there were the most restrictions and limitations? Has there been a change then?
SADO: When we come into the body, we know what your life plan is, and we create the function. We create the function in the way that we want to work through. No one comes to this grain of sand without the function. The function is put into place for you to be able to work through some experiences, challenges and opportunities. The function that she was feeling in the throat charka simply indicates that that is something you wanted to work on in this lifetime. And it is very, very clear that the work that you are wanting to do and the work that you have been back from doing, not just because of the personality that you decided to bring in to this body, but the family of orientation, as this one would say, the mother, the father, the siblings, provide for you even more of this function to work through. When you were having this, quote unquote, reading they were simply showing where the vibratory energy was stuck. And it was stuck there for a reason. And the reason was for you to have the devotion to work through it.
Edwina: Yes, that makes sense. Thank You.
SADO: You are loved.
Edwina: Thank you.
Chris: Well, I have been trying to work on manifesting, moving myself out of this dimension of illness. I have been very fortunate to have a very physically heathy life, and this has really been intense. I’m wondering is there something else I can do to move myself into another dimension to move out of this physical illness? Or is there something anybody can do to do that?
SADO: You have the very human body of the life wanted. Why do you believe that you got this weakness now?
Chris: I knew this because I needed to step back. Well, what I was told was that this was a setback before the cleansing. And I know that there is a reason for all illness, and I am very grateful for it because I know there will be something from it. I’m just not sure how to identify it and how I can look at it. Like I said I am very grateful for it because I do understand that all illnesses are helpful.
SADO: Your body was being depleted, and it was giving you the message that you needed to do something different, but you were not listening. Your body manifested a way for you to have to do something different. They are not sure, your wellness committee, is not sure at this point that you have learned the lessons that you need to do something different.
Chris: Yes.
SADO: How could you communicate with them to let them know that you understand that the way out of this illness is to become someone different?
Chris: I guess I am really not sure because I have been, I am trying to be positive about this and grateful for the illness knowing that this is trying to teach me something. I guess maybe I haven’t been able to get into my manifesting mode to be able to…
SADO: You’re manifesting the illness. You are really in the manifesting mode, as you would call it, you are manifesting the illness trying to work with your wellness committee to understand you need to do something different in your life. Part is that your bodies are human. They are not angelic. They are solid mass. And solid mass does not function in the same way that spiritual energy does. If you are going to become a different person that would allow you not to have a body that manifests illness to tell you something what would you need to do so that you would have the ability to hear and respond without your body becoming ill? What did you not hear? What did you not understand?
Chris: That was the same exact question I was asking myself. I have been trying to work with the manifesting of the energetic body and so maybe I am getting confused on that. I have been trying to work on the energetic and the physical. I have been ignoring that.
SADO: The energetic body is not sick.
Chris: I understand it doesn’t speak. I guess I was …
SADO: No, the energetic body is not sick. Sick, with illness.
Lynn: Sick. Sick.
Chris: I am sorry. I was trying to assume. It’s not . . .
Lynn: Sick. S I C K
Chris: Oh, oh oh. Oh, the energetic body is not sick. I understand that. So, it’s the physical body that is getting in the way. That I…
SADO: The physical body is not getting in the way, dear heart. The physical body is what is accepting the manifestation because something is not going in a way that is providing for it to continue to live in the way that you want it to live. It cannot continue in this way to cooperate with you. Through your habits and the way, you are caring for your physical body you are allowing and causing energy to be pulled away from the health of the body. You are allowing the energy in the body and for the body to wane. What have you been hearing about? What does your human body believe? This lack is what you have been providing for it. The message has been somewhat clear. Has it not?
Chris: Ok. So, I suppose the rest is the one thing. And.
SADO: You suppose?
Chris: Suppose (laughing).
SADO: Hahaha
Chris: Yes. That’s it. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
SADO: You have had several warnings according to your wellness committee to change that way of existing and you are very connected to your spiritual vibration. And with that known, they are not able to provide this information that you will adhere to. The next step is to, ha-ha, as this one would say, beat you over the head.
Chris: (laughing) They are good. Thank you. Thank you.
Lynn: And thank you for the…
SADO: You are loved.
Lynn: Thank you for this whole conversation because I too needed to hear that.
SADO: Yes. You all needed to hear because you don’t understand that you are all one. And what one of you experiences you all experience in some way.
Lynn: Yes. Thank you. I was wondering if our group meditation did, was successful? Could you? We could feel the vibration, and this should be something that we continue to do on a regular basic?
SADO: And what do you think it provided for you as a group?
Lynn: Well, I think it provides for us a connection. I think that we knew that others in places across the land we were all sitting, joined together in oneness and peace and harmony. And that was rewarding to me to just know that somebody else was sitting with me. And hopefully our vibrations were raised, and we helped raise the vibration of all those around us.
SADO: And so is that not enough proof for you to be able to make that happen again.
Lynn: Yes, it was enough for me.
SADO: We would suggest however that you communicate after such sessions to share your experiences which will help make them much stronger and more lasting.
Lynn: Thank you.
SADO: And we are complete.
Lynn: I know. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
SADO: And you are loved.
Lynn: And we love you too.
SADO: And it is enough.
SADO: And we are here
Lynn: Welcome
SADO: And we welcome you home.
Lynn: Thank you
SADO: And we hear your questions and your conversations. There are many ways to learn the approach of Spirit in your lives and your understanding of Spirit in your lives. “A Course in Miracles” is one way for you to have structure around the teachings that have come into your lives. You know all of these as you were in Spirit body. However, wearing the human body is where it changes. As the process of coming into the human body causes you to forget the lessons that Spirit is and how Spirit works in your lives. There is a way to build structure around this learning that is something called, “A Course in Miracles” will provide for you.
We understand but are not tolerant of your “busy” schedules. Our tolerance is very small, as you have reached out to us to provide for your learning. We try to believe that you are doing your best to, as this one would say, keep all the balls in the air.
However, you have quite an opportunity to be instructed. We will love you unconditionally no matter what you decide to do with this opportunity, but we do want you to understand that you came to us and asked us and invited us to come forward into your lives to help to bridge the gap between being in the body and being only spirit. This is not to chastise you. This is merely an explanation.
You know our daughter, Suzanne (Giesemann) who also brings through a group, also asked for that group to come through to her. She then dedicated her life to gathering that information. We are not having an expectation that that is what you will be doing. However, thinking about where that priority will be for you is important, and a decision that this group needs to make. We will meet you when you are of like mind. It is up to you to consider when you would like to dedicate that energy. We are willing to hear your comments about this.
Lynn: Yes, I totally understand. We did make some excuses this month because of the illnesses several of us had. But we need to commit if we want to have a structured way of going about this together. Thank you so much for giving us this structure. We have to take it to the next step where we can actually incorporate it into our busy lives. But it should be a priority because it can be miracles, right?
SADO: It is a miracle for you to have the understanding that you already have about your children. There are many who are suffering because they do not have the information that you have about your little ones. That is part of SADO as well. It is the energy of your little ones. And if you were talking only to them how would that change your priorities?
Lynn: Yes, that would. Certainly, the human side of us would make room for talking to our children. So, the human side of us should make room for talking to you and Spirit and the oneness that our children now belong to and we belong to, so thank you for the reminder of the miracle that we carry. And doing this work in miracles, will it help us provide a relief from this suffering for other people? I see an added incentive for us because we know how much pain that is.
SADO: The more information that you have and the foundation that it provides for you and you provide for others, is a part of your Oneness with Spirit. This information is given to the four of you. You were all called to be together for this to happen. And we already have the information of how this will be generated throughout the land. It is not something that we are willing to share with you at this point. We have not seen the priority and the work ethic that we feel we need to see in order to show you how this will continue in the future. But be assured, the plans have been made.
Edwina: Will you be a part of a study group that we might have for ACIM as Chris was suggesting? Might there be a chance for input from you?
SADO: We are a part of all of your Spiritual undertakings. Once you have called us to your heart, we are always there. We are one with you. And we will help you to understand the underpinnings of ACIM.
Please understand that it is a channeled volume, and in so being, every word is not completely accurate. So that which you have trouble putting into your Americanized brains may be simply a problem with translation. You hear this one stutter sometimes. It is because she will try to translate, and we will stop that from happening. We do not speak with any kind of hesitation but having this one brings the information through in English version can be difficult.
Do not chastise yourselves if you do not understand the transmission of all of the information in the course, or for that matter through these transmissions. We will be with you to help you translate the information, but we want you to work to understand it throughout your own filters as well.
Part of this we can now share with you that the information from us, through this one, will not always have to come through in a trancelike state. You will find that building more foundation between the four of you will allow for the information to come through in a more “normal” way.
Lynn: In our discussion the right meanings and translation and understanding will come through each of us in our own ways?
SADO: That is what we are hoping will happen. It is what is planned. You will find that this one is the primary voice of SADO. It is not that she was chosen. It is a part of her purpose. It has to do with her ability, and it has to do with her openness. It has to do with her clairvoyance and clairaudience, neither of which she is willing to own, but the information will be present for the four of you, and we will do our best to bring the information through in a way that is more understandable for each of you. We love you. We appreciate you and we are excited to bring the information through to you. This information again will build the foundation for your work. The more this becomes the priority in your life, the more this work will be given out to others whom you so want to help. Many of the reasons why the four of you were put together in this way is because you all have this same “sweet spot” in your heart. That sweet spot in your heart is the people you want to be able to help and share this information with. It was no accident. We wish to have a conversation with you that will provide for, we wish to have an ongoing conversation with you which will provide for you the information that will be so helpful to you and also to others.
The book, A Course in Miracles, will provide some foundation and some structure around these descriptions and information that will help to give you the information during this time in the bodies. You will let us know when you are ready to begin this process, (through your actions) and we will be there to help you learn and understand. You will begin to make changes in your lives by bringing this information through to your own understanding. Do not be fearful of the information or of learning the information. Do not be regretful of the time. See both as opportunities for you to feel the love and the oneness of Spirit which your little ones are a part.
Lynn: So, we can think about them being in our circle also?
SADO: They are right here.
Lynn: Yes, right. Thank you. I always feel so humbled and honored to be part of this experience, and this is just another level, as I, for one, did have you talk right through me about the fear. I was afraid, because it was so hard for me to understand exactly where it was going, but now I’m going to trust every other part of this journey that it will be beneficial, and I will feel peace and happiness as I go along.
SADO: We will guarantee you of that, our daughter. What is the question from the one who is so far away?
Chris: I guess that’s me. Thank you for knowing. I don’t know how to put this. I just started writing my book two weeks ago, and it is what you’re talking about, the lessons I’ve learned from my guides and this is what I want to share with bereaved parents, and I wonder if, I just committed my responsibility to that. Is this a part of what I’m supposed to be doing?
SADO: What if the ownership of the book is not by one? Do you think that it is unreasonable to believe that your disease that you encountered was a way to slow things down? Did you believe that the information that you were able to organize as you would say in your head, when you had your disease? Do you think that is a coincidence from what we are talking about today?
Chris: Absolutely not. I know that it was no coincidence. I’m overwhelmed with so many things that I felt were important. And this is what came out of it. And I know that I was supposed to slow down to discover that. So no, I don’t believe that was a coincidence at all.
SADO: And what does your personal guidance tell you about the information that is coming for this book?
Chris: That it has to get out there. I’ve been told for several years that it’s important and it’s not just for me. That it needs to get out there. That it is a way that can lead others to peace. And that’s what they’ve been saying for a long time.
SADO: And the information for your book – where is that coming from?
Chris: It’s coming from them and from my own personal experience, because what they are reminding me of is what happened to me on my journey, and this is a way to explain to others how they can move through their process.
SADO: And how will you be able to separate those lessons from the lessons of SADO?
Chris: They’re blending. They’re an absolute beautiful blending of …. I’m so grateful for everything you’ve said because it verifies a lot of the things, I’ve learned from them and also from my hospice friend who just passed. There have been many different guides that have helped me with the very same lessons, so I believe that’s why I came to this decision because so many areas were helping me with the same lessons. It’s definitely not just me, but SADO is helping blend the learning.
SADO: And that is very important for you to understand as you go through this process. And we wish for you to put that question to your guidance as well.
Chris: The question about how can I blend the lessons I’m receiving from them and from you?
SADO: It is going to take a very deft hand for you to be able to keep these separate or to blend them, because you need to understand and look at your commitment to SADO. The information that you have can create many volumes. By combining that with the clear understanding from SADO will make even more volumes. You seek a deft hand and deft understanding will create for you the book that will be helpful for certain populations, and that population is not all grievers. And that population is not all grievers of children. What is the population?
Chris: What is the population?
SADO: That is our question to you.
Chris: OK, the population that I have focused on is bereaved people. Because it is a map of how to move through life after grief. And what I’m finding is it’s not just grief, it’s finding that it’s responsibility, taking responsibility for your life and looking at life from a spiritual perspective rather than our physical. And so, you’re helping me see right now from what I’m saying is that it’s not just for grievers. Thank you.
SADO: That is correct.
Chris: I understand what you’re talking about that I have to look at the understanding, and my commitment that I had prior and then what I’m learning from you.
SADO: That is going to be difficult.
Chris: If that is going to be difficult, do I need to look at changing the population that I’m focusing on or changing my own focus as to what I want to do with the information.
SADO: Yes, this is going to be something that you are going to need to think about. The only differential at this point is that you are writing for those who are in human body. And we are leaving now. And it is enough.
SADO: And we are here. We wish to discuss the program, A Course in Miracles, with you today. We wish you to live this book and live the information.
Unless you do this process, you will not be able to gather from the book of which you are able to.
To live this book means that your every thought and word go through the process of learning and doing the book, what the book says.
So for example, we are looking at the fact that nothing you see is real and it doesn’t really exist and it can’t be threatened in your own lives because of that which is alive is the Spirit of God and the Spirit of God can never be put asunder. This is the property of the Spirit of the body.
It is important for you to understand that the channels of this book are Christian in nature. However, if you replace the word God with the word SPIRIT and also replace the word Jesus with any higher evolved man or woman from the earth, you will be on the right track, as you would say. So do not become concerned with the language. Make sure that you are integrating the meaning of the words that come from the human. When you cross over you will find that the language you will be using will not have so many problems as you have now indicated.
Edwina: Why was English and Christianity used as origin of the book. Was it because of it’s popularity or would it have more acceptance.
SADO: “NO, no that is not correct. We understand why you may think that but it is that with any channeled information it is to, as you would say, make sense to the person that is the channel. We use some words that this one would not use in the home language but in order for this one to bring it forward in an understandable way this one will convert that word to something that has the same meaning although sometimes it is just close to the language that this one speaks and so those who are listening will understand. So the people that were channeling, who were given this information to channel had a Christian foundation and instead of using the word only as SPIRIT or those who have been highly evolved they used something that made sense to them; God and Jesus.
Lynn : What is the reference “the Holy Spirit” then?
SADO: The Holy Spirit is All the energy which is SPIRIT, which is as you would say, all capital letters and the Holy Spirit is the energy that reports to SPIRIT. The Holy Spirit has other duties than just holding the space for the Spirit Body.
Lynn : OK that will be very helpful. When we read words we tend to put a picture on it and if we put a different picture on it, a different meaning to those words we would be able to accept them in our own minds.
SADO: Yes, and you bring up a valuable point. And that point is that we are talking about illusions. The illusions that you use when you are reading can be any illusions and you may look at the word Holy Spirit as a flickering candle light. When someone else may look at the word Holy Spirit and see a ball of light. And someone else might look at the words of Holy Spirit and look at the Ghost of the Trinity. Illusions are things that we brought to whatever plane to help us make sense out of the experience. Please understand however that the illusions that you create come from your own belief systems. The heart of this book is looking at the belief systems that you have. Your common pretense is that what you see you believe. But the common pretense of this book is what you believe you will see. Creating the illusions have to match the belief system that you want to have- not the belief system you currently have, that might not be helping you live in your community. There are some questions now about this that we would like you to discuss among yourselves. Please understand that we are listening and we will be with you as you work through this premise.
Lynn: OK. Are you going to give us some questions.
SADO left abruptly and Jane came back.
Discussion continued about the actual channeling session.
Then discussion of language and illusions.
SADO asked (through Jane) that we discuss the following points.
SADO: What is your word for the particular essence of words like God?
Our discussions included: It’s all about our perception of what is God. But we might not really know until we get there.
It changes and it is different for each person.
We can’t totally understand it with our brain.
They will help us but we all interpret it differently.
SADO: How do you explain God?
SADO: What is God?
Our discussion: There are as many different answers as there are people. You have to use your heart to try to understand that. We can’t understand the full concept of God until we get there. Thru living this book we can understand SPIRIT and the purpose of life in a deeper understanding.
Discussion continues on SADO’s words: What you see is what you believe. But the goal is what you believe you will now see.
Our Discussion: Having a deeper understanding of what we believe and then we will start seeing it in the world instead of just believing what you see. SADO ask up to study a quote from the book (ACIM) on page IX in the introduction, preface.
ACIM: It is the Holy Spirit’s goal to help us escape from the dream world by teaching us to reverse our thinking and unlearn our mistakes.
SADO adds the words: and beliefs.
SADO: It is the Holy Spirit’s goal to help us escape from the dream world by teaching us to reverse our thinking and beliefs and unlearn our mistakes.
Chris: There is something that they want us to get today, the two issues.
Illusions- the way we view them.
The illusions that we use some of them are…
SADO speaks: beneficial to you and some of them are not. You need to be able to look at the illusions that you use and understand how they affect your life.
If you are confronting a particular issue, say your performance, Our Sister Edwina, and you begin to say, “I am overwhelmed, I am nervous, I am anxious”, that becomes your reality. Now that illusion has more power than you credit it. That you are overwhelmed in this situation, it is important for you to understand that it is an illusion.
Edwina: OK, Thank you.
SADO: What you are feeling about your belief about the situation. This is the reason we had this one rewrite the sentence on the page.
By adding the word “and beliefs” into that changes the meaning and the actual work that needs to be done about that for this group!
When you say, “I don’t have time”, you create a situation where there is no time. Ha ha. This is funny to us because of course there is no time.
But when you are making a statement that comes from your belief, that is something that you are creating as a reality.
We are not going to talk about reality today. We want you to discuss examples of the illusions that you are working on an individual basis and how they would be different if you changed that communication with yourself.
Lynn: That’s a big homework.
SADO: It should be ongoing, it is about time (ha ha) you are working with this and continuing to help your life.
Lynn : I want to talk about how belief systems that are built on from childhood become your reality. If we could only think and only say and only feel what we want in life our whole world would change.
SADO: We are watching and hearing and learning what it is that you are doing with the forgiveness pieces that we asked you to work on. And also with what we wanted you to see in your life.
The miracles are simply looking at things a different way. It’s about perception, belief and faith. It is in looking at the energy your thoughts have to create.
You need to look at the miracles in your life. And we can explain to you what the miracles are, and we will help you, point them out to you in your individual lives. People believe miracles are coming through those who are like us, like winning the lottery. However, winning the lottery is not a miracle, it is a hardship.
Those who have won the lottery have done so as an effort for learning. Most of them, however, do not learn the lesson. That is why you will see that, as you would say, the big jackpots are not coming through as frequently.
We wish to explain to you the atonement of your life. This one could explain without our voice, but it is her insecurities that are not allowing that to happen, so we are taking over so that your time can be well spent.
When we are teaching about atonement, to this one and to you, we understand that you may not understand our meaning of this concept.
Atonement means the complete cancelation of all unhealing behaviors, thoughts, feelings and beliefs. It is the cancelation of the errors from your heart—that which are not God-like, God-given, God-made. It is not our intent to abide with the teachings of religions, especially that which is incorrect, such as the definition for atonement. Atonement is healing, it is received guidance, it is forgiveness, it is joy, it is all God-given, God-made and God-sanctioned. We will use this word, atonement, and would ask that others understand the true meaning, which will negate the meanings of judgment. The scare tactics that were used around words in religions were deemed appropriate to keep parishioners in line.
The concept of the atonement stated in your books is the canceling out of all errors that you could not otherwise correct. When you have been able to change the way you think about these things, that is the way that you will know when atonement has been reached. Atonement is very expensive for your body to not do. When you carry around, with your feelings and your beliefs, that you have created a problem, that is very expensive, very devastating for your body.
When you are absolutely able to atone for those things that you are seeking forgiveness for, your body is able to heal itself in a much better way. Think of those things you carry in your heart. Think of those things you carry in your heart, and think about what happens to you when you think about those things you carry in your heart. Judgment, guilt, chastisement, blame, illness, hate, separation are very energy-robbing from your body.
You are right, Lynn, you only have one body and when that body wears out, it is going to necessitate you coming home. However, when you are able to forgive and take it to the next step of atonement, which is a natural process, you find that your body has the ability to heal. Atonement is a miracle. When you bring home the idea that you are the “I am,” you are the “I am” of atonement. [Jane: Whenever we say “I am,” it is a command to SPIRIT to make us that way: “I am sad, I am anxious, I am sick.” When you are able to say, “I am atoned,” then you are, or as they say, “I am of atonement. I am healed, I am forgiven, I am accomplished.”]
(Jane comes out.)
Jane: What they are asking me to do is to talk a little bit about the information they have given me with regard to forgiveness, atonement, and miracles. So, are we all in that space? [This was their first attempt of having me speak in my own voice the information they were giving. I didn’t like doing it, as it could have been seen as unbelievable, and I felt some might consider the information was coming from me instead of from them.]
All: Yes.
Jane: Forgiveness is, as Chris said, the key to happiness. Forgiveness is when we have the ability to … [I stopped them here and asked for them to give the information.]
SADO: Go deeper than the skin of the person that you are having a difficult time with. This is about forgiving their behavior, but more so their emotional pull over you. And when you do that, not only as you have already stated, not only in your thinking mind, but also in your loving heart, that is true forgiveness. But even when you forgive, you understand that the forgiveness is still caught within your body. It is still something that you think about. It is still something that you feel. It is still something that you hold within your energy field. In doing so, it has to use your energy in order to have energy. Do you understand what we are saying? No, you are not understanding.
Edwina: Well, I am having trouble.
Lynn: Today we were talking about divorce and this brought up forgiveness. I am still holding on to some of what happened in my divorce, I guess. Even though I felt I have forgiven, I haven’t really let go of all of it because it is still using up some energy in my body. Is that what you are talking about?
SADO: That’s what we are talking about. And all of you can relate, in your own ways and in your own hearts to this.
Chris: Yes.
Lynn: Is atonement the next step in forgiveness?
SADO: We would rather not have you call them steps and phases because it is not a linear process. If one has forgiven only in their thinking mind, atonement is not possible. If one has forgiven within their heart, but they are continuing to feel this in their energy field, forgiveness is not complete, and atonement is not possible.
Atonement is only possible and correct when it cancels out all of the energy drain and negates the feelings of the thought, the feelings and the emotions as well as the behaviors. Atonement is the conviction that it is complete. It is what some people—not this one—would call closure. This completes the circle of learning with regard to that particular issue, experience, behavior, situation, feeling.
When you have complete atonement, the issue becomes, what you would say, a non-issue. It is not easy to bring about. It is not an easy way to live your life. So we would hope that you would choose something that is rather inconsequential. Practice forgiveness and atonement. Do you understand how one could be in forgiveness of a situation but not have atonement? We are asking you to answer that question.
Chris: Yes, thank you for asking that question, SADO. I thought letting go in a situation was not forgiving. I think it was forgiving, but I hadn’t reached atonement about it. That was my issue. So, yes, I can see how you can move to forgiveness, but not to atonement. Thank you.
SADO: Does your book say atonement is a state of grace? And when you are in the state of grace, that is the feeling of atonement. Many of your kind go through their entire lives without ever feeling atonement. That is very sad, but that is their lesson to learn. You are good people. You are making your Guides and your Guardian Angels very proud watching you from day to day.
And you have now embarked on a new ability to live your lives in a separate and different way. It is due to the listening power of Lynn that you have come in this direction. We are grateful for her powers of discovery and her ability and willingness to listen to us. Each member of this group has different ways to listen, but it takes all of you to do this work, as your understanding is going to be beneficial in helping another member to understand in their own way what needs to happen with them. SADO will be here as long as you will allow, and will continue to bring information to you in the purpose of living free and in a state of grace.
Many who do this project do not understand or are unable to reach the state of grace. This is our wish for you all, to escape from the darkness, as your book points out. You cannot escape from this darkness without forgiveness and atonement. This can be a very Earth-time slow process.
We do not measure your success and progress through time. Do not fall into that mistaken notion. Our assignment to you is for you to continue with the forgiveness continuum and reach for atonement for at least one issue. That will allow us to begin the process of helping you to live through your fears. [Jane: They feel that fear is used as the primary filter from which all human existence is currently flowing. As they have said in other places, there are only two emotions: fear and love. If you aren’t living through love, you are living through fear. You are filtering all life through fear. By reaching atonement on any particular item, you will gain an understanding of forgiveness and have the ability to lean into your Guidance. Doing so will provide the foundation and the knowledge that our Guidance can use to help us recognize how and when we are filtering all life decisions and experiences through fears and not love.]
There are people who do this project, who work more quickly, but do not attain what can be attained. We ask that you do not give up on this process. We ask that you have patience with yourselves. This group was brought together for a reason. You are merely scratching the surface of that reason. That is not a SADO judgment. That is a SADO reality. And now we are going to ask this one to talk to you about the information we have given this one about miracles. This one is reluctant to do this. And this information and practice is being given for her learning process as well.
(Jane comes out.)
Jane: Do you have any questions about what they were talking about?
Edwina: I feel like I have a very limited understanding of it all, particularly of atonement. As SADO was talking, there were a couple of questions that came to my mind for which I don’t have answers.
I have questions about the relationship between forgiveness and atonement. Maybe the rest of you have thoughts on this, but my understanding is that there is a relationship between forgiveness and atonement. My previous understanding was that atonement is something that you do in order to receive forgiveness. That may be a naive idea, I don’t know. The other thing that I am unsure about is that forgiveness is something that is both given and received. How does that work? And I am wondering also whether atonement is something that follows forgiveness. Those are all points of confusion for me that I am mulling over in my mind. If anybody has any clarifying thoughts, please share them.
Jane: I am just leaving it open for anybody else to talk about their feelings about that.
Lynn: Before SADO broke in, I was saying that forgiveness is at one level before you reach atonement. I’m not sure whether SADO was saying that complete atonement might not be possible in this lifetime for some people. But it should be something we seek to gain; the feeling of peace and complete state of grace. Because I hold the residual stuff in my body, mind and heart from the past, I have not received atonement. So I don’t know exactly what that state of grace would feel like.
I certainly would seek it out now that I am more aware of it. I have forgiven people, and I have received forgiveness in my past. But I have never totally felt that state of grace that they were talking about, except at one point when I had let it go and let God have it, because, as a human being, I just could not handle it. I asked God to take over because it was impossible for me to deal with it any more. At that point, God came into my life and I received a partial state of grace, which might have been atonement. I didn’t realize what it was before. Does that make any sense?
Jane: Yes, it does to me.
Lynn: I have issues besides Nicki’s death such as divorce, previous relationship issues, issues with my siblings, other issues that I have sought forgiveness for and given forgiveness for. But I think atonement, that special thing I am looking for, I haven’t gotten. Now that I am understanding it a little better, it will be wonderful to have that state of grace for those issues, too. I just didn’t know it was possible.
Jane: Getting back to what Edwina was saying, I think that your first comment about not only is it us offering forgiveness to others, but it is also accepting that we are forgiven. I think that one of the things SADO talked about is accepting that you are one with all. And if your brother cannot give you that forgiveness that you are looking for, then your job is to forgive him for that. It does seem kind of one-sided, certainly. But it is a hard way to live to want to be forgiven and also to want to forgive, especially if the forgiveness is not coming from whom we want to be forgiven by and not for what we feel the need to be forgiven for. It’s a hard, difficult way to live, to be able to do that. But it is an important option for us.
I hear what you are saying about atonement, and I understand what they are saying with regard to it not being linear, but I think there is also a sense that forgiveness has to happen before atonement can happen.
I think what they were talking about is that it doesn’t have to be step two or step five or step 10. It can be step 115— however it is that the forgiveness piece has to be broken down into manageable, bite-sized pieces. One of the things they said to me as we were working through this is to put whatever is holding us back from living a life of grace and peace on the altar. Then that thing is altered by our Guidance, by God into something that we can understand, that we can forgive and be forgiven for, that we can feel at peace about.
So if I give this experience up to the altar, or if I lay this experience on the altar of God, than this experience is now altered into something that we can understand, we can forgive and be forgiven for, that we can attain peace about, etc.
That might be tough to do and to think about because it’s so emotional and perhaps affects our behavior. However, we need to understand that we are asking for Heaven and Earth to remedy the situation. And we understand that the universe is perfect, and we call out and say, I am willing to see this situation differently. That’s when that divine intercession, from a thought system that is so far beyond our own, abolishes that which we see as the celestial order. This is what really brings in that perfect peace. We begin to think of ourselves differently from who we thought we are. That’s the world where that grace really exists, and we need to really experience that, as we would experience joy. I don’t know if that’s going into what you were thinking about or not.
Edwina: As SADO was describing atonement leading to a state of grace, and then as Lynn was talking about the difficulties of achieving that with personal relationships, I realize that in the last few months or weeks, I have, on occasion, felt a state of grace or a sense of peace. Momentarily—it’s not very lengthy. But it’s strangely with respect to global issues, not personal issues. I don’t get there with personal issues. I’ve got a long way to go with personal issues.
I have been thinking about the state of the world: People who are starving and have very bad luck, and even the handyman who has been working on my house the last few weeks. He’s a young guy, a good person. But he is struggling financially. Instead of feeling badly about him, for example, I have been able to feel that this is, for some reason, his path in life. I am at peace with this. I can relate to him comfortably about that. That’s new for me. I can feel that way also with respect to larger issues, too. More a sense of peace, where previously, it has made me ill-at-ease and anxious. I don’t know if that is moving in the right direction or not. I hope so.
Jane: What you’re saying is that you’ve noticed the change in the last couple of weeks or months?
Edwina: Yes.
Jane: What do you attribute that change to?
Edwina: I think it’s just more reading and studying and thinking about these kinds of things. Right now I’m reading Neale Donald Walsch’s “Conversations with God,” which I have been trying to read for a long time. I am making very slow progress with it. But it really speaks to me. A lot of what he says is similar to what we are reading in “A Course in Miracles,” and similar to what SADO says.
Jane: Right. Why did SADO come to you to ask if that made sense?
Chris: Because I am not dealing with the little things. I am dealing with the biggest issue of my life. I am not trying to make this dramatic. I thought I had dealt with it and I am still having questions about reaching the state of grace and coming to some closure. But SADO said that you understand that forgiveness is caught in your body, and you still hold on to something in your energy field. I have worked on this and thought I’d handed it over and let it go, but I still think about it every once in a while. It is one of those things that just pops into my mind.
Edwina and Lynn, I don’t know if you read my book, but I had to give up my kids for adoption when they were 10 and 14 because of my ex. He and his third wife adopted the kids. She just passed a couple of weeks ago and he passed in 2013. Three days before he passed, I visited him after not seeing him since Zac’s funeral. There were 13 years in between seeing him. I told him he was my greatest teacher and that I was grateful to him.
I thought I was really looking at forgiveness. I didn’t understand atonement, but I thought that was it. And I have felt very good about it. I haven’t hated him. I haven’t anything. I thought I had reached forgiveness, but it’s the thought that every once in a while pops up. Obviously, with her recent death, Tyler is having to deal with her all over again. Nobody knew that I re-adopted Tyler three months after Zac passed. So, I thought I had let go, but they say that the energy is still in your body and is still in my aura, apparently. Because I’ve been processing that and that’s been going on today, this is the main issue in terms of forgiveness for me. Jane, sorry, a long explanation, but that’s what I think they were asking about.
Jane: So they definitely knew what was happening there.
Chris: Absolutely. This is good for me and they clarified a whole lot. I knew it wasn’t linear, but I guess there is a continuum, that forgiveness continues and you reach it. And as you just said, you hand it over, put it on the altar, and you’ll experience it with the understanding that it’s remedied. Did I understand that right?
Jane: Yes, right. When you give it over, and someone says, OK, I give this to God, you have to do the work, too. Like Lynn said, you were at the bottom of the bottom of the bottom of the bottom and you had to do the work. You said, I am in physical body, I can’t take this. I need help. I need you to help me see this differently. I need you to allow me to lay it at your feet (not physically, of course).
Lynn: At the time, I didn’t know what to do. It wasn’t until miracles started happening that I got the tools that led me to where I am today. Those miracles allowed me to see this in a different light, allowing me to process it, something I didn’t think I was capable of doing.
When I was able to start accepting this, I thought that was the only part of my life that could be in a state of grace. I was allowing miracles to happen for me, to me, around me, by me. Whatever it was, I am so grateful for it. If this is what can be achieved in a state of grace, then I have other parts of my past that I’ve been holding in my body, in my energy field, where I’d like to get to a point of atonement or a state of grace. I can’t tell you what a bright light that is.
Chris: I can understand where you are coming from. I’ve had similar problems with relationships and divorces. I didn’t have the issues with children that you had, but certainly everyone has a lot of skeletons in their closet.
I was going to say to Jane, who is a therapist, that I have never had a therapist tell me I could work through grief until it was no longer an energy in my body. My therapists were OK with me still having it in my body. They told me it was what made me what I am today, to hold on to that and build on it. I never understood about atonement, where you could actually have it become a non-issue.
Jane: I think when you are talking about a death of a child, it is always going to be an issue. I think that is one of the things with forgiveness and atonement: If you are living in the past, even an hour ago, there is forgiveness work to do. Because I asked them—I said what is the litmus test on this forgiveness work? I am not seeing everything that I could be seeing to be helpful to others. What they said is, “If you are living in the past, even an hour, you have forgiveness work to do.”
Chris: Oh Jane, wow.
Lynn: Wow.
Jane: For me, that’s what I needed to hear. That’s what brought up for me a scenario such as weeding my garden. I am thinking about—this is a silly example, it didn’t really happen—but I am thinking about the driver who cut me off. I am getting ready for Sophie to come and I am thinking about Rudy. I am thinking about how I still miss him and am I going to be OK? Am I going to love a new puppy? I know this is so ridiculous compared to what you all are living through. But did I do my best with him? And does he know that? And then boom, SADO comes in and says, “Where are you living?”
Chris: Oh, boy.
Jane: Well, I wasn’t living in the present. And so that was some self-forgiveness that I had to do. And I had to be able to go through and say, do I really have anything to forgive myself on that front? No. OK, then what is your relationship with Rudy now, right now? Not an hour ago, not five minutes ago, what’s your relationship with Rudy right now? Well, of course, I know that he picked out Sophie for us and blah blah blah. I am aware of all of that. And so that’s what SADO said. That’s what needs to be lived. The reality needs to be lived.
Lynn: SADO gave us an assignment: to continue to understand forgiveness, what it is in our lives and how to work towards it. Earlier I said forgiveness is like love because it is an ongoing process. Then SADO said to reach for atonement on at least one issue. So I wanted to reinforce that this was one of the things they wanted us to work on in the future. And they said something: Live through fear.
Jane: I think what is happening is that they were setting us up for our next piece, and that is talking about fear and how that is really interplaying with forgiveness and atonement. And this is all coming together. When we start to think about forgiveness and we start to think about atonement and we see how that really does make some changes in our lives, our next step—they wouldn’t call it a step or phase—but our next step is to look at which fears are holding us back.
Lynn: From reaching atonement.
Jane: I think from just escaping what they call “The Fall.” A medium in the UK has a series of books, and one is called “The Fall.” And The Fall is, in the Bible, a separation from the ONE. That’s when that happened. “A Course in Miracles” addresses The Fall, that is the separation, that is where the fear comes in. Fear is always about lack.
They started talking about how that all works together. I think what they were doing there, Lynn, when they started talking about fear, is they were just getting us set up for the next part of this.
Lynn: I wanted to start looking into atonement last time, and I was told to go back and look at forgiveness again, which I do need to have a deeper understanding of. Knowing that fear plays into this helps as I am working through forgiveness and atonement.
Fear plays a big part in holding back forgiveness because there is so much judgment in the world. We fear what people see, whether they have respect for you, and you for them. I can’t live openly and freely if I am always worried about what someone is going to say about whatever I say, whatever I do. That’s the way fear plays into all relationships. I think that’s another big thing we have to not worry about.
Jane: It’s interesting, too, because when they were talking about miracles, and what they wanted you to get, before we end our call today, is a miracle in the form of a shift of thinking from fear to love.
That’s all it is. When you think about fear, we already know that there are only two emotions on Earth: love and fear. That’s it. There aren’t any others. And you know that when somebody is responding to you in a fearful way, it is going to make the relationship difficult, if not impossible, until at least their fear and the reasons for it come to light.
Lynn: It creates fear in me, but it’s their fear.
Jane: It’s their fear, too, but if it creates fear in you, then it’s your job is to expect the miracle of shifting from that fear to that love and saying, “This person is really having a tough time. I am going to send out as much love to this person as I possibly can,” realizing that she is speaking from a place of pure fear and I don’t want to live my life like that.
Lynn: Thank you for that.
Jane: … Which is really hard.
Lynn: But doable.
Jane: That’s the key on miracles. A miracle is a shift of thinking from fear to love. And if you are willing to see it differently, then you are making a choice in what and how you think because you are giving every single situation meaning. You are giving every situation the meaning that it had for you. And we have a lot of power and control over that. We just don’t do it.
Lynn: Again, it goes back to those beliefs, whether you believe what you’re seeing or whether you want to see what you believe.
Jane: Right, exactly.
Lynn: Thank you.
Jane: Exactly, exactly. So, they didn’t disappoint.
Note: The beginning of the file is missing and begins in the middle of SADO’s explanation:
SADO: …a very long life, as you will be studying this book and the lessons for your lifetime in your body. So that is good news to SADO, because we would like you to continue to use these lessons that have been given to you from us for your lifetime. You all are working through these lessons in your own way and we are happy with your progress. We are giving you opportunities to listen to yourselves in ways you have not been listening to yourselves before. The difficulties that you are experiencing are changes in perceptions. These changes in perceptions are helping you to learn what we are hoping for.
Christine, our sister, you have done good work. It is interesting to your people that those who come back to those who are what you might say negative are feeding on the negativity as well. As you have heard, and as you know in your heart, this human repeats the same story. This is a plan by Spirit as a possibility for lesson making. You have learned your work and your lessons very well, daughter. There were other lessons that you have not shared that you will also have an opportunity and also learned while you were there. Those will continue to come out to help you form your foundation for the new daughter of ours that is born every morning.
With every lesson that you learn, you become a different woman, a different human. The difference is what you might call growth. As you grow and become new to yourself, you are more than able to positively effect change in the world.
You are each doing the course in the now and we are supporting you to do the work in different ways now. What you are reading and studying is the story of creation. As your world was created these lessons were called principles, and the principles were used as the foundational part of the creation. Did you think you knew these principles? And did you think you knew these foundational pieces? Practice them anyway. It is important that you learn what you can learn from each of these lessons knowing that next year on this date you will be working with the same lesson, but you will be learning something different because you will be different people on that day. Do not hesitate to move on with lessons. Do not keep the lessons to yourself but allow yourself to learn what you can learn with where you are today.
There seems to be some questions. Would you like to put them to the group? So did this one talk about lessons she fears she does not need to practice for more than one day? And if it is true we understand and we do not want you to practice the lessons for more than one day but you must practice for that day. That is correct, you do not skip the lessons. That is correct because there are different parts of your human consciousness that will become awakened when you study the lesson. That is right that we are working with more than your conscious mind; that we are working also with the conscious mind; we are working with the mind that is in connection with the Spirit body within and we are working also with the ego. In order for those different parts of the mind to be intercepted with the question the 24-hour rules continues…ha ha ha!
Lynn: So we should work on them each day. But is it ok, I mean, there’s no rules, but some days I forget to start off the day with them. And so many, a few days are skipped before I get back to the lessons. But I am still dealing with the lesson that was the continual, uh, the change of all of them, the impact that all of them have made.
SADO: It is important for you to set a priority…
Lynn: OK…
SADO: . . . on doing lessons daily. They are building on each other. Right now you continue to build on the first level of the pyramid, and that level of the pyramid is what we would consider the foundation. When you are able to work on the foundation it provides you the cement to put the stones together. In putting the stones together, it forms a much stronger foundation. If you do not work on the lessons, you might forget… no no no… you might not remember all of the aspects from the lesson you left off with. That does not allow you to have as firm a foundation as we would prefer. However, we know that your kind is very prominent in saying, “I do not have time.” We disagree with this statement and we say to you, “ You are not choosing to use the time.” That might sound very strict to you, but remember you called us!
Lynn: Yes. That’s true.
Chris: Absolutely.
SADO: We unconditionally love you, which means, our daughters, that the love does not stop and you can never disappoint us.
Lynn: No its more like I’m disappointing myself, because, you know I was really regular about doing it for a while and then, you know, I made a doctor’s appointment at the time when I usually read in the morning. Whatever the excuse is, I got off track, and then I’m disappointing myself until I get back on track…
SADO: When you, as you say, get off track the time can be brief at first thing in the morning if you do meditation. . .
Lynn: Right.
SADO: . . .when you come home from your appointment and you sit and you meditate. That resets the spiritual clock within the body as what you would consider to be first thing in the morning. What your human clock says is immaterial.
Lynn: Well we’ve gained so many, um, moments of peace and worry free and, um, from your own peace of mind from what little I’ve put into it. I call it little, although it’s a lot. But it’s not enough so I can only imagine, you know, setting my priorities would bring me even a deeper peace and satisfaction.
SADO: We are not disappointed in you, our daughter. We are not disappointed in you. We love you unconditionally, and understand that according to what you believe, you are doing the best that you can. But remember this is according to what you believe.
Lynn: And the point is to change our belief ha ha
SADO: ha ha ha…
Lynn: Thank you.
SADO: Do you understand our message to you about what you are doing is creation?
Chris: What I understand is that its like creation or to me re-creation, because I come here with ego and living with ego, and what I see now is that this is a different way to create the rest of our lives better for lack of a better term. I see that it’s creating a new me that does not include ego.
SADO: The creation that we are talking about is the creation of your world that you are living in. The creation of you is a part of this world, because it goes back to original creation. It is very close to what you would call the Old Testament in your Bible. The process of creation that is talked about in the Old Testament of your Bible is mystical in the way of its wording and in the way it was transcribed. The meanings are different than what you have been taught. For example, the Old Testament talks about Adam falling asleep. Nowhere does it talk about Adam waking up. When it talked about the forbidden fruit there are some that talk little about the apple. As you know, this is not the true meaning of most Bible stories and goes onto a more meaningful understanding when we understand that the forbidden fruit was light. When we understand that the creation of light is the foundational piece of the creation of man, and woman, and animal, and plant, you understand that light is a living and breathing being; that is also a part of SPIRIT that inhabits our beings. When the Old Testament in your Bible talks about the fall …the fall from grace as some of your interpretations have it that is merely the time when the Spirit decided to go into the body. The body of man, woman, plant, rock, animal is all the same Spirit. . . that is light. Light is the foundation. Duality was then created so that you would understand light. Without darkness there can be no understanding of light. Without ego, there can be no understanding of Spirit. The course is not to pull you away from having ego. It is simply meant for you to understand when you are filtering to ego and when you are filtering to Spirit. That is the duality. (One minute long pause)…Is that very clear to you?
Chris: I’m sorry I didn’t understand is that question for us?
SADO: clear?
Chris: It totally makes sense. I think that last thing you said about it’s meant for, the whole thing; I think you just summed it up. This whole course is meant for us to understand when we’re filtering ego and filtering into Spirit. And thank you. That just summed it up for me.
SADO: We want you to add the word “through.” Are you filtering through the ego or are you filtering through Spirit?
Chris: Ah, OK.
SADO: That will make the change in how you are able to learn from the information. When you know that you are filtering through ego, then you understand when your feelings are hurt, when it regards anger, resentment and embarrassment.
Lynn: Fear.
SADO: Those are all coming from and through the ego. When you are filtering through Spirit that is where grace is felt. That is already where the forgiveness is felt. That is when true compassion is felt. Remember that your society is creating the opportunities for those in your society to become violent. It is with pity that we recognize them. It is the degradation of society that has not allowed the treatment. It is from priorities that were made for other reasons that these people who are so sick are walking your streets. We see the problems in your society, but we have a very difficult time understanding your use of these generosities of Spirit. You’re sending troops to other countries to create even more war.
Lynn: We’re sending what? Books?
Chris: Troops.
Lynn: Oh! Troops, ok.
SADO: thank you.
Lynn: Thank you. And our place in this is to, is to send love, light and prayers to their souls?
SADO: It is such a large problem. We have chosen to go to you because the four of you were ready to learn. We are not the only group that is working in this way.
Lynn: OK.
SADO: We are being tortured.
Lynn: Ugh. Sigh…
SADO: This one is uncomfortable with our message to expand this knowledge. You are not the only group that has a group that is coming to you with the plan and promote learning in this arena. Others who have this mission are expanding their knowledge and giving it out to others. This one is uncomfortable with the opportunity. But we are working with her.
Lynn: Ha!
SADO: You might feel the same way if you were chosen to have the voice.
Lynn: I understand, yes. I feel the pressure just wanting to share with my loved ones. And they’re so critical, and you know, they just don’t have the heart to understand. They’re just not there. So, you know, I’ve chosen to not expand or not share any of this with anyone because of judgment, you know. I’d rather not. I’d rather continue in silence than take the chance of being ridiculed. So, I’m not even the voice, so I can understand completely. What does SADO give us to help us with this?
SADO: As more teaching information is granted to this group, you might find more confidence in the information to share.
Lynn: OK.
SADO: This one has not shared this with anyone. It is ok with us that the sharing has not been done to this point. It is being interjected into other areas of her teaching. She’s not coming through with where the information is coming from, and we are working on that. As long as the information is being expanded out to those with whom she teaches, we are satisfied for now.
Lynn: Ha!
SADO: We appreciate the confidence that you show this one and to us. It is important that this one is believed and awarded. This one would like to filter some information, but we are working with her to not do that, and sometimes we need to be able to move her out of the way so that we can impart conversation she does not have access to. It is difficult for her to stay out of connection with herself when she is talking with your group. She no longer sees herself as being apart from this group with SADO. We are, in this one’s minds eye, all one, however it remains, what she would say, a scary proposition. This is another reason for the course to think about this scary proposition. It is requiring some thoughts regarding the association this one has with SADO. That may not make sense to you, but it does make sense to this one, as she is acknowledging that information. Do you have questions, or need or want more information about the work you are doing throughout your life?
Chris: Are all of these groups, you said are many groups out there who are learning, I suppose studying the Course in Miracles. How are we in relation to these other groups? Are we ever to be in touch with them? Are we to collaborate with them? Are we all separate? Will we ever know? I just want to know how do we fit together, all of these other groups studying the Course in Miracles that you all are working with.
SADO: SADO is a group of beings from what you would say is another dimension, and are bringing you spiritual information because this group was open to doing so. You are being good students of SADO. You have read the signs that we provided for you. You are learning the lessons that SADO is ready to teach. The work with the Course in Miracles is simply to get the information to you with regard to creation that we of SADO bring you more information. The groups that we were talking about are groups of spiritual beings that are coming to others to bring spiritual information. While using the Course is a way to create foundation under your spiritual knowledge, it will allow SADO to give you more information. The information that SADO is bringing to you is the information we were talking about that at some point you may want to expand to others. Our daughter, Lynn, understood this statement and this very good example of the way she is not expanding this information. There will come a time when you will be able to bring more of this but it will be a while from now due to the uncomfortableness of this one and the opportunities have not presented themselves to you at this point due to that, but be ready, because at some point in time that will be. Prepare yourselves now.
Lynn: Build a stronger foundation.
SADO: That is a good way to do that. We thank you for listening, and we thank you for meeting for us to come through to you.
Edwina: And we thank you for coming to us.
Lynn: Thanks for listening to us, to our call, to our needs, to our wants, to help us find peace and happiness.
SADO: And it is enough.
Edwina spoke of not being able to distinguish her Spirit guides (due to curiosity she wanted to know).
Lynn had personal questions about her personal guides and how they chose us for this group. How are we going to connect with others who have channeling groups? She also wanted reassurance about her channeling. She felt guilty because she felt like she turned it off.
SADO: Guilt is an emotion that is a waste of time. Guilt is not for you to be having. It is a waste of your energy. The words are coming to you, but not from this group. They are coming from your committee that is helping you with this part of your life. You all have many committees that are helping you with the different parts – this one has not turned on the recorder and it must be done. You have many committees that are helping you with it. You are in physical existence. It is very hard to be in the physical bodies that you inhabit. We understand that but you have come to this place because of free will. The planet earth, as you call it, is where one comes to exercise the free will. The decisions that you are making are allowing you to work on the free will. Now you know why it is so difficult to be in the body.
We call the experiences you face as challenges. You chose this earth to work on your skills of free will. There are 12 of us in the SADO group and the language that you are hearing is a compilation of the 12 of us. We have no spokesperson necessarily although sometimes you will enter into a specialty area and therefore you will be hearing a different accent. It may be difficult for this one, the musculature in her mouth, to bring you this compilation but this one has agreed to try it. The accents are from the life that we most enjoyed being in. If you took it to a sound person they would not be able to tell specifically where it is from but it is the way that we speak as the combination, the compilation, with one voice.
Lynn: Can you tell us more about the 12 of you?
SADO: We have come together because we were called by you and we wanted to give the information to you that you request. We are all pieces of your committees, as you are all pieces of each other, and have come together in a special way to teach and support. This group of SADO was not in existence until you called us to be so. It is easier for you to gather information about what you are wanting from us. We could go through and teach lesson after lesson after lesson. It is most interesting for us to know what it is that you are working on, what questions do you have about the day to day living and learning that you are doing. Do you understand that many groups who are communicating with others on your planet are doing the communication because of questioning?
Lynn: Are there many like us who have questions and are making changes in their lives?
SADO: There are many many of you, there are many many who do not search the Spiritual realms for the answers. There are many, many who do not make the changes that they could be making, there are some who are making some changes but it is not enough.
Chris: Are those the ones who have to come back again if they don’t learn the lessons? Do we choose to come back to keep learning the lessons?
SADO: You are right to use the word choice. It is your choice to come back to this planet or to go to another universe or to stay in Spirit. This is not about necessarily what you do during this lifetime or those some people have as their soul’s work. They plan what they would like to experience and what challenges. If your society is not able to support the learning, sometimes they choose to return to the same place. But please remember that this is the planet of free will.
Chris: Because I am not familiar with the other choices we have for lifetimes, are there other places we can go that the lessons are not in relation to freewill. Are there more advanced places to go to learn different lessons?
SADO: There are many different planets, there are many different universes, there are what you can choose and each of them have their own experiences and challenges. There are some places that souls inhabit that don’t have free will as a challenge, many infact. They do not, they are not .…with the options that you are faced with. There is one clear path to take and they take that one clear path. The experiences of that one clear path makes up their living and learning.
Lynn: The other planets or universes, is death, dying, killing part of those or just her on earth?
SADO: There are some that have war, like you have here but you are reaching that limit. There are others that have none of that. But they have other lessons to learn but this is not what you wanted to learn in this particular lifetime.
Lynn: Do we reach a stage of peace and not kill each other and find out about disease, if so, what would be left of earth?
SADO: Learning to live in a peaceful state would cause much anxiety to many. They came to this planet to learn about those issues. And they are all based in free will. If you look at your life, everything is based on YOUR free will whether it happens in an argument or a heated discussion as you call it, ha ha ha, it is based in free will.
Lynn: So we’ll never have peace here?
SADO: Spirit again has the opportunity to morph and change as your society changes. Some would come home if they were in this situation of living in a peaceful life. But many others would be able to do all kinds of things on their life plan if they were living in a peaceful environment.
Lynn: Some feel we would be unable to be humans in peace . . . 100 years of peace. . . but is that part of the free will…
SADO: It is not probable.
Lynn: Is that because there can’t be peace without conflict?
SADO: The powers that be on this earth do not have an interest in creating peace around the globe. Political and economic aspects are not going to promote or allow for a peaceful globe. Much would have to change of this and it is not set up to make the change at this time. Those who have come in, in the last 50 years or so, do not have any expectation or thinking in their life plans that would lead them to live in a peaceful society.
Lynn: So those of us who would love to be in that, can you give us ideas how we are to take this information and allow ourselves to be here in the violence?
SADO: Your life plan is not particularly focused. You have much work to do above and beyond world peace. You can create a peaceful environment in your home, in your community and within your reach. It is not a bad thing, as you would say, to strive for the peace. SADO does not want to set anyone up for failure. It is important for you to have confidence in what you can do. Continue to strive to do just that.
Lynn: Working on peace helps raise my vibration.
SADO: That is correct. Raising your vibration is also being done by the action that you are doing with the course.
Lynn: Was it correct that my vibration changed today before this call?
SADO: A few others have felt it but perhaps in not much of a physical way. You are providing much peace with sending out your notes from your blog on a daily basis. It is not meant to feel guilty, it is just giving you the information. Do not perceive the information as being judgmental.
Lynn: I want to do that again
SADO: That is all that SADO asks. Perfection is not something that you came to earth to experience. But please remember that when we are talking about perception it is very different than knowing and this will be found in your course material as well. It is important for SADO to have the three of you knowing not the three of you knowing not the three of you perceiving. Knowing that SADO is coming through to you, knowing that you were each chosen for this experience, knowing that you called to SADO to come to you, knowing that the information that you are gathering is for your own learning and light. This is a fact not a perception. It is important that you understand that questioning this one we are talking to as well, wake up! Questioning is not helpful for the relationship between SADO and you three. This one is very bright but she could not come up with all of these answers. hahaha…
Lynn: Why were you saying us three not four?
SADO: Because this one is the vehicle. The information is downloaded to her in a different way. She has not been able, at this time, to completely allow us to come through without monitoring what we are going to say. When this is done, some of our accent will be dropped and the understanding will increase. The monitoring that she is doing is not stopping us from sharing information to you but it does take this one out of the loop in some situations. Going forth, going forward is not something that you need to be concerned about at this moment. That will happen when it happens and there is nothing wrong at this point in time with making those changes and thinking about that future however it is not something that is extremely interesting and things will change according to your freewill.
Lynn: So it’s a combination of knowing and trusting that knowing things will change within us.
SADO: Knowing the “ultimate trusting” is the down position from simply knowing. Knowing is the top, trusting is under knowing, perceiving under trusting. And it goes down from there. Knowing is what we are asking you to strive for.
Lynn: So its perceiving then trusting then we get to knowing?
SADO: You do not have to make those steps, our daughter. You can know that you know that you know. You know that your beautiful Nicole is with you. That is the knowing. That is the knowing that we are talking about. You have no doubt that you …the energy of that made them who they were, which of course is Spirit energy and always with you. That is knowing. It was certainly not something that happened at the beginning of your process but we are sure that it is there now which is the reason why SADO came forward to you. It was a willing candidate. Hahaha.
Lynn: We are grateful for your communication.
SADO: And we are sincerely grateful that you are no longer asking us to do parlor tricks. Hahaha. Be careful if you try that again.
Lynn: Was that a necessary step as part of our process for us to believe?
SADO: Was it a necessary step for you to know? Any time you can answer that question with a yes then you know that you have received the knowing.
Lynn: I think I know now.
SADO: And we are very glad of that.
Lynn: If we were doing parlor tricks using our perception, since it’s not steps if we are moving through perceiving we’re existing in the knowing because of the trust that we have gotten to that knowing and no longer at the need to use our perceptive skills.
SADO: Because you are in human body you have much need to perceive but when you are working with Spirit the perception is no longer necessary because you know that you know that you know. Your physical locations and your world and community are going through the process. It is something that you will find that you do over and over again. This of course allows you to live in physical body in a way that you will consider safe. You have learned to depend on your perceptions. If the auto is coming down the street too fast for you to pull out, you must perceive that, but when you are working with SADO or Spirit energy of any kind that is where the knowing needs to be.
Lynn: My question was how can we differentiate that as we have to live in the human form, how do we find that balance?
SADO: There is no difference between illusion and reality.
The illusion that you are living in the body– the reality is the Spirit within that body never dies. That goes on and on and on. The illusion in that you are living in your body, your body is nothing without the Spirit. Nothing without the Spirit! The illusion that you are separate from Spirit that your body can move without Spirit that what you see in the physical plan is the reality and not what you determined it to be is not reality. That is illusion. You are on a planet that is very hard. Do you understand that? That is also something that is also of knowing. Very worthy of knowing. It is what you would call a “mind-blower”. Ha ha, we are funny today.
Lynn: Back to the parlor tricks. I didn’t see that as different than mental mediums who use to bring messages. I was allowing Spirit to have voice to call Spirit in to help me.
SADO: Were you perceiving that we are choosing judgment about the way you came to us?
Lynn: To come to you, no, but now if I were to study mediumship and wanted to use physical mediumship as I feel my physical mediumship is stronger than my mental mediumship, then I’m not sure.
SADO: That is incorrect. That is incorrect.
Lynn: My mental capacity is just as strong?
SADO: That is correct.
Lynn: I have to trust what I hear and what I know?
SADO: You have to KNOW! This is above the level of trust. This is knowing!
Lynn: I want to know where my skills lie and want to help people.
SADO: We understand what you are saying but we are a bit confused about practicing physical specific ways of communicating with Spirit. Not many people have an innate ability but not everyone who comes into your atmosphere wants to be able to do that. It is very difficult to live in a physical world with constantly having the information coming through from Spirit. It is not something that can be learned as much as many teachers in your realm want it to be learned. It is something that is on their life plan of those who are working through this and many who are working though this, it is not on their life plan so they will not be able to bring that information through however they have found other ways to be able to connect in with what is on the life plan for the other person. But this is not what you are talking about. When we are talking about contacting and being in connection with Spirit that is not about what you are going to have for dinner five nights from day. This is a parlor trick. But do not appreciate the parlor tricks. We understand that the parlor tricks, moving the tray, was a way for the ones of you to get together that was the way of syncing your energy, synchronizing your energy in order to form a group.
Lynn: I was talking about the trumpet..
SADO: The trumpets are not a parlor trick. The trumpets are a way to “trap” the energy to make the voice box for those in Spirit. That is a physical issue that we have not being able to speak from the clouds, ha ha. Our energy needs to be “trapped, encased” in a way that it can use the energy of something or someone to bring the messages through. The trumpet is a way of encapsulating the energy in a particular way for the energy to come through.
Lynn: So it’s a useful thing when we’re doing a circle and meditation.
SADO: We have already answered your question.
Lynn: We’re going on a retreat with John of God, I want a feeling of whether I’m looking at it from the right aspect of getting and achieving a good thing out of this trip.
SADO: This one was just having this conversation with one of our group named Pia that is one of our members that is on her committee that is coming directly from her committee. She is finally starting to have communication with Pia. I was talking to her about this information. I will have Pia repeat it from her perspective with regard to what the information was to this one if that is working for you.
Pia: So this is a new experience for me because I do not speak through this one. I speak to her. The information that you are looking for is about Juan, as you call him, of God. Is that correct?
Lynn: That is correct.
Pia: It is something that you will need to understand that he is a very opened channel and the openedness of his channel is to bring through healers from many centuries and times. These are healers that have been documented by other historians and they reside in Spirit but once walked the earth surface. Some of us in SADO have also walked the earth surface and some of us have not. We lived ….those who will be presented to you through John of God are accessible to many. As well, there are other healers that are also accessible to many.
You will be given certain instructions after your healing there. The most important instruction is to go back to your rooms and be as quiet as possible and to allow the energy of Spirit to rise above the physical body. During this time then the energy of Spirit rises above the physical body, the healing of the physical body can take place. Other instructions that you will be given you will need to follow only the ones that resonate with your heart. Some of the instructions have begun to take on a “parlor trick” ambiance. We find the ones on paper will need to be decided on for yourselves which of these are going to resonate with your heart.
SADO: And that was her first attempt at coming through this one and that’s all the energy that she had. She had much information to share but that was somewhat less hard to share as one of 12 than being by oneself.
Lynn: Some criticize that I’m going to John of God and I wanted to thank you for letting me know I can make my own judgment…
SADO: If you know that this is a good use of your time, ha ha, and energy and it resonates with you, that is your answer and to trust it because you know it. It isn’t important for you to realize that many people will convict you for doing something that they don’t understand what it is that you are doing. Many will convict you for talking with SADO. Know that we appreciate your questions because it allows us to know that you are interested in connecting with us.
[Jane: The beginning of this session shows a conversation that the SADO group was having before we invited SADO in. However, SADO had other plans and came in without our prayer and invitational ritual. Lynn was speaking about the process she went through after her beautiful daughter, Nicole, died in a car crash.]
Lynn: In the last couple of weeks, I had some reflection on when I felt the door open to a new hope and how desperate I was before I surrendered my faith. I thought the end was coming because I just could not deal with this any more, and at that point, I went to our church and I just surrendered myself to God in agonizing wails of desperation.
It wasn’t immediate, but things began to change and my life turned around. That’s the point when all of this started. You have to trust the part of you that is of God and that is what I have been reflecting on. There are some people who will not take that step to open themselves up to discover what life and death mean, what it means to you. In fact, one of my questions for SADO tonight is more about that meaning and the difference between those who choose to allow things to happen and allow them to be the things that they learn from, or people who take the things that happen to them and remain a victim.
SADO: Being the victim is the ego speaking. The victim is the ego speaking.
Lynn: I wanted you to elaborate on the difference between what happens in your life and what you have agreed to let happen in your life. I continue to realize I have a choice and I have chosen everything that happens in my life.
When Children Go Home
SADO: You did not choose for your daughter to come home so quickly.
Lynn: I did not.
SADO: You did not choose for your daughter to come home so quickly.
Lynn: Well, how did that happen then?
Parent-Child Agreements
SADO: It was her choice. It was your agreement that you would love her and be with her for as long as it took for her to meet her purpose. We do not decide, unless you are preparing to murder someone, when their physical body will end. You did not plan her death, as you would call it.
It was her decision that you honored and respected. That is a different question than the original one that you asked. There is a difference with people who decide to hang onto their grief in unhealthy ways. That is the ego speaking. The acceptance, which, this one does not like that word unless we say “the acceptance of the knowledge that the body is no longer functioning.” So the acceptance of the body no longer functioning is part of the Spirit, or as you might be happier hearing, the soul. The question about whether or not you planned your child’s exit, as this one would say, was not your decision. That is very important that you understand what we are saying.
Lynn: So I wasn’t in with the plan at all? All I did was tell her I would support her?
SADO: You were aware at the time of her life planning that she had little to do during this lifetime as respect to time. She accomplished a great deal during her time. And yes, you said that you would support her no matter how long she stayed in the physical body. The old Bible verse about choosing the day and the hour is symbolic.
Lynn: That’s not orchestrated.
SADO: That is not orchestrated because you are living on free will and it will depend on the free will of when the body can take the exit, as this one would say.
Edwina: Is that just as true for my daughter, too? That she, in a different way, chose the time of her exit, but it was my commitment to honor and respect her choice?
SADO: That is the commitment that all parents make. When you have a child, that is, when you agree to bring a child into this realm, you agree to support their growth. Part of their growth is coming home. You might look at those that you see on your news programs and you might say, ah, they are not supporting their child. They have turned their back on their child. They have caused harm to their child. But unless they are hastening the child to leave the body, they are promoting growth for the child.
Please know that the lifelines, which are extremely general, are supported between all participants in the family. The family is not just the same DNA, but family is for those who are going to be interconnected in the time that they are on this planet of free will.
These are the questions that we are hoping that you will ask us. These are the ways that you said when you called to us that you wanted our help. We have been patiently waiting for you to ask these questions. And we know that some of the answers will be quite unique from what you have heard from others. That is OK. Do not judge them. They have a right to their own opinion, even though it is wrong. Ha ha ha.
Your Purpose Is To Understand That You Are God
You talk about your purpose as if you do not know that your purpose is single-fold. Your purpose is to understand that you are God. Now some in your communities would see that as blasphemous, but that is untrue. You are God. God’s energy runs through you. There is no difference between this one and every living being on the planet. There is no difference between this one and every living thing on every other realm. You may look different. You may sound different. You might eat differently. But you are all the same.
Edwina: I find myself thinking that is a little presumptuous, and so I like to phrase it differently and say I am of God.
The Ego and Separation From God
SADO: Your feeling of being presumptuous, our daughter, is your ego.
Edwina: OK.
SADO: Many in your communities believe that ego is an inflated self-esteem. This is incorrect. One more thing that is incorrect in the views of those who live on your planet: Ego is any time there is a separation from SPIRIT, the Spirit within, and the Spirit in all others. That is ego. And you came to this planet to learn to deal with your ego because it is something that comes from free will. So, if you say you are God, or you come from God, or you are of God, as long as you do not see a separation from God, from God’s energy, from the energy that fills all other living things, we do not discern a problem.
Edwina: OK.
SADO: But, be sure, our daughter, that you understand that that within you is within all living things.
Edwina: Yes. So, in saying that I am God, or I am of God, I am sharing that with all other living things.
SADO: Yes. However, in your mind, if you are seeing a separation from any other living thing or the God energy that you believe you all come from, that is a problem, and that separation is ego speaking.
Edwina: I hear from my ego quite often, actually.
SADO: Yes, you do, as do all of you. As this one was talking earlier in this conversation of her feeling of being weird (which is very hard for us to say) is her ego speaking. Ah, she is disagreeing, but we will continue to have this conversation because it means that she sees it as a separation from God and a separation from God’s energy and a separation … ah, she’s disagreeing again … She does not see it as a separation from God’s energy. She sees it as a separation for the God energy amongst others. We have been working with her so that she understands that it is not the purpose of all who are in human body to bring through this information in this way. She is not comfortable with this, but we are working on it and will continue to as we will not give up, as the information will be and is life-changing and life-saving.
This one sees this channeling as a separation. She feels it causes her to be seen as separate from all others. It is not a separation. It is a coming together. She will understand this when she will allow herself to understand this and get out of ego, to use your vernacular.
Do You Understand Your Purpose?
SADO: Do you understand your purpose”
Edwina: Are you saying our purpose? Is that what you asked?
SADO: Yes, our daughter.
Edwina: My purpose here on Earth?
SADO: Yes, our daughter.
Edwina: That’s a very large question. I think the purpose is to learn to love. Is that right?
SADO: Would anyone else like to speak to that question that SADO poses?
Chris: I think that love is going back to what you just talked about, knowing that piece of God that we are. I know we are all a piece of God. We are God. But the coming here—I am getting confused. I think we’re here to understand that we are God. But why we left God, I don’t understand.
There Is No Separation From God
SADO: Ah. That is the issue. You have never left God, our daughters. You have never left God, our daughters. Saying that you have left God tells us that you see a separation. The purpose of your lives in the physical form is to understand that there is no separation, that there is no divide, that there is no difference, that the reason why you have individual experiences is because the human body is living in a different plane than the Spiritual one.
You have heard it is all an illusion. The illusion is because you are in a physical body, and the physical body is on a different plane. But the part of you that makes you you, and the part of you that is of God, there is no difference. There is no separation. There is only God’s energy. It is difficult to wrap your mind around, but it is the truth.
Chris: So even the ego is God?
SADO: It is the part that challenges you regarding the purpose of you being on this plane and inhabiting the physical form. Ego is what fights against the image that you are of God, of God’s energy. Ego is an energy, a thought system to have you question and cause you to look into your hearts and make peace with the mind that there is no separation. Otherwise, you would be born and come out at 5 years old saying, “I am God.”
Lynn: Yeah.
SADO: Those who say that at 5 years old do not stay on this planet for long because they have done their work. Only infants feel they are God. Children lose this sense that they are God. Adolescents in your society believe they are God. Ha ha ha. Your adults know that they are not God, and those who are enlightened seniors work toward that belief. The four of you are very much closer to this happening: this circumstance, this experience of understanding that there is no separation. But we would say you are a work in progress. Ha ha ha.
Lynn: Does that mean that when we do accept that totally that we would go home also? Our life here would be finished?
SADO: The final purpose while in the body is to know that you will return to God and to be completely in, with, through and ONE with God. The realization that you are one with God even while in the Earth suit, can be, for many, a beginning step of teaching and also learning through experiences that you have in your life continuing to see no separation. The knowledge that we are talking about is the knowledge of knowing there is no separation.
It is easy to sit on your couch saying there is no separation. It is more difficult to live this and believe this if you are doing other things and having what we call human experiences: A loved one dies, a car accident happens, you lose your dog. Whatever the human experiences are provide for you a way to practice this knowledge of your extreme purpose of life, knowing there is no separation.
So the answer to your question, our daughter, is yes and no. It will be what you decide, not what others in your life decide.
The same with your daughter. It was not your decision that she should come home on that day. It was her decision to come home.
Lynn: But was it her decision? It was a car accident, so it doesn’t seem like it was her decision to have the accident. It was just her decision to die?
Circumstances Are Not Coincidence
SADO: It was her decision to come home. Circumstances are not a coincidence.
Lynn: Please explain.
SADO: The circumstances that prepared this situation to provide for her an “accident,” as you say, are not a coincidence. Others in the car did not go home. However, others in the car could have gone home. But they had not learned what they wanted to learn at that time.
We understand that this is difficult for you to hear. We understand that this saddens your heart. We want you to understand that you are one with your beautiful daughter, Nicki, the same as we are one with you. Your daughter continues to be. She has given you much proof of this. She has provided loving arms to help you understand. Please understand that not any of this was a conscious decision from her physical mind and body.
You do not ask why we call this home, but, in fact, this is all of our homes and we all want to return to our home. She is right here, and she is not happy that you are struggling with this information. She understands why it would be a struggle for you to understand. She wants you to know that she did not want to leave you in the way that you are thinking. She wanted to come home because she knew that what it was that she could do with the purposes of her life was now finished. She understands that you do not agree or understand this, but she wants you to know that you did understand when you agreed to love her and to support her while she was in physical body.
Lynn: I will love her and support her even when she is not in physical body.
SADO: And that is the part of her that will always live on. That is the part of all of us that is God. The part that cannot be “killed.” That part that cannot die. The part that is the same as your part.
Lynn: So the way that I struggle with the actual death of her physical body is what creates the fear in me when it comes to other people around me dying. I had no control over her dying. You have no control when someone else close to you is going to leave the physical body. It just seems like this trauma, the worst thing that you can face in life is death, and yet you make it sound like it’s just coming home.
SADO: We understand that this is a difficult concept for you. We do want you to understand, however, that one of your statements was not stated as correctly as we would like it to be stated. You are correct. Unless you are murdering someone, you have no choice in whether or not that person is coming home at that time.
No Coincidences, No Accidents, Only Miracles
That is a different story with you. You do make the decision, consciously, about when it is that you are leaving the physical body. We want you to be very clear about this and understand that there are no coincidences and there are no accidents. There are only miracles.
Lynn: Only miracles?
SADO: There are only miracles. A miracle is a change in perception, which leads to change in knowledge—the knowledge that there are no accidents, there are no coincidences. And the leaving of the human body is attached to the God within. You are right when you say that this is difficult for you to deal with and it brings about much fear.
But the fear and the anxiety that you are having is due to perception—the perception that you cannot survive without your daughter. I think you would be remiss when you are looking at the positiveness of that statement. Coming home is a beautiful experience. For your beautiful Nicole, it was a beautiful experience. We understand that this is not happy news for you.
And what does this news tell you about Rachel and about Zachary?
Chris: Did you want to go ahead about Rachel?
Edwina: I am sorry. I guess I really didn’t understand the last question. I heard part of it.
Chris: How does this news affect us about Rachel and Zac? They want to know about how we accept this news about Rachel and Zac.
Edwina: I was thinking of all this and applying it to Lynn and Nicole. I need to make a mental shift here. I guess I need to understand that it was her choice; that she had finished what she needed to do here. What I don’t understand is why, for her, her choice was to leave by suicide rather than the many other ways that there might be to die. I guess that disturbs me. I don’t understand that. Can you help me understand that at all?
SADO: We would like you to go back to a time when she was a very little child. How would you rate her ability to be patient?
Edwina: I think she was very patient, unusually patient for a child.
SADO: This is when she wanted something for herself. There is a difference between being patient with others and being patient when there is something that you feel is within your control or would like it to be within your control and it is not coming.
Control and Choosing an Exit
Edwina: The thing I think about is when she was a toddler, for example, she had great patience in putting together wooden jigsaw puzzles.
SADO: This was under her control.
Edwina: Yes. OK.
SADO: So, if you look at what was under her control, and you know that this is something you are beginning to understand, that this was something that she wanted, which is to provide an exit for herself, would she wait around for someone else to provide the exit for her or think it was within her control? Would she provide the exit for herself?
Edwina: Well, that she did, but it also makes me think that she chose to leave because of a situation she could not control. She could not control her pain. She could not control getting a solution to eliminating that pain. So she took control over her situation where she had none, it seems to me.
SADO: That is correct. She took control where she could take control.
Edwina: Yes.
SADO: That is Rachel. Rachel is someone who is going to take control over what she can take control of. The patience with waiting for someone else to create the scenario that would provide for her was not there. Eventually, it would have presented itself. But she was not willing to wait for that presentation. There were other lessons that she could have learned during this time. She made the decision that she did not want to continue in that way.
Edwina: Was her unwillingness to live with something she could not control an expression of ego?
SADO: Yes and no. Yes, part of that is the fact that you raised a very strong woman. The strength that she had was going to orchestrate how her life was. When it got to a point that some of what she wanted to do was not available for her, she was not able to see it all in a balanced way. It was not balanced for her. Due to the imbalance of it, she did not want to stay in the body to experience other things. The ego then did take charge, creating an opportunity for her to come home.
Edwina: This really brings me to the point where I have to admit that I still struggle with whether or not that choice was a right choice or not.
How Does God Regard Suicide?
SADO: She saw it as the only choice for her at that time.
Edwina: OK.
SADO: That is very sure. It was the only choice she could see at that time. It is regardless of what you were thinking of what you could have done about it. You raised a very strong girl and she had made up her mind how she wanted to live within the body.
Edwina: Is that OK in the end with God?
SADO: She will always be loved. Welcomed. Respected. Revered. And what she has learned has been wonderful for those that she continues to teach. There is no judgment. There is no perception on our side of the veil. There is only knowing. Rachel, as you call her, has knowing. The circumstances of her life and of her death created this knowing. There is no judgment.
Edwina: Thank you for that reassurance. I hear different things. I’ve heard different things, actually, from SPIRIT on that subject, so it has always been an uncertainty.
SADO: You are welcome, our daughter, and you are welcome to ask us to explain and to validate the other information that you have heard.
Edwina: OK, thank you.
Our Children’s Lives Have Their Own Unique Purpose
Chris: I’m sure that was a wonderful way for me to lead into this question of asking to explain because in conversations with Zac, he has told me that we made the agreement for me to learn this, and this was what I needed to learn. I fully understand. That was my decision when I realized he had to leave, and I’ve started viewing him as SPIRIT instead of the physical Zac that I love.
He said that he did this for me, and I assumed that his life was going to be short merely because he only needed to come here to have this agreement with me and with others. Is that true? I guess I don’t understand when you said we’re all here for that purpose and we fulfill that purpose in a short period of time. How does my agreement with him fit in?
Learning To Grieve a Child Is Not the Lesson
SADO: When we agree to have a child under our care during a physical lifetime, we know and agree with their generalized life plan. When we see in a generalized life plan that they have things they want to do, which may not take 100 years, and we understand that our life plans need to dovetail together, we look at the possibilities for ourselves for loving and taking care of that charge during this lifetime. He did not come into physical body to teach you how to grieve for a child. He came into body with his own purpose. The purpose was … this one is asking to use a different methodology in explaining.
Chris: The what?
SADO: So this purpose is the framework around all that we want to experience in this life. When we are looking at seeing that we are one with God, all experiences that we have during this lifetime is in what this one would call “putting it through the filter.” When we are looking at and perceiving what the filter is, and you look at all of the different experiences that Zac had in his life, you can see a golden thread running through all of those experiences.
For Zac, these experiences worked on relationships. So all relationships were put through the filter of being one with God. This is a discussion that we can come back to when there is more energy available. We want you now to understand, however, that we come into physical body with purposes that all run through the same filter of learning that we are God.
They might be about relationships, love, accomplishments, beating back the ego, education, self-esteem, managing our tempers, whatever you think might be a purpose could be a purpose, but those on earth have the filter of knowing that we are all God. So, yes, you came into this body knowing that the child named Zac would probably not live until his 90s, but there was certainly a possibility that he could have. He had more on his life plan than to teach you about grieving for a son. Do you understand?
Chris: I do. That makes sense. I knew he had a purpose, and I wanted to see it from his perspective. Thank you.
SADO: And it is enough.
SADO: You ask some wonderful questions. We are happy that you are asking these questions because it shows us the interest that you have in expanding your knowledge and your spirit. We will take the questions in priority of the way we believe the information needs to come through. You cannot be separate from Spirit. Consciousness does not come from within your body or your brain as many of your scientists are promoting. Consciousness is coming from outside your auric field. Consciousness is coming from Spirit. You are Spirit. You are not partially Spirit. You are Spirit. Spirit made you; Spirit feeds you; Spirit allows you to have knowledge. You are Spirit. All that you eat, all that you do, all that you breathe, is provided to you from Spirit. This gets to the amount of information in regard to the planning process that you are talking about today. The so-called planning process is done by Spirit. Then yes, you did choose to come to the planet of free will. And that free will allows you to have and to make decisions, but those decisions are not coming from inside of your brain. Those decisions are part of the consciousness and the consciousness is coming from outside your auric field. We understand that this may not make all the sense to you, but it is what this one would say “a building block”, for your continued knowledge. And by the way, we were giving this one specific information about what you will be doing at what you call your BP conference, but due to this one’s inability to be comfortable, she did not pass that information on. We will talk more about this as we work with this one in channeling of SADO. This continued knowledge is also coming from outside the consciousness, becoming more comfortable with the situation, and this experience. It is the experience. This one does not realize at this point that the consciousness, which is becoming more comfortable, in the channeling of SADO, is also coming from outside the consciousness the same way that all your intuition is coming from outside your auric field. Do you have questions about this at this time?
Lynn: Well, you said you would talk to us about it later. Right? That we would work on it continually between now and the time needed.
SADO: You will be talking about it, and we will be conversing and planning the BP processes.
Lynn: OK.
SADO: This is something we want you to understand and to realize that the consciousness does not come from within your auric field. It is one reason why you have been having the issue with bringing information through for you are searching for that within what you believe is your consciousness that resides within your auric field. It is important when you want to do this, that you cannot grasp the understanding that it is not within your auric field. When you let go of that piece of information you will find that coming through with channeled beings is going to be doable.
Lynn: OK, thank you.
SADO: It is important to SADO that you are careful with the beings that you are bringing through. This one is measuring our speech and she is concerned that we are creating fear. That is not our wish. But it is important to understand that there are others that would like to come through that would not be in your highest and best interest. Establishing a practice where you are well grounded will help with that.
Lynn: OK, will you teach us that? Is there a way to do that?
SADO: The practice of being well grounded in your spiritual practices are very important. Making sure that you go through the grounding process is also very important. And not, as you would say, judge the information that is chosen to come through to you. Sometimes the information is about, is hmm, partial to you. If you are bringing information that is just for yourself, information will come through in a different way than it does for those who are bringing information through for the society. SADO is coming through this group in order to positively affect the grieving society – those who feel separated from the ONE. The information is beneficial to each of you, but it will go stronger and much further into the society of people who are grieving. It is very unusual that a group of souls will come through for a single person.
Lynn: What? Could you repeat that?
SADO: It is unusual that channeled information will come through this way that will be effective for only a single person.
Chris: Oh, I see. So, the information—you’re not going to be giving specifically about our specific situations, but it will benefit bereaved parents in general.
SADO: Your specific situations will benefit the community of grieving peoples – those feeling separated from the one. It is when the information is not passed on, it is when the information is not utilized, that the channeling will end.
Lynn: OK, so that’s why you’d like us to present and start disbursing the information that we’re learning.
SADO: It is not time for this to happen just yet, but it will be happening in time. Yes.
Chris: OK, thank you.
SADO: The comfort level of this one will have to be raised in order for this information to, as she would say, “go public.”
Lynn and Chris: Yes.
SADO: We are working on that and it will come, and it will work. Christine, it is important that you understand the life planning information that confuses you. As you will see the information that confuses you also confuses others in your community. That is why this group was chosen by SADO.
Chris: Thank you.
SADO: Can you tell your group specifically what it is that you are questioning?
Chris: OK. I have always understood that we came here with a plan. I do understand this, that I’ve been told that we do come with an, um, organized plan that is the underlying factor of free will. We can choose, once we get here, to change that plan based on our free will as a human. We have lessons that we want to learn when we come here. But in learning about this, and overall that we are God, I’m not understanding how that fits. If we are God and we’re coming here, how does that plan fit, um… God, God doesn’t need to learn these lessons.
SADO: It is important to go back and reiterate what we talked about at the beginning of the session.
Chris: To reiterate? Is that, I am not sure if I understood?
SADO: Yes, to reiterate the information from the beginning of this session. The reiteration is about the fact that you are God, that your consciousness comes from God. It comes from outside the body. It does not come inside the body. It does not come from the heart. It does not come from the brain. It comes from the energy of God, of Spirit, that is outside of your auric field. You do not make decisions for yourself, that is a misnomer. Those who are looking at the human experience as one in which the human has control over the life and decisions that it supposedly makes—is incorrect.
You are wrong when you say that God does not learn these lessons and does not want to learn these lessons. They are not lessons. They are experiences that Spirit energy is seeing and being and doing. The consciousness of making a decision of whether or not to hit the brakes in enough time not to run into another vehicle, is not a consciousness within the body. There are no accidents. There are no coincidences. This is something you preach. It is not something you live by. If you have a belief structure that lets you know there are no accidents, there are no coincidences, then you know your life is being controlled, run, experienced, driven, by Spirit.
This is a very hard concept for many to grasp. Your quantum mechanics are just now understanding how this works with energy. Your epigeneticists are understanding why genes are turned on and turned off, and they understand that this is not energy that is coming from within the body.
You might want to think about the fact of places like your Middle East that have been at war for thousands of years. Why can this not be solved? Those who live in those places have agreed to experience this. If you think of your own 9/11, why is it that some people missed their train that morning? This not the consciousness within the body. This is the consciousness outside the auric field. This one is telling us that we have blown your minds. Ha, ha, ha.
(general laughter)
Lynn: How…then we’re not a puppet though, are we?
SADO: It depends on how you define the word puppet. You are God. You are God’s energy. You are Spirit. Spirit is the ability to experience what Spirit would like to experience. Your body may be, as you say, a puppet. Your consciousness is outside your auric field, and the consciousness is a part of Spirit. It is God. Your experiences, as God, go into the large energy mass of Spirit, of God. This one says that was not a satisfying answer. If you can see that your body is the puppet for the consciousness, then in a way that is correct. However, your soul, your Spirit is “calling the shots”.
Lynn: I’m understanding what you’re saying, that my consciousness of God is part of me, as God, is more or less using my body as a puppet to experience what it needs to experience this lifetime.
SADO: And that is the reason why the word puppet does not fit with our understanding.
Lynn: Okay, so the body is the only one that is the puppet?
SADO: The body that your soul allowed to be formed had nothing to do with your consciousness.
Lynn: Oh.
Chris: Okay, that’s what my question is. If we made all this up and that’s what I’m understanding from the Course, is this is all our illusion. The part I don’t understand is, if we made this up as an illusion to come here to experience this human life, how can we have a plan that our consciousness developed when we were in spirit—how can, how can that be created when it’s an illusion?
SADO: Your question is a good one, Christine. What we would like you to understand is that your question is actually two. The first part of your question is the fact that you’re living—that when you live in the here and now, you have a better understanding and grasp on the fact that your life is an illusion. When you become futuristic, or dwell in the past, then your life is looking in a different place and not in an accurate way. You are not the same person that you were yesterday; you are not going to be the same person that you will be tomorrow. Living in the here and now is the way that you can understand the realities of life. The second part of your question is also very informative to you. The information is about the plan that your soul has made. This takes us into a different avenue of exploration. This avenue allows us to search for the foundational pieces of the soul. Do you believe that your soul is separate from this one’s?
Chris: No, I…
SADO: Then how can you be making a plan for the one piece of energy that is in your body? And is it not also the same plan for the energy that is in the body of this one? You cannot have it both ways. You cannot know that your energy is the same and still see that you have made a plan to be completely different.
Chris: Okay. I, that’s what confuses me, I guess. Because I understood that we, each soul, came here to learn some lessons, but if we are all one soul—that was the confusion for me. Once I could see that we were all one, and, and this is all the illusion—so how does that mix? So, so do we, —how do we all then interact in this one kind of a play of life, if it’s an illusion, one of the things, if it’s an illusion on one hand, but it’s for the benefit of our one soul?
SADO: To believe that each soul has an individual plan is idiosyncratic. You do not come to be the puppeteer of the body that your parents gave you. All of the consciousness, all of the experiences that you have been given are coming from outside your auric field. This same energy is coming from outside this one’s auric field. And all others outside of their auric fields. The information that you are living through and provides for you the experiences in your life is coming from God, from Spirit.
There is no plan, as you say. God has the plan and the God energy that is you has the plan. And depending on circumstances that occur in your life that are planned, that are given to you through the consciousness that is from outside the auric field will depend on what your life will be like, and depending on how you are effected by the experiences of other bodies, will depend on your life experience.
We understand that this is difficult information than you have had, but we believe this is good information for you to have. It is part of the information that SADO came together to provide for this group to exchange with others in your community eventually.
Lynn: Wow. There must be a stepping-stone for them because there has been for us. In order to understand this, they have to have already raised their consciousness to a certain level.
SADO: You might be very surprised, our sister, Lynn. Think about the information that was first given about the fact that each soul has a plan. Did there need to be a stepping-stone in order for people to accept that?
Lynn: No, I think they’re looking for that because they’re looking for a reason that this happened, that their loss happened. They’re looking for a reason that makes sense out of the world, instead of having the chaos that they are dealing with. In order to settle down the chaos, they’re looking for some answers and to give it—to allow it to be a plan, and to allow it to be part of a plan with God—gives them peace.
SADO: What about it being God’s plan?
Lynn: That would be good too.
SADO: And yes, is that not what we are saying?
Lynn: That’s what you are saying.
SADO: That this is not about the body that is making the decision. It is about God. That is making the decision. You have some in your culture that say, “God wanted an angel.”
Lynn: Yeah.
SADO: That is not true, and you know that is not true, but when you bring the information forward, that this human body was no longer going to be useful for the experiences and the energy that was coming from outside the auric field no longer wanted to be part of this body’s experience, you will understand that the energy and the experience was then pulled back from the body. Due to the fact that the body does not own its consciousness, the body no longer had energy within it, because it had no energy outside of it.
Lynn: Wow.
Christine: That makes so much sense.
Lynn: Could you walk through one experience with us? Take one of the things that happened to our families in the last couple weeks and just, just walk through with us how, the concept, how God works in this?
SADO: We will take the experience of Christine. The experience of Christine falling from the ladder as she sees. If you ask her, “Christine, do you remember the five minutes before you fell from the ladder?”
Chris: I, I do.
SADO: Does there seem to be a question about how that happened, or why that happened at that minute?
Chris: I, I knew it wasn’t a premonition but my intuition, two days before it actually happened, I thought about it. It, it—I’ve been noticing things like that recently. Um, so I, I had a sense about it, so when I did get up on that last step, that second to the top step, I, I did have a sense that, I remembered that sense, that intuition telling me a couple of days before, that I could fall.
SADO: Premonitions, as you call them, are interesting experiences to have. The premonitions sometimes are meant to keep you from having the experience and other times they are meant to help you have some of the experience and to feel prepared for the experience. When we do things that we say, “Oh, that was stupid. I should not have stood on that part of the ladder,” but you do anyway, knowing it might not be a good place for you to stand and you say, “Why did I do that?”. It is because the consciousness that is working with your body, (again, is outside your auric field) is causing you to have this experience. The greater question here is looking at why the experience was needed. Do you think God needs to know what a broken arm feels like? No. No. No. It is not the experience of the broken arm. It’s the experience of what you do with the experience of a broken arm. It is what we do with the experiences, not the experience itself. It is as Christine said at the beginning of your call, “I did not know what this would be like.” It is what she is doing with the experience. It is how she now understands this experience. It is what she must do differently now because of this experience. And it will continue to affect her in a very, excuse us, positive way for the remainder of her life. Having this experience is a way to, hmm, as this one would say, jump shift the life. I will guarantee you there is no plan that says, “On this day Christine is going to fall from a ladder.”
Chris: (Is heard chuckling)
SADO: Yes, that is silly.
Christine: Well, it is silly now. Because it just makes sense that when you move yourself to that much higher level of perceiving what actually happened.
SADO: And you’re also right when you use the word “perception.” It is all about perception. It is all about perception, our daughters. We hope to help you to continue to perceive in a different way.
We are sure that you are going to have continuing questions about this information. We wanted to plant the seeds that we have sown today. You are all what we consider very fertile ground and therefore the seeds will take root and will flower. We are very proud to be the ones to come through to you, to bring this information.
Lynn: We are so grateful for your guidance and your help, honored to be part of this experience ourselves.
SADO: And we appreciate the time and the energy that the four of you are putting into communicating with us. We are sorry that we are not able to give more information today. This one has planned her schedule too tight. This is a conversation that we are having with this one’s God energy. There is nothing more important than bringing this through to you. It is our sole/soul purpose and we have waited for your group to be put together for many, many eons. We love you, and we appreciate you, and we support you.
Lynn: I wanted to thank you for your, um, for helping us realize there is going to be, that there is a purpose for us, in our own offering that will help other bereaved parents. It’s very important to all of us, here, that it not only helps us, and the higher consciousness, but something we can focus on here. Thank you.
SADO: And it is enough.
Jane: I can tell you what I am hearing them say to you, and that this is an opportunity for us to look at the Oneness, of the ability for us to be One and the impetus for us to practice and to show the Oneness that we need to have, and their willingness to help us with this.
Edwina: I want to say that I really appreciate their willingness to help, and often it has been an encouragement not to become discouraged that we are small, and our impact is sometimes just one on one. I appreciate that because sometimes I get discouraged thinking there is so much that needs to be done and I am so small.
SADO: But when you live with love, and you practice with love, which is the only reality, that is allowing you to see everyone as One. It is not small to be thinking about working with just one person at a time.
Edwina: Yes, thank you.
SADO: That is the way that this group changes what the world needs. You will have many opportunities to show the so-called reality. It is important for you to understand that the only reality is when you are coming from a place of love. If you are not coming from a place of love, it is not real, it is not sanctioned, it is not seen by Spirit. This does not need to be confusing to you.
Edwina: Thank you.
SADO: The reality of it is when you are feeling love, coming from love, expressing love. There is no reality of fear or lack of love, which your language has many words for.
We do want to talk about forgiveness, to take it to a new level, because you have many opportunities to provide information in the realms of forgiveness. Forgiving others is very important but not nearly as important as forgiving yourself. How many times a day do you give yourself and/or your body non-love messages; messages that are not loving? We feel you doing this, and it saddens us, because when you put that information out, because you are One, you are saying these things about everyone who is in the human body. That energy travels and becomes pervasive. It is important to us that you learn not to do these things and to forgive yourself instantly when these words come out of your mouth. The next step is to prevent the thoughts from coming, as they are as destructive as the word spoken. Do you each understand what we are saying, and can you put this together with examples from your own life? We have heard all of these things from you today.
Edwina: Yes, I can think of all too many examples.
Lynn: Are you talking about sending love and light to your body, as we talked about being sick?
SADO: That is one way, but you also have a tendency to not only overshadow the love that we are giving to your body, as opposed to telling someone or yourself that your body is not right.
Chris: I totally get that. I am trying to find a balance on that. I have personally been going through that recently and trying to find, I don’t have any physical problem, normally, and recently my knee started hurting and so I am telling myself I don’t have a body like this, why is this happening? Instead of my thinking those kinds of thoughts, I know what I could do is think those loving thoughts is, “How can I help?”, rather than speaking more derogatorily to my knee. So, I totally understand, and I am trying to be a little more and so, this reminder is real, real helpful. Thank you.
SADO: There is no balance, as you say, there is only giving your body, your mind, your heart, and your soul love messages, which is the only reality. Anything else pulls energy, that is very useful to you, away. It is important for this group to have healthy bodies because of the work that we are hoping you will accept.
There is a problem with …hmm…we are being filtered…there is some work that each of you need to do to assure that you have healthy bodies. That work is individualized. Some of you need to, for example, increase your healthy eating habits. Some of you need to add some natural supplements in order to supplement the way that your body is working with the problems in your own environment. It is important that you ascertain what is going to be most helpful for your own body. This for most Spirits living in the human body is a cause and effect or a trial and error. It is important that you know what your body will do and what it can do. It was not a mistake when the saying, “You are your body” was created. The body is a temple for Spirit to reside in. Indeed, it is your job, your responsibility to make sure that the temple walls do not fall down. Hahaha. This is important to us that you understand, and this is why we were happy to bring you the information on forgiving yourself and your body when it does not perform the way you would like it to.
Lynn: I am very frustrated with my problems with my kidney stones and I am seeking some solutions. I am going to have to have a procedure to have the big ones taken out. But in order to not develop them anymore I would like to find a solution to why my body feels like it needs to keep producing them.
SADO: Some of the information that you are being given about what is causing the kidney stones is incorrect.
Lynn: Is incorrect?! OK. So, how do I find the causes?
SADO: It has not been given to you in a fearful way. It has been given to you because it is the best information that they currently have. But it is the same information that you were told about artificial sugars, sweeteners, they were, at most, be the best thing that you could do for your body. In spirit, we knew that was incorrect, but it was a planet of free will issue that your society had to come about, at their own accord, knowing that the artificial sweeteners are not healthy for your body. This information is now well known even though people continue to use them. That is their free will. The information that you are being given about what may be causing the kidney stones, as you call them, it is not entirely correct. These will be changed in time. At this time, however, it is being distributed for your society. The information that you can provide for your physicians to know that you continue to develop these stones, even though you have eliminated those things from your diet, will be advantageous to your society because it will allow these physicians to know that what they are saying currently is not correct. That is the way your society learns best. Many ideas and known procedures are given to your society on a regular basis. However, it takes someone with very, very much power and honesty to bring this information forward when they are being told that it is not correct. These pioneers, as you might call them, are very brave souls. That is the way that the information in your society comes forward.
Lynn: Does drinking the lemon juice help to balance my secretion early in the morning?
SADO: It is important you understand what your body feels like as you do different techniques. What you can see from that which is out, in books and articles that we have asked to be written, is that each body adjusts to environment in a different way. Your body is programed to give you messages about what works for your body and what does not work for your body. Part of your job, your purpose, is to understand how it is that your body is feeling when you do different things. How does your body feel when you include this practice?
You must understand that the practices that you have are not in a vacuum. That if you start your day with a practice and the next piece of the operation that you put in your mouth does not work with the earlier practice, you cannot see them as individualized, isolated aspects. You must be able to put it all together and see what you would say is the complete picture. Each of you are completely different human specimens. Each of you have very different digestive systems. Each of you have different needs. And each of you use energy in a very different way. It is important to us, it is important to your communities, it is important to society, that you understand how your body works. In order to understand that, it is important to understand how your body feels. It is as simple as writing down what it is that you are doing daily with a code about how you are feeling that day and the beginning of the next day. It is important that you include your sleeping time, as well. This is very elementary, we understand, but because of our plans and hopes for this group, it is a necessary step to take.
Lynn: Alright, I can agree with that.
Edwina: This makes me think of my son’s meditation practices, where he spends a great deal of time reflecting how his body feels and this is what has caused him to make changes in how he lives.
SADO: That is a very smart way to do it, but it is one way to do it. There are other ways to do it too. It is important that you understand that there are different ways to compile the same information. He has found a way that works for him and is applying it to his life. That is part of the human experience. His practice is also affecting others that he comes into contact with, the same way that your practice affects the people you come into contact with.
Edwina: I have to remind myself that my body gives me signals and unless I make a decision to listen, I will overlook those signals. I find I do that sometimes.
SADO: And you are not alone, my child.
Edwina: And then I have to act on the knowledge I get from that, which I sometimes don’t do also.
SADO: Yes, we understand, that again you have chosen the life on the planet of free will and this is a decision that you have an opportunity to make each and every day.
If we go back to our decision, our discussion the last time we were together and we bring in the thoughts about forgiveness, in what way does forgiveness play a part in your mind-set going forward?
Chris: I guess with me I didn’t see it as forgiveness. I was trying to see the balance in my human body, in my spiritual body. I am just looking, and I understand what you are just talking about, it’s not a balance. And so now, I appreciate having another way of looking at it, in terms of forgiveness of what I’m doing. And just deciding to make that change, because of the free will. Just being able to change my view. And that’s how it will affect me.
SADO: Yes, we understand that and appreciate your work in that way. We also would like you to think about the forgiveness of other human people, that it is a misrepresentation of reality, but it is what you understand. We would like you to understand your role of forgiveness for other human peoples, in the way that they think, what they do, and how that affects the world. This is a tall order, as you would say, but we find it is very important.
Chris: Something that came to me is how people are reacting, still, and still having feelings and comments about the election. Forgiving others for having those differences of opinions, feeling the forgiveness instead of continuing to create the uproar that is still going on. . .
SADO: This one has a problem when she is behind a car that has the “Trump” sticker on it. The disbelief and the energy that she is using and the venom that she is thinking about, her brother and the sister in the car in front of her, it needs to be ended and forgiveness needs to be taken. (As SADO was giving this information to you, we were discussing my confusion about mental illness and power it is allowed to have and be persuasive and hurtful to the community at large.) This is a small example to what we are talking about. You will find, in time, going forward, that there will be much to forgive, dangerous decision that will be made, lives that will be interrupted and completely changed. However, this is not about eliminating action with regard to the upcoming issues. Actions will need to be taken by your constituents to make sure that the community continues to grow in a healthy way. It is a different decision to make. The decision is not to chastise those who have a different opinion than you, the object of the Earth is to move the energy into a way that is going to provide the kind of change that is needed. Many people said in your society that this man would bring change to your country. We agree that is definitely the plan. However, it is not the change that he said that he would be making. It is an opportunity for this society to say no, those are not things that we are going to accept and that is where you will see the change. But it is going to be an interesting time and it is important that you go into this time as healthy as you possibly can.
Chris: That makes sense, perfect sense. Thank you for stating that.
SADO: And you are welcome. This is not to be easily faced. It is supposed to be a lesson for you to learn. It is a lesson for your people to learn. Some will and some will not. Many are leaving because they don’t want to stay, to learn this new possibility of lessons. That is not a problem. We love those who stay, we love those who come home. It is their free will to make the decision about what they want to do.
These ideas of taking care of your body, (this one is questioning how this is going together), of taking care of your body and forgiveness are not two items, they are one item. Her question is about the forgiveness of others. It is not being clear, for us, why that question exists. So, we will put it in terms this one may understand more.
It is the forgiveness in all the different levels of the soul. We need to do the forgiveness to the physical, the spiritual, the intellectual, the mental. That is correct.
So, when we are talking about doing forgiveness, providing forgiveness for others, as far as providing for forgiveness for yourself, it is all one. Ahh, yes. That is correct. It is all one. When you forgive yourself, you forgive others-yes? The information is very important and well understood now.
This message is very important for our time together today. It will take some time, preparation and work from each of you to bring this to fruition, for your own understanding and to bring it forward in a way that provides the very best for your body, your mind, your soul, your Spirit, both in the conscious and sub-conscious ways of your life. Each of these parts provide not only for you but for your community and your society, as a whole.
And now we would like to entertain questions with regard to what we have been talking about today or anything else that you have for SADO.
Chris: It is related to what you said but it may not be the important piece. You said some will and some will not learn these lessons of what we are supposed to be learning now and that’s why they are going home. I’ve been noticing and my husband has been noticing that a lot of people, like our age or younger, who are leaving, who are passing away and not just a lot of older people. Is that the reason? And it is not just people going to another country. People are passing away. They are dying. Are they doing this because they are not willing to learn these lessons in this time of now?
SADO: Willingness is a good terminology for what is happening. You live in the country of free will, you live in the world of free will, you live on the planet of free will. When the decision of the Spirit is that they don’t want to deal with the issues, that are at hand, for this particular society, many of them choose to come home. This is what you are noticing.
Chris: OK. Thank you.
Edwina: I have a question that I think relates to this, somewhat. We’ve been talking about the great difficulties that we’re having here, just in our country and on our planet, of getting along, and forgiving each other and recognizing that we all are one. And then my thinking sometimes goes beyond that to the understanding I have, sometimes it is a little tenuous, but the understanding that I have that we are not the only planet in the universe. There are other planets, as well, this is what I understand, that have intelligent life? And that our people, here on Earth, are aware of that, that there are beings from other planets that have come here to visit, UFO’s and whatever else and all. My son and I got into a discussion about this and talked about the idea of us all being One, then we would be also be one with them, as well. But the general response to the idea of UFO’s or aliens, people from alien, we say, planets coming here to visit us is just fear. And I wonder if it is possible that those beings from other planets might possibly be more advanced than we are here and perhaps, when they come here, they do not have the defensive, perhaps, reaction that we do, of fearful and feeling like they are aggressors and we defend ourselves. That seems to be mostly our response to the idea that there might be creatures from other places in the universe. Could it be those beings from other universes are more advanced than we are, and they are not coming here to threaten us and if we are able to respond with an inclusive, rather than an exclusive attitude, that it could all be well?
SADO: Each living being is one with each living thing, whether that living thing is on the planet of free will or other galaxy plane; that is absolute. You are one with all living things. You all come from the same energy. That energy that you come with; you made a choice of where you would like to expend that energy. You have chosen to expend your energy on the planet of free will. There are other societies that are much more advanced than this one, and those who are experiencing those other planets are doing so because of what they would like to experience and learn, that those societies provide for them to do so. The mixing between societies is difficult and very rare. It does happen, but the more advanced societies, for the most part, would not want to come to a planet of free will. This is a very difficult school. They would not want to experience what it is that you are experiencing.
Edwina: The question from me is, do they come here to visit us, even if it is rare, and if they do, do they come with an attitude of peace towards us?
SADO: It is very rare and, on the occasions, that it has happened, those are usually not of communities that are far advanced from where you are.
Edwina: Is it the characteristic, of our planet, of having the free will, is that the biggest thing that makes it so difficult here?
SADO: I would turn that question back to you, our daughter.
Edwina: It seems to me it is.
SADO: But you know that you have chosen this, as a way to learn and a way to promote help and knowledge to be abundant for Spirit.
Lynn: My question to SADO is about health again, about taking care of our bodies, about listening to our bodies. I feel very frustrated with trying to change. I feel stuck in the rut because my body has been, I guess, malfunctioned for so long, malfunctioning. I just feel like I am struggling to float, I’m drowning, and I am struggling to float. I just don’t even know where to start to turn around and become and to get it back to where it was when it first came here and when it was healthy. I have just been feeding it ever since the day I was born, wrong. How do you turn it around?
SADO: As your people would say, one step at a time.
Lynn: So, it’s not too late? Just do one step at a time.
SADO: It is not too late with every step you learn and experience in a different way. It is all about the experiences. Would you agree with that?
Lynn: Yes, I have learned a lot, I have.
SADO: You have experienced health. You have experienced non-health. You have experienced happiness. You have experienced sadness. With each, it is a time and ability for you to learn and to continue these experiences that Spirit is connecting with. As you change, one step at a time, you are providing information about the human body goes through these changes. There is no coincidence here, that you have experienced these changes and will continue to do so. Spirit will always provide for you many possibilities and experiences. It is never too late, our daughter.
Lynn: OK, I will take one step at a time and I thank you for providing this guidance for me.
SADO: And we will be here to help you, one step at a time.
Lynn: Thank you.
Chris: Ok, I am going to go into a personal thing too. I have received, recently, a message, where I understand I got a new set of guides. And they said that I would experience them through my feelings, through my senses. And so, is that what you, similar to what you were talking about, when you were talking to Lynn when was talking about drinking the lemon juice and you were talking about noticing it in your body? Is that the senses that we will know that you are helping us, at those times, when we sense in our body?
SADO: We would not define ourselves as your guide. That is not our position that we take, or we accept. When we were talking about making the changes and the experiences that you will have in your bodies, it is a part of the emotional changes that you are speaking about. We will not be coming to you through your emotions, that is not our place. We are gathering information about this aspect, as we do not understand the message.
Chris: OK. You do not understand the message that I received or how it relates to this?
SADO: The guides, as you would call them, are at a different level as you would see them than SADO. The information and experience that your guides would be giving you are at a much more human level than SADO. The message from your guides are not connected with your work with SADO.
Chris: OK. Thank you.
SADO: This is why we said we needed to gather information about where this was coming from for you. These are messages that you are getting from those that are more interested in your physical plane, where SADO is more interested in the experiences that you have with the Spiritual plane. We can do the information to your emotional state, but that is where your guidance is working which is now at your emotional state. It will take some time for you to adjust to doing that, to having that information come through the emotional state. It is not something that SADO would be working with because it is a much more human/physical plane. Unfortunately, we cannot offer much more information about that for you.
Chris: That’s fine. I just thought of that connection and wondered if there was a connection. Thank you, you explained it.
SADO: It is now time to tell you that we love you, we are very proud of you and we are always connected with you. And it is enough.
Lynn: Thank you.