SADO (1-13-19)#.
SADO: And we are here.
Lynn: Welcome SADO.
SADO: And it has been quite a long process. Hahaha. We have been waiting for this opportunity to work together in this way. We wish to thank you for your attempts to fulfill the contract and agreement that you have pursued with us. We appreciate your time and your effort in these matters. It has been as you would say, a difficult time to connect in this way. We would hope, (this one thinks that this word coming from us is funny haha), that we could pursue this arrangement and our activities to be together in this way more properly. In this way, we are hoping we can become more popular on your calendar. Hahaha. We look forward to our meeting and sharing the information.
This one is disturbed by the sentence including the word sharing. This one is concerned about the information that she feels the SADO group is sharing with SADO. It is important for you to understand that the questions that you ask is sharing information with SADO. It is important for us to understand what it is that you are interested in. Your questions allow us to present information that you are interested in hearing about. It is unwise for SADO to provide you with information that you are not ready or willing to hear. We would like this year on your calendar to be filled with questions that you’d like to have information about. We understand that you have questions to present today.
Lynn: Yes, SADO, we do have questions today. You probably have overheard our conversation in our conversations last week and also today about crystals and meteorites and how they could best serve us here through meditation with them or healing and we would like your input on that, SADO, please.
SADO: Do you understand our sister, Lynn, that the belief that you have carries more weight than the stone?
Lynn: Ok, I did not know that.
SADO: If one believes who is ill that being in the sunshine, facing the East for 2.2 seconds of the 4pm hour will heal them, the body will respond to this healing and it will heal. That is not due to the 2.2 seconds, it is about the belief. The belief that the beautiful stones that you surround yourself with is powerful. Can it be accomplished without the stone being present? The answer to this is yes. The mind that does not reside within the earth suit but resides with the One is more powerful in anything in healing, spirituality, connection, answers than anything else that you could have or would need. It is the belief that you carry about the crystals and the stones that are appropriately making the difference. We don’t want to blow up the balloon of those who believe in the rocks having special powers, but we are answering your question in SADO’s way of truthfulness. It is the belief that you have about everything that makes the difference. It is the reason that when you say a statement that does harm or is harmful to the self that will carry, as you would say, much weight. That which you hold as truth about others, is also held as truth about the self. This is very important, and we wish to talk more about this in the future. The beliefs, the attitudes, the information that you hold in your heart makes the difference in the life, the health, the energy of those who are wearing the Earth suit and the belief that you have about those who have shed the Earth suits also carries a great deal of energy. There is nothing more important than the belief structure that you have. This one is saying this is where the statement comes from regarding a dog walking through a glass house. Hahaha. The rocks are the belief.
Lynn: I’m sorry, SADO, would you repeat that one more time?
SADO: Your rocks are your beliefs.
Lynn: Our rocks are our beliefs, OK. Alright, Thank you. It makes sense now that you say it of course we’re human so others give us ideas that we think, that is the main thing that we can actually strengthen our connection through these things but actually it’s our beliefs that we need to strengthen.
SADO: That is very true our sister, Lynn.
Edwina: I have a related question. This is something I have struggled with before and I heard other supported answers to it but I, the question is: What is happening in those situations when, for example when someone is very seriously ill and they have prayed and believed that their prayer or whatever spiritual practice they are doing will heal them but the healing doesn’t happen. What is going on there?
SADO: That is incorrect. The healing always happens but perhaps not in the way that those in the Earth suits would like to see it happen. If the ego is strong, the information is coming from the Earth suit. The Earth suit does not want to be shed from the heart. It wants to continue to experience. The experiences of the Earth suit take on a life of its own. Hahaha. The prayers that you speak of our sister are coming from the Earth suit. The soul has the map; the map carried by the soul has the answers. But please make sure then, that the healing or the death takes place in exactly the way it needs to take place. It’s the soul; the One energy that is in charge.
Edwina: Ok, thank you.
Chris: Thank you SADO, that answers a lot. I am going in a different direction. I am following up from the last time we spoke where we had the planetary influence and now since it is the 13th and we no longer have that influence, is there anything that bereaved people/parents should know about this new year and how because this is no longer an influence, how can they be better connected?
SADO: The channel has gone through its spring cleaning. Hahaha. It is now bright and shiny. The information going both ways is much smoother now than it has been before the shift occurred. You will find our sister, Christine, that those that you work with will feel this difference and you’ll feel how smooth the information is flowing. They will feel the information is very billowy, very wispy. They will feel the information coming and going from the heart. They will feel the connection within the torso of the body. You have also felt this shift.
Chris: Yes
SADO: This is a good shift.
Chris: It certainly is.
SADO: That we are very happy to be able to endorse for your society. When opening the heart, the information is there so quickly that the work does not seem to be as difficult. It is more effortless. This shift was needed to provide, as some in your society would say, the veil getting thinner, the veil lifting, and the ability to come home. You will notice this continuing. It is a good time for people in your society to engage in the communication with those on our side although we find that to be a really weak thought process. Hahaha. We don’t take sides. Hahaha. We are very funny today. Hahaha.
Chris: Thank you so much SADO.
SADO: This one’s energy is not quite what it needs to be for the length of today’s session that we’d like to have so we will offer you one more question and then leave this one to be able to complete this one today.
Edwina: I have a question if no one else has one. SADO you spoke to us; I believe several months ago about forgiveness. I wonder if you could, you were talking about the conference and forgiving those who are fearful. Would you just speak more about forgiveness, just the concept of forgiveness? That’s an issue for me personally as well as in a broader way.
SADO: Again, we talk about truths. We talk about the belief of forgiveness. We ask you; do you believe that you can forgive, and you can be forgiven? If the belief is there, it will be. If the belief is not there, that is work that needs to be completed between the ego and the mind of the One. It is your responsibility to forgive. It is part of your work that needs to be completed for the connection with the One to be complete. And it is enough.
All: Thank you, SADO. Thank you for coming.
SADO: And we are here.
Lynn: Welcome.
SADO: And we thank you for your time and your energy and the way you prioritize your life to bring the words and the teachings of SADO to your communities. We understand that you have different priorities than those who work in the world of the spirit. This one is laughing and saying it sounds like an airline commercial. Hahaha. We thank our sister Christine for putting the information in her newsletter. Those that the information touches, find it is helpful for them. There are answers to questions that have not been posed out loud. SADO hears the questions from their hearts and SADO answers the questions from their hearts. It is time for those questions to be spoken and illustrated in a way that the answers can tap into the questions of the broken-hearted. By showing the questions and the answers from SADO it provides a link to the emotional, the mental, the physical and the spiritual bodies. This is the reason SADO has been giving information for some time. We now ask for the equal partnership with those of the broken-hearted group.
We would like to use a platform that would open the possibility of questions from those you are in groups with to ask those who you love in community if they have questions for SADO. This can be done as you say electronically. This can be done face to face. This can be done through writing. This can be done through thoughts and through conversation with those you come into contact with. Not only do we want information and questions from this group who entertains SADO but also from others that SADO can be helpful and the information can be meaningful to.
There have been some questions with regard to the body, the soul in the body and when that happens. There are many theories about the soul being contained within the human body, the earth suit. There is no containment of the soul. There is no containment of the soul! The soul was whole and total before the earth suit was created. The soul is whole and total when the earth suit is destroyed. The earth suit is simply a container. The soul was, as you would say, alive and in existence before, during and after the earth suits were created.
When those of the broken-hearted are missing the body and the soul of the person who they feel had died, that is an erroneous statement as the soul never dies. The earth suit or the body does die. It changes form. The soul does not change form. The soul is soul is the soul. This one’s animal is having a difficult time listening. (Jane’s dog was barking.) We will work on that. It is important for the broken-hearted to understand there is no separation. There is no separation of the soul from God. There is no separation from the soul to the soul to the soul. It is important for the grieving broken-hearted to understand that they are missing the body – the earth suit. They are not missing the soul as the soul is more impactful, closer and more within than it could ever have been when it was trying to be contained in the earth suit. This is a difficult concept but one that would be extremely helpful to those who are grieving from the broken-hearted group. It is important that this fact be brought forward. It is important that SADO be known as the creator of this information not because there is an ego issue but because it lays a foundation for SADO’s information and education ability.
We came and answered your call to be the educators of you and be one of the educational factors. The education that we are giving will be of comfort. We wish to provide the comfort. We wish to provide the knowledge. We wish to provide the love. We wish to provide the compatibility between those that understand that the soul exists not more not less. The soul exists. It is permissible to miss the earth suit. It is advisable. It is important to generate the impact of earth suit to those remaining in the earth suit. This is common, the commonality of being a soul wearing an earth suit. This is the grief and it needs to be identified as such. Grief is not the missing, the pining, the longing of the soul. This is the problem with some of your organizations that do not support knowing the souls continue to exist. That grief will never heal. That grief will never heal! The grief of missing the earth suit can abate. There is no grief of missing the soul as the soul has not dissipated or changed form in any way. It is wise, it is helpful, it is imperative to understand that the missing and the grief is about the earth suit.
We wish you to understand this message and to open this information to those who belong to the grieving broken-hearted group. It is important for the SADO group and for all those who wish to educate those who remain in the earth suits of this fact. It is as this one would say,” life changing.” We have offered to answer questions for you during this session. We are prepared and ready to do that.
Lynn: I heard you say a couple things twice and in a different accent…
SADO: Why is that so important for you to know who is speaking? We are the SADO group and you have asked these questions before. We will not be named.
Lynn: I understand. I am sorry. I was just going to say, that we should perhaps, are you accenting this not only towards me today or all of us but is this a new twist that you want us to focus on when we present ourselves to another group about SADO?
SADO: This is not new and this is not a twist. This is the information that is needed by those who are what you would call grieving who belong to the broken-hearted. It is the foundational piece as this one would say.
Lynn: Yes, it is and it’s very important to me to reach that level where I, in my own grief do not miss the body, the human body, I mean I do not miss her soul because she is always right here, she exists forever, always has been, always will be and I can tell that that is definitely very, very important, the foundation of allowing me to move through this. Thank you.
SADO: We appreciate the ability to talk to you in a stern way but it always comes with complete love and understanding. It is important for the information to be presented to you in a way that you understand the importance of the information. You have the ability to take the information and provide this to others. We are not being derogatory, stern or communicating in a way that is chastising to you. We wish you to know the importance of the information that you request. There are those in our group who feel very strongly about those who are suffering within the earth suits. You have asked us for information and we wish to bring it to you in a way that can be helpful and promote healing. Those in the earth suit have much they have wanted and agreed to experience while they remain in the earth suits. If they are having an experience which is incorrect, it is also unhealthy. We wish to provide the information in a way that will provide the health and the complete understanding of what happens within and outside of the earth suit. We do not mean to upset those who come to the SADO group.
Edwina: I’m wondering, if in light of what you are saying today, whether we should change the focus of our presentation. You’ve spoken a lot about soul today and the permanent existence of the soul and I realize that although that is underlying everything we’ve made in our presentations, we don’t talk about the soul, actually. Should we gear our presentation when we present to a group, more in that direction?
SADO: This information was not given to you today with regard to the presentation that you’ll do one time. This information was given to you today to guide all conversation, all meaningful communication you have with those who are grieving that belong to the group of the broken-hearted.
Edwina: Ok, I understand that. I think we are already are doing that.
SADO: No, you are not doing this in a consistent way. You continue to sanction the grief of the whole person who has, as you would say, “died.” This is incorrect. We wish to bring you this information to understand this is incorrect. When you allow the conversation to be about the, “whole person” that is incorrect. That is unhealthy. That is promoting a negative energy. The whole person, as you would say, has not “died”, as you would say. The body, the earth suit has died, has changed forms. The soul has not changed forms. Do you see the difference?
Edwina: I do see the difference and what’s going through my mind right now is, is it more difficult for someone who has had a very recent loss to understand these concepts, than someone who is further along?
SADO: Would you allow someone to eat the green leaves of the rhubarb while they get sick?
Edwina: No.
SADO: Would you stop their misbeliefs at the beginning to provide for them to be healthy? Is it kind to allow the misinformation to start to be? Is it possible to gently give the information of the truth at the beginning of the story?
Edwina: I think we would like to do that. It is a challenge.
SADO: You have invited us in to the challenge to provide opportunities for learning.
Edwina: We need your help and thank you for it.
SADO: And we will accept one final question.
Chris: SADO, mine is not quite on this topic. In my shower message this morning they said to discover my true self that I was to pursue learning tools. Is this validation for the card reading divination tools; tools that we can use to help us strengthen ourselves in the process?
SADO: Our dear sister, Christine, you do not need tools. You do not need games, you do not need techniques. The discovering of self is discovery of truth. It is the discovery of knowing your helpfulness to your community. It is imperative that the information that you have can be provided. We again have problems with the soul in the fuzzy suit. (Jane’s dog was barking.) It is important for you to know that the only aspect of yourself to know and to appreciate and to put forward is your love. The love that you have for your community will show when you give them the information that is true, that is healthy. You do not need tools. The fuzzy one is not listening. (Again, Jane’s dog was barking.)
Chris: I am. Thank you SADO, very much.
SADO: You have all you need inside of you. You do not need from the outside. It is all there. The understanding, the experiences, the healthiness. And it is enough.
Chris: Thank you so much SADO.
SADO: And we are here
Lynn: Welcome
SADO: And we would like to welcome you. We appreciate the time and energy that you provide to bring this information from SADO. We have, as you would say, an agenda today that we would like to present before updating any of your questions. The agenda is threefold. We want you to understand how your own guidance committees work with you and how they are also informing SADO. Your healing committees (which are a part of your Guidance)are not a part of SADO. They are referencing information to SADO about how you are interpreting living and understanding the information from SADO. It is important that the information provided for you informs your life.
We appreciate the time that you are taking to bring the words and information of SADO to those with the broken hearts; those who are grieving as broken hearted as well as those in your population who belong to the group of the broken hearted (meaning those who feel separated from the ONE). You have called to us. We bring you the information in a way that provides for your living. We ask you to facilitate in your own lives the information from SADO. You become the gift from SADO as you live your lives (with this information guiding your behaviors, thoughts, feelings, etc). You have believed it is the way of the Spirit, to alignment, to follow, and to be informed by the ways of the communication of SADO. As we have told you that is incorrect. As we have informed you in the past, we are a compilation of twelve beings. We bring the message from Spirit, who is the ONE. We are part of the ONE. You are part of the ONE. Your sons, your daughters, all of your children, your relatives, friends, acquaintances as well as all those whom you do not know are part of the ONE. As A Course in Miracles presented to you it is when the YOU stops and the WE begins (that the messages and lessons become who you are and you can live in that way, a reflection of the lessons SADO brings from Spirit). This is an important message that we would like for you to understand and be benefited by.
Number two on our agenda; (Pause) There is a consensus within the group to allow you to ask any questions that you might have about this topic before proceeding. There is consensus within SADO that this would be helpful.
Lynn: Does anyone have a question about what SADO just said.
SADO: We will proceed with the second object on the agenda is about the process that you may encounter in bringing SADO’s words to the broken hearted, as well as to the grieving broken hearted. There is a strong disbelief in your society and your communities with regard to this information being true and being from Spirit. These descensions are specifically coming from a world of fear. The fear is about not understanding as this information could be coming from Spirit. It is coming from a loving place of protection for themselves, as well as protection from those they feel they shepherd. There are those who are not coming from a loving place but have jealousy in their hearts which is also fear based. You understand, there are only two emotions in the physical world of Earth; and those emotions are love and fear. It is important for you to understand the categorizing of the emotions on a planet about free will. You are on the planet of free will. You need to understand that the fear that is coming toward you wants to stop the information from being spoken, being written, being seen. You must not allow these human emotions to bother, to prevent, to stop this information to be given. It is not about fighting. It’s about doing what is right, understanding that, and moving forward. The information that SADO is bringing to you, as a possibility of healing the broken hearted, when they understand the information is not to be feared but to be loved, to be ingested, and to be lived, the fear for them will finally dissipate. We do not find this fear in those of you in this SADO group. If we had, we would no longer be considered a part or welcomed to bring the information to you.
We have a third; (pause) we have made the decision not to stop here. If you have questions, please hold them at this time. The third topic in our agenda is about the members of this group. It is important to understand what is happening for each of you, due to the organization and the communication with SADO. It is important to the group of SADO to feel we are in your heart, your mind, that whether we are talking to you through this one (in trance or through transmission), you understand that we are with you providing for your comfort, your knowledge and the practical application of the information coming from SADO.
We wish to communicate with you on a regular basis. We continue to try to come through to (each) of you. We feel we have the ability to do this but the acknowledgement is lacking. You’re famous for looking for signs and synchronicities from your loved ones (who are with us). Are we not your loved ones? The signs and the synchronicities are coming from the ONE. They are coming from the energy around you. They appreciate the energy. They are with you in many ways. We would like you to pay attention to times when we brush your cheek, when we tousle your hair, when we whisper in your ear. We provide you the loving energy that calls to your soul. It is not about the physical body. It is not about the vessel, the container. It does some very strange things as our sister Christine has noticed. (giggling).
It is a good thing for you to take care of the physical body. It is a good thing to find ways to feel the heart of the body being LARGE. It is important for your connection with SADO to find elements of that expansion of heart energies every day. It is important not for SADO. It is important for each of you to take care of the vessel that each of you are residing in. It is important for our sister Christine to rest. It is important for our sister Lynn to move. It is important for our sister Edwina to join in community. And it is important for this one to balance her life. In these ways the channel to Spirit, through SADO or not through SADO, is very important. It is a mission that the four of you share to be connected to Spirit in every way. And now that the fuzzy one (they call Jane’s dog, Sophie, the fuzzy one) is not here at this time; we will open questions.
Lynn: Thank you so much SADO for speaking out to us on these three topics. They have meant so much to me. Thank you for bringing us together in our focus again.
SADO: It is important to SADO to bring this information through. We understand that you, more than the other three, are looking for the connection with your daughter, as well as spiritual beings. You needn’t look… YOU NEEDN’T LOOK – you are extremely connected to the mission of Spirit. Spirit is around you. Spirit is through you. Spirit comforts you. Spirit taps you on the head and says, “let’s go”. Sometimes you listen,sometimes you don’t! It’s OK. We don’t pass judgement. You are loved. You are cherished. You are guided by SADO and by other guides who love you, respect you, who provide for you. We wish you to feel the love, we wish you to feel the cherishment that is coming to you. This one is asking us to show emoticons (ha ha ha).
Lynn: To show what?
SADO: There are not hearts enough to come through the screen to know the love that SADO has for this group of members and all of those who are in the group of the broken hearted.
Lynn: Again, thank you SADO. It really helped me today.
Edwina: SADO, may I ask a question that actually goes back to what you told us the last time you talked to us? Is that ok?
SADO: Of course, our sister, Edwina.
Edwina: Alright. You told us then, how it was important for us to tell the truth from the very beginning, that only the body dies and that the soul goes on forever. And certainly, I have beaten about the bush about that in the past because I’m afraid I will turn people off who think I’m being religious. I know that one of the ways we can certainly bring that information to people is by living our lives as a demonstration of knowledge that only the body dies, and the soul goes on forever. But can you give me personally some help because I’m uncomfortable with this. What kind of words can we use, with particularly with newly bereaved parents, who may be uncertain?
SADO: Our dear sister, Edwina, this you do very well. You come from a loving place. You come from a caring stance. The words are not important as they are not understood as the English language. The feelings that you present are the most important. Do not stumble over the words. Come from your heart. Understand that there is a grieving, a pining, a longing for the body, the vessel, the encasement. That will not go away until it is time.
It is important to introduce the information as this one is putting it, like telling a child they are adopted. You start out the child’s life by explaining that they are adopted and how fortunate for the child. At some point, the child comes back to the parents and says, “what is adopted?” When you, as this one would say, normalize the information right from the beginning at some point in the process it will, as you would say, ring true. When it comes after a period of time as a new thought the opportunity to live with that thought becomes much more difficult.
We are aware this may not be giving you exactly what you wanted from this answer, but we hope it has given you the answer that you need in order to formulate in your own words from your own heart. We appreciate your love and your energy that you provide for those with the broken heart. We want to support you. We want to show you our gratitude. There is no doubt in our mind that you have the ability to bring this information through in a kind and loving way. You do not need words from SADO. You find the words from your own heart.
Edwina: Thank you.
SADO: And it is enough.
Lynn: Thank you, SADO.
Intention Questions
SADO: Ask your intentions. We wish to know what your intentions are. Do you understand that your world is governed by the intentions of inhabitants? Do you understand that the intentions that you have for this life creates the experience of this life? Do you understand that you are not a puppet on a string with your guidance pulling the strings? Do you understand that your intentions are bringing SADO through for the education and the information processing of those with a broken heart? Do you understand that the intentions that you have for your lifetime are being heard by your guidance?
We wish you to write about your own intentions. It is time for this SADO group to have an understanding of the intentions of your life. You will find that the intentions are different but also very similar. We wish for you to spend some individual studying about your own intentions. We wish for our sister, Christine, to put these questions in her paper. It is important for the understanding of those who walk the Earth’s surface, who are wearing the Earth suits, to ask these questions of themselves. It is important for these people, as you would call them, that are wearing the Earth suits, to understand the intentions and the purpose for doing the huge job of wearing the Earth suits. We understand that you have questions for us. Those are our questions for you. We appreciate your time, your energy, your love, your commitment to do the work of growing through SADO. Responding to these questions will allow you to do this work. It will provide for you the growth. It will allow you to understand the SADO. It will propel your spiritual selves. It will provide you the information to give to others. We have been giving you information for many months. We wish to challenge you so that your interpretation of the information that SADO had provided for you will be given through the learning and the experiences and the expression of personal goals. Will you follow our directions in this matter?
Chris: Absolutely SADO. I commit to that, thank you. SADO, I need to clarify…just…
SADO: We are interested in the commitment of this group.
Edwina: Oh, you’re waiting for indications of commitments from the rest of us, I guess. I’m sorry, I will add my commitment.
Lynn: I also will commit to doing that. It will be very interesting for me also to do this.
SADO: We now can move on.
Chris: SADO, you had mentioned these are the questions that you wanted me to put in my newsletter.
Lynn: Chris we can’t hear you.
Chris: . . . for this newsletter that I’m working on.
Lynn: Chris you’re breaking up, will you start over please? (long pause) Chris?
SADO: It is important that the broken hearted and all who wear the Earth suits have the opportunity to work through these questions that we have given you today. It is going to be difficult for these questions to be answered all at the same time. These questions can be, as you would say, spread out in time. They do not have to be answered all at the same sitting. We believe that this is an impossible task for those who are wearing the Earth suit. We would hope that these questions can be used as a learning module, perhaps, given one at a time. Perhaps, even putting them on, what you call Facebook or putting them on the website, with ability of the readers to comment. It would be as you say,” a blog”.
Chris: Okay.
SADO: Could be part of a public session as well. These are important questions that show and will provide for us an understanding of the experiences within the Earth suit time.
Chris: Okay SADO, I’m going to have to…I think I understood what you were talking about, I’m going to have to relisten to what you said, specifically. I guess, I’m just confused, as to, I could ask one question in the newsletter and then I can explain why this is important to them? And I understand that you said, you know, that there are, taking all of that would take a lifetime. So, is that something that have a subject of the, the SADO information? And then have one of these questions? And carry this out as a new possibility for understanding their spiritual growth?
SADO: We will leave the specifics to you.
Chris: Okay.
SADO: You know your readers. You know their capabilities. We wish for them to think about, to conjure about, to commit to asking these questions of themselves. We also understand that those wearing the Earth suit, need to have conversation with themselves. This will be going past the ego. This will be getting into the soul and essence.
Chris: Ohhhh.
SADO: We hope that will help you to understand the soul and the essence, a bit more.
Chris: I see. Thank you so much. I see the connection. Thank you, Thank you. Does anyone else have a question? Because I do and it’s off of what we are talking about now, but there are a couple that I have been, run into recently and (breath…) Ok. SADO can you talk…
Chris: What I am wondering is about using electronic equipment when connecting to the other side and I know you’ve mentioned this, but I wondered if, you know, since we’re talking about soul and essence. How is that connection? If we’re using other pieces of equipment that are of the material world, how can we talk, what can you share about that?
Using Electronic Equipment
SADO: It is not necessary to use something that plugs into your walls, it is easily manipulated by others than the one you want to connect with. The guarantee of that person’s soul and essence is not there when electronic equipment, as you would say, is involved. When those wearing an Earth suit feel the presence, feel the personality, feel the culture, feel the social graces of the person’s soul, the loved one who now resides in their true home (which we might call heaven), that is the information that guarantees they are speaking to their loved ones.
When electronical equipment is used it can be picking up energy from other souls, other powers, other energies. We have those who like to, as you would say, play. It is important for healing the broken heart to know that the information that is coming though matches the soul and the essence which contains the personality, the culture, the human side of the loved one.
Chris: Thank you.
SADO: It is not for this group to pass judgement on the work of others. It is important to know what you know, to speak, to tell the truth of what you know, without talking, explaining, communicating about what others may find. If the information resonates with you, then it is useful to you. We understand that sometimes the information coming through can be very prolific at the beginning of the time after the Earth suit is no longer. As that information and communication relinquishes, releases, and reverts, that is a good indication that there have been other forces who have been coming through. Sometimes, the loved one, who is still wearing the Earth suit, is so interested that they will allow the energies that do not match the personality, the soul and the essence of their own loved one, coming through, that they accept the information, as you would say, gospel.
Chris: Thank you.
SADO: This is a difficult subject and information to share but you all have seen and heard this happen. When the information does not sound realistic, when it does not match the information from SADO, you know that other forces have been included. It is important to understand the source. It is important to understand the consciousness level of the source. And we will talk more about that in the future.
Lynn: Thank you.
Chris: Thank you SADO. I questioned it. I question things when I don’t hear them from you and I imagine, to me that, that is truth, and so thank you so much. That is, that was just a wonderful explanation. I am so grateful for that. Thank you.
SADO: You are welcome our sister.
Chris: My other question was, today I was listening to and I was just, I was a little confused by the information. It was lesson 135 in A Course in Miracles, I think it was? And it was all about if I defend myself, I’m being attacked and there’s just so much information. I wanted to know where to focus on that, because it went into your belief system, and your, oh boy, I’m sorry I didn’t write this down, your perceptions, and if I defend myself, I am attacked, but in defenselessness I will be strong and I will learn what my defenses hide? And talking about that, can you just capsulize the essence of that one, that, so I kind of know where to follow and that?
Ego Defenses
SADO: This lesson is about the ego. The ego feels it needs to defend itself. The abilities that the ego has to stand sure-footed is very small. Anytime you feel the need to defend yourself, it is ego. When you go through this lesson piece by piece, you know why they are not called the daily lesson, Ha ha ha.
Chris: (chuckles) Absolutely.
SADO: You will find that the information that is hardest to understand is about the ego. The ego does not want you to have this understanding. The ego wants to defend itself. The ego wants to know and have everyone else know, that it is the all-powerful, that it cannot be argued with, cannot be questioned, cannot be suspect.
Chris: Thank you. Wow.
SADO: And it is enough.
SADO: And we are here.
Chris and Lynn: Welcome SADO.
SADO: And we feel the energy pulsing from expectations of those who are present with us tonight. We are happy to see you and for SADO circle, we are grateful that you have finally followed the direction. Hahaha. This event is important to learn about healing. We have spoken regarding healing before. However, the healing and the forgiveness that is important that goes together has been missed. There cannot be healing of the body, the mind, the emotions, the spirit until there is forgiveness; the forgiveness of self, the forgiveness of others, the forgiveness of Source. It is important that this healing is confronted and filled with forgiveness. It is difficult to look at blame. Seeing blame, feeling blame, it is unfortunately preventing the healing from happening. We see the unforgiveness in the hearts of the broken-hearted ones who are carrying the unforgiveness of self, of society, of Source and of their own loved ones. We want to help you take the step, the step to look into your very souls about forgiveness work that is important for you to do. This is not work that can be done by others. This is not work that can be pushed aside as you might say. This forgiveness work is work that needs to be done on a daily, hourly, minute by minute basis. Seek the information from your selves. Understand that the forgiveness may be preventing you from doing and healing the body, the heart, the emotions, the mind. It is imperative for this group to understand that there is a piece of information that you are, as this one would say, skirting. That is self-forgiveness, it is difficult for you to do this. Your Guides and Guidesses are there to help you see where this is happening in your own life but they cannot do this for you. We wish for each of you to look into your heart to see the forgiveness ability that you have to forgive yourself. This one is asking for a raise of hands for those who can own this. Hahaha. We do not see that that is necessary but this one likes to control. Hahaha.
SADO: A topic that we have most recently talked to this SADO Circle about has been intention. We do wish to speak of this again because it is important for this group to understand that intention is everything. If you are not intending, your life to go in the direction that you would like it to go, you will be as this one would say, stilted on every corner. Please understand that your Guidance understands your intention and if it is not whole, if you are not well intended, you will not have the success that would be available to you. Please understand that these intentions are made in numerous ways throughout your time, as you would call it. Please understand that the intention to be healthy, to be fulfilled, to be loving, to be generous; all intentions are heard by your Guides. It is important however, for you to understand that your Guidance understands your intention beyond the words that you use. We have someone with us this evening who has good intentions but the heart is not fulfilled with these intentions. Their Guidance understands what the true intention is. This stops the flow of energy moving down the river in a smooth way. It is important that you understand your intentions as your guidance understands your intentions.
SADO: We also bring about the subject of dependence. It is important for those of you and you know who you are, hahaha, to understand that the dependence on your Guidance could be preventing you from having your free-will state in a way that allows you to have the experiences on this planet, the planet of free-will, in a way that allows you to come home, to come home to us in a way that you are able to feel fulfilled from the other side. This can be a confusing argument. We hear the question should not I be listening to my Guidance? The answer is yes, but if you are only listening to your Guidance and not moving your feet forward, you are not experiencing what is necessary in this lifetime. Your loved ones who are with us had to learn when they came to us when they were listening, when they were not listening and what they can do to help themselves now with the information they received from their Guidance. It is, as this one would say, hindsight. We wish you to not depend on hindsight but live within the moment and understand where you are in this time and this place. It is important for your Soul’s growth.
SADO: The information about soul and essence, which our sister, Christine, has written about in her newspaper and this one has included on her website, is information that is important for you to see and to put together with the dependence and the forgiveness and the healing information that we have provided for you during this series. Yes, we are talking about a series. The series will be brought to you. This one is trying to control that.
Do you understand that the Source that is running through you is real? Do you understand that your guidance has this same Source? Do you understand that the Source energy within your Guidance is within the body? The Guidance is not separated. The Guidance will come home with you. It is also imperative according to the energy from this group this evening, to talk about loved ones who are on our side or who are preparing to come to our side. Of course, you understand there are no sides. Hahaha. Please understand that the energy that was kept captive in the body has been released and is free and happy and fulfilled and joyous and you may say, how is that possible that they can be so happy without me? It is true because they are not without you; they are within you. You do not hear them from outside of your ears normally, that is not a good sign. You hear them from within your heart because they are within your heart. They have the jailer’s key. They can pass within; they can pass without of your body at any time. You do not have the jailer’s key. You are within the body until you are not within the body. Please understand the messages that are provided for you are coming from within but it does not make them any less real. We hope you understand this information.
We understand there are several questions that we would like to dedicate the energy to be able to answer this evening.
Chris: Does anyone have a question they’d like to ask. You can go ahead and unmute yourself if you do.
SADO: We have answered all the questions in the world…hahaha
Chris: SADO, you mentioned this a little bit ago when you spoke about intention and soul, we talked about this in the newsletter and the website about the soul, essence and hologram. Could you speak to that just a little bit? You were just talking about our loved ones and when they return. Could you talk about the difference between the soul, essence and hologram so we can understand that difference?
SADO: Of course, our sister, Christine.
Chris: Thank you.
SADO: It has been written but not in an understandable way, we believe that the energy in the body acts as one when it is in the body. When the energy leaves the body as many of you have experienced, seeing, feeling, knowing when the energy has been released from the body, it is imperative that you understand that there are three parts for this energy. One part of this energy is as we call it the hologram. It actually creates a hologram of the loved one. It is interesting however, that sometimes these holograms look a little bit better than the physical body did. Hahaha. The energy for the hologram has the ability to create the way that it looks so that it is easily recognized by those who are still remaining in the body. The hologram is something that is a very unique process. And the uniqueness of this process is excellent. We’ve talked about this hologram with you before and we understand you have guests this evening who may not have had the discussion with us regarding the hologram, but we are the ones who can explain it to you in a different way. This one says we sound angry. We are not angry. The hologram is miraculous. It is miraculous in that it provides a way for those who would have the psychic abilities to see and describe. The hologram is also created for the dream process of those who are still in the body. The hologram is made of energy and that at times also includes the soul energy.
The soul energy is different. It is energy that has come into the body at the moment of conception or up to 9 days after the birth of the baby. Often times, when the baby’s body is being formed, the soul will go back and forth between the spirit world and the physical world. It is making many arrangements and plans for the life it will come into. This is done over a long period of time and even when the baby is born and the soul has attached, the soul continues to gather information and make decisions about the life that will be lived. At times the soul is appreciating their ability to say when they will come home. At other times, they do not make this decision as they are waiting to see how the plans that they are making turn out. At times there is information that wants to be gained that the society, the community, is not able to support. The soul is energy. The soul is a part of the hologram when you are connected to the hologram.
The essence also goes into the physical body at the time of conception or up to nine days after. However, when the energy leaves the body, the essence separates itself and goes into the Source energy carrying all of the lessons and the experiences that the body had. This provides for each energy which is coming from the Source energy to have those lessons to look at and learn from, to help make the decisions for their own life. We will take one more question.
Bobby: I think you may have brought up part of this SADO in your last question but when spirit comes into the body and becomes soul, does part of our spirit stay home or does the entire spirit come into the body because I often wondered if we are going home in our dream state because it seems like we are closer to spirit, like our spirit meshes at the point in the dream state as compared to our conscious state. So, I am curious if all spirit comes into the body or part of our spirit stays home.
SADO: And that is a very good question and we will do our best to answer your question with a question. Hahaha. How are you spelling spirit, with a capital S, with all capital letters or no capital letters in the English language?
Bobby: With a capital S
SADO: If you are spelling Spirit with all capital letters we would tell you that that SPIRIT is also known as Source energy. Source energy IS all energy that has not been individuated into a physical entity at that particular time. Spirit with a capital S is the individuated energy that leaves the Source and goes into the body; however, it remains tethered to SPIRIT, all capital letters. You are correct that when you visit in the dream state you tug on the tether; you return to that area from which you came. The energy blends and it feels so good. The energy that is in the body is coming from the capital S. It is tethered to the whole capital letter SPIRIT. Have we answered your question appropriately?
Bobby: Yes, thank you.
SADO: Thank you our son. We wish to thank you for being a part of this program this evening. We invite you to attend the remaining sessions in this series. We know this one will not know what this information is going to be because we like to drive her crazy. Hahaha. We thank you and it is enough.
Chris: Thank you so much SADO.
SADO: And we are here.
Lynn: Welcome.
SADO: And we have been waiting to join you during this time. We wish to offer our thanks to this group for bringing the SADO through to others. We have been waiting a long time for you to make this arrangement. It is not that the egocentrism is apparent in the, as you say, SADO Circle Live. It is our mission; it is what you called us to do, is to impart the information to those who have the broken-hearted. We wish to provide you with this information. We wish to help those who are, as this one would say, wearing the Earth suits.
We understand your questions about the forgiveness matters. It is very difficult in order to provide the forgiveness to others. It is more difficult to provide the forgiveness to self. It is easy to forgive those who have decided to cross. It is easiest to do that. It is most difficult to forgive the self.
Forgiveness is the “drop in the bucket”. The bucket is healing, or what this one would call assimilation. There are many components to this. But the healing promise is always there. We understand from this one that “healing” is not a word that the grieving public wants to use. But what is healing? Healing is gaining some control over the uncontrollable situation. Healing is to provide some comfort, some peace. Healing without the scars is not possible. The body, when it heals from a surgery, or a broken bone, or a cut, or a scrape, will always be changed. Healing changes the DNA and the chromosomal structure in the body. Sometimes this is healed for the positive and there are positive changes in the DNA and the chromosomal structures, but it is a change. The willingness to make this change is directly related to and equal to the possibility of healing.
With forgiveness there comes confusion for many. The confusion is “How can I forgive the drunk driver?” How can you not forgive the drunk driver? It is not going to create a positive situation for this driver. It will, however, provide a healthy, peaceful, and healing situation for you, the forgiver. The forgiven will not be able to grant, nor attain, or have the gifts of the forgiveness from someone else who is also wearing the Earth suit. The only way that the forgiven can have a positive energy is if and when they forgive themselves.
So do the forgiveness work for yourself. It is not for and about anyone else. They do not have the power, the control, or the gift of healing the forgiveness set about by someone else who is in the Earth suit. The guidance of the forgiver is positively changed by the one who is doing the forgiving toward the one who is receiving the energy, and both are wearing the Earth suit. The forgiving allows for more guidance. It provides for energy to flow through the body and through the spiritual self in a greater way.
This is good information for you to be able to publicize about this subject of forgiveness. It is important to SADO that you provide this information.
And we will now accept your questions about this topic.
Edwina: I have a question then on…if I understand it right, the forgiveness benefits mostly the person who is doing the forgiveness. Why then is it so often recommended that we ask for forgiveness from someone we have wronged? It seems as though that is a request that will allow the person who has done the wrong to benefit.
SADO: The only benefit for the person who has done the wrong, as you say, is the energy that is coming to them that allows them to think about and plan for the forgiveness of their self. It is an energetic change that we are looking for. It is the energetic change that the guidance is going to be using for that person, who is wearing the Earth suit to be able to generate the steps of forgiveness. However, the self-forgiveness can be done without the energy of being forgiven. It is not necessary for it to happen. Was it a step because it changes the energy?
Christine: So SADO, if this– I understand that this is the energetic change and it just totally opens it up for me. In lesson 134 about forgiveness, the last line is, “I am as God created and God created you and you are his son eternally.” So, is the forgiveness the foundation as well as what will help us move into the level that we will be in when we return home?
SADO: Oh, our sister, Christine, that is a very loaded question. Hahaha. It is a drop in the bucket of healing. The healing is a drop in the bucket of what provides this transition of returning to us. It is part of the learning. It is ongoing. It is powerful. It is life affirming, and life keeping. It is a very small part of the work that is able to be done and experienced while the body is in the physical form, as we call wearing the Earth suit. In a word, the answer to your question is “yes.” But it is a very tiny yes.
We would be most welcome and grateful to speak to your grievers.
Christine: SADO, are you still speaking that forgiveness in relation to our grieving…is that what you’d like to speak about, as opposed to the levels?
SADO: This one has asked us to respond to your thoughts about the grievers and forgiveness. Our comment was to answer the question and for you to hear the information about the changes of energy. This one can give you more details about the discussion that was had regarding the issue of forgiveness. This is the information and the clarity that you will want for your newspaper.
And it is enough.
Jane: As SADO worked with me regarding the forgiveness need of the grievers, they showed how the energy really works. They reiterated that the grievers needs are to self-forgive but showed that this is misunderstood in our society. It does to Edwina’s question about forgiving the person who has done the wrongdoing. SADO talked about not considering what would be the aspects for the wrongdoer but to see how this is going to affect us. They explained that we can’t change anyone else, and Spirit asks us to forgive ourselves for that we are aware has been “wrong” or hurtful to another. Using our energy to understand and accept that person as he really is and that his errors are not a part of him but of his ego is the practice (and it does take practice). Understanding that he is a child of God and therefore seeing the behavior or words or sentiment as him being a child of God, will be the most forgiving work that we can do. This is not about accepting the behavior in a way that allows continual hurt. It is about understand this person is a child of God, that if we forgive the behavior, we are providing positive energy for ourselves.
SADO: And we are here.
Lynn: Welcome
SADO: And this one continues to have conversations regarding the questions and opportunities that have presented themselves to SADO. You are correct that our mission is not about bringing what you consider evidence of the afterlife. This one was correct in wanting to clarify what it was that you were wanting SADO to do with this opportunity. If you would have become online with SADO before we began providing the information, we would have done exactly what you expected which was to say, what would you like to do? But since there seems to be a consensus from this group of a willingness, although this one tells us that is too strong of a word, to perform this opportunity with this information, it is something that SADO is willing to host.
SADO needs to take the time, as you would say, to formulate its consensus. This is the consensus grouping of what was done at the beginning of this call. As you have said, it is not that SADO cannot provide the information about the loved ones that are in our realm, the
parallel universes, the parallel ultra-energy fields; it is about the willingness to bring that information in to provide the help to those who are feeling separated from The One. It is not that SADO cannot bring this information in. It is not, as you say, the function of SADO to prove a
point which to us is ridiculous. We understand however, this is a point that needs proof for those whose loved ones are across the veil, as you would say, to be understood, to be respected, to be in contact, to feel the energy of, to provide the constant and continuous love, to provide the information, to provide the support, to provide a non-judgmental attitude. For those reasons and many more, SADO has a willingness to provide the information.
It will be interesting for SADO, to see what this one will do to cooperate with both sides. You understand that this one wants to please. There may be questions that are asked that SADO sees to be ridiculous, unnecessary, unhelpful, unhealthy; that SADO will not be answering. We may not be the most cooperative group that are being studied but we will be the most accurate. We are talking with this one about the willingness to allow the study to happen.
Please provide us the energy and the momentum to work at that level. It is unbelievable to us that she still believes she has something to do with the success of the information. The ego responsibility is, how you would say, stupid.
We have gained and appreciate the willingness to provide this information and to be as you say,a part of this study. To us this is not a study. This is simply information that is being provided about the lack of separation; the healing from the separation of The One. This is as this one would say, a no brainer. We agree to be a part of this. It will be beneficial for those of you who are wearing the earth suits. If we can be helpful in providing the information that will bring ahealing to the separation with The One, we are willing to go in that direction. We do not feel we
need your protection. We feel we have the concept, the ability to monitor, organize and manipulate the energy of this one to allow SADO to come through. It is not necessary for the four of you to be together at this time. This one is not in agreement with this statement. This one is leaving. Please give us . . . , this one is fearful. (Long pause) It is agreed that we will do this in the way that this one is demanding. She is hard-headed, this one. If you have other subjects you would like to bring forward, please do so now.
Chris: I do and thank you so much for your input on what we were discussing before. My question is in regards to ACIM. I have been repeating lesson 140 and about healing and atonement and what I am wondering is what is the difference with the illnesses and sicknesses that we plan for our life and healing through atonement? In the lesson, it says we can heal allillnesses with atonement so is that in relation to the lessons that we wanted to learn through our life plan?
SADO: It is important for you to know that all experiences that you have, have been planned. It is important for you to know that many other experiences have been planned; most you will not have the ability to experience. There has to be, as this one would say, a jumping off place; aplace where all points can come together; A point that allows the experience to happen. There has to be importance for the experience to be shown. This includes all experiences including illness, as you would say accidents, coincidences. This would be important, very important for you to understand. The atonement is the lack of separation from The One. There is no illness when there is no separation.
Chris: SADO, does that mean that we can manifest our own health by understanding that we are not separated from The One, that we are not experiencing illness?
SADO: You have a body. You are not your body. You have a soul. You are not your soul. You are the combination of all images that have been brought together in this incarnation. But at that point they are one of the you that is the you inhabiting this body. The rest remains in Spirit. The manifestation is about learning what it is that you came to this earth suit to experience. The cure, as you’d say, is simply allowing the body to not be separated from The One. The cure for illnesses that allow the soul’s essence to be released from the body is the cure. Other cures are provided when the lesson has been learned. Both of these things are what you would call manifested. Does that provide you with the information that is reasonable?
Chris: Thank you. I understand it but I am writing and listening and have to take the time away
from this to listen, so thank you so much.
SADO: And we have had a longer discussion with this one who can provide more specific information, about this topic to you after you have had the chance to discern the questions.
Chris: Thank you so much SADO.
SADO: And it is enough.
ALL: Thank you SADO
SADO: And we are here.
Group: Thank you for coming SADO.
SADO: And we are happy to bring information to this group. It is nice to see familiar faces as well as some new spirits. We wish you to know and to understand that those you see with the human body and the human eyes as not the only ones who are listening. The guidance you have, those with whom you work, those you know, those you understand and those you don’t know, you don’t see and you don’t understand are listening to the words and how they resonate into the soul. We understand the work, what you would call the spiritual work, is understanding how it is that your human body has been developed to work with the experiences from this incarnation. We wish you to understand that as you develop to be able to watch, to help, to become together, it is important for you to understand the meaning, the purpose, the healing, the support that you are providing for others.
There are some who are not in attendance at this meeting who wish to understand and hear this message as well. It is important for the SADO group to be able to get this information out as soon as possible. This is a never-ending request. Hahaha.
We wish to make clearer that the purpose and the work that you undertake is important for your soul’s growth. We wish you to understand that whether it is through meditation or other healing modalities, your guidance is with you, preparing you, teaching you, supporting you and of course guiding you to have this information and giving this information to those who are needing it, those who as we would say, are the broken-hearted. The broken hearted are those who don’t understand that they are Spirit. They are not OF Spirit; they ARE Spirit! And the saddest emotion that can be felt by those within the earth suit is being separated; living in separation. This is the mission of this SADO group. To provide the information to those who are wearing the earth suits. SADO has been very poignant in bringing this information to the SADO group. We have, as this one would say, contracted with the SADO group to be the intermediaries in getting this information out to those who may not have the information.
SADO: A subject that we have talked with this one about this week is minimally responsible for this next section. We wish those of you, who as you would say in the earth suit, are grieving a significant loss. We wish to understand how you are feeling. We don’t understand the hole in the heart. This one has asked us to go more gently on this topic. But it is important for those to understand that there is no hole in the heart. It is a gift that you were given to experience the significant loss of a loved one. We wish you to think about the changes that have happened in your life since the significant loss. It is not only about the loss of the loved one. It is the losses that you will have faced being in the earth suit including the loss of feeling absolutely one hundred percent connected with the Spirit. It gives you, as this one would say, the impetus to grow, to develop, to provide for yourself the spiritual learning. It is important to have you embrace the spiritual learning that has been provided for you since the time you individuated from the SPIRIT energy. We did not say leave the SPIRIT energy. It was not a mistake that we used the word individuate as several of you in this SADO Circle Live understand this terminology. If you do not understand this terminology, we will be happy to explain more when we get to the comments and questions portion of this SADO Circle Live event.
SADO: We wish to determine the interest that you might have in the health of the human body. Your doctors, as you would call them, only have a small piece of this puzzle. There are several questions that it would be beneficial for you to ask your guidance for help with. These questions will provide you with the information to heal the human body. These questions are about what you call the mitochondria. They are about the DNA. They are about the chromosomes. They are about the energy that fulfills the body, that allows for longevity, that allows for health, that allows for you to do the work that you need to be doing during the time you wear the earth suit. This is a different field of study that the SADO Circle has undertaken with this group. But it is important for this to be coming through now. It is difficult for us to watch what has happened to your food supply. It is difficult for us to see the changes in the human body. It is important for the energy to be maintained through these different aspects of the human body. And we will speak more about this in the coming times. We are now ready to accept questions from this group. It appears that there may be three of these questions that would be appropriate at this time and with the energy level that this one is allowing for.
Chris: SADO, speaking with many friends in the grieving community, many experience similar situations of pain from loss. I am wondering if you could give some suggestions as to how to go about unfreezing or moving from the unwillingness of moving from the stuckness of the pain.
SADO: This one wants to control this information. Please pause. There are times when this one is difficult. We wish to give the information that would be the most succinct. At times our words are not as gentle as this one would like to control. It is unfortunate that this one has a nanosecond of hearing before it actually comes out of the mouth. Hahaha.
The pain that you speak of is the pain of a lack of understanding. It is a lack of understanding that there is no loss, of there is no death. There is only awakening; awakening to a beautiful universe. The loss is as this one does not want us to say, very egocentric. It is the loss of the human being, the physical shape and form. We understand that the emotional part of the human body and the human experience, feels this as a hole; a hole in the heart. This is incorrect. There are times when the one, as you would say, has died, as they wake up, they don’t think that their life on earth really happened. They see it as a dream and sometimes as a bad dream. It is not a bad dream and their guidance will work with them in a way of being able to show them what they learned; what they experienced during the times they were wearing the earth suit. It feels like a moment in time. It feels like a dream that they have awakened from and they remember their previous energy incarnations as where they currently reside. Earth is not a permanent place to reside. There is no permanence to the human body. The earth suit will biodegrade. There is no biodegrading of the Spirit. In order to understand grief and as this one would say, assimilate the loss, having a spiritual understanding that there is no death, having an understanding that the ego is missing the physical contact with that being, that this being is more with them now than ever before. When they are able to see, to understand, to be with, to communicate to, those who are wearing the earth suits, they will do this only when it is most helpful for those who are still and continue to be in the earth suits. This communication is on their terms. The information presented is in, as this one would say, the highest and best good for that person. The communication may be coming from another loved one through the guidance to as you would say, mediums and psychics and channelers. We call these people spiritually aware and no other title needs to be given. It is the purpose of everyone who is wearing an earth suit to become spiritually aware. That is the only purpose. There are many roads to this spiritual awareness. You would use the terminology meditation. You would use the terminology prayer. You would use the terminology meeting with the spiritually aware. You would use the information of reading spiritual books.
Chris: Thank you, SADO. We’ll have to digest that and share that. Thank you.
Desiree: Would you talk more about DNA and mitochondria, chromosomes and how much can be done and healed through spiritual energetic healing, how much can be done using our current medical technology and how much can be done on our own as much as those cutting-edge treatments are quite expensive. So, what are the top three ways that we can achieve greater health and wellbeing that we can do on our own?
SADO: You are a very wise, spiritual being to ask the question although we believe that you have many of the answers. It is important to understand why the body reacts to the situations and experiences that it reacts to. Your medical doctors only have the one answer that provided them the diagnosis when they are listening. Medical interventions are important but it’s important to know, more important to know and to realize that they only have the techniques of which they are agreeing to listen to. Ask for Spiritual guidance. We will be preparing individual questions and helps through this one who will share the information and it is enough.
Desiree: Thank you
SADO: And we are here.
All: Welcome and thank you for coming.
SADO: And we feel it is time to change the beliefs. It is said and widely written that you are spiritual beings having a human experience. This is only half true. You are also human beings having a spiritual belief and experience. Yes, you are Spirit. You have a body but as we have told you before, you are not your body. It is important that you understand this energy. There is an energy that is the Spirit. The body is simply the communicator to the soul. The soul also communicates with and to the body. (This one is talking to us about the guests we have this evening. This information is not only for the SADO group but also for our guests.) It is important to understand who it is that is leading the body. The energy of Spirit is being commanded by the body. It is being communicated with through the body. The communication that you are feeling from the spiritual realm, that communication is going from the soul to the body and the body to the soul. The body is picking up cues, this one would say, from the environment. It is leading the emotional body, the mental body, the etheric body. It is providing clues how to get through and manage the life form that you have taken. It also communicates to those you would not believe has the ability to communicate. The energy mass that you are providing for the, as you would say, the nature, propels and compels the natural acts of the environment to provide for you, as you would say, signs and synchronicities. This is your Spirit that is causing this communication. You are powerful beings. This power is providing for you the ability to commune with, as you would say, nature. Spirit energy is always the foundational piece of all communication. It is important for you to understand that information. It is important for you to understand to be able to work with all of this. It is important for you to understand so you have the ability to provide this information to the broken-hearted. This is why you are here. This is why you are all here. It is important to spread this information. All carriers of this information should be called out to those of the broken-hearted. It does not matter where this information has come from. It matters that this information is provided for the broken-hearted. It is important that you trust yourself to provide this information. It is not a coincidence, a sign or synchronicity when information comes into your mind and you prevent it from coming out your mouth. No. This information is coming from Spirit. This information is being provided for those in this circumstance of the broken-hearted. We support you in providing this information. We provide these feelings in your heart. We wish for this information to be coming from your mouth. Do not deny. And this one is asking for caution and to make sure the words that are spoken are not harmful. This one is asking for Spirit to provide the filter. This one understands that we are not asking the humans to have the filter. This one has gone to the second stage and now asking Spirit to provide the filter. This will be accomplished but it can only be accomplished for those who believe. They are the ones who are willing to hear. They are the ones who are willing to provide for the broken-hearted. Yes, this one worries too much. It is about trust. It is about trusting the Spirit. This one trusts the information from SADO. This one has a harder time trusting the human consciousness and the human body. We are working with that.
SADO: We wish to provide a bit of information about the electro-magnetic field within and throughout the body. The electro-magnetic fields around the body need to be kept clear. If they are not seen as being clear, it simply means that the electro-magnetic field is not connected. We are showing this one a picture of the electro-magnetic fields. This one is asking about the “gunk” in the field. This is a picture of her electro-magnetic field. All those who are wearing the earth suits have what this one is calling “gunk” in the field. As this one is conversing with questions about this information, it is important for those of you who are in attendance this evening to understand that if you are wearing an earth suit, you also have “gunk” in your electro-magnetic field. This “gunk” is what you would call the past memory, trauma, a lack of release, a lack of forgiveness. All of these experiences are in the past and it is very important for you to be connected with Spirit for you to be connected to the here and now. That is a tall order, this one is saying. SADO understands but it is the commitment that we are asking you to make. This discussion will continue. We have time to reconnect during this time that we are together this evening. We are only hearing the energy from one question this evening. This one is telling us that is because we have confused the participants. For this we are not sorry. If you would like to provide for us a question, we’ll do our best to explain the answer in English. (Hahaha)
Lynn: Well, two things came to mind, one was about the past lives we were talking about earlier and you said to stay focused on the here and now and not focused on a past life that we feel connected to so I understand that and when you were talking earlier. My question is, would you explain again the connection between my body and my spiritual Guides. I do get clues from my body but I am guessing I’m confusing this with the idea of ego and spirit. What is the part that we are supposed to get information from them?
SADO: It is interesting that ego from those who are wearing an earth suit sometimes looks like it is a, as this one would say, a four-letter word. However, we tell her there is no “e” at the end. (Hahaha) The ego is not a derogatory term. It is not negative. Everyone who is wearing the earth suit needs to have ego. If you did not have ego you would walk in front of the motor vehicles that are crowding your streets. The ego keeps you safe. It is when the ego becomes out of control or as our guest would say, in too much control, the damage is done. If the ego is controlling the mind, Spirit has a very hard time communicating. Spirit would like to communicate with the body, with every element of the body. This is very important for you to, as this one would use the term, balance. It is important that you balance, that you balance the ego with the energy from Spirit. They need to play nicely (hahaha). When we have bits and parts that become too strong, it blocks the Spirit from communicating to the earth suit. This is where disease is born. That is also where the “gunk” is being shown in the electro-magnetic field. Those are experiences; that is where the current cannot run through. It is important that this is cleaned out by allowing the communication with Spirit to flow through the body, lest there is disease. Unfortunately, if the “gunk” has built up in the body and it is layered through the electro-magnetic field, at times this “gunk” cannot be cleared. It is important that we understand how that actually works on the physical realm. This one is telling us we have failed in using common English. We are telling this one to put her ego in the box. (Hahaha)
Lynn: So more specifically, the “gunk” that was in my right hand that was causing me so much pain lately, I needed to clear out in order to allow spirit to flow through that area of my ….
SADO: Clearing is a word we would not like you to be using in this circumstance. We would rather you see it as an electro and magnetic current that is being blocked from going through the extremities where you are experiencing pain.
Lynn: So, to connect to my spiritual growth, to allow this electro-magnetic field to open up and allow my communication with Spirit to that part of my body. Is that…
SADO: It is important for you to discover how it ripples, actively change the outcome of your physical body. And we have enough energy for one more question.
Chris: SADO, Lynn mentioned about the past lives and I remember you spoke of past lives too. What I was talking about…
SADO: There is a miscommunication. We are not talking about past lives as in the Akashic records. We are talking about past experiences from this incarnation.
Chris: OK, thank you.
SADO: And it is enough.
SADO: And we are here.
All: Welcome and thank you for coming SADO.
SDO: And this one is talking about the situation of popularity. Hahaha. It is good to be together again soon. We see the guests that are well known to us and we see special guests who are wondering about this “performance.” Hahaha. We have offered to have a different type of session with this group tonight. This one is arguing about trying something unique and different in this setting. We would like to have an open discussion with this group of beings. This one is cautioning and begging us to do what we always do. Hahaha. However, we are in charge and having an open discussion is a big experience for our SADO group as well as the participants for tonight’s session. She is not in agreement but has agreed to it.
We will not be participating in the step two from last night’s information. Please know that this discussion regarding the electro-magnetic field is not over. There is much more to discuss but this is not the time and place to continue this discussion. It will be continued. It is important information that we would like to contribute to the learning. We will give you a piece of information, so you have some idea of what our discussion was on the previous time. The body that you have, that you see, that you hear with, that you taste with and you feel with, is not you. You are the soul within the body. The motor and the gasoline for the soul is Spirit. Spirit is the one who provides the communication for the body. Without the soul being present, the body cannot respond. It cannot react. It cannot be proactive. It has no plan. It has no ability. As we have told our sister, it is like a leaf falling off the tree. It has no ability to move, to dance, to reflect. It is important that you understand that the body is like a mechanism with no engine, no battery, no power source. Breath is the power source. Breath is Spirit. When there is no more breath, there is no power and the body has no ability to feel or hear or taste or feel or smell. It is important for you to understand that Spirit always has a power source. And the power source of Spirit is SPIRIT.
Our discussion in our previous session included the information about the electro-magnetic field that goes around the body. Our brother, Bobby has a good understanding of how this works. He has been given the sight to see the electro-magnetic force but was mistaken that it came from the chakras. The chakras are not the power plant. They are the transformers. They transform the spiritual energy into the physical manifestations that the body can use. Our brother, Bobby can talk to this group about his abilities. He would be happy to do so. Hahaha. We wish now to open this to a discussion. It is causing this one some great anxiety, but it is also a very joyous time for us. Hahaha.
Lynn: Does anyone have a question to talk about?
Bobby: Popularity. I had a big question mark about that, because you didn’t go any further with it. So popularity, I didn’t know if you meant ego or the four-letter word ego or what you were talking about with popularity so I’m just asking if you could clarify that.
SADO: The attendees at this conference have a need for the spiritual information that is not coming from the four-letter word ego. There are some around this room who are shaking their head saying no, ego is not a four-letter word but the information that the SADO group has talked about has shared, showed that sometimes the ego is spelled with an e at the end of the word as well. It makes it a four-letter word which we all know is not to be spoken in polite company. The popularity of the subject matters that our spiritual selves are at the base and the foundation of the reasons why everyone is attending this session as well as this conference. This conference has also attracted several people who like this one, have not had the experience of having a child living with us now in Spirit and who has shed the mechanistic body. We give kudos to those who are using, as this one would say, scholarship dollars and time to bring the education and the information to this group of the broken-hearted. But it is important for these people to understand that they are broken-hearted as well. They are broken-hearted because they are separated from The One. Anytime there is information, feelings, attitudes that someone is separated from The One, it creates the broken-hearted.
The popularity, our brother, is regarding the information that this information that is being shared, is important, is needed and is wanted. It is this one’s problem feeling she is taking a large chance, of as she would say, getting in trouble, for bringing this information into this setting as it has not been justified, wanted or agreed to. It is the popularity of the information, our brother. It is the popularity and the need of the information. It is hopeful from the Spirit world, that all sessions will have the information about the spiritual beliefs and the change that needs to happen in order for the broken-hearted to have a possibility of having their broken hearted mended. Do you comprehend that information?
Bobby: Yes, thank you.
SADO: This one is asking us to give you more information regarding the fields around the body. We are not going to do this tonight. It is causing a bit of energy consumption.
Edwina: SADO, would you just explain a bit more about what you mean by The One, separation from The One and Sons and Daughters of the One? Could you expand a little on what The One is?
SADO: We understand this question to not be about the makeup of the SADO.
Edwina: That’s right.
SADO: We understand this question to be about the makeup of the SPIRIT. It is important for you to understand that The ONE and as we see in your language to have the O, the N and the E as capitalized. There is a group of energy, The ONE, that is the makeup of all energy from all sources. At this time, there’s an individuation of this energy from The ONE. It is very much a part of The ONE. It is no different from the whole. It is a part. This part of The ONE, this part of SPIRIT is the spark that goes into every individuated soul. Yes, this includes your pets. They carry this spark of The ONE as well. As well as the ants on the ground and the bugs in the room. Hahaha. At this point in time, there is a conversation. This conversation can be had after the individuation of the energy from The ONE.
This conversation is had for that spark to have information, as you would say, downloaded for their experiences during this time of their life. Plans are made but these plans are not made in a way that you would see them as being specific; specific experiences. These plans are made with the individualized spark. These plans become with what you consider the life plan. It is a long story and much of this information has already been placed on, as you would call, the website under the category of reincarnation. It is enough to say that the spark enters into the body and brings the body to life; brings the body to life with breath. When the body has the gift of the breath, it has the gift of the SPIRIT, it has the gift of the spark. The spark remains, as you would say, until the breath is no more. That is The ONE. Once this energy returns it goes to the additional mass of energy that combines with the original mass of energy which is The ONE.
Edwina: Thank you. That both clarifies and expands my understanding.
Lynn: So after the breath disappears and the spark leaves the body would you tell us what happens next?
SADO: There are two answers to your question. We were hoping for more information. Are you asking about what happens to the body or are you asking about what happens to the spark?
Lynn: What happens with the spark and how does it stay, how does it return to The ONE and still stay individualized?
SADO: There are two answers to your question. Hahaha. The power of the spark returns to The ONE. The hologram, as this one would say, continues to provide the information with regard to the personality from the lifetime that is being reached. The lifetime that is being reached, it is important that you understand, that those who you’ve contacted, you would say your Abraham Lincoln, is contacting or is in contact with the energy of the soul, ie, the spark when it was Abraham Lincoln which is included now in the hologram of the personality of the Abraham Lincoln. That spark has been individuated many times. The holograms are, as you would say, never forgotten as long as they are remembered. As you remember the hologram, the personality you connect with the hologram, creates an energy around that personality. At some point in time, as you would say, this hologram ceases to exist as it is not being thought of. Those who give you the information that they’ve felt the energy feel it is very important to remember their loved ones. This keeps the hologram available. We will not say that the hologram is alive because it has no breath. It is a miracle is it not?
Lynn: Yes.
SADO: The hologram is always available, as long as the energy is remembered. It is always available as it is their personality. It is the psychological, it is the mental, it is the emotional energy from the electro-magnetic field. It is not the body. There is no physicality to the hologram.
Lynn: It seems to me and I might be wrong but when I am connecting to my loved one and they are connecting to me and we have this ongoing conversation that she is aware and changing even more than she was when she was on earth in her earth suit. So, if it doesn’t have a breath and isn’t alive what am I connecting to when I feel the changing?
SADO: You, as the creator of the butterfly farm, are asking what happens for the emergence of the butterfly?
Lynn: So, it’s not the hologram, it’s the new emerged spark?
SADO: Is your butterfly existing without breathing?
Lynn: No.
SADO: The life of the butterfly has breath. The hologram is also learning in the spiritual world as that spark who has individuated who is making a plan to have another lifetime, another incarnation, as you would call it, is going to bring the information that they are learning on the spirit side back into the body with the breath. Yes, your Nicki (Jane calls her Nicki even though Lynn, her mother calls her Nicole) and this one is laughing, is growing, is changing, is providing the hologram of her personality is joined with the holograms of her past lives. The information that she’s able to bring forth to you is the information and the growth from the past lives. And we are getting weaker. If there is another question, it is time.
Chris: Thank you SADO so much. That was wonderful. Thank you.
SADO: And it is enough.
SADO: And we are here.
All: Welcome and thank you for coming SADO.
SADO: And we have been spending our energy with this one. There is much to explain, to normalize, to educate, to bring into being, to support. The discussion is long. It is difficult to understand the meaning of the experiences with regard to bringing the conversation, the energy, the education, the instruction of spirit to those who are wearing the earth suits. It is a difficult time. It provides for difficult experiences. It is important for lesson making. The feelings of dread, the feelings of being uncomfortable, having anxiety and questioning and egoism are to be expected. This was a difficult lesson. It unfortunately will not be the last.
This SADO group has all experienced these happenings in other lifetimes. Each have taken their turn in promoting the togetherness with The One, the lack of separation with The One, the education of all of the separated, the broken-hearted. All have been chastised, some have been terrorized, some have been traumatized. Unfortunately, this is an eventuality while wearing the earth suits. In a future decade, this will not be the same. It will not have the same intensity, as you are experiencing now. Yes, you are shining a light. You are leading the charge; albeit from the back of the group. We would like you to understand this will take much energy. The information is not being given for the SADO group only.
It is important that the SADO group is able to represent SADO. It is important that the SADO group support the members of the SADO group, of each other. This is a valuable lesson. This is leading the charge. This is important. It is important for the SADO group to understand that you are not alone. SADO is with you. Others who are charging in are also with you.
We wish for all of you to understand the mission. It might be important for you to go back and read the mission statement. It is to bring the information, the instruction to those wearing the earth suits. It is difficult when this information is being given to one who is not at the level of being able to hear. However, do not chastise for this information was important for the broken-hearted. As we told this one, sometimes the broken-hearted needs a face for their blame. We ask you to provide additional support.
SADO: We would like to present to you, information about the hall of doors. We have been waiting to bring more of this information to you. The Hall of Doors includes opportunities, some would say challenges. Each door contains a different experience. Each door, as you would say, contains a different handle, is a different color, has different shapes and figures on the outside. It is important that you allow yourself to choose the door that will be most beneficial for your learning. You will know, as you stand in front of the doors, which door is to be opened. This is a priority for your life. Each of you have your own hallway of doors. Each of your doors are different. They are different in their own way. Their own ways are different from each other’s. These are opportunities. Some would call them challenges. It is not necessary to call them challenges. We ask that you look at these as opportunities; opportunities for existence forlearning, for stabilization, for balance. This one is asking us to give you information about the possibilities of the challenges beyond the doors that you see.
It may not seem possible that the abundance doorway would be a challenge. Abundance can be as much of a challenge as any other opportunity that you would find beyond the doors. Abundance as you know, comes in many ways. If you fail to open the door regarding abundance due to fear, anxiety, despair, you miss the opportunity. You miss the options to experience abundance as someone who is wearing an earth suit during this time.
Another door holds the opportunities, the experiences, the responsibility in relationships. The relationships coming when you are in the earth suit can be very difficult. You have recently experienced a difficult relationship within the earth suit realm. It is important to open the door and open this door wide. It is important for you to respect and experience many different kinds of opportunities for different kinds of relationships during this lifetime. This one is exploring what is behind the doors.
Another side of the door that you may experience, should you choose to open it, is concerns for the physical plane. These concerns could be what this one would call personal; however, we do not see that as personal. Whatever it is that affect the body, affects the physical plane. Different possibilities exist for the physical plane behind this door. Litter is one of them and you may not understand how that can be something that affects the personal. But we wish to talk to you and educate you about how anything that you see or smell or taste or hear affects the personal and the physical plane. This includes medical issues as well.
Another door is enjoyment. Things that you would enjoy. The enjoyment of those that are in physical form who are wearing the earth suit changes the environment for the personal environment and the environment that affects others. Another door contains the issues of the spiritual. It is good for you to be able to experience as many different kinds of spiritual beliefs that are possible while you are wearing the earth suit. However, this is a possibility for you to be able to experience after you have crossed the veil.
SADO: This one would say, we are changing the subject now and we would like to enter your conversation of this morning. As you know we have asked for you to spread the word about the teachings of SADO. However, they are not the teachings of SADO, they are the teachings of SPIRIT. We have asked you to teach the lessons from SPIRIT. They are beautiful, are they not? We have asked you to spread this information to all beings. Please understand that when you are bringing this information through, not only those who are wearing an earth suit are being educated. Much of the information that you have has not been given to the new souls who are posed for their arrival. Some have been on our side of the veil for a very long time and they too are learning. They are being instructed. They would still be considered as the new souls.
Please understand that the information that you are working on and through is going to be very impactful for both sides of the veil. We understand this is, as this one would say, a massive project. This project could be one of the most important that you do while wearing the earth suit. We would like to shout that but this one will not allow us to do so. You are to prioritize getting this information out for those on both sides of the veil. This one is already providing information that we already know. This one is providing information about what your schedules are like while wearing the earth suits. As this one would say, yada, yada, yada. We are asking for prioritization. We are asking for the prioritization as if you enjoyed doing this work. Hahaha. It is important.
We are providing information in and energy through the crown chakra. We would like to be able to answer questions you might have this afternoon and we will do our best to supplement the energy of this one to provide you with the energy and the information that you need. This is an opportunity to provide for you in a different way, as this one would say, as you are face to face. We will accept questions.
Edwina: I have a question about the doors. If I understood correctly, we each have our own hall with our own individual doors but is SADO suggesting that we explore different doors as a group or each of us should explore our own hallway and choose whichever door we feel we should go to individually?
SADO: This is not a group effort, our sister. The doors in your hallway were created before you chose a body to come in to. A door in your hall is most certainly involving the instruction of Spirit to your peers. In that way, be the group project as you say. The doors will be affecting you personally as well as all those you touch and have relationship with, know, think about, commune with, experience.
Chris: It is a lesson for us to learn in relation to this whole SADO disseminating of information for all of us to understand?
SADO: This lesson, as you say, is never done in a vacuum. All lessons effect all who are coming into contact with the lesson information as well as all of those who learn through this information. The information that was shared has a possibility of evolving and instructing and educating all who were listening. It will be disseminated differently. No instruction, no education is ever done in a vacuum. Some feel this learning in a stronger way. Some sensitivities regarding anger, jealousy, spite, illness, depression, anxiety, despair will be felt by different people in earth suits depending on what it is that they need to learn from the situations. This has been a difficult step and we are disappointed that you have not been able to rise to the top step of this lesson yet. Our disappointment is not in you, our disappointment is that the situation has not been resolved in a way that propels the teaching of SADO to a new level. The possibility of that remains but it is a bit dimmer than it could have been. This was not in the control of you as the SADO group. It was an opportunity that others had at this point they have not decided to take on that possibility for advancement. We will continue to help the SADO group, help others to advance and take these steps.
Lynn: The advancement and some people’s awareness for their own spiritual growth?
SADO: It is important for you to understand the old saying, it was stroked by a broad brush. It is important for you to look at the whole; the total. Individual circumstances and experiences will need to be put into perspective now and in the future. In this way, their learning will have an opportunity to as you have to, our sister, sink through the cracks and cervices.
Lynn: The broader the audience, the more we have to allow, not to try to control everybody’s response. We have to trust that Spirit and their own personal growth in their Spirit will help them through this growth. Is that right?
SADO: It was important for us to hear that you were explaining to your attendees to be open and to trust. SADO asks the same of the SADO group. And we are losing energy, if there are questions please provide them to us soon.
Lynn: You’re here right now this afternoon looking for a united way to have a positive impact and go forward and we’re debating about Facebook or other ways or possibilities or the book itself and we’d like a little guidance from you.
SADO: Please open the door to opportunities. The doors are in front of you. Opening the doors of opportunities is processing all opportunities to advance SPIRIT. SADO will not be, as this one would say, micromanaging. We ask you to use what is within your world to provide as many avenues as possible to provide the information of SPIRIT to those who are willing to be educated. The information needs to be available in every processing way possible. If you mention it and it is a way to provide information you have our blessing. And it is enough.
All: Thank you SADO
This session included the following topics: You are God Wearing an Earth Suit, Your Thoughts Create Your Surroundings, Where Health Issues Originate, Physical Issues, Illness and the Medical Community, Opting Out of Being Reborn, Getting in Touch With the Body and Energy Flow, Looking Forward to Returning to a New Earth Suit.
SADO: And we are here.
Group: Welcome SADO. Thank you for coming.
SADO: And it has taken us a bit of time to reorient. The SADO group will need to explain that to our family members who are joining us this evening. We are happy to be in the saddle again. Hahaha. We are happy to see that you are with us. It is important information that we bring to you this evening. We wish to share the love, we wish to share the guidance, we wish to share the friendship. It is important to the Spirit world that you have the opportunity to join. It is information that will help you as you wear the earth suits. It is information that will help to guide your lives. SADO is here to help the broken-hearted. We believe that the broken-hearted are all those who feel a separation from SPIRIT. You all have felt that separation from SPIRIT. Let us make this clear. You are God wearing an earth suit. You have all the powers, you have the grace, you have the goodness of the God wearing the earth suits. You may not see that you have magical powers of God. That is because you are wearing earth suits. It is an important message for you to hear and understand that your surroundings are caused by thoughts. Your thoughts create. It is important for seven members who are with us tonight that you understand this; that you live your life in this way. We are glad that you are here to hear what it is that SADO, who is SPIRIT, is saying to you. We wish to help you guide your life. We wish to help you as you are wearing the earth suits. We wish to help you as you are having these experiences. Who you are is coming from your thoughts. The thoughts make you whole and they make you holy. It is important for seven of you to change the way your thoughts are going. It is important for you to understand that manifestation is nothing more than consciousness. When you are praying for something, you are showing that you do not have this something. It is important for you to pray as thanksgiving for that which you think you do not have as if you have it. It is critical for seven of you who we are with this evening. It is critical. This one is asking us not to be so dramatic. We are explaining that the drama will help take away the trauma. Hahaha. Although it is no laughing matter, this crosses over to three of you who are with us tonight considering the health issues that you are currently facing. The health issues are important to think about where they are coming from and what impact they are currently making. It is very important that you understand that your medical community would like to treat you all as this one would say, with a broad brush and every treatment would not work for every individual. That is the reason why the word individual was created. It is important that you understand that the treatment that you receive needs to be done as an individual (loud electronic interference. Pause.) This one’s heart is going rat-a-tat-tat. It will be a minute before we can continue. (Pause) We apologize for the delay. It is very difficult to have outside noises come through and for this one to allow us to continue to speak for her. This must be prevented in the future.
We were talking about the medical community and the physical issues of the human body. We would like to make it important that you understand that your body is separated from the other parts of who you are. You have your soul and you have your essence; you have your mental body; you have your spiritual self and you have a physical body. Each of these are separated beings all living within the same electro-magnetic field. We have spoken with the four of you about this field. It is important for those of you who are struggling with physical changes and what you would call illness, that you understand that this is not a problem with the electro-magnetic field but it is a problem with the individual part. The electro-magnetic field properties have great healing power for each of the different bodies. This is information that is not popular due to many political issues within your earth space. This one says please don’t talk about pharmaceutical companies. Hahaha. We have spent much time talking with her about pharmaceutical companies. It is important information but it is not, as this one would say, politically correct, so we will abide by what she wishes at this point and about this peculiarity of your society. It is important for you to know and to understand that there are parts within the body, the physical body, that can be activated through energy that will do what you say, as heal.
A question was asked the last time the SADO Circle Live event took place and this one’s energy could not carry the information through to you. We wish to bring that information to you at this time. You see SADO does not forget. It is important that you understand that the energy that is flowing is like a current through the body. It is important to understand that there are places in the body where that energy does not flow the way it needs to for health and fitness. It is important to understand that you have the ability to take the current and make it flow the way it needs to flow. The testing that your medical community would like to do sometimes it is as this one would say, a bit overboard. It is important that you get in touch with your body. There are three on this call this evening that this information is very important for. Please get in touch with your body. Please understand the messages from your body. Rarely is the body having the problem for other than emotional and mental reasons. One of the three of you, it is due to relationship issues. One of the three of you, it is due to the emotional body and the expense of the energy that is expended to as you would say, get through the day. And one of the three of you, it has to do with something that is gone wrong with the current in the body. All of these things are repairable for you. The body is a very sophisticated experiment. It is interesting and important and imperative to get to this source of the issue. The source of the issue as in which body is this coming from. The body cannot generate this itself. It is dumb. Hahaha. The body takes the orders from the mental, the emotional, the spiritual selves. We need to be cognizant this evening of the amount of the energy that we can use. Unfortunately, it has been cut a bit short with the noise problem. However, we would like to open up to conversation and to questions for this evening and we will do our best to support this one for as long as possible.
Claudia: I have a question I’ve been thinking about for a while, sometimes inhabiting a human body is so emotionally painful, is it our choice to be born into an earth body? Are we able to opt out of being reborn?
SADO: We understand the difficulty of wearing the earth suit especially for this one who is questioing as we know of what you speak. We have talked with you before as we remember the three Andrews. It is a difficult life. It is a difficult situation. Can you opt out, as you say, from being reborn into a physical body? The answer to that is an emphatic yes. However, when you leave the earth suit behind and you, as this one would say, get some distance from it, you will see that this lifetime was very helpful for your soul and your essence growth as well as the education that you can provide and have provided for others. When you have this distance we will tell you what you don’t want to hear right now which is you will want to go back into the body to have other experiences but the next time you may not agree to parent a child who is coming to the earth to teach. You agreed to parent this child to teach for as long as it took this child to teach. You did a very good job of helping him to teach and teach his greatest lesson, while he was wearing the earth suit and you have done a better job even still when he is not continuing to wear the earth suit. You will have the option of not going back into the body. We rarely see this as it comes through on the other side. We are very sorry to disappoint you. We understand this is not the answer you were hoping for. SADO wishes to love you. SADO wishes to support you. SADO wishes you to know that your comment is understood and your question is reasonable and healthy to ask.
Christine: SADO, how can we get in touch with our body and flow of energy in getting to the source of the health issue?
SADO: We have another Andrew being spoken through. It is curious to us. Meditation, as you know it, is a good way to be able to scan the body. Understanding where the pain in the body is, understanding what chakra it is closest to which are energy centers, will give much information about how it actually is affecting the body and where it actually is coming from. Tracing that into the emotional and asking how it relates to the emotional self is a good question. Tracing that to the mental body and asking how it is related to the mental body is a good question. Tracing it though the spiritual body and asking what spiritual questions are creating the pain is a good question. It will take some digging and it is important to have someone that you can talk about this with. But through meditation and you have done a good job with your meditation, ma’am.
Christine: Thank you SADO.
SADO: We wish to appreciate the time and the effort that you have gone through to get this information and the energy flowing through your body. It is now time for you to take the next step. Do you understand?
Christine: Yes, SADO, thank you.
Arleen: Ok, so what I have been learning is that our physical body becomes frightened of us growing spiritually and it can help, actually hinders us from progressing on a spiritual path. SADO, can you tell me if that is accurate and if it is accurate how can we allay the fears of our physical body as we try to progress spiritually?
SADO: Our darling sister, that information is not correct.
Arlene: Ok
SADO: That is information that is being spread by a broad brush. You are an individual. All those who are wearing the earth suits are individuals. When a comment is made that is made about all individuals it is absolutely incorrect. Does what you are saying happen to some who are wearing an earth suit? Individuals, yes. Globally, no. That information is not correct. If there is fear in the mental and emotional bodies, it will show up in the physical body that is correct, but it does not become illness for most, it becomes other things like anger, anxiety, neurosis, psychosis, ulcers, many aches and pains. There are some who are wearing the earth suits that are putting things in their bodies by ingestion that is causing their body to react. But this reaction is always related to the energy source, the current that is running through the body. There are no mistakes. There are no accidents. There are no coincidences. That which you are led to may have been making you sick but you are being led because it is going to create the situation that your body wishes to learn from. It is going to create the problem with the current in the body. You, my love, are an individual. Your body is going to react as an individual. It is important for you to understand the answer that was given to you from the mother of Andrew. It is important for you to trace what energy center it is most connected to.
Arlene: Thank you.
Beth: SADO, it is a pleasure to sit in your presence. I want to say thank you and acknowledge that.
SADO: You are welcome.
Beth: I would like some clarity why I feel so different than many of my friends and family and connections. I’m looking forward to coming back to this existence and would like to understand why I feel so strongly. If Spirit wants me to be here, I want it too and both of my hands are up. However, I am encircled by a majority of people who don’t want this and I want to understand why am I so readily saying yes. And part of me wants to understand am I playing martyr on the human earth suit or am I truly in alignment with what I really feel deep in my bones?
SADO: When you feel the power that is running through your veins and your bones as you say, that is true energy and it is important that you allow the congratulations and adulations of this power within you. You are an advanced soul. You understand the properties of the lessons that you can learn in this lifetime. You also understand even with what you have experienced, you are able to, as this one would say, put it into perspective. You are here as a teacher. You are teaching your experiences. We are glad you are here to gain more information to be able to teach. We can answer one more very short question.
Beth: Thank you SADO
Bobby: I was wondering, this goes back to Arlene’s question as well, we’re talking about the flow of energy through your body and you need to let it flow the way it’s supposed to and then you mentioned the medical community. Does the medical community alter the way your energy flows and you are better off meditating and finding the source of the blockage in your energy rather than relying on the medical community?
SADO: That is a very good question to ask and we will do our best to answer the question with what this one would say, it depends. Hahaha. It is important for you to understand the information about how the current flows through the body. It is important for you to do your best to understand what is making you ill. The medical community at times, will provide medications that will treat the symptoms of the illness. Unfortunately, that is not getting to the root cause so it will pop up in a different place in the electro-magnetic field. Think of the example you have a cut on your finger. You go to the medicine man. The medicine man puts antibiotics on the finger but does not tell you to stop cutting your finger. It is important that you understand how your finger was cut. When that has been taken care of, you can then heal the cut on the finger. We know this answer is not flushed out; no pun intended. Hahaha. But it is enough.
Bobby: Thank you.
SADO: And we are here.
Lynn: Welcome.
SADO: Recognition of some of our guests this evening… The energies are quite powerful from this group, although there seems to be one missing whose energy we normally have to work with when entertaining and educating this group.
Lynn: That’s right.
SADO: We wish her well on her endeavors. Also, we recognize the inquisitioner. We understand that the questions from this group by and large are not formatted in a way that they are acceptable to the personality to ask. We will provide information that we believe will provoke these questions to be formatted in a way that is comfortable for all present.
We have spoken with this one about the concept of all being together, all being one, all being connected. We have shown this one the webbing that provides the structure for the electrically charged transmission (the ECT). It is important that we are speaking of the power that is generated by the group information and spiritual development. The development of this particular group is very high. The development, the honoring, the experimentation and the willingness to learn is important and impactful for society. We wish and grant this energy to this group to continue their study, their experimentation and to be led by the Guidance that they possess.
It is important for this group to be connected with their Guidance. It is important for this group to trust and understand the Guidance that they are hearing and feeling in their “gut.” It is a powerful way to live in the Earth suits—to allow themselves to be guided. If you saw that who guides your Guides, and who guides the Guides that are your Guides and at what level your Guidance starts and ends, it would be “mind-blowing.” Have you considered why it is that you need Guidance that is not at one level? The program that you attest to gives you some false information about the Guidance. [Jane: The program they are speaking about is Spiritual Response Therapy (SRT). This session was done for the members of that group.] It is important to understand that your Guidance is the ONE. There is no, as this one would say, middleman.
We wish for you to connect with the ONE. We wish for you to hear and feel and accept the guidance of the ONE in your life, in your work, in your experiences, in your play. This is not something that needs to be talked and commented about. This is something that can be accepted as fact.
At the level of experience, at the level of understanding that many of you have, it is important not to have the middleman. Do not give reverence to the middleman. The middlemen are caught in the web, the same as you are. The web is the electro-field. It combines your energy with the energy of others, and others, and others. The web is designed to capture the spirit and the energy of the ONE.
We are showing this one the movie about the butterfly’s nest. This one is not good with movie names. It appears that this one is talking to us about the movie, “Cocoon.” That is the picture we are showing, although this one says she’s not familiar with the movie. The plug that is used to elaborate the energy that goes into the babies is the energy of the One. There is no middleman. There is only the energy of the ONE. It is your responsibility to work with the energy of the ONE.
Please change your thought processes, your verbiage, your greeting, and understand that your elementary and secondary decisions all need to begin and end with the energy from the ONE. It is important to visualize the net, the web. All who you come into communion with share the same web. You are in communion with your community, with your society, with your brothers, with your sisters, no matter where on the surface of the Earth they are.
Please understand that the value of this lesson is to help you understand where the energy is coming from. The ONE does not make your decisions for you in a vacuum. The ONE will shine the light for you to understand the illuminations of the decisions that will provide for you the experiences that will be provided for you, what this one would say, in your highest and your best. Lean into those decisions. Lean into the power. Lean into the light. It will help you to gain as much as you possibly can for this lifetime.
There are several of you in attendance tonight who are hearing that which resonates regarding decisions in their own lives, but they are also hearing and being enlightened to the information that is opposed to that information. It is a puzzle to try to understand which of those have merit when it assumes that the information is coming from two different sources. Please know it is coming from two different sources. It is important for you to understand where the power is coming from. We have given this one the power of sight and sound. Many of you have the power of feeling, of hearing, of touching. It is important for you to lean into the powers you have been given to understand which of these opportunities are best for you.
There will be times when you will see that it appears that all possibilities have the same life. This is what this one would call the crossroads. It does not make a difference to SPIRIT which of these roads you take, because all of them will provide for you an experience that will enrich your life. Choose one. Pick one. Go dance at the corner, and you will find that the experiences that you have will provide for you a richness to your life. And this one is hearing the question about sometimes that is not easy. That is true. But that provides for you the information that everything being easy is not beneficial to your growth. It may be that whatever road you went down would not have an easy outcome. Some may be more, some may be less. Understand that the decision, the free will, always is within you.
And we understand there may be questions now that we can entertain. And there may be questions that have a reason while we have been speaking. We will adjust to listen and respond as long as the energy is present.
Lynn: Does someone have a question?
Participant: SADO, my question is that my son and my son’s stepbrother have crossed back over into SPIRIT and they’re calling their dad and calling their mother (that would be my son’s stepmother) and also me. They are beckoning us to come home. I know there’s no time there, but I’m not in a big hurry to get back home. Why the beckoning home?
SADO: We wish you to feel our loving arms around you, sister. We wish you to feel the energy from this SADO group around you as well. Please understand that your son and his brother had much to learn when they were wearing their Earth suits and unfortunately, their lives were not as fulfilled and full of experiences in the positive ways that yours is. They are truly in Heaven. They wish to share this with you. They find that the joy that they feel was never a joy that they felt while wearing the Earth suit. They wish for you to feel that joy.
It is important for you, as well as their Guidance teams which are working with them, to help them understand that you feel joy while wearing the Earth suit. They have not had that experience. The joyful nature of your soul circumvents the pain. They spent much of their time in their Earth suits being in pain. We know this is difficult, but it was their choice to try to circumvent that pain in an unnatural way.
They did not discover a way to do that as successfully as you have done that. They wish to share the love and the joy of pure heaven with you. We must not fault them for that, but must help you to understand, as their Guidance teams will help them to understand, that it is not time—and yes, that is true, time is not the answer. It is not the experience for you to join with them. There is much for you, for the stepmother, as you call her, and the father to learn while in the Earth suits. This is not about escaping. This is about understanding the joy that the souls now feel. That joy is possible to be felt during this time, during the time of wearing the Earth suits. The boys did not discover that. And while you say they are beckoning you home—they are beckoning the joy to be lived while in the Earth suit. Does that provide for you the experience for what this one would call the answer?
Participant: Yes.
SADO: You are loved.
Lynn: SADO, will you take another question?
SADO: We will.
Lynn: Does somebody else have a question they would like to ask?
Participant 2: Hi SADO. I was wondering about fairness. I believe that you alluded to that when we started the call by explaining to us that we are all one. However, do you have any more insight on that? Is fairness just a human construct that we struggle with here?
SADO: Ah, it is from the inquisitioner. We appreciate your willingness to come forward as your questions are very helpful for society and this community. We understand the understanding that you have regarding what this one would call the teasing element of SADO.
Participant 2: (Laughing) Gotcha, you’re good.
SADO: We would like you to repeat your question in your mind changing the word fairness for honesty. We have been with you and see that your struggle is about honesty. It is important for you to name the feelings that you have in the ways that are most truthful and may not be as politically accurate as you choose to be. When you ask your question—changing the word to honesty—we believe that the insight that you have will expand exponentially.
It is a term you have struggled with throughout much of your life, even though you have named it other words and concepts. When you think about that which gets stuck in the gunk and you determine that to be honesty, your vocabulary will become smaller. Your ability to make it right will become larger. The feeling in your gut will become smoother, and your energy system in your body will become greater. How does that resonate with you?
Participant 2: Good, but I often feel like it’s kind of a puzzle. I need to go back and consider, but I believe that honesty is probably the word that I should be using in thinking terms, but…
SADO: There is no good BUT (everyone laughing).
Participant 2: You got it!
SADO: This one joins in your laughter. Do not throw away the knowledge that you have if that resonates for you. There is a time to be politically accurate and there is a time to reach in to find the resonance. Search for the resonance. You are loved.
Participant 2: Thank you.
On changing the world: ‘Your jurisdiction is within your Earth suit’
SADO: We can feel one more statement or question. I’d like to answer—so please ask. It’s from the one in the back.
Lynn: One more question from someone in the back.
Participant 3: I guess my question is, if we’re to focus on honesty, is that how we should be doing our healing work as we focus on trying to correct the wrongs in society?
SADO: That is a very big issue. It is important for you to consider answering the issues in your own home, that being your own Earth suit. It is lovely to think about changing the world. It is not practical. It is important that you understand your jurisdiction is within your Earth suit. But when you change your thoughts, the energy of your heart changes. The changes in your heart affect your energy. Your energy is affecting the web and all of the teeny tiny strings that connect you with all others. That is not your concern. Your concern is changing what is going on in the Earth suit. You are a big thinker!
It is important to change your thoughts in a loving way. It is important to change the energy in a loving way. It is important to look into your eyes and understand the feelings that you have. If the feelings are not love, if the feelings are not generosity, if the feelings are not honesty, they must be changed. It is a big job. We are there with you. We know that you feel it in your heart. Allow that feeling to spread through the body. It will make a difference for you, for your little ones, for your family here and there, for all those you come into contact with. And you are loved.
And it is enough.
Lynn: Thank you, thank you, thank you, SADO, thank you so much!
SADO: And we are here.
Chris: Thank you, SADO, for coming.
SADO: And we see we have a number of survivors with us tonight. It is healthy for them each to be looking for ways to connect and commune. The community is growing larger. The SADO society is creating opportunities for your community to continue to gain strength in numbers, in thoughts, in visions and in behaviors.
We have not spoken about behaviors. It is important that we do with this particular group with us this evening. It is important for the behaviors to be balanced. It is important for the behaviors to be in nature. It is important for behaviors to be in community. We understand that the community that many feel they have, in this time period, is not what we would consider face to face. We understand that times like this, it is important to circumvent the face to face contact in a way that you can have pseudo face to face. Of course, we are speaking about the screen face to face. We have provided this information so it can be given to those who want to join the community. It doesn’t take the place of communing with the energy of the other people. This one is asking about the possibility of the energy becoming mixed even through this medium. It is accurate. Those on this call have the information, the energy, the ETI plasma, which we have we talked about previously; the energy goes through the webbing, goes through the plasma that is going to allow each of you to feel the energy and the behavioral characteristics of others who happen to be in this meeting. We appreciate the time and the effort that this community is bringing forward.
As we have already mentioned, there is a community of survivors. There are very few places that you will not find a community of survivors. As we have said from the very beginning of the SADO group, it is important for you to understand that everyone is surviving. Those who feel they are not part of the ONE, they are not the ONE, they are not Source themselves, they are survivors. Some who are wearing the earth suit survive in a better way, although this one is asking for us not to use qualitative terms such as “better”. We will allow this to function in a way that does not disturb this one. It is important for your behavior to understand, to permit, to adjustment to, to promote the possibility of sharing energy with others who are in this community. We would like you to think about ways that you can broaden the community. Many who are on this call this evening, have ways that they are working to do this.
It is important and impactful for those who are on this call to understand and to work toward joining the communities that you have individually. We believe our sister, Christine, talked about this before the call came on tonight. There is not a competition. Although not on this call but on some others, there seems to be a competition. Please do not allow that to derail your mission. It is very important to not allow that to derail the mission. The missions are very important. They will provide for the community members, individually and as a group, to heal. As this one says, to be supported. The support that we can give from our vantage point is immense. The support that you give to each other from whatever your vantage point is, is immense. Together we rock the world. Hahaha.
We wish to talk to you tonight about the theater. It is important to understand that you are living in the theater. It is acting, is it not? Do you not have different phases and different faces? Do you not promote yourself in different ways with different people? How do you promote yourself with the Spirit? We wish for you to consider this question. We wish for you to understand how this works, how it advocates for you, how it is that it provides for you the learning. We wish you to settle, not to become settled but to settle on who you are within your core. It is important that you live your truths. Your energy shows us who you are. You cannot hide from this. If there is a still voice that allows you to know, to see, to imagine, to envision that there is not complete truthfulness in who are you are showing to someone who is wearing the earth suit, we ask for you to change that. Change is very hard. We have already written about change which is housed on this one’s website. It is an important concept for those who are wearing the earth suit.
Change is hard for those wearing the earth suit. We have the ability of having the ability of watching the changes from, as this one would say, the 30,000-foot level. It is interesting to us those who mimic that change that others are promoting. Even though they hear the whispers, although not so much of a whisper sometimes, of their spirit letting them know this is not who you are. You are wearing a costume. You are playing the actor. It is important for your growth. It is important for your identity. It is important for your integrity to promote who you are at your core level. Do you understand “core level”? It is who you feel you are. It is who you are when the room is dark, and you are talking to someone about your deepest feelings. We wish you to understand those feelings are love. Love comes from honesty.
Love does not come from fear. The fearful ones are not coming from the source, their core. The fearful ones are coming from the heaviness of their shoulders. The fearful ones are coming from not feeling the connection with Spirit and not being grounded. It is important that both of those aspects of life are within you, are appreciated, are celebrated. It will bring growth to your planet. We wish you to know that we see this happening and we rejoice. We rejoice in the truthfulness. We rejoice in the growth that brings those in the earth suits. It also will bring growth to society. It will bring growth to your planet. It will prepare the way. It will support the functions. It will provide for the needy, the downtrodden. It is important that you continue to provide support and the energy for the positive. There is much positive.
It brings us to our final point. We wish you to understand that your behaviors are shaping your world. Not only what you think, not only what you promote but the behaviors that you live with and live by. We wish you to organize and help each other see the behaviors that each of you are using in your life. Talk to your community about your behaviors. Understand how the behaviors are changing the world, your world, your society. Please work to help each other provide loving behaviors for each other. That will show us and that will also show each other and your community at large, that love is the foundational piece of peace. Love is the foundational piece of peace. And now we would like to open this discussion for questions. We believe there are questions to be asked and answered.
Sitter: When SADO is saying community, is he talking about the community we have established as a group and/or widening into our other communities?
SADO: It is important that you understand, our sister, that SADO is not a “he”. SADO is a group of twelve beings. Some of them are indeed he’s. Some of them are indeed she’s. And some of them do not choose to have what those in an earth suit would call a gender.
Community, from our perspective, is any group that has a common goal. We would like to say that all who are in the human bodies are community with the common goal of understanding that they have never separated from the Source, from the ONE. But that is not accurate. They have been separated from the Source because this is in their own mind. And having it be in their own mind is making it true for them. This is not accurate.
(Clock chiming)
(We do not have the fuzzy energy tonight (Jane’s dog, Sophie) but we still have the ringing of the clock.)
Community, as it says in your, what you consider The Bible, is anytime two or more are gathered in His name. We wish to correct that, and we ask forgiveness if this is creating a problem of theoretical management for any community members that are with us this evening. Community arises from those who connect together for a common goal. The common goal for this community is to understand the earth in a better way. This happens to be done on this community evening with the words of SADO. This is a community of communities. Many of the participants tonight, along with those participants that are not joining us tonight, have their own communities, again with a common goal. The communities that we are asking for you to combine is all those who understand, wish to understand and to have the core belief that they are not separated from the Source, they are not of the Source. They are the Source. Communities make up societies. Societies do not necessarily have the same goal in mind. Societies are very different. Societies have different boxes to fill. There can be and are many communities inside the societies. There are communities of those who have different beliefs. There are societies who have different studies. There are societies who have different senses of humor. All together they make a society. But the communities have individualistic references, beliefs, and sometimes behaviors.
It is difficult and it is important to understand that all societies you might think have individualistic communities. As we are bringing to this one’s mind, this community of those imprisoned, would you say that is a community? No. Some are biding their time to leave the prison system. Some are fearful of leaving the prison system. Some believe they should be and are accepting their punishment. Some are there in error and are begging for someone to understand this error. So, you see those who look like we are looking at the community, at times that community is not as homogeneous, and you would once think that it would be. Does that answer your question, our sister, or does it just add more confusion to the point?
Sitter: Thank you.
Chris: Are there any other questions that you would like to talk about? It doesn’t have to be on this topic if you have other areas you’d like to ask about.
SADO: It is interesting to the SADO group that those who have come to learn do not have questions to ask. We wonder if this SADO group needs to allow these questions to be submitted anonymously. We hear the questions and we hear the concerns. It is important for these statements to be made in question form for the audience to understand what is being spoken about and why.
Sitter 2: So, I admit that I got a little distracted and I apologize for that, but I am trying to put together in my mind what the message was this evening. And it seems that what I am hearing is we are actors in a human body, while we are here playing different roles. And that what we should be doing is speaking the truth, at all times from a place of love. And that is what is needed on our planet right now, is to be honest and coming from a place of love. Am I understanding that correctly that that is at least part of what your message is this evening?
SADO: You are very astute, our sister. We come to these meetings, as you might call them, with an agenda. We do not share this agenda with this one. She would like to control the agenda. That’s not working very well for her. Hahaha. In truth, we understand those who are going to be on the call and what the needs of those individuals are. We make our decision on how to adjust the information in accordance with who is on this call. It would not matter if this one knows or does not know who is on this call. The information would be for those people who are in attendance this evening. SADO would like you to consider if this information has spoken to your heart. If it has, we would like you to raise your hand and we would like you to do that now. And we would like you to see that those who are coming from different communities were able to gather information that spoke to their hearts.
Sitter 2: I would also like to say something else. When I listened the last time, and this is only the third time that I have listened, that you talked about ailments within the body being tied into the chakra that is closest to where the ailment is. And I listened to that and have found it very useful because of a finger problem. And have been listening to meditations on the throat chakra. So, it has had a positive effect on me and I would just like to say thank you for that very valuable piece of information on the last call.
SADO: You are very welcome, our sister. We appreciate your time; we appreciate your ability to listen and we appreciate your ability to actually use the information. As this one says, the talking is just talking if the talking is not used behaviorally. We wish for the information to be used behaviorally as we have talked about it this evening. There is much information from the Spirit world, and we believe that what you will find is that many people, who are like this one, who allows this information to come through her. We want you to understand that the information is very succinct. The information that this one allows to come through matches the other channelers which. . . we are not allowed to say that word as this one does not like it. . . but the information is succinct. The information might be stated in slightly different form, but you understand that we who are in Spirit are a community. And that community allows for this information to be given. Yes, you can find this information in many places, although this one refuses to read, to study the work of other channelers, we are telling you it is the same information, spoken at a different time and perhaps in a different way. If you find information that is not the same, we wish you to put that through your meter of honesty. We, in this community, do not wish to give you information that is incorrect. We love you. We support you. We hope for your change in a way that brings more love and more community into your hearts. We appreciate you using the information and we are glad that you continue to come.
Sitter 3: SADO, first of all thank you very much for all of this. I feel very blessed to be here tonight. As you know, it is my first time. I am a bit of a linier thinker, so what I am hearing from you tonight are words like sharing this community, no competition, sharing the energy and promoting love. And I think I heard, doing what we are here to do, I guess. And that kind of really spoke to me about the work that I and other people do with bereaved parents all over the world. And I was just wondering, is there, for lack of a better word, a special role for bereaved parents to help get your message out?
SADO: SADO is very appreciated of your time and your energy to be helping those who are hurting. When this group was formed, several years ago, they thought mistakenly, that this group was going to be about bringing information out to the broken-hearted, meaning only bereaved parents. SADO was called but they were called for the broken hearts of society. This came as quite a shock to this group. There were some that thought of leaving the group if it were not completely committed to bereaved parents, this one included. There is a special role that bereaved parents play in your society. It is the role to understand that this is a commitment that they made before they came into body. The commitment was to love the child for as long as the child needed the earth suit. That is the biggest gift that any soul can provide; the all-encompassing love that a parent has for a child, to continue the unconditional love inside or outside the earth suit. We in Spirit understand this. But again, we are looking from this 300,000-foot level. We see what this means. We see how difficult this can be for bereaved parents. This one is telling us to answer the question and get off our soap box. The message of loving each other, understanding that we are all connected, understanding that we are Source, we are God, we are of the Higher Power is worth your time and energy. The community of that you belong to, it is important for you to appreciate, the love that you have the ability to show others. It is very difficult for parents to reach out. They, as this one says, belong to a club no one wants to join. We understand that. We understand it is very difficult to live in this society with the unfathomable experience of being, as you would say, separated from your child. But you see, you are teaching others they are not separated from their child. They are separated from their child’s earth suit, and you provide the information and the love, the experiences and the behaviors for them to understand they are not separated from the child. It is a grieving process to be separated from the earth suit their child wore. It is a growing and learning process to understand they are not being separated from their child. This is what your community is bringing forward. Whether you bring this through the words of SADO or the words of another group that is being channeled, it is important that you do so, although we are being told there is some information that you are being provided that is not being channeled and not accurate. It is being doubted that it is being channeled. We wish you to understand and put it through, as this one would say, the filter of honesty that this is the information about the competitiveness that we were bringing through earlier but did not have all the pieces. Is that information helpful for you?
Sitter 3: Yes, it is. Thank you very much. And with your permission I would pass along some of those concepts onto parents, as I found that very comforting and enlightening.
SADO: We understand you will be doing that from a sense of love, and if so, we would appreciate you sharing our love with others.
Sitter3: I would be honored.
SADO: And it is enough.
SADO: And we are here.
Lynn: Welcome SADO.
SADO: And WE are here. And it is indeed the WE that we are speaking about. It is the WE-ness that is the we. In the past, we have explained who you are regarding the oneness of all. It is important that you have this teaching. In addition to understanding the oneness of all, we wish to talk with you converse about the we. It is important that you understand that all on the screen are included in the we. It is important that you understand that all you come in contact with are also in the we. It is the we that is so important. It is the we that this life is made up. It is the we that makes your world a strong place. It is the we of SADO. SADO is part of your we. It is important that you remember that SADO is part of your we. SADO, the CREATOR, all that you come into contact with, your families, your friends, your acquaintances, your man on the street, and the troll who lives under the bridge. Ha ha ha. It is all in the we. It is not a subject that we have spoken to this one extensively about. It is information that we wish for you to keep in your hearts, to keep in your mind. It is information that will guide you, it will guide you through your life. It will provide for you the “past work”. There is much interference.
Chris: I am sorry SADO we have tried to take care of that. I just made sure again. I will make sure that we are all muted.
SADO: It is difficult to maintain the energy with the interference. We have much we would like to impart to this group. It will provide the guidance. It will provide the pathways. It will stimulate your intuition. It is important that the we become a part of your daily life. It is important that you understand that all you come into contact with and you understand this contact is not rubbing shoulders. It is all you think about. It is all that you see, you hear, you understand. It is individuals. It is groups. It is populations. It is civilizations. It is the we of your planet. It is the we of other planets. It is the we of the solar systems that you know about and those you do not know about. It is the we. It is the energy of the we. It is below you. It is above you. It is in what you call your grounding. It is in what you call your spiritual channel. It is your we-ness of ALL. This perhaps is a new concept for some who have gathered this evening but please understand that you’re gathering in for this session includes you in the close we. Although there is nothing other than the close we. It is difficult sometimes for the human mind to think about the we being out of thoughts, being out of mind, being out of sight, being out of hearing but that is difficult, not impossible. We wish you to understand this concept. We wish for you to ask questions about this concept.
Before the group is offered the time to ask questions, we wish to talk with you about your thoughts. This one is saying we are not pronouncing in a way you can to understand. We – wish – to – talk – with – you – about – your – thoughts. This one is saying that is no better. Let us explain. All that you think about is included in your thoughts. You become your thoughts. You are your thoughts. Your thoughts create, which is an old expression, but still remains true to today. It is important for you to understand, for you to know that the thoughts that you have are more creative than anything that you can possibly do with your time and your energy while wearing the earth suit. Many do not understand. Many who are wearing the earth suit do not understand this concept. Their thoughts are coming from fear and those fearful thoughts create fearful situations and experiences. We wish you to understand that you’re bringing these incidents unto yourself. Where this one is living there was a very bad wreck involving many, many, almost 100 vehicles on snow and icy roads. Each of these who were involved in this had much fear when they left their homes about what it would be like to drive on the snowy roads. There were some vehicles in this that were not harmed. These people did not have that fear. Their vehicles and themselves were unharmed because they did not have this fear. Even though they were in the same vicinity with those who did have this fear and were in the crash. It is important for you to understand that your thoughts create and at times provides is advantage to the earth suit. That is very relevant. As times continue to be as they are in your world, it is important for you to develop a sense of security in the SADO, which of course is the SPIRIT. It is important for you to understand that you must do all that you can do to provide for your safety and security and send the rest to GOD. It is important that you understand that your thoughts do create. We understand we have repeated this part many times, but it is important that you have that information. Some will ask why is it that my loved one was in the crash when my loved one would not have had this fear? We are not saying that ALL crashes are caused by the thinking of those in the crash. We are saying that this group dynamic can create these individuals to have these experiences. It is important that you understand that these experiences are not planned in a way that they are specifically about the occurrence. The lessons are planned before you come into wearing the earth suit. The individual consequences and the experiences are not. We hear the question of why is it that this happened to my loved one? It is important that you understand that sometimes this was an exit point, but if the information and the experience was caused by someone else, there had to be an agreement before this experience took place that your loved one would provide the experience for this other person as well. We are happy to answer questions about this information as well. This one is asking us to hold for these questions to be formulated.
But we have one other area that we would like to concern you with this evening. This third area of information is about situations that you find yourself in that are going to provide for you a learning experience if you allow them to. These situations are numerous. This one is asking us to give a firm example. There is a situation that has been experienced of delay. This participant has been delayed on having work done that they would have thought could be finished in a way by this time. In fact, there are several participants that fit into this category, which is the reason why we have chosen this particular topic. This is a a good situation to concern this group about because this has to do with surrender. When you have done all that it is that you can do, surrendering is the best option. By surrendering, you pull back your anxiety, you pull back your fearful thoughts and energies, and you allow it to be done through SPIRIT. There is a natural time. There is a time when this is supposed to be, which is a difficult word for SADO to have concept of, as there are no shoulds in our world. You have a time frame in your mind. You have been promised a time frame for this to occur and this is not occurring at the time frame that you would like it to be. We wish for you to understand a concept of Divine timing. Yes, we understand that resonates with many who are on the panel this evening. However, it is important to not just recognize the concept but to practice the belief. In Divine timing, there is surrender. If there is not surrender, there is no Divine timing. If you decide you want to put your time stamp on this experience, you will find that you will not achieve the learning from the experience that would have been a possibility. This one is saying the notetaker is having a difficult time keeping up and is becoming frustrated.
We have provided for you three concepts for this evening even though they were very surface level, we wish now to open the talk for questioning about these concepts or other things that SADO is able to help you with and to help your understanding and experiences.
Lynn: Does anyone have a question about one of these concepts or anything else?
SADO: It is important for you to arrange our SADO group that the meeting in January will be all questions.
Lynn: All questions? Okay. We will do that. We will be meeting again before that, so we definitely will. Thank you SADO.
Question: I do have a question that is not on any of these three concepts that you talked about, but it is about a previous subject that you talked about. I have two questions that kind of blend. We hear the energy that is going to be shifting and amplifying in the new year and I would like to know if you would share something about that with us and also you mentioned about this time of year that there are two to three times per year in our Earth calendar that the conduit is not in place for good spirit contact. I am wondering if you could tell us if there is going to be another time like that because it was in the Christmas time last year when this occurred.
SADO: We understand your questions, our daughter, and we want to answer them for you. You understand that the energy change that you are speaking about that was supposed to be coming in 2020 is not coming in 2020. It has already started. It is important that you understand that this change of energy has happened earlier in the Fall and will continue through this time. There are many people who will send this up to the astrological big findings of the planet shifting. We wish you to understand that this is a part of it, but as the waves in your ocean are coming and going out, you understand that this is all being done by the pull of the planets. You understand that as the planets are repositioning themselves this will change the gravitational pull as well as other pulls. The pulls of the planets will make a bigger difference when we are talking about the energy and how it focuses on the people who are sensitive to it. Many of you have found that your weather patterns are changing. This has to do with the shifting of your planets on their axis. Your scientists are talking about this at this point in time. What they are not talking about is why. This is being done because of what is happening with the environment with your planet. This is very similar to the environment around each of your bodies. This is similar to how the environment and the energy is around your places of home. This is the reason why travel is being difficult. This is the reason why people talk about your planet in retrograde. It is a change of the energy. You talk about having two different questions. That is incorrect. These questions are the same. It is different because we are looking at the energy connecting to SPIRIT and the energy around the planet. It is the same. We wish you to understand that it is the same. Yet, there are times when it is more difficult for you to align yourself with SPIRIT. We understand that you feel this is connection. You may say you are irritable, you are antsy, you feel alone, there is some depression for, as you would say, no reason. There is a reason. There is, in effect, the feed from the grounding of the energy isn’t able to go through the body in the same way. The impetus is on you to bring the energy up through the body and down toward the feet of the body. This is something that is being studied by several members of your panel as well as this one. It is looking about how the energy affects the body. Many of you on this panel this evening have the ability to understand and feel within the body when the energy is strong and when the energy is not so strong. It happens a few times a year. Basically, it happens around the axis of the solstice. You have the winter solstice. You have the summer solstice. It is not something that is occurring exactly on those days, but it is around that time. If you allow yourself to feel, you will be the barometer of when that energy to connect with SPIRIT is not as strong. The energy that you are also connected with, and you are looking at change, is the change factor that you are looking at. The ability to change direction, especially with spiritual knowledge is very strong. It is becoming stronger. Unfortunately, this will create strength also in those who are predicting the fear notion of what they determine as spirituality. So, it is very important that you understand what true spirituality is and follow through with that spirituality. It is important that you understand heretic, that you look through history and understand who was heretic. These heretic ideas will continue to be pushed forward. It is important not to be fearful but to understand to keep your thoughts pure, to understand that your thoughts create.
Chris: Thank you SADO. Wow. Does anyone else have any other questions?
Speaker 2: Okay, I have one. So, when a thought doesn’t resonate with you.
SADO: Then it is not your thought.
Speaker 2: Okay. When your thoughts seem out of control and fear-based and maybe even feel like they are coming from something foreign to you, what happens to that thought energy?
SADO: It is not emitting. It is a foreign concept. It is important that you understand that thoughts do not resonate with you are not your thoughts. You are very sensitive, and you pick up the thoughts that are there. You pick up the thoughts from those who have not crossed, and you pick up the thoughts from those who are next door to you, whether that means in your neighborhood, in your state, in your country, in your world. It is important that you assure those who have these thoughts, whether or not you can put a face to them or not, that these are thoughts that are not real. They seem real to them as the Easter Bunny. They are not real, and it is important that you provide the information to these understanding that to them it is real, and you have the power and the goodness to assure them that these thoughts are not real and to help them by thinking about something else. This one is giving us the example of her grandson wanting to hear the song Baby Shark over and over again. She went to sleep singing the Baby Shark. She had to put something else in her brain, so she would not be singing the Baby Shark. It is like that for the thoughts that come through that do not resonate. If they do not resonate, they are not yours. If they are not yours, take the lead and parent and help the thoughts to be diminished. And we are running low on energy, so we will take one more question.
Question: Can I ask a question? At the moment, I am living in a war zone and how do we keep the fear from consuming us because surrendering is very difficult, and this place is very scary.
SADO: We understand your question and we are very sorry that you are feeling the feeling in the place of your residence. It is a difficult situation to understand that you are where you are. We sometimes feel like it is a mistake or an accident that we are living in where we are living, but this is an untrue statement. Does it feel like a resonance for you to be in the place that you are currently residing?
Speaker: Yes.
SADO: That tells you that you are living in the right place and we understand and agree with that as well. Do you understand that your consciousness is bringing guidance to the area?
Speaker: Okay. Yes.
SADO: Your consciousness is bringing guidance to the area. It is important that you continue to provide that guidance to the area. It is important that you help those that do not have the spiritual understanding that you have. It is important that you allow others to lean into your belief systems. It is important that you give yourself the support that is needed for you to continue providing the guidance that you are providing for the civilization to move in the direction that it is going. And we are sorry, but it is enough.
Lynn: Thank you.
Chris: Thank you so much SADO.
Lynn: We will go ahead and give Jane a few minutes but if anyone has any comments we can go ahead and talk.
Speaker: I was just going to ask about the Divine timing that SADO was talking about. We would have been on the planet of free will, so we ask SPIRIT, ask our Guides, Angels, Guidance, set an intention and then what I am assuming they meant by the Diving timing is to surrender to anticipation and all that and wait for the timing and allow.
Chris: That’s a good one Bobby because I had the same kind of question in my mind. More recently, I’ve been impatient about something. I’ve been anxious about something and waiting upon something to happen and it wasn’t until I allowed and surrendered and all that I saw it coming into fruition. It’s hard to accept and do that though, but it is definitely the way to go. That’s what they were saying too is it’s not enough to know it, but we have to use it. I’m going to have to revisit this too, but I yeah, we can have the education in our heads, but Divine timing does not happen unless we allow it and surrender to it. Wow. They said a whole lot tonight. Didn’t they? Boy. Are there any other comments that anyone else had about some light bulb moments or anything? Wow.
Speaker: They said several of us here on this panel are aware of this and, obviously, needed it which is what they do. They speak to what we need.
Lynn: Could anybody else relate to this, to the Diving timing?
Speaker: And they certainly answered more of my question than I had thought possible.
Chris: Do you think that was a different voice that was answering that too? That seemed like a different voice than the regular type of voice.
Edwina: He was a different authority. Yeah.
Speaker: Yeah, it was a different authority, so I’m wondering if Jane could tell us who was speaking then when she comes back. Did anyone else notice the energy level was different and the voice was different on that one?
Lynn: Yeah. Hi Jane. Can you tell us who was answering Chris?
Jane: Yeah. It was a combination of parts of SADO, Grus was part of it, but the astrologer guy was part of it as well, so it was a combination of the two of them putting information together. I’ve lost my voice. My question though was, because I could hear speaking to specific people in the group and wondered if anybody was able to own what they were saying about things not coming at the time and the pace that they thought it should.
Speaker: Yeah. I owned up to that one. Obviously, I was very anxious about a couple things and it wasn’t until the right timing that they came about, and it actually ended up being perfect.
Jane: They were talking about there were four people in the group tonight that they were speaking specifically to, so I’m not sure. If you can’t own it, think about it because they were really specific about that.
Speaker: That was the question that I was going to ask about the Diving timing.
Speaker: I just feel that we are the silent majority here in Hong Kong and we have no voice. If we say what we think, and we disagree with a protestor then the chances are we will get beaten up, or we will be threatened, or our families will be bullied and threatened. The police have been threatened. They’ve been bullied. The media is terrible and to actually hear that they do not understand either and that their presence is here through us is very, very helpful. Yesterday, I met a lady just an ordinary lady and then she was very upset and, apparently, I said all the right things. All I said, basically, all I gave was empathy: yes, it’s terrible; yes, I don’t understand it. I think the silent majority are needing to hear that and nobody is saying that and, then, I feel different, very different, than I have felt ten minutes ago. Suddenly, I feel a relaxation that I haven’t had for a very long time. We haven’t been able to travel for four days. I am wondering whether to do that today or not and I’ll decide on that later. Yes, very helpful. Thank you. I’m so glad I checked in. So grateful for the information. So grateful for the voices and I did hear different voices. I did feel they were speaking to me. I felt I needed it. So, thank you everybody.
Speaker: That’s so true. They mentioned the travel and this definitely, as you are talking, you’re doing exactly what they said by being your empathic self to others.
Speaker: Yes, and also surrendering. When there is no traffic, you can go. When it’s dangerous, don’t go. Why would you? You just surrender, and we’ve done that many times this week and, maybe, today I will have to surrender to, but I won’t feel guilty about it. I live on the outskirts, which means I have to go from the outskirts into the center passing everything and if there is no train, I can’t go because there is not a bus that will take you straight there. I need to get three buses, but other people don’t. They live on the other side and it’s easier but then they have traffic jams and all sorts going on, so it’s very difficult. We just need to wait this out. It’s not our responsibility. We didn’t do this and then it’s happening for a reason and we don’t know the true reason and all the ins and outs of it, and I don’t feel I need to. I just need to sit tight and surrender.
Speaker: Yeah. Thank you.
Jane: Amanda, I think you were going to add something as well.
Speaker: Yeah, Jane. It’s Amanda. I felt like Divine timing could have been an interesting road as I’ve changed what I am doing in my life and I think I’ve been talking and thinking about the Divine we and that interconnectedness and how all of us are just joined together by SPIRIT and being ONE and how do we all play into each other. I guess being around massive amounts of children everyday really makes me think about how interconnected they all are. You can see it playing out in different ways. So, I think for me, those two points stood out immensely in the conversation tonight from SADO and I did hear the voice change.
Jane: Thanks Amanda.
Amanda: Yeah. Thank you.
Speaker: I am glad I joined. It was very refreshing, and I can relate all that Amanda just spoke about and am happy to surrender and to learn how to surrender more easily.
Speaker: So I feel that when you come against, when you feel like your fighting something and your swimming upstream and you surrender and allow it to happen, when you get the result and it surprises you or excites you that it turned out so well, we need to celebrate that and acknowledge that it happened and I think it becomes easier and easier at least for me. I still struggle with and I still find myself doing it. Every time I do, it turns out the right thing and spiritually the right way to go. It just makes it easier. I’m not sure if anybody can relate to that.
Chris: Jane, were you able to be involved? They talked about that you, quite a few times, what you were saying and what you were interjecting. Were you present a lot of the time to know and to remember now?
Jane: They talked about WE-ness and I didn’t understand what words they were actually saying. They actually had to write it on the board for me. I wasn’t getting the concept. When they talked about that, I was having the group, the two guys that were talking didn’t want to wait for a breath. So, I was running out of air. I could feel my lungs running out of air so we’re going to have a little chat about that. That was an uncomfortable feeling. They just had a lot of information. I don’t get a lot of what they are actually talking about. They were talking about things behind where I was sitting tonight, and they specifically talked about four individuals that are on tonight that this was specifically for and to. They were also hearing questions in people’s minds and they would say “there’s one. There’s one. There’s one.” So, they were kind of formulating what those questions were as the response was coming. It was interesting when they were talking about kids that have crossed over and how there would be questions about with regard to this Divine timing and surrendering to that and how that all worked together and why there would be questions. So, they were talking to me about why there would be questions about that. That kind of made sense to me and I was going to try to help them, which I don’t need to do of course. I was trying to explain why that would be that way, but they were trying to answer some of those questions in their general comments before we took it off to ask for specific questions. They wanted to wait after each section and get questions about that particular question. I felt like we needed a chance for people to kind of formulate those questions. I guess I would like to ask the group that. Would you have wanted them to wait between segments or between subjects to ask questions?
Speaker: This time, to me, it blended together well. For me, it worked that they talked about all three of them, the concepts, before they opened it to questions.
Speaker: I thought they blended so well that I only saw two concepts.
Chris: I don’t know about anybody else. I got lost several times. I got so lost at one time and I think they said something about being lost because I saw some people smiling and I thought Oh God were they talking about me?
Lynn: They actually were Chris. They actually called you out. They said the notetaker was getting a little behind.
Chris: I was so behind I was not sure if that is what they said.
Jane: They were pretty fast tonight. They had a lot of information that they wanted to provide for us, for sure.
Chris: They really did, and I really wanted to ask that question because it blended to what happened last year and it’s what a lot of people are talking about and I wanted to see what they would say about that, so I knew they were aware that I wanted to ask this. It was interesting that they put so much together in that first section before they gave us time to ask. This is really, really good.
Lynn: So, Jane, did you hear that they announced that January’s session will be all questions?
Jane: No. I didn’t hear that.
Lynn: They did. They told us that January session would be all questions, so everybody has to come with questions. Remember to write them down.
Jane: If you don’t, they will just sit and wait I’m sure.
Chris: They have done that where they’ve told us that we have to ask questions because they want us to ask questions. That’s the only reason they’re here. They’re here to guide us and to give us information for our living and they want us to know that we are understanding it and if we don’t ask questions, they have no way of knowing. They continue to give us information which they have for years, but they want to see what we have assimilated and what we have metabolized and what we may need to have more expansion on so yeah, they need to know where we are.
Lynn: I think they said something about we would like us to, the words, the information SADO gives us, they would like us to incorporate it in our everyday. So, in order to do that, I mean you come up, there must be hundreds of things that you think about. They talked about thoughts that you have questions about, that you’re unsure about, so I don’t know. I actually have a little app on the phone that I can type in questions because I go to circles every Monday night. So, when I think about these questions, I want to ask SPIRIT, I write them down on my phone, so I don’t forget them. Please come with questions next time, which is in December, and definitely when you come in January. Even if you are writing them in, they are also with us, they are with you all the time and so they know what you are already thinking about, questions that you are having. I think it is important to voice them because the rest of us need to, the we of us are all together, and when we voice them we bring it, the awareness of it, to everyone, just like we are all related to a lot of things that people said tonight.
Speaker: So, let me ask…the three concepts. I am still stuck on that. The first one would be thoughts. Your thoughts are what you become and all that. Would the second one be the soul plan?
Speaker: No, the first one was We-ness.
Speaker: Yes, the We-ness, but it was your thoughts are what you become, your thoughts create relevance, your thoughts.
Jane: That was the second one I think, Bobby. The first one was the We-ness. The second one was thoughts create. The third one was Divine timing.
Speaker: Okay. So, the thoughts, that’s where I got mixed up. The thoughts blended in the soul plan part where your experiences are planned before you incarnate and it’s important not to question your plans are made in Spirit and situations provide you with learning experiences. Those all blended together.
Speaker: So, they were talking about thoughts and then shifted into the snow covered roads and used the example of the accident and they said that the group dynamic can cause lessons that are planned before we enter the earth suit, but the individual experiences are not planned so that’s probably where it ties a little bit into what’s the plan and then the experiences are not necessarily planned but the overall lesson is planned. Yes, that was at the end of the thoughts and they started talking about exit points and then situations where we find ourselves for learning, if we allow them, if we allow these situations and then Jane asked for an example and the example was delay and that’s when they started talking about surrender. So, it’s kind of did flow very nicely together. Hope that helps.
Jane: The one thing I asked about was what’s the difference between We and the ONE? I was not getting it. I was not understanding how those two things were different. What they talked about was the ONE is the SPIRITUAL ESSENCE within us but the We is the physical presence. So, when they are talking about seeing the We as seeing, hearing, and feeling the other people, the individuals, the energies that are wearing some kind of an earth suit whether it’s an animal earth suit or a human earth suit that is different than the ONE, which is the SPIRITUAL ENERGY within everyone that is connected. So, there is a We-ness which is how we relate to each other’s physical presences. I remember them talking about a troll under a bridge. I don’t know if that actually came out of my mouth or if that’s just what they were talking to me about. They were talking about everybody you see, and feel is the We-ness but are wearing some kind of earth suit. The ONE-ness is the SPIRITUAL ENERGY within that connects us all to SPIRIT. Does that make sense?
Speaker: So, the We is 3-D and the ONE is 5-D energy?
Jane: Yeah. There you go. Rona put in the chatroom. She said I felt the visceral awesomeness when I listened so much I couldn’t concentrate. Anybody else feel this? Kind of blown away is what I think she is saying.
Others: Yes, definitely.
Lynn: You definitely and I won’t speak for everybody else, but when I am with them, it’s like a surrounding of massive energy and yeah, it can be kind of overwhelming to keep track on it because of the feeling of overwhelming energy that you’re surrounded within.
Chris: I was telling Jane before we first got on. She had a hectic day. I said I can just see SADO like this around her all day long just kind of guiding her and she says yeah. I think that’s what I feel when we are here in these groups. It’s that their doing.
Jane: And I feel the opposite, Rona. I don’t feel that energy being around. I feel that energy within and just leaning into it.
Speaker: Yes, it was within. Do you listen this? You can’t do anything else. I say oh my god it’s so amazing. It’s great.
Speaker: I’m glad you’re here and you asked a great question so that was helpful for a lot of us. Not being in the same situation, but…
Jane: Beth might have something she wanted to add.
Beth: Just tying into the We-ness and what SADO was saying is that they want to take our questions in January is when we are formulating questions, I think it’s really important not to think of personal questions but really humanitarian questions. What would people listening to this recording or reading the transcripts…what would be valuable? So, if you’re stuck on asking personal questions, then look outside ourselves and look at our community, look at the people who are in our lives, and formulate 5-10 questions that we can submit ahead of time that maybe SADO is asking us. The We-ness part is not just You-ness. It’s outside of who you are and think about what would your neighbors, your loved ones, or your community of the people in your life, what would they benefit hearing.
Jane: Thank you. I appreciate what you’re saying, but don’t submit those questions to me. I have a terrible imposter syndrome, so I don’t want to have any information about what anybody wants to ask before we actually all get ready. So, you can submit them to Lynn or Chris or Edwina. I stress, the three of you, I do not want to see them. I don’t want to know anything about them. I don’t want to know the subject area. Don’t give me any of that information because I already think this is weird let alone having someone else say this is bunch of hooey.
Lynn: So, if anybody does want, that’s a great idea. Thank you for the words. If anybody wants to, any of us would be open to receiving those questions and then we can compile them or if you want to keep your own list too. That’s a great idea to help make sure that we do have some questions, except Jane.
Speaker: I wouldn’t tell you if you begged me.
Chris: Any other comments?
Speaker: I would like to comment on Beth and Bobby’s work with Sacred Journeys. I think that when SADO was talking about Chris’s questions and grounding yourself and bringing the energy up through your chakras and everything I want to thank you all for what you’re doing because they definitely touched based on that tonight.
Speaker: and Debbie
Speaker: I was just going to ask because some of that resonated with me. Did anybody else pick up on the comment that we planned to be in the turmoil because our purpose is to bring our energy into that turmoil. That kind of resonated with me because I have been surrounded, and the even asked if that resonated with Rona, because I have been hearing people around me saying that they lost, they don’t know what their life’s purpose is, they are so traumatized, things like that. Today, I got a comment from someone and she said I read somewhere that when you are beginning to heal, you help others. That just resonates with me that you’re in turmoil, but you’re there to bring your energy for other people. Not sure where the healing part goes, but it just kind of flows in my head for some reason. Did anyone else pick up on that?
Chris: I remember that. I don’t remember the place where they were and we may want to get this typed up quickly too, so we can all look at it. We’ll discuss that maybe later, Debbie, that’s a good one.
Speaker: I think being in the turmoil, obviously, really resonated and I think the healing part, for me, is to surrender and let my empathy flow. Be very careful who I’m talking to but let my empathy flow. This is, you know, everybody has reasons for doing what we are doing and, you know, consequences are not my consequences so just let it go. So, yeah, that makes real sense and not understanding the whole situation isn’t really important because we will never understand. THEY do not even understand it. That was really helpful.
Speaker: Yeah, because you were saying that you know it’s very stressful where you are obviously and, if you weren’t where you are, you wouldn’t have been to help that lady just by showing her empathy. You brought your energy there.
Speaker: Yeah, that’s true. That’s true.
Speaker: So, it’s like you chose to be in that moment with that woman.
Speaker: Yep, and there are no coincidences. We got in a lift together. We just shared a dance class. Actually, managed to get there and she was on the verge on the tears. You know you leave the dance class and you come out in the streets and you go oh my god this is where I am, so yeah, it’s true. Yeah. I would be peaceful somewhere else, but this is different.
Speaker: and what you are doing is educating us too. None of us are there and have experienced there, so you are helping us.
Speaker: and you’re helping me too because I can’t talk about it here because it’s so scary that people are so scared to talk about it and I saw a father with his daughter and his wife and they went across that side of the train and he said come here, come here and I knew what he was saying. He was saying be with me in case anything happens. We’ll get out together. It was like I am tuning into what is going on all the time and which is shouldn’t I be thankful for because I’m seeing what’s going on. Just even to talk about it, to worry about seeing what unfairing this is, is helpful.
Lynn: I’m glad you were here.
Speaker: Glad to be here.
Lynn: Hopefully, you will be here next month. We have December 12th and that, again, is the second Thursday. We would love to have you all back again with your questions. I guess we don’t have anything else because we talked about the questions.
Speaker: I thought the questions were in January.
Lynn: Oh, that’s right, but bring your questions in December. Make sure they are ready for January.
Speaker: January session – January 9th.
Jane: Yeah, Bobby. We are going to try to keep them on the second Thursday. We are going to do our best just because it is helpful for people to know long-term. I think February may need to get changed, but that should be it.
Chris: Tell others who might be helped by SADO and I think everybody can be helped by SADO, but there are those who are not ready or not open or who knows for what reason it just might not resonate with them right now, but please do. Anybody who you think might benefit from hearing SADO, please go ahead and invite them.
Lynn: If you want me to personally send them a reminder and the link, tell them to go and submit their names. I’m the one in charge of sending the reminders so if you do know anybody encourage them to do that.
Speaker: I just wanted to mention one thing, Jane, when you create the event you can have it be a different number for each meeting so you’re not giving out your personal number.
Jane: That would be helpful. I’ll get to you and find out how to do that, Bobby.
Speaker: Chris had mentioned that you don’t like to post the room number and I’m always scrambling at the last minute looking for it.
Jane: We can do that. Someone came on at 10 am this morning. That would be helpful. I’ll connect with you when I have a brain back.
Speaker: We need to let you go to get some evening time.
Jane: That would be great. I always sleep well after these.
Speaker: I bet. I bet.
Chris: Jane, thank you so much and everybody else thank you so much for being a part of this and for helping this to grow and for taking their words out into your world.
Others: Thank you. Good night.
SADO: And we are here. And we welcome those of you who have chosen to join with us this evening. It is an important time in your calendar of events, although the timing of the date of Christmas, the birth of Christ is inaccurate. (Conversation between Jane and SADO behind the scene: Jesus was actually born in the late spring of the calendar year; the calendar that is used in the northern hemisphere. You know this to be true because the shepherds did not tend their sheep in the winter on the mountain sides. The sheep were in the lowlands during the winter where they were being fed. In the late spring, summer and early fall, they went to the higher elevations to graze). It is a time of agreement in your societies that this was the birth of Christ.
We wish to bring information into the circle this evening to give you information that will change perhaps the meaning of this time for you. It is important that you understand the meaning of this time in your life. It is important that you understand the concepts of the Christ. It is important that you feel the energy around this time of the calendar. We wish to dispel the belief that Christ was the only begotten son of God. This will furrow some eyebrows. Hahaha. Christ was indeed the son of God. You are indeed of God. Christ was indeed of God. This one says that we are pausing for dramatic effect. Hahaha.
It is important for you to realize, to embrace the information that Christmas, as you know it as a time on the calendar, is a time of new beginnings. It is the time to assure and to celebrate your birth. You celebrate your birthdays. It is important that you see the Christmas season as a time of rebirth for you. This is an important option. The ego will say no, no, this is not about me, it is about giving to others, but we wish you to understand that the giving of others is giving of your lights. When you share your light with others it helps you with your own rebirth. The rebirth is something that you will need to lean into during this time.
Questions have been raised about this new energetic field and ways that it will be coming in the year of the frequency. This is all about rebirth. This is all about bringing the light of Source into your community. It is important that you understand the gift of light. It is the spark within. It is the way within. It is the meaning of you. It is called The One. It is called love. When you are working with The One, when you are working with the light, the spark, that is what you might call your soul. (A conversation was held between Jane and SADO about this — We will discuss more about the soul and how the light is emitting from the soul but must travel through the encasement for the light to shine.)
The option of working and leading with your soul is leading with your ego. We have addressed this fact before in SADO Circles. However, there seems to continue to be some disagreement and misunderstanding that ego is a negative aspect of self. We do not wish to contribute to this falsehood. It is as this one would say, “fake news.” Hahaha. The ego is not derogatory. It is important that the ego is recognized as the ability to learn. It is the way of bringing experiences to those who are wearing the earth suits. Without the ego, you would be pure love. You would be pure The One. You would be emulating the power of Source. There are some who come to the earth suit believing they are The One and they have no ego. This is not accurate. They would not be in the earth suit if they did not have an ego. They would not be on this planet if they did not want to have experiences. These experiences are what is happening with them, so that they can learn, they can grow, they can teach and turn those experiences into love. You made arrangements to come in with a large family of one. Please remember that when we are speaking of The One, it is power, it is light, it is Source, it is energy. One can be used as a pronoun. It is important that you understand that there is either leading from The One or leading with the ego. Many have an ego that is supposedly stronger than The One. This is not accurate. Those in the earth suit are choosing to listen more to ego than to The One. This is a challenge that all who come into the earth suit have accepted. We wish for you to understand that, to embrace that and to use the experiences to ascertain whether we are talking and you are coming from the energy of The One or you are talking and using the energy coming from the ego.
PIA: It is a transformational time for you to choose to step out of the ego and into The One, into the love. It cannot be equal. The decisions that you make are only available through the ego or through The One. If this, as this one would say, is muddied, the experience is repeated in a different format. We wish for you to understand that this evening we wish to contemplate the time on the calendar, the time of Christmas, the time of the new year and to group this time into what we would call the time of rebirth. If you think about this time as a time of rebirth for you, that sends you into the category of love of The One. It is your rebirth. It is your time to transform. It is your time to gain power. It is your time to learn from the experiences in a way that creates you not to be repeating the same experiences.
SADO: Transformation is very difficult for people who are what you might call struggling. Struggle and strife are all about the ego. Being in the energy of The One and of love, there is no struggle; there is no strife. Some on the screen this evening who are joining us will disagree with this information but we wish to help you to understand that if you have had a lifetime of the greatest loss possible for those who are wearing the earth suits, we wish you to understand that that loss has never happened. Your loved ones remain with you. There is no doubt about this. You feel their positive energy. You do not remember what it is that they did that was hurtful to you. You do not remember that you fell down. You do not remember that day they were angry with you for the most part. You remember them loving. You remember them supporting. You remember them being happy and you do so because that’s who they are at this one moment.
The ego would like for you to stay in what they would term the grief work. If you remember what was previously stated, you will recall that the strife and the struggle are ego driven. When you lean into the love, the energy of The One, of your loved ones, you will find that there is no struggle; there is no strife, that the grief work is the adjustment of finding understanding, believing and grasping the pure fact that your loved one is more with you today than that loved one was before they came to our side. If you search your heart you will understand. This will make sense to you. And we want you to understand in a way that creates loving arms around you. We wish you to understand. We do not wish for this to be a hurtful statement. But we wish you to know they are gathered. They are here. They love you and they understand the season of light when you can shine your light because they are all shining their lights.
Patience is a virtue. Hahaha. Patience is strife. Patience is struggle. Patience is not a virtue. That was written by people who did not want to be questioned. That was written by people who wanted to control the society. Patience is struggle. Patience is strife. Leaning in, accepting, going with the flow is the way to connect with the love. Ego contains the fear, the anxiety. Ego says to The One, “shut up, you have no right to speak, to be heard. This is my game in the earth suit”. We wish you to know that you are being loved. You are being helped. You are being supported. You are being rebirthed. We wish you to take this time in your calendar to bring the light within you to all others that you come into contact with, those who you think about, those who you pass by, those in your thoughts, your dreams, your hopes, your wishes. Transform. Take advantage of this time to transform your energy. Allow the peace to light your light even brighter than you have the possibility of doing that. Allow your loved ones to gain from your light. Allow your loved ones to process their light through your light. This would make them very happy and it will shine through you. It will shine through your heart. Be of good cheer your song says. Be of good cheer from your heart to their heart. Give your cheer from your heart. Let it be the beacon of light for all others. This one is saying we are lecturing. We do not care. Hahaha.
The energy is good this evening. It is due to the people that are in attendance. We have the power and the energy to answer several questions. If you have a question for SADO, we would be happy to entertain such at this time.
Question one: Acknowledging or perhaps assuming we wear the earth suit for learning purposes; is it strictly on the earth plane that all learning is done?
SADO: We appreciate the question and find that it is going to be helpful for those who are in attendance. You have “bought a bill of sale” if you believe that the earth is the only plane of experience. This is not correct. There are many places where learning and experiences can be had. They are very different than if you are wearing earth suit, and each plane of existence has different availability for experiences. The experience of gravity, to name one, is only available on this plane of existence. It is something that people come with an understanding that if they are going to be wearing the earth suit it will have the shoes that will keep them connected to the earth for the most part. It has sickness. It has addiction. It has lawlessness. It has environmental concerns. It has reciprocity. It has the ability to love. It has the ability for relationships. It has the ability for truth. It has the ability for life. Each plane of existence provides a different level of the experiences. It is important to understand and realize that the different planes of existence provide for different learning environments. There is no place like earth. There are no suits like the earth suits on other planes. What is given in other planes is not available on this plane. What is available on this plane is not available on other planes. This is a difficult concept to learn. It is difficult to think about and quite unnecessary. You chose to come to the earth plane. You chose to wear the earth suit. It is not important to understand the learning and experiences that are going to be provided in other planes of existence. You will be able to make that choice at another time. You make the decisions to not only come to the environment where the learning is but also to come to the environment where those that you want to coexist are coming. These decisions are made before you make the decision about whether or not you are going to be wearing which suit. The suit is immaterial. The plane of existence is material. (In conversation between SADO and Jane, they laughed at using this word “material” as a pun. Of course, they said, there is nothing that is material.)
Question #2: Would SADO comment on the “levels” on the other side of the veil, please? Do they really exist and what is their purpose? Must we come back to wear the earth suits in order to progress from level to level?
SADO: Again, we receive the question. It is important that you understand that the second question has been answered from the first question, but we will share that information again to let you know that it is not required that you come to any plane for experiences. As this one would say, “we have a difference between book smarts and street smarts.” As we have explained to this one, the book smarts can be provided for on our side of the veil. This street smarts needed to be experienced and learned on your side of the veil. That is not necessarily on this plane of existence that you call earth. There are many planes of existence. However, we believe you are asking about the levels on our side of the veil.
There is some good information that has been written and shared on your side of the veil regarding these levels, but please understand that the information that you are being given can only be as pertinent as the mind that is working through this information. For example, this one refuses to read about any others who do what it is that she is now doing that you would call channeling. If she would drop this control, we would be able to present even more information because her knowledge base and vocabulary would be broadened. We are working with this one regarding this, but as we heard her say, before we came through, she has what she would call “imposter syndrome.” Who in their right mind would want to be doing this? We continue to ask that question, and this one we report, says certainly not her. Hahaha.
The information that is given about the levels on our side of the veil is appropriate to be responded to as it will be helpful to the general public. There are many levels. The levels are about those who are arriving on these planes. No one is alone unless they need or want to be alone. Everyone is met before they leave the earth suit no matter how quickly this would happen. We will repeat that. No – one – is – alone. When the soul leaves the earth suit and is coinciding with their help or as you would call their guides, they are transported to a lovely place where their energy can be regained. It is interesting to us that as we work with those from the earth suits, they seem to understand that their energy was in the earth suits. This is incorrect. Their energy was being taken by the earth suits. But it is important and impactful for them to take time to gather their energy outside of the earth suits. We are with them when as it happens. We provide for them. We love them. They are shown you. They are shown their loved ones. They adjust to the difficulty of loved ones understanding or not understanding their permanence. Their guidance will work with them regarding that. Their guidance will help them understand and adjust to that. Their guidance will teach them a new way of communicating. Much learning is done during this time and our energy is not supporting more discussion on that learning as we wish to get to the other part of your question.
At some point in time a decision is made from the soul and the guidance and the conversations and the work that has been done, to make a decision at what plane of existence on our side of the veil is going to be most appropriate for them. You understand from the beginning of this conversation that they are source, that the decisions that they are making about their plane of existence whether it be for, as you would say, time; one week, one month, one year, one decade, one century or an hour as you would say, to learn what they need to learn from that veil, from that plane of existence on that side of the veil. They can move to different planes of existence because they are able to decide what it is they want to learn. There is no hell. There is only learning on our side of the veil and on your side of the veil.
And it is enough.