SADO: As leaders, it is time to understand how the information is going to inform your life. Without this information and knowing how it is going to be used, it is not as helpful to you as we would like it to be. You cannot teach what you do not practice. It is important for you to know how this work is informing your life. To know what it is that works with your heart and how it changes your life is the way that you can teach to one other person. The reality of this is the only reality that you need to work on. This is the truth and nothing but the truth. (Ha ha ha)
We are very proud to be associated with you. Your children and your loved one’s energy provide the basis for us to come through as clearly as we can and we do.
The questions that you ask will show us how far along you are. That will inform our decisions about where we go next and what information we can continue to provide for you. We aim to teach you as you are learning. We would like to give you more information as time goes on and permits. However, it is very important that we know how you are utilizing this information and how you will be able to share it with others. This one is open to sharing the information she has gained from SADO.
This work needs to be done to generate your questions so that you have a better understanding of the work you are doing and the work that has informed who you are. This is not just about the grief process but that is the way you came together. It was a way that we could generate interest, knowledge and the pleasure of teaching you as well as helping you to teach others. You are not at a place, at this point, to teach others all that you know. You can, however, utilize this information in a way that helps others understand in what way having a connection with Spirit is helpful to them. Do you have questions about that?
Edwina: I am not sure I understood clearly the very last thing you were saying. Were you saying we are not ready to teach others?
SADO: You are always ready to teach others.
Edwina: OK
SADO: It is important that you understand how your audience will be able to connect with the information that you are imparting. Some audiences that you were just talking about are very open to a more physical presence and hearing from Spirit. Others are not as open to hearing from Spirit in this way. The information that you have gained from Spirit and how you live this information in your lives will teach others. The conference that you are talking about is a way to, as you would say, feel out the acceptance of having the connection with Spirit for those who are grieving the death of their child. Some of those in attendance will be very open to hearing from Spirit in a physical way. Others will not be open to this. It will be very interesting for you to ascertain why some bereaved parents are interested and why some are not interested in doing this. Some will want to be in the presence of this physical manifestation of Spirit as you all are but will want the physical hearing of Spirit as a way to connect with their child only. This is not what SADO is asking you to do or to promise those who might attend. It is not about, as you would say, mediumship. It is about gaining information to live your life. This does not mean that we cannot bring the essence of deceased children through as you have seen us do in the past, but that is not our main objective or purpose.
Lynn: SADO, for a grieving parent to hear that their child’s Spirit is alive, that they exist and can still communicate with that parent through love and just the essence of them being nearby grabs the attention and therefore they might be more apt to know how Spirit in general, how their guides, how their own Spirit, can be influenced in their life, where it can help them in their own lives. I think mediumship has been like a bridge to knowing that there is more on the other side that can help you.
SADO: And this is why you have so many mediums on your plane of existence.
Lynn: To bring those bridges, to create those bridges for people to see that there is importance in knowing about the other side?
SADO: And to provide the existence that life continues on, just not in the same way as they had before. However, SADO is not interested in providing this to the group. There are many who have come onto your plane to do this work. We will provide for you the information that can be presented to the bereaved parents, in a way that will show them how it is going to be helpful to them, not only as bereaved parents, but as humans, those living in a human body.
Lynn: Thank you. That sounds wonderful.
SADO: You will use yourselves as examples for this. That is why we have asked you to ask and then transcribe the questions and answers so that you have the information that you know and how it has informed your live after the death of your child. This one has a different objective.
Lynn: Yes, I understand. So at the conference we will determine which grieving parent will hear our message. And we will share with them through the way we live and also through our own experiences; how connection with Spirit has changed our lives. Is that correct?
SADO: How you will provide them the information so they can hear it and respect it is by providing them the information of how you were connected with Spirit and how that was available for you to find peace after the death of your child, not through the mediumship opportunities.
Lynn: You mean through meditation and actual physical manifestation?
SADO: It is important that you understand for yourself how your connection with Spirit has provided for you a foundation on which to stand after the death of your Nicole.
Edwina : I feel that personally, I am always at the beginning of that understanding myself. I have a lot of learning to do before I can try to pass it on to others.
SADO: And this is why we have been working with you. It is as you would say, a big undertaking for all people and it is made more complicated by interactions with others by traumatic experiences, by mental health issues, etc. Those in your plane who have had the ability to have this connection with Spirit are far ahead intellectually, mentally, and emotionally of those who do not have the connection with Spirit. Although we believe that all valuable lessons on this plane are about having the connection with Spirit.
This is a good venue for you to start. The people who attend this conference are there to learn. We would say they have an opening for this kind of knowledge.
Lynn: So I am being told to share the information that I have about my journey to Spirit, to the connection to Spirit with these people. To develop a class where I can present how I survived and changed my life and how it affects my life now to have this connection with Spirit, not just through mediumship but to develop my own connection. Is that correct?
SADO: That is correct. A mini course, as you would say, is what you will provide at the conference.
Lynn: Ok. Should we do this together, as a group?
SADO: It is important because your stories are different and you will be able to connect with different people in the audience. Yes, we would like to see you do this together. This one feels she has nothing to offer the bereaved parents. But as a professional counselor of these people, this one can tell the stories and give examples of clients, as this one would say, that have enjoyed the connection with Spirit and the trajectory of their work and their assimilation, as this one would say, throughout their grief process.
Lynn: I agree.
Edwina: Yes I do too. I think Jane’s work is probably unusual and quite unique among counselors. She‘s not the ordinary counselor of bereaved parents although I am sure there is some truth to what she said that people at this type of conference don’t want to hear from anyone who isn’t a bereaved mother, I think she has a unique perspective to offer.
Lynn: And I think there are people who generally will appreciate it. We will convince her to present also SADO. Thank you. We look forward to your guidance on this more. But I am willing to take on this responsibility to share so that other can have this connection, find a connection that improves their lives also.
SADO: And we will be right there with you.
Lynn: Oh absolutely. Thank you so much.
SADO: And it is enough.
SADO: Questions. You invited us to come in and answer the questions. Is that correct?
Chris: That is correct.
SADO: Did you deny your association with us? Then why did you call us?
Lynn: Well, I don’t think we are—we don’t mean to be denying our association with you. We were being respectful of Jane’s own personal situation.
SADO: It is not about this one.
Lynn: OK.
SADO: It is about the group. You are one in our eyes, as we are one in your eyes. This one is ready to take the step forward, even if she is not talking about or communicating about that verbally. It is the support of you and the support for the community that you are associated with. The denial of us is not going to denote our sister’s ability. We are not chastising and we are not judging. We are asking what it is that you would like from us. We were approached by this group to expand the communicating, the education, and the Spiritual information that you wish to have. If the parameters have changed, we would feel that. It does not seem to be the session for that argument.
Chris: I don’t think that the parameters have changed. I think I can probably speak for all of us. Yes, we did want the education and Spiritual information that you have that would expand us.
SADO: We wonder, our daughter, do you wonder, our daughter, why this situation has appeared at this time?
Chris: I do. I can just imagine why. It’s because we’re looking at exposing the fact that we are in this group and that it is occurring.
SADO: No. No. No.
Chris: No?
SADO: You are having an opportunity to present information to those who need to have it. You have been provided an opportunity to present information to those who are grieving; information that is necessary for, as this one would say, assimilating the loss into their lives.
This is not information that many people who are grieving the death of their child want to hear. But you have set yourself out, my sister, to provide that information that may not be popular. The popularity of what is out there, as you know, has a tendency to keep people, as you would say, stuck. This information, although difficult for some to hear, and many will not accept it, is information that is Spiritually appropriate and will help those to learn to live in a different way. Are you willing, our child?
Chris: Absolutely, I am. This is what I have been working with in my mentoring, and this is why I have gone into a totally different direction. I understand that it’s a very narrow group within the larger group of the grieving that I will be dealing with.
SADO: The opportunity that you have been given to accept the challenge of presenting information that may not, as you say, fit well with bereaved parents—you have the right to say you do not want to bring that information forward. This type of information that we have told you before that is coming in from different groups that have chosen to be beneficial and helpful to those who are wearing a physical body—we provide that information, but it goes through the ego filter.
This one is receiving Spiritual information from a group of beings and sometimes a single being. The Spiritual being will only bring through that information the sitters are willing to hear and listen to. The person you are referring to is not bringing information in that she is unwilling to hear. This will be accepted by others who share her wishes or beliefs. This will not be helpful for those who want to grow from their grief. You have set yourself out there, our daughter, to bring information through that is not in the popular, but is much more current and helpful for those of our children who are suffering.
Edwina: I find myself willing to do this but feeling also in need of guidance and information on what and how we should present.
SADO: The information that we are talking about at this point in time is what our daughter Christine will be presenting to the online group. Whether she decides to name us is all up to her. But the information needs to be presented as coming from SPIRIT, and not be given credit to her “other group.”
Chris: I will do that. SADO, thank you. It’s not that I was not going to give you credit or talk about it. I just wasn’t sure if this group was willing to be exposed. And I was thinking in terms of honoring them before I did it.
SADO: SADO will now step back for this group to have this discussion, knowing that we are listening to the discussion.
SADO: And why do you feel that this is something that you struggle with?
LYNN: It’s just that there are so many different beliefs and so many different ways people try to put it (reincarnation).
SADO: And why do you feel that this is something you need to struggle with?
Lynn: I don’t need to be struggling. It is just that there are so many different ways of looking at it. And so you see, if SADO says there is an answer, then I just put my mind to rest and think about other possibilities. If I didn’t have to think about different possibilities or which way to think about this . . . I don’t know.
SADO: That which you struggle with during your lifetime is that which provides you with learning. To struggle with the definition of the information allows you to come to an understanding. There is a truism about reincarnation but the premise of the incarnation is what you already know, and that is that you are all one. You have always been one and you will always be one. Whether you’re in this body or you are no longer in this body, there is no separation. The body gives you the feeling of being separate but our separation does not occur. How is it that you make sense that you can be a separate entity when you know that you do not take your body with you to the place you call heaven? When the energy of Spirit is released from the body there is no longer a physical separation because that physical separation, as you term it, was because of the body.
The hologram, as you would call it, is what you use to communicate with out of the body. You will communicate the information of the life and the personality that you knew in what you would call separateness – the time in physical body. The answer is very close to what this one had said because we have studied this with her. However, the difference is not the droplet of water that changes from gas to liquid to solid and back. That is a complication of the information. When the spirit energy leaves the body it no longer has any possibility of feeling separate. Separateness is an illusion that you create while in the body.
Edwina: May I ask a question SADO?
SADO: Of course, our sister.
Edwina: Thank you. In a previous session, I remember you telling us that, with reference to the panel that we will do, that we should not present the idea of mediumship as anything except a bridge. And I am wondering if what we really need to do then is the idea that when our loved ones or our children bring us messages through mediums, the messages are very specific to their personalities, that’s how we know it is them, and when we get signs, again, they are very specific to that personality so we know it’s them. Is that what you mean by being a bridge? That we need that information as an intermediary step to coming to believe that we are all one and that when we pass through the physical body, when our children have passed into spirit they are a larger thing there, part of the whole spirit, but they come to us to help us understand, with the specifics of the personality that they were in the body with on earth. So that is how mediumship and signs and all of that are a bridge?
SADO: That is what we call the hologram that you are in connection with. The hologram is there in order to provide the ability to connect with those that they have made a decision to work with during this lifetime. You may have found that as time goes on the work with the hologram becomes less. It becomes less because the hologram begins to dissipate, because their learning from the examples from that specific lifetime is being interspersed, interjected and assumed by the Spiritual mass.
Edwina: Hmm, OK.
SADO: However, this process can be reverted when a loved one is entering into spirit to be met and worked with by the previous holograms.
Chris: So is that what I heard? They present themselves so that when we are greeted, they present themselves so that we will recognize them and they create the welcome home, so that we understand. That is what you are talking about that they revert back to their previous learning.
SADO: That can happen for those people who cannot recognize their loved ones in spirit energy only, which is rare.
Chris: Ok.
Lynn: So what happens in reincarnation? Can you explain the process? You’ve explained how we go back and form into a hologram but what happens when the energy chooses to come back into another body?
SADO: Your life is about the choices that you make and those you put in your life plan. It is on this planet about the people that you surround yourself with. The purpose of coming to this planet is free will. The free will can be interpreted in different ways, for different societies, different communities and different learning lessons. The essence, as you would say, of the purpose of the person could be different in your definition from the definition used by others. If the definition of essence includes the personality that the human being exhibited when they were here on the earth surface, if it includes the personality, that personality is what you call the essence. And the essence is part of the spiritual energy. Due to the personality you may find there are beings that are coming back into the earth’s atmosphere and onto the earth’s surface that you see are similar to the essence of the family member who may not be continuing in the physical body. This is not what you would call a coincidence but it is a personality that is able to experience different things on the earth’s surface. This personality would not be seen on the surface of say another what you would call planet because the personality fits the ability to have experiences here on the earth’s surface and would not fit the opportunity for experiences on the surfaces of other places.
It appears to us that you are asking if your beautiful Nicole will come back to the earth’s surface exactly the way she was in this lifetime. The answer to that is No. Your beautiful Nicole learned what she needed to learn in this lifetime. There is no reason why she must come back to learn the same lessons over again. She does not want to do that. It would mean that this particular lifetime was a waste. This one is talking about the possibility of different definitions of reincarnation and that is accurate.
Lynn: So if her soul, if she wanted to come back to experience different lessons what would you call it? If she choose to come back not exactly the same but full of everything she has learned, and everything that we have given her and things that she has learned even as she was in spirit, if she choose to come back to earth would that still be a reincarnation?
SADO: It depends on your definition of reincarnation. That is not a word that we use in spirit because every spiritual being is unique in our eyes.
Lynn: Ok. So even though the soul is growing each time it comes back to the earth it is unique in its own way?
SADO: That is true.
Lynn: That is true?
SADO: That is true. There are some beings that come unto the earth’s surface many times over to provide information for spirit. But each time that a new soul, as you would say, is born that soul is unique in what it is that they bring with them and what it is they want to experience. It is not decided individually. It is decided being one with spirit. Spirit does not allow individuation until the human body is added. There is no reason for individuation. There is no truth in individuation. The purpose is to understand that there is no individuation. There are few people in human bodies that attain that status of knowing there is no separation.
Lynn: So we are our children, our parents, our grandparents, our siblings, our future everything all at once.
SADO: There is no future. There is only the present. You are one with all of that so you see, all that you hear, all that you feel and all those that you don’t.
Lynn: Thank you SADO for that explanation. It is a lot to grasp. And it brings with it such peace and fulfillment.
SADO: We understand the confusion that it brings to you. We do not deem confusion as a bad thing. We understand that confusion is the stimulus for knowing.
Edwina: I am wondering about what you said about having our relationship with SADO known to an audience that is unique and therefore receptive. I would guess that if we talked to people about having a relationship with SADO and how we relate to you they might well wonder, “can we do this too and how would we do this” and I have no idea how to answer them. Can you help with that?
SADO: Not by beginning with parlor games.
Edwina: But they were so much fun.
SADO: Ha ha ha.
Edwina: They were.
SADO: We are joking of course. It might be an interesting conversation how it is you called to SADO.
Lynn: Including the parlor games?
SADO: As long as you will continue the conversation about the unnecessary parlor games.
Lynn: About how unnecessary it was?
SADO: That is correct.
Lynn: But in our vision it was necessary in order for us to understand and believe.
SADO: No. It was not necessary for you to believe that SADO was being called on and would be communicating with you. If this one had brought SADO through without the parlor games but in a joint group meditation, you would have believed it as much as tipping the tray.
Chris: Yeah.
Lynn: That’s true. For us it is true.
SADO: That is our point, our sister. People find their way to their SADOs in unique ways. It is not very practical or prevalent that their “SADO” would come through because they want to communicate with their child. You will unfortunately find that many bereaved parents would like to communicate with spirit for a singular purpose that is to communicate with their child. This is not going to bring a group of beings with interest in helping the spiritual growth of its participants through. You can explain to your participants how this worked for you, letting them know there are other ways to do this. What you conclude as meditation is the primary way because it allows the space for communication from their intuition, which is another name for spiritual beings. All those who attend are already communicating with their, as you would say, guides. They call it intuition. It is the same thing. The “guides” are assuring them that they are connected with those that are here to help them and this is important. Hearing the group called SADO out loud is a unique experience although it has been happening for thousands of earth years through unique channels.
Edwina: So part of what you are saying, am I right, that we need to be able to encourage people to be open and not to have specific expectations or goals? Is that right?
SADO: We would not use the word goal, because that for those of you in the human body is a way to succeed. We would ask you and provide the questions coming to you that will allow you to explain the process of understanding the intuition as a speaking, hearing and communication with Spirit. The problem with this population is the reason why they want to be communicating with Spirit. There are some whose children do not want or wish to communicate with their human parents.
Edwina: Why would that be?
SADO: The reasons for this are varied but ultimately it changes the energy that they have to do the work that they need to do. Another reason is because it may not be helpful to those who are still on earth’s surface. If it is not helpful, they will know. And they do not want to subject harm and hurtfulness to those that they loved.
Chris: SADO, when you were talking, just now, about those who don’t want to communicate with their human parents, are these children that ultimately change the energy they need? Is that because of the energy of whatever they are doing and focusing at that particular time?
SADO: It is the change of the hologram. It is for the energy of the hologram.
Chris; The bridge between?
SADO: It is about the change for the energy of the hologram. The work, as you say, is being done with the essence of Spirit, not the essence of the hologram. The hologram is there simply to walk across, as you would say, the bridge. If the communication with a particular human is difficult and unhelpful it will change the energy that the hologram has to communicate with others.
Chris: So they know that would be more damaging and harmful to the earth parents here so they don’t.
SADO: Of course. They understand and have the ability to empathically feel what it is that those who are standing on the other side of the bridge might be feeling.
Chris: OK.
SADO: And we are going now.
All: Thank you.
SADO: And we are here. This is a difficult topic as you never knew the person as two separate entities. The entity of the body and the entity of the soul or spirit. You cannot imagine your child without seeing their body. That is the confusion and work of doing what we consider the spiritual grief. In the spiritual grief it is about you being able to understand that the body is, as you would say, cremated or buried. It is no more. It does not exist. Your children do not have the exact personalities within their hologram that you saw and experienced when they were with you because they were guided by human existence. They are not wiser than they were when you were with them on the earth surface but because they do not have the problems of the human existence they appear wiser to you. If you were not considering the environment where you live you would be wiser too. Because you are on the earth’s surface you will be distracted and complicated by your environment and the energy that is around you. The world of spirit looks much like the way your child wanted it to look within reason. If your child thinks that eating chocolate ice cream is a wonderful thing when it is the beginning experience of their existence in spirit, especially for the young souls, they can have chocolate ice cream. The more advanced are very happy to not be bounded by earthly memories and they understand the body including the mouth, the tongue and the taste buds are no longer. They don’t need to have that flavor within their existence. When we are saying young we are not talking about the age when your child came home. We are talking about their experiences as a soul during this lifetime and perhaps other lifetimes whether on earth or other places. It is a very hard question for us to quantify although we can qualify. In quantification, it would be a situation, as you would say, a black and white issue. Everyone lives in a little stone house with a little stone walkway and everyone has a kitchen and two bedrooms. Ha Ha! That is not the way it is unless that is what is needed during the convalescence stage.
To answer that question in a way that it would provide true energy, true information for everyone who might be listening to your talking would not be truthful. As this one would say, it depends. It is a variable and with every variable that is there are changes. You can do what one of you is suggesting by working through her dreams to be able to answer that question for her Rachael because Rachael’s environment is different than other children’s environment because of her learning, where she is in her soul life and that which she wanted to experience. Nicole has a different environment for the same reasons. Zac certainly understands the environment of Zac.
Edwina: Thank you. That was helpful.
SADO: You are welcome our sister.
Chris: You have mentioned several times about other places that we can go to to learn lessons and some of those places do not necessitate free will. And so I was just curious under what circumstances would we choose to go to incarnate to those other places. Would it be for the more advanced souls that don’t have to learn from free will?
SADO: The answer to that question is no. This one is laughing. There are places that are too numerous to even consider. There are places and lessons that you have no ability to understand, to understand the learnings that can be. Although some of you in your environment are starting to wonder how you transport yourself as energy as oppose to transporting your body. Many of the other places have the ability to do this work because they do not come in with what you would consider a body. But they do use their energy to learn lessons and other experiences that you can only have in those particular places. It is not a situation of advanced souls or non-advanced souls. It is a situation and experiences of what it is that you would like to work on during this energy time. There are souls on the planet Earth that are very, very, very advanced. There are souls on other places that are very, very, very young. It is about what it is that you want to experience and not about the place. You decide to go according to what it is that you want to learn and experience. There is much written in your environment that is untrue about this factor.
Chris: Can you lead us to some continued sources, possibly, to how to learn this, to continue on with what you are talking about and not go into some of these resources that are untrue.
SADO: It is important for you make the educational system choices to decide for yourself what is true and what is not true.
Chris: OK.
SADO: That which you say, “This does not settle with me” is not true for you.
Chris: OK.
SADO: We will not go through other groups and educational processes to say yay or nay to them because it is about your learning and your trusting of yourself to separate the information which is true for you. However, because you have chosen to learn from SADO we will make sure that the information that you are responding to positively or negatively you have no doubt about your trust and feelings about that information.
Chris: OK. Thank you. Thank you that brings me back to the reality again. I appreciate that.
SADO: You are welcome our sister.
SADO: Your retirement is meant as a time to study. Many people on your planet do not understand this. It is when the real job starts. The time of what you would say keeping the roof over your head is a much more difficult time to learn and study spiritual development because you do not have the power to do so. The time of retirement is a time for you to be able to do this in a much greater way.
Chris: We agree. Absolutely.
SADO: This is the way your society has been set up. You blame Social Security for giving you the time to do this. Ha ha ha. But it was set by us not by your government.
Chris: Thank you. That’s incredible. Thank you, another connection.
SADO: We are here to help you but we cannot plant the information until you are ready to reap it. You show us that the fields are fertile when you ask the questions. In order for you to have the questions you need to be studying the information that has been provided for you. Which is the reason why we suggested the ACIM material.
Lynn: Right.
SADO: That is the information that will give you numerous questions to ask which will explain and expand the foundation for this learning. Yes, your bookshelves are full. This is where we want you to be spending the majority of your time currently.
Lynn: Yes, I picked up a couple books yesterday and need to reread them I think. Right?
SADO: The foundation of your learning and your work with SADO at this point in time should be placed on the questions that will be generated from the ACIM books.
Lynn: OK. Thank you.
SADO: If you do not want our help, we will not be there. But we are extracting a time promise from you to do your part as well. It is a time for study. It is a time for learning. It is a time for love. It is a time for positive energy. It is a time for connection. It is a time for meaningful dialog and purpose in what you consider to be your lives. It is time. Your lack of questions concerns us.
Chris: Is this in response to the question that we were talking about the resources? I understand that this is…
SADO: That is very right.
Chris: We need to be totally focused on The Course in Miracles for us, in what we are doing now and that will be the umbrella for any of the learning for us.
SADO: That is correct.
Chris: But having resources for them is, just, that is a totally different
SADO: If most of you do exactly what we have asked you to do earlier in this conversation, which is to make sure that the information, resources, as you call them, are specifically about spirituality, using what you call spirituality, to adjust and assimilate, as this one would say, to the death of the child. This is not about them learning how to do other than that in this point in time. The comments and the information shared needs to be how spirituality and the information about their child can be helpful to them. You are right, our sisters, that there will be time for questions. The information that will be shared before they ask their questions is just enough to let them know how this helped you to assimilate Zachary’s death into your life. There are members of SADO that feel very, very deeply about this; and perhaps they come on a bit too strongly. It is important for you to understand that they are well meaning and that they have worked through others who have not the line of thinking that we are talking about today. Our group wants the best for this segment of society, that of the bereaved parents. You came to us with a common bond. We are working with you with that common bond. We would like to support you with this common bond. Do you understand?
Lynn: I do. Thank you because at times I get carried away and get off on the wrong track. I am so excited about just being able to talk to Spirit and listen and hear Spirit that I lost focus on what we were intending to get across to this particular group. So if you keep me, as I do my work and preparing for this, try to keep me focused on what we have to present in order to best help them, that would be great. Thank you.
SADO: You are welcome our sister.
Lynn: Because that truly is…
SADO: We want to impress upon you the reason we are willing to spend our energy with you. It is important that you understand the meaning of our work with you. We are here to show you our support and our love. We expect from this a time and energy from you. With this promise we will provide the information of what you are ready to hear and learn. But you must demonstrate to us what it is that you are willing to learn.
Edwina: As I think about presenting the panel we are planning, one of my concerns, may not be the concern of other people, but one of my concerns is that people in our audience are going to perhaps expect us to give a definite road map. If you do A, B and C than this will happen. You will have encounters with your child, your grief will be lessened and you will be a happy person again. And I think we realize it’s not exactly the way it happened but can you just say a little about that, how we can deal with that problem.
SADO: As you know, our sister, it will be important for you to be able to speak from your own experiences. Each of you use spirituality in a different way with regard to your relationship with your child. You each have had different needs in order to assimilate, as this one would say, the information into your lives. Those are the pieces of information that are going to be very important to share. It is the differences that you have experienced in the kind of grief, it is the differences that you have in your relationship with your child. It is the differences in the way you have grieved that is going to be important for your audience to hear. It is not the similarities it is the differences. If each of you were to say how spirituality helped you with your grief for your beautiful children there would be some differences and those are the differences that would be beneficial for you to share with others.
Edwina: So are you saying something along the lines of something that came to me the other day that really what we want to share is a diversity of our experience but how that diversity has also lead to a unity.
SADO: That is absolutely correct, our sister.
Edwina: OK, thank you.
SADO: Each of you came into the grief process having different belief structures and willingness to believe different things. Each of those that you will be talking to also has different belief structures, a different level of willingness of what they will believe and what they will not believe. You will have some in your audiences, whether it is at a conference or people that you talk to, that will believe in SADO and some that will think you are crazy. SADO does not care. Do you?
Chris: That’s our role model. Thank you. Thank you for that explanation. I’ve gotten to a point where I …We’ve had this discussion before and I felt that possibly it was misinterpreted that who cares, but that’s what I think too is that there are those who are going to believe and there are those who are not. And it’s not our… we have no right to try to convince anybody of anything. So thank you.
SADO: Nor do you have responsibility to convince anyone of anything.
Chris: Right.
Edwina: Do we have a responsibility however not to um…
SADO: You have responsibility to speak from your own experiences and your own heart. That is your responsibility. Those who can say awe, that is what I believe, awe, that is what I feel. Those are the people who will come up to you afterward. And those are the people who will say tell me, help me, provide for me, show me, and have lunch with me.
Edwina: So am I worried too much about stepping on people’s ….?
SADO: You worry too much.
Edwina: Ok (laugh)
SADO: You worry too much.
Edwina: Alright.
SADO: You don’t need to go further than that. You worry too much.
Edwina: Ok
SADO: You might have noticed that SADO on this subject does not always speak with the same voice. The voice that you are hearing today, now, is the combination of all of SADO. However, we have different facades of energy that are working together to provide for you in this field of study. There are experts in the field of study that combine to make SADO. The differences that you may be hearing are those when other experts within SADO have opinions that have not been necessarily filtered by the entire group. We are sorry if this provides confusion to you and your group. This one sees that happening and is, as you would say, taken aback. There has been some frustration of some members of SADO with regard to the lack of wanted information from your group. And we would like to insist that you study and develop questions that would help you in your growth. When you called to SADO this was your primary concern, hope and wish. We have much to offer you. We love you. We are proud of you. We want to help you with this opportunity that you have brought to yourself. As you might say, use it or lose it. If you do not have enough time to do the studying that you need to do then make the time together less often. If you want to get together without calling to SADO, by all means do so.
When we know and feel the urge to hear from SADO we are there. You know from the information that we have provided for you that we understand your thoughts and your feelings all through the day, hours, weeks and the month. When you called to us we made an assumption that you want our energy to come through. We will do our best to provide that for you. Be certain there is a reason for this. And with that we will again assure you of our love for you. We will implore your studying and we will be with you always and forever. And it is enough.
Lynn: Thank you. I am so grateful for your energy, love and support, always.
Chris: Thank you, thank you, and thank you.
SADO: And we are here.
Lynn: Welcome.
SADO: It is important for you to know that we are with you as you work through the trials and tribulations of living in the body. We want you to understand that the body is not as important as you believe that it is. The body needs to be taken care of, but it is not as important as what you think with and where the thinking comes from. Your thoughts create, your thoughts create your environment and your thoughts create your body. It creates how the body works, and it creates how the body behaves. The behavior of your body is directly connected with your thoughts. This seems to be a difficult thought process for those who are wearing the body.
As this one has said, the atonement is realizing there is no separation. It is important for you to understand that the body is wanting you to believe that there is separation. Do you understand why this message is coming through to you today?
Lynn: Well, I’ve had many questions about how it is said that you can guide your thoughts. And I have had many questions about how I go about guiding my thoughts in order to create my behavior, my health and everything that I want.
SADO: In guiding your thoughts, we need to be pure energy. So, for example if you are asking for a particular part of your body to behave in a particular way, you visualize, conceptualize, intellectualize the part of your body working in the way that you need it to work. Your thoughts, when they are pure, are the ones that allow the organs of the body to function properly. So, when you are thinking about your pancreas you think about the pancreas delivering the insulin in the right amount at the right time. You visualize, conceptualize, intellectualize the organ, you call the pancreas. You see it functioning in the way that allows for your body to be healthy. This is also an illusion, but it is an illusion that is very beneficial for the body. Your thoughts create the health of your body. Your thoughts create the illness of the body. Your thoughts create the behavior of your body. The thoughts, the thoughts, the thoughts.
Lynn: My other question was about the way that you have to have rightmindedness in order to be able to create miracles. The book said that you have to be in your right mind. And…
SADO: And this is also about the levels of consciousness, the levels of conflict, the levels of concern, the levels of conflict. When the levels are not created in a way that is important and fulfilling for what it is that is going to be happening or what is needed, that is something that will need to be changed. The rightmindedness is coming from having the right thoughts.
Lynn: Pure thoughts?
SADO: Pure thoughts, in a way that they are purely beneficial for the work of providing the miracles for yourself or asking for the miracles for others. Rightmindedness is very important, and it is something that needs to be practiced. When you are judgmental, or you are gossiping or you are not being pure of heart with any person, place or thing that causes you to not be in a rightmindedness, in that way you are correct that the thinking, the thoughts, need to be pure.
You, our daughter, have been doing much work. We are very proud of your hard work. We are very proud of what you have brought forward. We are very happy that you are working on your plane in this way. You all were brought together in order to advance the information to the community. You are each doing that in your own way. Each of you are doing that in your own way. We are watching that happen. We are applauding you. We are providing for you the energy and the understanding which is very important for this to go on. You are laying the foundation of what we would offer, and you are laying this foundation by working with us. This is a foundation that is going to be built upon. Again, this is a foundation that is going to be built upon. This is not an illusion.
It is our purpose and our hope that you will continue this hard work of understanding the body, the atonement, the resurrection, the stories, the love, the fear that you have. Oh yes, and also the free will and what to do about the free will. Yet you have come to a place where free will is something that is to be worked through, to understand, to calculate your effectiveness when it is involved in your decisions. As this one has brought the information to you; it is important for you to understand what to do with the free will. You must recognize it as an opportunity for you to work with us and with your guidance, whoever they may be, outside of SADO. Yes, that is correct. This one is saying that you have different guidance committees and couples depending on what you are doing. Our daughter, Christine, has information regarding their names. This one has information regarding their names. This is different work than SADO. SADO has different work for you than other parts of your guidance. That is why it is so important that we have an opportunity to talk with you and answer your questions during our time together. We are with you at other times as well.
It is this time that you can verbalize your questions that we have given you to ask for the good of the entire group, your society, your community. The questions form the steps that you need to take in order to put on the next layer of the house. This house will have many floors. That is correct. You can visualize where you are at this point of time. You can visualize being in that beautiful foundational area. And you can return to this area at any time. The information that you will acquire while you are at the foundational level is information that will allow the house to be built. A Course in Miracles will be a major part of this foundation. That has been the push, the plan, the charge.
And yes, it is light filled. And the light will change depending on what it is that you are working on at the time when you are there. Being grounded in nature is an important part of this process. And will allow you to integrate the information that you are learning through SADO and through A Course in Miracles.
Edwina: Thank you, that is helpful because I come back from experiences in nature full of ambition to improve and do things better. But then sometimes my resolutions fall by the wayside and stay.
SADO: That is an important part of your learning as well; to understand that the plans that you make do not come to fruition. Why does that happen? Because you have experienced it over and over. It is important for you to understand why that is happening to you. That is part of your learning. As this one would say, when you do the same thing over and over again, and expect different results, that is not rightmindedness. Hahaha.
Edwina: So, what might I do differently?
SADO: That is a good question for you to answer.
Edwina: I thought you were going to say that.
SADO: It is important for you to understand that when the same thing happens, no matter whether it is on a life plan or in a relationship, when the same thing happens there is a lesson there for you. And when you are able to discern this illusion for this event, the event will not hold as much meaning and you will go on to bigger and better things. This is something that plagued you for many, many, many decades. And when you are looking at your plate, we will give you a hint, when you are looking at your plate are there any spaces of white that you have not filled?
Edwina: Yes, I guess so.
SADO: So that tells us if there are the blank spaces on your plate you have the ability to decide what you would like to do in those blank spaces. However, from our vantage point there are not very many blank spaces. (laughing) When you build another layer there is no foundation under the first layer which causes it to crumble into disappointment and disillusion. In order to add something to your life there must be a space that is made for it before you can hope for success in accomplishing what it is that you want to accomplish.
Edwina: I will remember that. I have another trip coming up this weekend, a shorter trip, and I won’t have a chance to practice.
SADO: There is no possibility that practicing is not having time for. Everyone has the ability to practice what it is that is needed. Busy, as this one would say, is a noun not a verb. You all have choices on how you spend your time. You have more choices than you actually bring about in your life. Please take advantage of these opportunities.
Lynn: In A Course in Miracles,it is said that if you give the control over of the small things to God that they will free up some space for more important things. Is this the way to look at it?
SADO: Yes, with the caveat that they are all small things.
Lynn: Except following or building this foundation is not a small thing. Right?
SADO: Anything that you would have a tendency to give over to God is considered a small thing. The big thing is Atonement. All things that come from your environment, affecting your life, affecting your body, are all what we would categorize as small things.
Lynn: Ok.
SADO: Your worries and your woes.
Lynn: Right. So, is the definition of Atonement the realization that there is no separation? Is that…?
SADO: That is a very simple definition of Atonement. And one that works very well especially as you are going through The Course in Miracles. It is about understanding that you cannot be separate from God. It is more difficult and complicated to understand that God is not within you. The Atonement is the way for you to extinguish the information that you carry, that you are separate from God. This separation never occurred, but you do not have God within. You are the son, the daughter, of God. You can think of this in the same way that you are sons and daughters of your parents. That would allow your body to work from the biological factors of your parents. God gave you the quote/unquote, “biological factors” of your thinking, when you are rightminded. The place that you are living provides for you information that takes you to the (Hahaha) left minded place.
Lynn: And why is this?
SADO: It gives you an incredible ability to learn. That which you are learning in this place advances the energy of God.
Lynn: So, every step we take is actually a step for God and all of us, right? Every advancement?
SADO: That is correct. Every learning that you are advances the learning of the energy of God, through your environment, your associations, your relationships, your community, your society.
Lynn: And that gives me self-worth in itself. I am humbled and honored to be part of this experience.
SADO: And we are, as well, that you choose us to be a part of what you call your life. We are honored and we arehumbled. The work that you are doing is unusual. You are trusting the information that you are receiving without any proof. We could be the mad hatter. (laughing). But you know, that you know, that you know, that the information that SADO is providing for you is the information of love, and growth, and self, and Christ, and God.
Lynn: Yes, we just know. Any mis thought becomes the strain and that’s how you know the difference. There is no strain, there is just peace.
SADO: The study guide, that you received at the end of week five, with how can you tell what your guidance is really telling you, was excellent. Know that this was something that you needed but it was good for it to be brought to light.
Edwina: May I ask for some clarification of something? SADO, I think you said a bit ago, a minute ago, that you do not have God within you. That we are sons or daughters of God as we are sons or daughters of biological parents. That’s confusing to me because I understood before that, it is often said, there is that of God within every person and that part of our efforts to acknowledge the unity among all of us is to recognize that piece of God, within other people, as it is within us. Can you clarify that for me? I am confused. It seems like there are two different things being said.
SADO: The difference here, our daughter, is to understand that you are not God. There are many on your planet that talk about being God, not a being of God, but being God. That is the difference that we are making you aware of at this point. You are a being of God. You are not God. The reason why is the same as if you were saying I am my mother, I am my father. You are a child of your mother. You are a child of your father. But you are not your mother or your father.
Edwina: I think I see the distinction. Would, is it still be correct for me to say, “That there is that of God within me”? Is that still correct?
SADO: As long as you understand that you are talking about being of. You are a being of, you are not.
Edwina: Yes. Ok. Thank you. I think I see the distinction now. I understand. Thank you.
SADO: You are welcome.
Lynn: So, there are people who think that they are God, or they say that they are, but they are under a misunderstanding because they misunderstood what they were learning.
SADO: It is a different vernacular to say that you are God. There are many miscommunications about the energy of the Holy Spirit and how this blends with your mind. When you understand that God created Heaven and Earth, all that involves there, you will understand that you are a being of God, but you are not God. It is not important for you to wonder at amazement about the beliefs of others. It is important for you to have the understanding of the beliefs of yourself. When you speak from the rightmindedness you have the guidance coming through.
We love you and we thank you. And it is enough.
Edwina: Thank you for coming.
SADO: And we are here.
Lynn: We are very glad you are here.
SADO: And this one has questions. She was right to bring the questions to the group before bringing the questions to us. You all have a part to play in this group. And it is your feelings that we want to discover about this possibility. This one is uncomfortable with this modality. Our sister, Lynn and our sister, Chris look at this differently because they have been channeling, as you would say, for a much longer time. As you both know, this information is to be providing education to the masses. This information is not owned by any person or group. We are here as you have called us in to provide information. If as you have previously talked about wanting to put this information into a book or some kind of educational purpose, the information would not be for just this group of humans. Correct?
All: Yes.
SADO: It is the methodology of how this information is coming through that brings you pause. The reason for pause is between ego and awareness. When you are working with Spirit you have awareness. If you are working without Spirit you have ego. Is the problem with bringing the information due to fear of separation, as your ACIM book would have you believe? That is a question that we would like you to enter into a discussion with us about.
Chris: So, I apologize. I could not hear. I didn’t hear what the question was. Is it the fear of separation as a group that we would have?
SADO: The information that you are being given, in order to send the information out to educate those in human body, is the fear that you have with regard to sending out this information, that as your book says, creates the separation from spirit. We want you to discover in your own hearts and your own minds what is yours, as you would say, issue with providing this information as an education to others.
Chris; Ok.
Lynn: I guess SADO, our question was did you come together as a single voice, called SADO, because we called you, and so we felt that you were in the group with us and it was kind of a special bond, even though we didn’t, we just didn’t think past that, and we weren’t sure what your intention was about sharing. You wanted us to share the information with others, but we didn’t know if you would, if you were going to come and actually talk or were we just going to share the information? We certainly, I certainly don’t have any problem with you speaking as SADO to others through Jane. We wanted to know what our, what special part would we play in that?
SADO: We are confused by the term “special bond”.
Lynn: Yes. I was too. Just as I said it, it sounded like I was putting a separation between me and anybody else, and I didn’t mean that. So that’s true. I guess that was my ego.
SADO: And that is Ok, as you would say, for you to be struggling with that issue. We understand that possibility as you are all in human body. Again, we want to discover the comfortableness of this one bringing the information through this modality. At this point in time, the others of you are not connected with SADO in this same way. Therefore, this one is the one to bring this information and education through this modality. This one’s uncomfortableness is what creates the hesitation in this information being given to you. We find that she is not willing to have this practice if those she is connected to with SADO are not comfortable or approving. We can only work using this modality with the willing.
Lynn: Right, definitely.
Edwina: Maybe this is a naive question, SADO, but I would just like to ask directly. If Jane were to try or want to channel you through her to the other group, would that be something that you would want to do?
SADO: You are correct in your assumption. The specialty group is within Spirit. However, it might sound particularly similar as she was able to bring through the voice of SADO. The information is what we would want to make sure was coming through for education of those in human body. SADO is providing information for all who will listen.
Edwina: Then would SADO also be willing to speak to the people who come to our conference sessions, to the sharing sessions on Friday and Saturday night?
SADO: SADO is always willing and ready to educate. The question you are asking is will this one allow that education to come through this modality or will this one accept the information and speak through her own voice this information?
Edwina: So, it depends on Jane and her comfort with it. Is that right?
SADO: That is one of the issues but also it will be dependent on the energy of the room, which of course is made up of the energy of the people in attendance.
Lynn: Right.
Edwina: How can the energy in a room really be determined or assessed, and can you give us any information on how to change that? Or affect it?
SADO: It would be as if this one’s energy was very low, and you all had to pull your energy together in order to support SADO coming through in this modality. It can be positively affected by the foundation of energy. This can happen through meditation, through prayer but not, as what you would say, side show.
All: (laugh)
Lynn: Right. No, I understand.
SADO: And to our sister, Christine, do you have questions and concerns for SADO?
Chris: OK. I guess, do I have concerns for SADO? No. I would just love to get this out. I’m sharing myself, and I have no concerns whatsoever about what anybody thinks about me and what I do. Because if they are going to accept me, they are. And that’s what I meant by “I don’t care”, because I’m comfortable with sharing, you know, my relationship with my guides. I’m very comfortable with sharing anything we can here, with any group, because I don’t believe we are going to be attracting, or I don’t think that the people who are going to come to our group, will be coming because they don’t believe this. Those people aren’t going to come to our sharing session or our workshop. I don’t have concerns about that. I just really would like to get it out. And I would like to know how we can do it. And my concern was when Jane first brought this up was sharing with another group, was that going to be our group of SADO. You said that your group was made up of all of our helpers. And so how would that work in sharing with another group?
SADO: There is a misinterpretation. The group of SADO is not made up of your guides for the work you do outside of SADO. SADO is a group of beings who have come together to represent your highest mind with regard to the education of those you wish to reach. The information that SADO is made up of and includes your guides is somewhat accurate, but this accuracy is multilevel in the fact that the more than you do in other periods of your lives do not include the influence of SADO. For instance, our daughter, Christine, your Maxx is not a part of this group.
Lynn: SADO, are you, you are not part of our inner guides then, our inner band of guides? You are outer band guides?
SADO: We are closer than your inner band guides, as you would say, because we represent the complete issue of the separation, and the purpose is to heal that separation.
Lynn: Are you ascended, what we would think of as Ascended Masters?
SADO: Hahaha (laughing)
All: (laughing)
SADO: Your terminology is humorous to us. Those who you would call, Ascended Masters, are a level of helpers that have wished to be known and identified by the human spirit. Please know that when we use the term levels that it is not hierarchal. It is looking at the purpose of the different workers that are with you.
Lynn: So, you said that you are closer than our inner band?
SADO: So, our sister, Lynn, is trying to quantify the unquantifiable.
Lynn: OK. Alright. When I meditate and I call in my inner, my guides to help me with my meditation, what I am trying to figure out is how I can call you in on a personal level when Jane is not with me? Is that possible?
SADO: SADO is not a group that will be working with you or any of you on a personal level.
Lynn: OK.
SADO: Our education, our belief, our intellect, our, what you would call, mental capacity is being provided for those whom you are willing to educate, including yourself, on what you would consider a global level. You never say level, a spiritual level. We will not be working with you, (Hahaha), about what you choose from your supermarket, (Hahaha).
All: (laughing).
Lynn: Alright.
SADO: Calling us in to you will be providing for the information for the masses. That is what SADO was called in to do. If this one feels she can call SADO in for other than just this group, it is merely for educating them. She is not calling SADO in for personal reasons. We would not be willing or able to be helpful to her in that way. That is what we would call the knife and fork of being in the human body. SADO is not interested in the knife and fork of being in the human body.
Edwina: Can you give us any help in helping Jane to be able to do what it is that she would want to do, and you would want her to do?
SADO: We are working from our side to be able to build the confidence. You three are very influential in her abilities, and it will be helpful for her to work with others to see what can be accomplished.
Lynn: SADO, you said something earlier about you were here to educate about the separation and healing. Can you give us a little more about that?
SADO: As this one would say, knowledge is power. Knowledge of understanding the separation and understanding this atonement will provide for you and others the ability to see the foolishness of belief of the separation. We are here to provide information and education to the living in the human body but not as individuals but as a civilization.
Lynn: Right. My question about separation came when I was reading the book, and I am confused about whether it was part of the; whether it was intention that we have this feeling of separation in order to learn about who we are and how to get back to feeling like you are not separated from your source? Was that an intention or was it an act, the act of some Spirits taking a fall and wanting separation, creating a separation, mis-creating a separating? Could you tell us that?
SADO: The purpose of you being on this planet is for you to rejoin and not to feel the separation. This is a purpose in your life that you came to experience. It was left to the devices of the individuals on how that was going to be brought about. That is the reason why you are on the planet of free will. So no, it was not absolutely orchestrated for the separation to have come the way that it has come to what you would consider the all of consciousness. But in saying that, living with the feeling of being separated and doing the work that needs to be done, to quote, unquote, cure the separation, is your responsibility.
Lynn: Alright. Thank you.
SADO: You are so loved.
Lynn: Can you help us to know, you know each one of us individually, and you know I am working on what I am going to present at the conference? Is what I am working on, today, guided by you or Jesus to help me to know exactly what I am to present?
SADO: When you allow yourself to be guided it is always coming from Spirit.
Lynn: So, I will take that as a yes.
SADO: That is correct.
Lynn: Thank you
SADO: And we must now go.
Lynn: You have to go?
SADO: You are loved. And it is enough.
Edwina: Thank you for coming.
Lynn: Thank you.
SADO: And we are here…
Lynn: Welcome
SADO: And we welcome you to this meeting. It is good that you have expanded your horizons as we suggested that you do. It will become clearer as we move this one out of the way. And now we are here! We’re full of energy and ready to serve. And we thank you for being as this one would say… the guinea pigs! Hahaha! She’s not laughing. It is good that you have come together, and we appreciate the energy that you are putting forth for this exchange. It will be an exchange but first we wish to give you all information about SADO.
SADO is the Sons and Daughters of the One. Your children are your sons and daughters but that is not why SADO came together for this group. All who are in physical form remain the sons and the daughters of the One. For those of you who do not know, SADO is a group of 12 individuals. They are not a group of individual guides. They are a group, that was called in by this group of individuals, as it was explained to you before SADO made its presence known tonight. This will be an opportunity for this group to be understood and to answer questions that you may not know that you have and others that you may have in the heart. We are open to discussion.
A beacon of light was being transmuted from the group doing parlor tricks. That is not going to continue with SADO. We understand the need and curiosity factor for this. SADO will not be included in this performance. SADO is an educational body. It is a body of individual energies that work together as One. The verbiage and spoken words are the combination of the 12. We gathered your children and loved ones with us. The room is very full. The manifestation of the soul’s energy is frequency determined, and as you would say, alive. It is full, it is firm, it is grounded. Several of you here can see and feel exactly what we are describing. Feel the energy from the souls in this room, feel their hearts opening to you, feel the love, they brought for you. You know it, correct, that they work together in a group as well?
We are waiting.
Lynn: Yes, we do know that.
SADO: Their energy is bright! Then some, as this one would say, are ornery…. playful, beautiful and so pleased that you have allowed them to have constant access to you. They feel privileged that you would allow them to be. These children and loved ones, especially this group of children, are very proud, indeed, of the work letting other grieving people understand their own ability to be connected. It is sad for some who feel forgotten by those who do not allow them to show the energy that they have.
We would like to talk a bit about the dimensions, as you would say, that are containing the Spirits of this group of children and loved ones. The dimensions are a bit different than what is written in some of your books. There are, as you would say, levels to these dimensions. Those who are at one level have the ability to go, as you would say, down, although it’s not hierarchical. They are able to move in a direction where they can influence other souls. And many children will move in that direction as their work. We have jobs here too. It is not the place to lay on your back and eat honey. Hahaha. There is work to do and crossing the dimensions is not difficult as long as you have achieved what is necessary in order to do so. There are souls who may only have the opportunity to cross one or two dimensions, although, like the energy from our sister, it is connected where we don’t know where one begins, and one ends. Hahaha.
The energy of the dimensions is different, and our sister is able to feel that as she’s bringing the words through. Those are not harder or easier to bring through. It is dependent on the dimensions that the soul is abiding. This is important information. And in teaching and working with people who want to have the connections it is an important area of discovery for you to make because the information on how to do this will change for that person who wants to recognize and honor the connection. Is that clear? No? That is not clear to you?
Lynn: How do we know which dimension?
SADO: It is not important for you to know which dimension. You do not need to name them.
Lynn: Ok
SADO: They are not steps, as you are so ready to assign.
Lynn: That’s true.
SADO: They are not phases which you are so willing to assign, they are simply different. The difference is about what the soul has the possibility of doing, experiencing, working and communicating. If the soul seems difficult to understand…not like SADO, hahaha… it may be that the dimension for that soul is something that you need to identify so you understand that particular dimension. In knowing what the communication level and ability is from that dimension is important. It will allow you to help others to communicate through, as you say, your claires! Some dimensions will not work with, as you say, clairaudience. They only have the ability to come through, as you would say, through clairsentience or perhaps, clairvoyance. Discover these differences. Everyone is reachable as long is the heart is connected. The hearts are connected!
Lynn: Is that why some are heard, and some are not, and some are just felt?
SADO: That is correct. However, there is still a possibility that the connection is a bit staticky. Sometimes the connection is frayed due to the relationship that was happening before that soul came home. Sometimes those that you are working with, who are still wearing an Earth suit, do not tell you these things! That is why SADO is talking to you about this tonight. Do you understand?
Lynn: So, is the connection frayed on our side, the physical side, by our emotions?
SADO: Always, with the possibility of the soul having feelings of, as you would say, anxiety with regard to making that connection. We see and feel that our rush into help… it always yields from home. It is the human self that creates the perpetual issues. Those human bodies create lots of issues.
Lynn: The ego and the mind?
SADO: The ego and the mind are the same thing, in a way. Fear is the biggest issue for those of you who are wearing the Earth suit. You know SADO has talked to you about this before.
Lynn: Yes.
SADO: There are only two feelings that the human can have. One is given by God and it is LOVE. The second was created when you stepped into the suit and that is as you know it as fear. It is important to us to educate you about these different dimensions.
Lynn: Because it seems to be where our frustration is?
SADO: We don’t commonly connect to the word, “frustration”. It is creating an inability for all to be absolutely connected and not by the soul phone!! Hahaha. That will never be allowed from Spirit.
Lynn: It is a connection from the heart.
SADO: It is a connection from the heart. But the crown of the body also has a part. It is, as you would say, the battery. It is what allows the energy to come through and to be converted into the body energy that can be used. It is important to pay attention to the crown. This is not information that we have shared with you, but it is now important that you begin to understand that it is more than the heart, although that is the powerhouse, not the power plant, but the powerhouse.
Jane: SADO explained that the difference is that the power plant generates the power and that is done by God. The powerhouse is where this power is stored and is accessible to those of pure intention.
Lynn: The ground? Being grounded? I didn’t understand what you are saying?
SADO: No. The crown, as you might call the crown chakra, is the battery that propels the information and energy into the heart, which connects to the loved one. No matter how unloved that loved one may be. We understand that does not apply to those in this room, but it is important for you to understand that fact. That is going to come up for two of you in the near future. Be aware. This is the lesson SADO brings to you this evening.
Lynn: Thank you
SADO: There seems to be enough energy helping with this connection to stay if there are other questions.
Sitter 1: Should we warn people about the soul phone?
SADO: Will they say listen to you, our son?
Sitter 1: I don’t know.
SADO: Being in the human body is somewhat, as you would say, being from your state of Missouri. They must see it to believe it. However, there are many who are very hopeful for this project to have merit, it does not have merit because Spirit will not allow it to be. Do you know why that is?
Edwina: No. We’ve been wondering. Can you tell us?
Chris: Is it because of our … that we have the ability and it is the desire to have all of us remain connected in the ways of Spirit.
Edwina: No love? Is it because it’s a technical connection?
SADO: We heard what our sister said. And we would like you to repeat that.
Edwina: It’s not of love that’s why it won’t work?
SADO: Love equates with experiences and, as you would say, lessons. There’s much to be learned to grow from having your child on the other side. There is much to be learned about the dimensions. That is all love. It may not feel very loving to you, but it is love. This one would call it traumatic growth, blah blah blah. But it is about having the love, feeling the love connection and working through that energy field.
Jane: SADO explained that the soul phone will be set up to need a facilitator and that will create SPIRIT to not honor it. There is no facilitation needed to connect with Spirit, only the love from our hearts to our loved ones and to all who are in Spirit.
SADO: There are many ways that the dimension can be reached. This is not punishment. Your child and loved ones have come home. We feel badly for you when you feel as if you are not in connection with them. We see you struggling. They are not, but we are there to support you and love you and no it is not from a distance. There is no distance. There is NO distance. Warning people about the soul phone is not your responsibility but it might be a loving gesture.
And we are waiting.
Lynn: Are there any other questions?
Sitter 1: As a loving gesture, do you mean to warn people of being manipulated or having false hope?
SADO: The inventor and scientist, although we use that term loosely, has a good heart and truly believes this would be a wonderful gift to your race. However, it is not going to be something that Spirit will allow because as our sister has said it does not come from love. It is not your ability level to prevent the, as you would say, manipulations of others. It is important that your purity of energy remains, in talking and writing about why it is this apparatus will not work as Alexander Graham Bell made his work. It is a loving thing to do but remember it is not your responsibility to convince those who do not want to be convinced. Allow the belief to be as it is.
Jane: SADO’s discussion to me was about working with people to understand they have the ability to work with their loved ones without the use of anything that is created or being created like the soul phone. Expanding this education, focus and training will bring more light to the subject and drive to connect than shedding a negative perspective on anything like the soul phone.
Lynn: I have a question about what we came here to this conference to do and what we want to continue to do and that’s to bring awareness to teaching… to teach others how to connect to their loved ones through their new spirituality. Did we accomplish that mission this weekend?
SADO: Accomplishing that mission is not complete.
Lynn: Or our attempt to complete?
SADO: You did not come with the expectation of accomplishing that mission, you came with the expectation of placing a small drop into a very large puddle. That was accomplished.
Lynn: Thank you.
SADO: But you are fighting an uphill battle with this organization and several others. They come from fear.
Lynn: Yes.
SADO: They will find you continue to drop your very small pebbles into this very large bucket, and it shall be.
Chris: SADO are you talking about dropping the pebbles into a very large bucket meaning to continue to work with these organizations or possibly changing where were heading?
SADO: You must do both.
Jane: As SADO was helping to edit this transcript (05/11/20) they showed that the grief organizations where we have spoken, for the most part, do not want to focus on anything other than the suffering of their participants. If those who attend and read their articles and so forth, know that their loved ones continue to be with them and a part of them and it can be no other way, then the need of their organization, and need for their services, will become obsolete. This is not in their “business plan” and their attendance numbers will fall to a level where the renumeration needed for ongoing conferences, etc. will not be sufficient. Many of the founders, leaders and administrators of these groups have a need and a want for a dependency of their followers. This is not being done maliciously, for the most part. They don’t always realize that supporting people to remain in their deepest grief is a mark on their own soul that will be hard to process from SADO’s side and will cause much work toward self-forgiveness when they arrive on that side of the veil.
Lynn: Do both, ok.
SADO: If you want to reach the masses…. We thank you for being with us this evening and we wish you love, peace and grace. And it is enough
Everyone: We thank you.
SADO: Listen to the sounds around you. Make note of their rhythm, peace and space. Be sure to notice what is between the spaces of sound. That is the true peace. Use your affirmations to stay focused on love and light. Do not fear. We will be with you guiding you and showing you the way. At times when you believe we are elsewhere, we are still watching over. Enjoy the peace and quiet. We are in the sounds and the betweens.
Great times of tumult exist. Your country gains strength through this adversity just as your population does after one of theirs has come home. The group process is solidarity for in this there is the in-between — the peace and sanctity of prayer, quiet, reflection and bonus of friendship and a commonality of experience leading to love.
SADO: Spiritual Response Therapy is the method we are using to explain the process of life to those you work with. Through this modality it can be pointed out what the body needs to work with. It helps to have the Essence and the body in alignment and for the work to be as one. Use this as you have, not dependent on the charts, but dependent on the “clairs”. Ha ha. Feel the work. You can do this with your eyes closed. It is where you learned to begin to trust.
Two reasons for not trusting: ego and wanting to be right. Listen to the lesson for the ones with whom you are working. Explain the lesson. It is up to them to do the work that will lead them home.
SADO: SADO is a group of light beings, not attached to the physical or your Universe. Pia is a sprite and therefore is energy, light and her guidance, although a part of SADO is intermittent. We come to educate through love and to the broken hearted.
Grus is a scientist by training and still enjoys being in this sphere. Dr. Zinffor is a medical intuitive who continues to enjoy this specialization. There are many others, but they will be revealed as time goes on.
SADO: We wish to educate about that which you have asked — reincarnation. It is not a place you know. It is a time, a moment, a calling. To reincarnate means you have come before, but that coming does not negate or contribute to materialization. It means you have been before, as we all have in some way or another, so yes, we are all reincarnated from SPIRIT. You are right to question someone’s meaning of the term. It is not ours to tell someone, as this one says, they are thinking incorrectly, that their thinkin’ is stinkin’, ha ha ha.
All spirit energy comes from SPIRIT, from God. All is individualized and formed in ways to have experiences that are manifested to and from the great Creator. There can be no life, no experiences, no gifts, no consequences without it. Be well and know that all that comes returns and returns again until the end of time when the Great Creator will begin anew and it shall be, at which time you will no longer return to body and will live in the kingdom of Spirit for all eternity.
All individuals who are will always be. Their love will always be. Their faith engagement, commitment and love to you and for you will always be. This is the will of SPIRIT.
SADO: And we are here.
Lynn: Welcome.
Chris: Thank you.
Lynn: SADO, I know that you have been listening to our hearts and our minds as we ponder these decisions that we are trying to make about this conference. And we would love to hear your guidance on this matter.
SADO: And you are talking about the marketing of the entity SADO?
Lynn: Well?
SADO: This is not what we are interested in. However, we would appreciate the ability to hear the hearts of the grieving. In this way, we appreciate your energy, your love, your commitment to each other as well as to SADO. It is important for us to know of this summary that you are bringing forth. We feel that energy and it provides the backbone of this experience to be had by others.
It is important that your needs of abundance do not overshadow the needs of helping the broken-hearted. [Jane: This comment is about the expense for us to attend a conference to present SADO. It was considerable and would put a strain on the personal finances on the SADO group.] However, we understand that you are on the physical plane and therefore need to make these decisions with both sides of the coin, pun intended. It would do you well to be able to talk about the information that is coming from SADO. SADO is not interested in making it the name of SADO become, as this one would say, a household name. The information that comes from the love of SADO for the broken-hearted is what is important. This one has agreed to put the information on, as you’d say, your web.
SADO is coming from love. We want to support those of you who have chosen the difficult task of being in the physical body. It is a difficult place to be. This work that SADO and other Guides are able to provide is extensive. We wish to provide those experiences that help that guidance, that love come to all. Choose to follow the opportunities that are provided. Choose to make opportunities for SADO. Choose to work with the priorities of your world.
Speaking of free will: Free will is an opportunity. It provides the experiences that would be helpful for you to have learning during the time you are in the physical body.
This one is asking about our statement regarding creating opportunities. Yes, you have the ability to create these opportunities for those that you know, for those that you know can be helped by what SADO has to say. Those are the opportunities that we are talking about. We have been presenting opportunities to you. You can also make opportunities. As this one is saying, make your own luck. This is making your openings for SADO’s messages to come forward. You have opportunities to present SADO. Again, it is not about the name of SADO. That is where ego comes into play. It is the information that we are interested in—the we, as this one says, not the me.
Look for the information, look for the opportunities, work within the confines of the free will. Approach, withstand, fulfill, present all for the opportunities of healing the hearts of the grieving, to heal the hearts of the grieving. This is our purpose. This is our love. This is our energy.
And this one, due to the carrying of SADO, will need to be there as the face of SADO. But the support from the group is important as well. It is our information that the three of you can handle this opportunity, as our sister is unable to attend. [Jane: One of the SADO group was unable to attend this conference due to a prior commitment.]
SADO will be peering over your shoulder. Ha ha ha. As you walk through and with these opportunities, SADO is always with you. Do you have other thoughts? Questions?
Edwina: I am still unclear whether we should all go to this conference. And I am not sure which direction your guidance was pointing us.
SADO: Our guidance, as you call it, is that it is not necessary for all to go to that opportunity of which you speak. It is important for this one, as the face of SADO, to grasp this opportunity, and to be supported by the group. It is important for the group to generate opportunities for SADO to teach, educate and support the broken-hearted. SADO will not make the decision for each of you about whether or not to attend this conference. You need to balance your particular coin. Is that helpful, our sister?
Edwina: I’m sorry, I didn’t understand the last thing you said.
SADO: SADO is asking if you understand the balancing of the coin.
Edwina: I think so. Yes. It’s a difficult balance to figure out, but I will work on my part of it.
SADO: We know that you will.
Chris: SADO, the thing with the other person who channels, and the possibility of her as a channel also, is within the realm of grieving parents. How are we to balance this? I understand your focus is different. Can you speak to that? [Jane: A well known channeler was going to keynote at this conference and hold several other sessions. Our questions were coming more from a lack on confidence in our abilities to do right by SADO than anything else.]
SADO: When the entity is coming from love, there is no competition. There is no reason to see a problem. There is more than enough energy for all to be shown and to provide information that is helpful to the grieving heart. It is difficult to balance the body of the human when the totality becomes at a critical mass. It is important for all to understand that when a feeling of competition arises, the human concept becomes saturated with negativity and nothing positive comes as a result.
You may feel there is an opportunity to share the information of SADO to the groups that you have contact with. It is not about sharing the information with every single person, but with those you think would be helped by SADO’s information. The litmus test, as this one would say, is whether or not sharing the information with a person is going to be sharing from love and the possibility of healing the heart. If you are able to put that first on your question, what is your answer?
Chris: It is to trust that all involved have love at the core of what they are doing. Thank you so much, SADO.
SADO: And we are very happy this information, this energy, is helpful to you.
SADO: The soul is not the essence in totality. The essence is and was and will always be the presence of God. The soul contains the essence and the life plan. As the soul exists it lives and experiences the life programs and challenges. It deals with the elements; gravity, free will, emotions, perceptions, costs and benefits of all activities. It deals with the confinement and constraints of the human body. The soul is the working element of the human experiences.
The essence is the pure presence of God. It is the individuated energy that has been released from the power, the Source and the very existence of God. The chorded strength of the essence shows all the inherent capacity of God’s love, dedication, power, perception, grace, justice, fervor, intelligence and capacity.
When the soul and the essence leave the physical body for the final time, the essence with all her/his knowledge and experiences rejoins with the grand energy of God, thereby providing the continuation of learning for the ENTITY, the Source. The soul, in contrast, maintains a presence that is reachable by and for loved ones, called the hologram. The soul does not maintain the relationship identity (son, daughter, spouse) with those who are in contact but shows it’s self as a peer, confidant, like minded, trusted, soul connected, loved energy. It is great joy when the soul from the human body is able to make this adjustment and sees the reality of this promise. The relationships with those remaining in body become strengthened. This change is felt by the human in body and if conscious of it, the perception of the soul is felt differently than who the connection is relationally. This is something to strive for.
This knowledge is ready for the grieving hearts to know and we wish to present it. As it comes into consciousness it will be worked toward which will help the grieving as well as the soul who longs for a bit of freedom of responsibility. This freedom allows for greater sharing of spiritual matters and provides for a stronger and greater flow of energy that was contracted to be shared on Earth.
SADO: And we are here. Our question to you is this: What are you willing and prepared to do with the information that is uncomfortable and necessary for the grieving heart? We come to educate and to be helpful to the broken hearted. We have chosen to answer your prayers and committed to bring you the information that is going to be helpful to those with the grieving heart. Our commitment is to you. Is your commitment the same? Are you committed as the SADO group to provide to the grieving heart the information that we bring to you? There is no judgment with regard to these questions. We would like the information to be given to the broken hearted, but it is up to you to decide whether or not you are willing to provide that information.
EDWINA: I think our discussion before you came in to talk with us was really that we were uncertain about what the correct information is that we should be passing on. That’s my dilemma anyway. I’m not sure about these issues of free will and life review. I’m not sure what information we should pass on. What is the right information?
SADO: Do you have the information that SADO has provided for you?
EDWINA: Yes, and you have explained free will to us before.
SADO: You don’t need, our sister, to go back and review unless it would be helpful to you. We can provide the information as many times as you would like to hear it.
Edwina: Could you speak to us a little about life review? Whether there is a life review? And how it works?
SADO: Your life review, as you say, is a different process for many people who come home. The process can take place with the guidance of the guides, the Spiritual committee, who will work with the soul through the life they had most recently led. This can be done with others by the examples of how they had lived their life and the influences and opportunities they have had. The Spiritual committee can do it through the books that are written about the life. This can be processed through the life plan that the ONE has created for the soul. It can be done and processed through the life plan that the soul has agreed to. It can be done in as many ways as the essence and as the soul comes together to create what you would call the personality, which becomes the hologram after leaving the body. The Spiritual committee will work with the soul in a way that provides it even more opportunity for movement in the Spiritual development. There is not one way to describe the processing of the life. There are many words in your English language that would be appropriate for this process. Life review is just one of those phrases. Other groups of words like conceptualization, some of them might be the power of the soul and the essence experiences, others might be the life story, or the story of the human existence. If there is not a time for this to be happening it creates a missed opportunity for the growth of the soul.
This one will take dictation from us regarding the relationship between the soul and the essence. The soul has found a place to be housed through the birth of the body. The essence is constantly connected to the whole or the ONE. The soul and the essence are not same thing. There can be essence without a soul. There cannot be a soul without the essence. This is complicated concept that will be shared at another time with the human population. However, you have this information now because you requested the information of your life and your experience through the relationship with SADO. It is not confusing. It is a very simple process. The essence is the ONE. The soul connects/creates the personality for the life in the body. Both the soul and the essence return to home. The essence returns to the ONE as if it was never separated, because it was not. The soul within the hologram stays in the realm in order to be contacted, when needed. The soul contains and creates the personality of the energy in the body. The soul, through the hologram, is what stays available to the loved ones who remain in the body. When you are in communication with the hologram, also known as the soul of the body of your loved ones, it is not the essence. The soul must be available and go through the process of what you would call the life review. This allows for the loved ones to have questions of the soul, now known as the hologram, and deals with that soul when they have come home. It is the energy that you can contact from your side. It shows the added growth that was gained after the soul and essence were released from the body. That is why some likely uninformed people talk as if the personality of the soul is all knowing. They are not all knowing. They only know what they have learned from their experiences in the body as well as what they have learned now that they have come home and worked with their spiritual community and spiritual committee in order to gain insight and assimilate their learning from within the body as well as the learning which can come from the Spiritual committee with the soul on this side. It is very clear how this happens and why. If you have question about this particular issue, we ask that you ask them now, as we would like to move on to a discussion about the ego and the free will.
Edwina: Would you say, SADO, that as you talk about the soul and you talk about the essence that the difference is between two things – I’m still a little confused about the use of the word Spirit? How does Spirit fit in there?
SADO: There are three uses in your language about the word spirit. Most will capitalize the entire word SPIRIT when they are meaning the ONE. The capital first letter Spirit with lower case letters creates the energy of Spirit. The lower case spirit is the energy spirit within the living soul. We do not use that formula. All are coming from SPIRIT, coming from the ONE – to us it is all the same. The essence, which you have within as our sisters, is the essence of all SPIRIT. It is you that makes it different and this does not comply with our language. This one is asking us to explain it in a different way as she is now sitting at our feet with these questions. SPIRIT is the ONE or sometimes you might call GOD. It is the mass of energy. That is the only SPIRIT. In your language talking about the spirit of the human is the essence. There is not a difference but unlike your theory concerning language, the use of spirit in three ways is even confusing to us. Ha ha ha. There is no need for the difference in using. SPIRIT is GOD.
Edwina: Is it then an incorrect use of the word if someone says, a person passes from a physical life to the other side that their spirit has passed?
SADO: We see that this is common to your culture. It is not what we would consider to be helpful and realistic. The whole essence with the word soul is better to describe the actual interest of the information.
Edwina: What about the use of the consciousness? That is something I say, I believe that consciousness survives death. Is that misleading?
SADO: The word in your culture “consciousness” is attributed to the thinking mind, the brain and how the brain thinks. There is a possibility of understanding of consciousness as the part of the human being that defies the death of the body. If the attribution of this word is coming to mean SPIRIT or essence or the soul, again three words that seem to mean the same thing in your language, that may be the correct use of the word. But you need to understand and remember this is not what you would consider all the knowledge. The word consciousness is mostly not the same as SPIRIT, the ONE, GOD.
LYNN: That is where the ego comes in.
SADO: It is confused with the knowledge gained while in the body. The ego is an interesting part of the human experience. When you see that someone is very passionate about a specific idea they have generated from their own consciousness, that passion is usually ego. When you find being open to the possibility of a difference that is true essence. That is the true soul. That is the healthy combination of the essence and the soul.
And now we must speak of free will. You have come to the planet of free will. Free will is what allows you to make the different decisions of your life. All humans have free will. All animals have free will and the rocks and the trees on your planet have free will. This is something you can be passionate about because it is not information that you have created from, as you would say, your consciousness. As this one has explained, all possibilities of experiences over the life plan come from SPIRIT because these possibilities have been given to you before coming into body.
There is one among your population, actually more than one, who is creating a strong abundance with this view of not having free will. That is something that will be looked into during the growth or as you might say, the “life review”. This is not for you to debate. This is your opportunity to show your commitment to those who are the broken hearted. Life is an opportunity to experience, to provide information and love. It is an opportunity to do God’s work, SPIRIT’S work. When you open yourself up to this possibility it will bring great joy to you as well as to us. Yes, there is a way for you to provide this information to those who are struggling. There is a ready format for this process that we have discussed with this one. We have provided information and expended energy during this time. If you have other questions, it would be good to ask those questions soon.
Lynne: So I understood you to say that it was not a subject to debate, but it is a subject that we need to give the information to those who need it, who it would bring peace to. Is that correct?
SADO: The word, “need” is not a need (ha ha). It would show your commitment to your work with SADO. But, there is no judgment toward you.
Lynn: So, if we are not going to debate it, I don’t understand how we can provide the information.
SADO: There is one of you who understand this, as does this one. And it is enough.
SADO: And now we must speak of free will. We hear the tenets of those who speak on this subject, reportedly from their guidance. We would like you to understand the mistaken viewpoint of there is no free will and see it, as we do, that it is damaging to the human experience. Please understand that you, our sons and daughters, our sisters and brothers, have come to the planet of free will. The planet Earth was designed to offer you the learning environment, or as some say Earth school, where you can learn from your decisions, relationships and consequences. If all is planned, there is no learning for you and for your soul. In essence, there is no reason to be. God, the great energy stream, does not need you to learn from God, but from yourselves and each other. The only way this happens is by making decisions that are in reaction to others in the human condition or by being proactive which ultimately affords others living in body to react to your proactivity. God’s energy is the only all-knowing system and therefore you, being in human body, have work to do.
All things with energy have free will. All humans have free will. All animals have free will. All plants have free will. You are not a puppet with God pulling the strings. God has no interest in playing that part in your life. The energy of you, that is the God within, wants to learn and experience all it can while you are in the human body. It wants to experience the effects of your planet: gravity, emotions, atmosphere, relationships, dichotomies, separation, positivity and negativity. These are all experienced and understood through the decisions you make each and every day.
Through free will you have the advantages, choices and circumstances to learn by making different decisions during your lifetime in the body. These decisions and learning lessons assist your soul and your essence to have human experiences and to shape your beliefs through your learning of cause and effect. Many of you have repeated the same test over and over again. Some with no difference in results, but many of you learn through the decisions you make and choose not to repeat the next time a similar choice is presented to you. There is no judgment made by your guidance and spiritual committees regarding your choices. You are supported to continue making these choices and learning from whatever the consequences of those decisions are. We welcome this learning, understand it can be difficult for you and are with you each step that you take.
So busy, so tired, so exhausted, so drained! These are the words we hear you speak. Earth is not set up as a learning environment when there is no balance. Do you ever feel so tired, so drained, so exhausted when you are learning and communing with SPIRIT?
Balance your 24 hour day by spending time with SPIRIT. We hear you say, “But I must work to keep a roof over my head and satisfy others”. We are pleased when you include SPIRIT in the work you do. It should not be separate as that depletes you.
Become practiced at joining with SPIRIT during your daytime and evening activities. Join when you are cleaning the dishes, folding the clothes, taking the dog out, transporting the children. These moments of connection are truly important to your soul’s growth. That which you hear during these times sets up the future learning situations and experiences. They promote health and healing. They show your love for SPIRIT and allow you to feel the unconditional and unqualified love SPIRIT has for you. How can you doubt this love when it comes in these moments?
Work toward the balance as you gently change how you live your life. The difference will be felt and your body will perform in a way that assures you your energy is indeed coming from Source; the original POWER GRID! You were born with the right adapter. It may need to be twisted around a bit, (ha ha) but we need you to trust that it will and does fit. Breathe it in and be fulfilled and satisfied as nothing else you can do. Notice the feeling of being filled up. Isn’t it delightful!
Lastly, as your cravings appear, know they are born of an emptiness of SPIRIT in your soul. Our stations never run out and are always within your budget.
SADO: We show you the symbol for change — the delta. We present this as a call for CHANGE — a reaction that will enable a new, a changed action. Your society, your planet is asking for many changes and has been doing so for many decades. It is time for ∆ and many are providing physical showings to suggest and push for changes to be made.
The violence that you are witnessing throughout your planet are pushing you to make plans for as well as making changes yourself. Some in your society say there is no reason to change the laws for weapons and laws about the moral treatment of the physical inhabitants. SADO shows that as less than desirable. When weapons are placed in the hands of those who desire changes that do not provide for the sanctity of existence, control must be instituted in ways to allow all to experience their choices. As you know, all are welcomed home. Experience time can be cut short by the free will of others. This is understood once processed, but not beneficial for one with a life well lived.
At this point in your existence change is in the hands of the many. It is presumed to be in the hands of the few whom your society has become dependent on to do this in the past. Unfortunately, their ears are clogged with personal and egotistical rhetoric and governing for the masses and the health and fitness of the Earth school becomes not as important to them.
Require ∆! Institute ∆! Be a maker of ∆! You are needed and will be revered for doing so. We hear some saying, “I’m staying out of it”. We say, “IMPOSSIBLE”. You are all in it. You say, “You are what you eat”. We say, “You are what you live”. You are living in a time and period of violence and judgment. Do not allow this to be in your heart unless you refuse to be the change agent necessary. Possibilities and opportunities are presented to you. Don’t “stick your head in the sand” as this one would say. Stand up and be counted. Don’t dwell on today’s reality but strive for and live in the world you see, feel and believe in. You come to create change. Allow it to be!
Society is held accountable for the actions of a few and reactions of the many. It is what has become tolerable and tolerated that will continue to be the “permanent” fixtures and experiences in your day-to-day life. You have allowed the infiltration of violence to become commonplace although you attest to shock and dismay when it happens to those you love, those who are in the image of you. The population of your world has decided that murder and violence is entertaining. You watch it, dream about it, talk about it, recommend it to one another as if it was mind growing but it is mind BLOWING!!!! This takes your society into dark places.
Use your influence, your abilities and your platform to speak out against this scourge. Be informed in a way that allows you to see the reality of your world. Do not use this as entertainment. Be watchful of what you put in your mind. If you find it disturbing S.T.O.P. (Send To Other Place). Send it to us and we will extinguish it! This will take the masses to perfect, but start with you. You are not alone and you are not powerless.
As long as you live it, the information becomes more real. It becomes your reality. Reality seeks itself. It will multiply.
There is much being ingested through your devices that you are unaware of. If a society as stilted as Cuba can affect the health and well being of diplomats, what do you believe others who are more scientifically sophisticated have the ability to do? Be careful! Be watchful! Be loving! When you notice your thoughts becoming fearful and worrisome, trace the previous hours and days to what your conversations have been and what your eyes have been seeing. Much will not be identifiable, but it is there.
SADO: Funny word! Many see abundance as money, food, friends, loved ones, love, shelter, security and all things positive. However, abundance relates to everything on your planet. You see abundant leafs both on your trees and on your ground. There is an abundance of cars on the streets, an abundance of children in your schools, an abundance of starvation on your planet; sorrow, dismay, depression, fear, anxiety . . . There are those who pray abundantly for abundance (ha ha) but without specific knowledge to their guidance about what is being asked for abundantly, it cannot be given and we are left to interpret for ourselves!
Be thankful for the positive abundance in your life and be specific when giving thanks. Also be specific about that which you do not want abundantly. We are here to serve you including giving you abundance in a positive sense. We see that learning can be called in through your wish for abundance as well. However, you may not see these opportunities for advancement as positively as we do!
Remember you are the ones wearing the earth suits. You get to make those decision that we hear and pledge to honor.
SADO: The reality that there is a need for this work to be spiritually based for the broken hearted is true. There is no other way for the heart to be healed. However, there are some that follow a traditional spirituality and their healing is as important to them as your healing is to you. You are following in a so-called non-traditional way. They are comfortable with the traditional structure. They may not have the need to be healed by the contact with their child in Spirit. That seems very foreign to you and we understand but it is a reality.
It is important for you to look at the four legged stool as you all talked about from the information shared by our sister Christine. (This was about four grief organizations.) Each of those legs is serving a purpose for the broken hearted. It is important for those organizations to provide information in a global way so those who need to be served in a certain way, whether it be a traditional grieving way or a non traditional spiritual way can join the organization that can be in their highest and best good. That is the way it is. The way they each create this help will be a refinement of their purpose and their structure. That is not the responsibility of SADO or this SADO group. We come to you to provide information and it is up to you, our sisters, to decide where that information is going to be most useable and most helpful. But those two things are going to have to work together, as this one would say, to dovetail.
Those that you touch wherever you go and bring about SADO’s words we see and appreciate because our mission is about healing the broken hearted. You have the ability to bring this information, to distribute this information. The information that we have, the education that we provide is like water. It will find the cracks and the crevices to go through the human condition and into the heart. The intention that you have to bring this information to the broken hearted, ahhhhh makes our centers quicken with delight. Provide this information to the open ears. Provide this information in all ways, using all senses of the earth suit. It is not enough to tell and say you are loved. It is true; you are loved in a way you cannot possibly understand. But, it is not enough for the broken hearted. There is more, as this one would say, healing power in knowing. It is in the knowing that is so important and impactful. It is in the knowing of that child, it is in the evidential information that is so important.
SADO: And we are here.
Lynn: Welcome, welcome.
SADO: And we have heard the information that you have inquired, and we are glad that you understand that SADO is fulfilling their promise to you with regard to opportunities. These opportunities will continue to be part of your life and more opportunities will come with the more opportunities that you allow. And to our sister, Lynn, we feel you are handling this opportunity in the way that SADO would like. The frequency of these opportunities will be given with regard to the free beings from your community. We appreciate your work and the way you are willing to work in your lifetimes to bring this information to the broken hearted. We are providing this information to as many organizations and groups that will listen.
Hahaha. There is cotton in some ears. Never fear the cotton will not last. The information and the opportunities that are presented will match the willingness of the SADO group. All information that you have been given needs to be given. It has not been strictly for the four of you. The wealth of this program is important for it to be given. The work between the SADO moments needs to be in the transcription of the information that has already been given. There is much information here. It would be very wise and helpful for your lives to bring this information forward in a more current way. The information about your societies and how they are operating at this point in time would be a good piece of information to make sure it is getting “airtime”. It was not a prediction when this information was offered to you, but when you go back to that transcribed session it will seem like a prediction on where your society is at the present moment. As this one would say, it is not rocket science. The pieces of information that we had given you about The One are that important. The pieces of information about studying the spirituality of The One, is very important. The information about opening up to SPIRIT, is very important. The information about the broken hearted, not only being about those souls who fit the difficult description of being broken hearted, that is very important. The information about love, the information about the kind of love that we have for all of you cannot be spoken enough.
We are very glad and happy and joyful that the information that was supplied during our lifetime together is being taken in and used. The mission statement that was given to the SADO group needs to be worlds apart from what was previously thought about Spiritual information sharing. We are very consumed with this group, the SADO group. We are consumed with the control and the power that this group can afford the broken hearted. We understand the need for this. We understand the helpfulness of this. We pray to you who will release this information. We cannot make that any clearer to you. There is no judgement. We just tell you our feelings about this.
What questions do you have for us to entertain?
Lynn: Well, you talk about the way I was handling the situation and I wanted to know, and you gave us the best…
SADO: You are going to be surrounded with circumstances of the free will of the organizers. You have done your part.
Lynn: OK, should I send them a transcript of an audio of your teachings?
SADO: We would like the information to be spread far and wide.
Lynn: So at no point hold back?
SADO: Our wish for the SADO group is to follow the mission statement.
Lynn: OK. I’m Ok. I mean it will find its own cracks and crevices to seep down and do what it’s supposed to do if we spread the word.
SADO: That is very correct. The cracks and crevices are like a big heart.
Lynn: Ok. My other question is, am I going to look on physical phenomena as the way to make a first contact for newbies to show them that SPIRIT is available to them? I don’t want to do this as just a parlor trick but as actual spiritual contact and a way of opening up their senses and their clairs, to be able to see, hear and feel their own Spirit. Is that okay?
SADO: It’s not easy for us, the circle of SADO to understand the need for the rapping and the rattling.
Lynn: Say that again. You do not understand the need for the tapping and the rapping?
SADO: That is correct.
Lynn: OK. I understand that you do not want to participate in that but in order to get people interested, sometimes they need to have the first tapping or rapping. Maybe not from you but from their own guides or, I don’t know maybe I am going about this all wrong that’s why I was asking about it.
SADO: We believe that the proof of SPIRIT is love and bringing the broken hearted from the separation. The tapings and the rappings and the rattlings we understand you believe that would speak to the human level. Those are, as you would say, lower level vibrations. The true gift of SPIRIT is in what you hear to get you to leave a situation that is going to be incongruent with your life plan.
Lynn: That’s true. That just happened. You have to get to that level.
SADO: We are aware. Is it needed to have lower level proof to be able to connect with the noises that you as humans require? That would be an important part of what we would like you to teach about.
Lynn: Yes.
SADO: Because that is the hook, as this one would say?
Lynn: That is the hook. Right. And then we should go from there to teaching more about love and oneness.
SADO: Listening to feeling the love, feeling the lack of separation, feeling the togetherness with SPIRIT, understanding how all our physical bodies are one is important. The true teachings are about the love of SPIRIT for those in the human body. We would also like for you to teach about the soul and the essence that is on this website. It is very important.
Lynn: OK. Right.
SADO: There is information about reincarnation which many of those in human body are very interested in. The information is correct with regard to the final life in human body.
Lynn: The final life?
SADO: In the human body. You will unfortunately not have time to bring it all through in the detail that we would bring it through but the opportunities that you will have with separate visits to individual groups will be important and factual. The opportunities are not only for the large groups but these also will be for the individual participants in conferences, in circles, in organizations, and even in family matters.
Edwina: So does this mean that our participation and discussion forums such as the one last week with the Zammits is a good way to go for us?
SADO: That is an opportunity that we have also created.
Edwina: I thought so.
SADO: Your sisters will have other opportunities as well. These opportunities will match your, as you say, your personality. The opportunities will go on and on, on to spring and on to five scenarios. Please watch for those. When you are able to bring the information from SADO into your lifetimes, when you are able to know what SADO has to bring you, when you are able to create a situation where you are living the words of SADO, the information will flow from you in different situations.
Edwina: So we shouldn’t worry too much about always saying the right thing but trust that you will be helping us?
SADO: We will always be with you. We appreciate your ability to release and reread the information that SADO has provided for the SADO group in the past.
Lynn: It seems like one of my foci on how to approach a new group for me is to encourage them to pay attention to their intention and not so many rules and regulations that have been set down ahead of them about how to communicate with SPIRIT and with their own inner selves or their own higher selves. I feel like this is a very strong and important message because a lot of people believe that what other people have done in the past sets some kind of rules or regulations on how to communicate with SPIRIT. Where I have found that your intention and your love and your basic intention on what you want to do with the information, as far as sharing, learning, helping, healing, creates a much stronger bond with SPIRIT than rules and regulations. Is this true to pursue like that?
SADO: There are many who would like to control how this information is being given, there is some information that is not quite, as you would say, genuine. It matters not why the information is not genuine. We wish you to understand that the, as you would say, level is appropriate to use in your teaching forum. It will bring others who would like to be able to listen and hear and learn about their life and to live their life with their SPIRIT within being in control of the body and the mind. You know the appropriate information. Do not apologize for that knowledge. The knowledge that is counter-intuitive to that usually has some disingenuousness about it. That is not an issue with this group because we will not allow. (Hahaha). This one is saying, “You will not allow us to get too big for our britches.”
ALL: Laughing
SADO: Ha ha ha.
SADO: (another voice) We ask you to continue your work with The Course in Miracles. That is important for the foundation of the information that we are giving you. Please understand that information is provided for you on the spirituality through the ability to be with SADO. It is important to us that you form this foundation. And we normally speak as the group of SADO but if something is very important to one of its members then that member will take the floor.
Lynn: Was that a different member?
SADO: Oh yes.
Edwina; Yes, we could tell, the change and the tone of voice. We could hear it.
Lynn: Who was it? Could they introduce themselves?
SADO: That is Doctor Sinfford.
Lynn: Doctor Zinffor? Could you say that again?
SADO: That is correct.
Lynn: And could you tell me a little about Doctor Sinfford?
SADO: In good time.
Lynn: In good time. Thank you. Well, A Course in Miracle definitely helps me on a daily basis and I intend to get back making it another step in my spiritual path on a daily basis because it leads me. I feel so good afterwards and it gives me another way to look at the Holy Spirit and Jesus and God in my life and the way I can incorporate them in my daily life, in my own belief system, in my own, looking at myself in a different way. So I know how important it is. And thank you, thank you, thank you for bringing it to me and I hope to be able to inspire others to take it upon themselves to do the same.
SADO: As we bring this information it steels your heart. And learning to live with this information is important for your spiritual development, your abilities to hear, see, feel, taste and smell. Please take heart, deny fear and understand the words of Spirit.
Lynn: Absolutely, I can already tell the difference, just in the short time, in the last couple weeks that I have gotten back to it.
Edwina: The message from and mention of Doctor Sinfford makes me remember and want to ask about when I’ve read, the messages from SADO that are posted on Jane’s web site, one of them quotes SADO as saying, I’m not remembering it exactly right but, that you are a group of Spirits who are from another universe. And somehow I didn’t realize that. Does that mean that you are from another universe and have those of you in SADO not had human lives on our earth?
SADO: Some of us have had many lives on your planet. Many of us have not. It is different however because we have the ability to experience the human experiences without having the body. We are enjoying being able to feel the blanket through this one.
Edwina: It’s so hard for us earth beings to comprehend the idea that it takes a big leap of faith sometimes that life is continuous much less to try and take in an understanding that there are other lives, and other beings and other universes. It’s quite overwhelming to think about.
Lynn: Do we sometimes travel in our dreams?
SADO: Sometimes. But you have so much to work out in the planetary system that you are in, it is difficult for you to move on that many levels in your galaxy. The levels that you are able to experience in your dreams is quite enough for many who are in the human body.
Edwina: Well I feel very honored to have been able to be in contact with Spirits from even beyond our universes. It’s amazing. I feel very honored.
SADO: And we are very honored that you called us into being with you. And it is enough.
SADO: And we are here.
LYNN: Welcome.
SADO: And we welcome you to this gathering. And we bring you peace and love. We pray for your contentment and the promise of the future that it spreads. We welcome your energy to this group with SADO. We are happy that you have invited us to be with you this evening. It is a special time in your calendar year. It is a special time in your year. It will be looked upon as a time of great change. We encourage you to embrace the change that you are experiencing. We urge you to look at the information and allow it to provide the working path for your life.
We are a group of twelve energies. Why would we not be as recognized as souls? Souls, as you would say, are living in the body. Many of us have not done that nor are we planning to do this in the future. There is much curiosity from the SADO group about SADO. We have told you this information will come in due time. It is for you to understand that this is a group of twelve individual energies. Some can understand the problems that you face, as this one would say, wearing the Earth suit. Hahaha.
All: (laughing)
SADO: We are now able to have communication with you regarding that process. It is hard for the little ones who are wearing the Earth suits. We are speaking directly to those in this group that would be a part of this. Understand that your little ones do not know why they can’t fly. You may find that they try. And that is because of their memories from past lives. The word lives does not imply only to those times where the Earth suit was worn. Be helpful to them and help them understand that they are prohibited from doing those things that they remember so well doing. Many of you have forgotten what it feels like to be out of the Earth suit. Your little ones do not fit in this parameter. We hear your pleas in creating your consciousness. We are working with you in doing this. We are providing for you the foundational information that you are using for this group. It is working. No intense energy that is providing for the positive nature of the world goes unnoticed.
We side with this direction of this work. We wish for you to have patience with your spirit world in helping to bring about change. To us, there is no time. We understand that you have time, only time, only time, only time. It is not our understanding or the way our energies exist. Let go of the time element that so drives you. Be at peace knowing that all is well. Do not fret. Do not become impatient with the changes that you believe need to be. Remember you are on the planet of free will. It does not allow us to provide, as this one would say, the map as you continue changing your own guidance. Hahaha
All: (laughing)
SADO: We are with you. There is no separation. We are you, as you are us. We would like to bring a message of hope and our gratitude to each of you. We are grateful that you come together to share your energy. And when more than one of you assemble the energy is tripled not doubled. Believe that is the mathematician of this group. Hahaha
All: (laughing)
SADO: What’s the power of three with two times the number of you present? It is beneficial for you to gather together even if you do not feel the great changes that you are hoping for. Patience, our busy daughters, patience.
And we have told this one that we would leave time for questions if that is what you would like. If this is not the case, we will continue bringing messages, rambling on. Hahaha
All: (laughing)
Lynn: Does someone there have a question?
All: No. Not from the group.
SADO: It was a joke.
All: (laughing)
Sitter: The little ones that fly?
SADO: It is important that you learn to understand that the names that we have for the little ones are not compatible with the names that you have given your babies. For us, their names are SPIRIT given and derived. All the little ones have a memory and feel, as you would say, of the Earth age of around 8 years. The memories they bring, and their known abilities are more from the SPIRIT side than wearing the Earth suit side and time.
Sitter: Is there a cure for cancer?
SADO: The cure for cancer cannot be shown at this time. Until your society has the ability to allow people to exit, there will always need to be escape actions. Cancer is, what you would call, a disease that provides an escape action. However, sometimes when people are asking for an escape, they might change their mind. This is what you might call a miracle cure.
Sitter 1: This might be a very Earth suit question.
SADO: It is Ok, it is a very difficult term.
Sitter: And I know I am also asking a time question which time in your world is very different from time on the Earth plane, but as we live through this unsettling political time, I was just wondering if you can give us some insight into maybe where we are in this process of change? Are we still in the very beginning? Are we midway through this? Fingers crossed; closer to the end? I know I am asking very Earth-bound time-based question?
SADO: You are an inquisitioner.
All: (laughing)
SADO: We appreciate your question and we have one for you. Where do you think this change is on the continuum of changeability?
Sitter 1: I believe and hope we are in the middle of it.
SADO: We are very sorry to tell you that you, happily, are wrong.
Sitter 1: Happily? Closer to the end?
SADO: No, if the change of this kind of problem, as you see it, was in the middle or the end it would hardly be worthwhile. The opportunity that your civilization has to make the changes is in the infancy. This is good news. It means that you will not need to elect another change master. Allow this change to run its course. The confidence in the changes that you see, that you can imagine, and that you are planning for, they are coming, unless SPIRIT decides they need to stop the change. This is highly unlikely due to your wish and willingness to 1) listen to your ego and 2) be on the planet of free will.
Sitter 1: Do we need to reelect this change master?
SADO: Do you need to reelect this change master before you’ll be able to institute the changes needed through the afore won election? That our baby daughters, is up to you and your civilization.
Sitter 1: So, as a spiritual group if we wanted to work so that this single election change factor does perhaps move this thing along, what additional things can we do to move this forward…to help progress knowing that we have the opportunity to do so?
SADO: When you allow positive thoughts for change to impact what is happening in your world, the changes will become stronger and will produce the changes you seek. Work together as this group and form other groups to make this happen.
Please remember that your thoughts create. They not only create the abundances and the joy, but they also create the changes that you would like to see.
And it is enough.