SADO: And we are here.
Lynn: Thank you, SADO.
SADO: And we understand that we are getting a late start this evening with very much promised education to bring to you. We are not happy that this time has gone by. [Jane: The member of SADO who was speaking here is named Grus. He is a scientist/mathematician and is quite gruff.]
It is difficult for some members of the SADO group to be patient and to understand the human frailties that come with the dreams that you continue to survive in, so we apologize for the taskmaster giving you your licks this evening at the beginning of our time together. Ha ha ha. [This reverted back to Paul, who normally is the spokesperson for SADO.]
It is important that as we scan the emotional energy that is present with us this evening, we find much concern and fear and some anxiety, and we understand that what you are living through in this world is creating these feelings, not only for those of you who are in the United States of America—which we shall call the Divided States of America —but also for those of you who have interests around the world. It is a difficult time, no? We understand that as you are dealing with the political pressures that are being dealt, with the economic problems in this world, with the physical illnesses that are also being felt—we understand the anxiety that you are feeling within your human bodies.
However, we would like for you to understand that your human bodies are just that. They are the human side. They have no connection with God. They have no connection with SPIRIT. And some of you are looking at your human bodies as that what’s given by God. That was not given by God. That was given by the momma and the poppa.
The bodies you have dreamed—the body’s reaction, you have dreamed. [They are referring to the fact that we are dreaming this existence and our bodies are included in this dream.] And you continue dreaming. We would like for you to understand that you do not need to dream these negative images of the human body. You have the ability to dream the wonderment of the human body. You have the ability to make happen what it is that you would like to happen in the human body. And this one is now chastising—it must be that kind of night—to say that is very difficult to do for those of you who are in human body.
It is difficult for us who are not in human body to understand that what it is that is being dreamed about the human body we are feeling and we are seeing. These negative and fearful dreams do not have to be—yes, it takes much strength for you to do this work—but the work can be done immediately. You dream into existence the negative results and it is important that you understand this.
You have the ability to have this human body react in the way that you feel is important for ways in which YOUR human body is to be. Allow God to give you those messages. ASK! Work with God in a way that you have the ability to create the messages from The God, from SPIRIT, and to help those have the impact on the human body, for many of you on this call this evening have what you would consider aches and pains. The aches and pains that you are feeling is because of the mechanical part of the human body that you have decided to pay attention. Again with the chastisement from this one! Yes, it is difficult for those who are in human body to understand that the aches and pains do not need to take over their life. We understand this, but our message to you is for you to understand us, for you to understand SPIRIT, for you to have more control over your life, for you to understand that you have a body, but you are not your body. You have emotions, but you are not your emotions. You have fears, but you are not your fears. That which does not allow you to be comfortable, that which does not allow you to be calm, that is not a part of SPIRIT.
Yes, we understand that this is not a new message to many of you who are on this call who have studied SPIRIT for quite some time, but it might be new for some people to have the realization that when they are awake in the SPIRIT, they are calm. This is a message that was given to this one through another modality, and that message is accurate. [I developed a modality called Loving Hearts Connections. It is a way for people to have direct personal communication with their loved ones across the veil. When you are awake in SPIRIT, you are calm. When you are anxious and afraid, you are asleep. This message came from someone who was across the veil and communicating through the Loving Hearts Connection modality.] And we wish for you to understand that when you feel the peace, when you feel the groundedness, when you feel the calmness in the body, you are one with SPIRIT.
If you are letting those negative thoughts and feelings enter into the body, that means that you are not as connected with SPIRIT. You can never be not connected completely. You will always be connected with SPIRIT. If you would like to enjoy being connected with SPIRIT, we would ask for you to be the calm, to be the connection, to be the grounding by feeling the calm, feeling the connection, feeling the grounding.
It is possible. It is preferred. It is plentiful. It is possible. We would like for you to entertain the possibility, the probability, of this in your life. We would like for you to understand that when you call on SPIRIT, SPIRIT will be there to help you, to educate you and mostly to provide for you. The provisions that you ask for are granted.
If you have asked for provision and it has not been granted, there is a reason for this and it is coming from you. It is coming from your heart. All provisions are granted. And as this one is commenting, at times, the provision of what you feel you want is not the provision that is provided. And this is correct. But the provision that is provided is what is most beneficial for you at this time and for the future.
If you are provided a provision that is not beneficial for you, then your asking has not been to SPIRIT. It has not been whole. You have not had oneness with SPIRIT when you are asking for this provision because what has been provided for you is truly what is in your heart.
We would also like to spend a little bit of our time this evening talking to you about control. This is another factor that is important for you to understand and to establish a learning: What you have control over and what you do not have control over.
It is important for us to help you understand that the control that you believe you have is non-existent. And it is non-existent because that is important. If you could control all that is within your environment, then that is ego living. When you allow for SPIRIT, for God, to take you by the hand on your way, to show you the map, to allow you to go the distance of what it is your life is all about at this particular time, when you allow that to be SPIRIT-driven, you will find that your existence is healthier, is more energized—it is more successful in however it is that you define that term spiritually, not defining that term egotistically.
It is important for you to understand that it is within the guidance of your higher power to lead you through the pitfalls of having a body. It is not all it’s cracked up to be. Ha ha ha. [We can’t control our existence, but all will be healthier and happier when we ask and allow for SPIRIT to guide us in our decisions of what is best for the body, the mind, the soul and the spirit.]
We would like for you to understand that we are gathered here this evening with many. We are gathered here with your loved ones that happen to be on this side of the veil, as you would say. [They mean those who are on the SADO side.] We are gathered here with your guidance. And we are gathered here with those you may not be familiar with at this point in time, but who have much influence over your existence. [SADO showed me lots of different energy beings, some with physical bodies and some who were light. Many of them were pouring over all of the life plans that were laid out on the big tables to the right side of SADO. It appears, although I’m not absolutely sure, that those are the life plans of all those who are in attendance. SADO said that attending the SADO Program “is the way of asking for guidance.” They will talk more about asking below.]
The influence that the high ones have over you provide for you the ability—the ability—to make the most from the time in your body—to make the most of the time in your body.
Again, we tell you it is the ability, your ability to listen, your ability to study, your ability to accept, your ability to see with Spiritual eyes what it is that can be within you, what the possibilities are for your existence. You must ask. You must see for you to receive. It is an equation, no? You must ask… you must see… to receive. [What I saw here was the equation A+I=R. I told them this didn’t make sense because see begins with “s,” not an “I”. They asked me, “What do you see with?” I said, “With your eyes,” or “I’s”. They said that AIR is a necessity for us to be on this planet and to be in body, and so is this formula.]
We created the pauses for effect, and this we are letting—she knows who she is—to gather this information in a way that can be published on the website because it is an important equation. [Here they are referring to Kristen, who transcribes and edits the SADO transcripts.] And we would like you to write it down on your refrigerators, carry it with you, practice, understand, provide examples of the way this works—because it does.
Please know that you have not left anywhere. You are still with us. You just have the ability to have the illusion that you are not with us. But you are here. You have joined our circle and we appreciate the energy that you bring in. We appreciate you asking for the information that we are imparting this evening.
When you ask, and ask to see, you will receive. There it is again. We would like for you to spend much time in asking. The asking is the ability to open the book of education. If you do not receive, we would like you to come back to SADO and we would like you to tell the tales. Because we will be able to explain to you that you did receive exactly what it is that you were truly asking for.
This is a personal ask, you understand. This is not something that you can ask for someone else. Even the smallest of babies have the ability to communicate with their guidance and ask what it is they need to receive. That is why they sleep so much. Ha ha ha. They are provided with the time and the energy to stay with us a bit longer while the body with the heart beating lies in the crib.
Some of you may say, but my baby’s eyes flutter. I can tell that he or she is dreaming, and we will say, he or she is dreaming in the body, but outside of the body, he or she is leaving. Leaving in a way that provides all that he or she needs to be present. [As in, left the body and has joined them across the veil. It’s a difficult concept to know that the body can continue with the Essence on the other side. It happens anytime we are asleep. The body continues to be present, but the soul/essence has left and is on SADO’s side.]
It is great work that all you have decided to do during this particular time. You have come to the Earth when it is not a pleasant place to be. It is difficult when you are surrounded by those who do not believe in the science. The Earth is always a difficult place to be because you dream your existence here to work many issues through and to gain much education which may propel your soul forward for continued existences.
We have the science of climate change that has been pronounced for a very long time. And there are still those who do not believe, even though they see their climate changing and becoming warmer and the seasons being off by a few weeks or even a month. This is the science that has been proven. This is the science that some have been provided, but they refuse to see, so there are no reception of this information.
It is too bad that they fail to open their eyes in a way that allows them to see. It is a difficult situation and one that they will deal with when they once again awaken into the SPIRIT world. They will then see that the science was there, but they made a decision not to follow the vision of the science. It is difficult when they believe they have all the answers, but it is never too late. [SADO is talking about those who don’t believe the science.] Please do not misunderstand us; having the feeling that if you have a loved one who does not believe in science that was well-founded within your communities and your societies that they are somehow being punished, that is not correct. There is no punishment. There is some disheartened feelings about time that they might have felt they wasted in the dream state. But there is always help. There is always guidance. They are never alone. They will always be.
Those of you who are concerned about what is happening in the world, please go back and read what we talked about with regard to the Golden Staircase. It might provide for you some comfort. It might provide for you the ability to see and to receive a calmness and a collectedness that will provide for you to be able to spend time in the body, if that is what you would like to do, and for you to generate the information, the education, the Spiritual know-it-all, to be able to enjoy the dream time that you have given to yourself. [By dream time, they are talking about time in the body.]
You understand that God did not provide or create the dream time. That is what your Spirit did. And it is lovely. And God says, I will never leave you, I will always be with you. Open your eyes: ask, see, receive.
And it appears to SADO this evening that there are questions from this group that would like to be answered.
We will provide the time and space for these questions to be asked at this time. There is, again, no pressure to ask the questions, as SADO has a world of information to impart. Ha ha ha.
But at this point in time, we will allow for questions to be asked.
Lynn: If you have a question, you can raise your hand or unmute yourself to ask.
Participant: I might have a bit of trouble formulating this question, but I’ll try my best to be clear. We do have control over the body when we choose to pay attention to what is happening with it. The Spiritual part of us may try to heal ourselves, but maybe we aren’t able to accomplish it on our own. We also have a path we’re on while we’re here, from what I understand. When we try to heal ourselves and are unable to, does that mean our higher self is saying that we have a lesson to learn rather than to get better? The example is my trigger finger. I tried to heal it for months myself, and now I’m getting medical treatment. Is it about asking for help and that’s why I couldn’t do it myself? Or maybe I’m asking too many things in this question?
SADO: Yes.
(Participant laughs.)
SADO: Ha ha ha ha ha ha. The question that you are asking is insightful and complicated, and we will answer it in parts because there are many parts to your question, all very important to those who are in attendance this evening.
We appreciate your ability to voice the questions, as it is very important and helpful to SADO to hear the energy, because it’s not coming from the body, it is coming from the Spirit, the Essence. We do not need to see your trigger finger. It is within your energy field. It is important for you to understand, and all those who have joined us this evening, that the great healers of your time, namely Jesus, never saw the body as the thing that was having the issue.
It was always the fact that he was able to see the energy of the Spirit that was causing the body to be blind, or deaf, or have an illness like leprosy. It is was not the ears, it was not the eyes, it was not the skin that had the issue. It was the Spirit energy from within the body. And when the healing is done, it is done by looking at the energy and seeing where the energy is not flowing. If you look at your hand, you will see, our sister, when you focus into the energy of the hand, the energy is not flowing through that part of the hand.
When the finger is being manipulated, it is the energy that is being manipulated if there is healing that is being processed. This one has been working with one of our sisters on this call this evening to provide the healing from SPIRIT for her. She has not recovered 100 percent at this point in time because the energy is not able to flow through the body because of what the belief structure is about the energy in this particular body.
If you are looking at the fact that your body is where the problem is, you will never be able to correct the energy running through the body. You must look at the energy. Another part of your question is trying to heal this trigger finger. Sometimes, whether it be a trigger finger, whether it be cancer, whether it be difficult COVID, whether it be other kinds of illnesses, there are times when the body has agreed to enhance the education and the intelligence of the society and the community. And so if the healing is not being done and a medical personnel is able to learn about the treatment and the body heals, it was not the medicine.
It was the fact that it was imparted; the information was imparted to such an extent that there was no more energy that needed to be imparted, and so the energy was then, the illness was withdrawn from the energy and the energy began to flow.
The third reason why this sometimes is looked at as a failure is because it is the ability to come home. There are many who are choosing at this point in time to come home, even though they may not have been able to voice those words within their own mouth.
We would like to have your acknowledgement that you were able to understand what it is that SADO was providing for you to see if you can see, in order to receive.
Participant: I hear what you’re saying and understand it. I think I have to think about how I do this. What is not flowing that is causing this? Is that what I have to think about?
SADO: What is not flowing, dear heart, is the energy through the hand…
Participant: Right.
SADO: It is important that you see the energy coming from your heart, through the chest, through the shoulder, through the arm, through the wrist, through the hand and into the finger.
Participant: OK.
SADO: When you follow the energy through the heart to the end of the finger, the finger will be straight.
Participant: Thank you.
SADO: And you are welcome, our sister. Those who have received healing from the SADO—if you would like to share that with the group, we believe that it would be appreciated. But this is a HIPPA-compliant session. Ha ha ha. So we will not provide names or the ability to force you into making that change.
Edwina: Does anyone else have a question?
Participant 2: I’ve struggled with intimate relationships all my life, and the question that’s popping up for me right now is whether it’s possible to develop spiritually inside an intimate relationship. What would that look like?
SADO: We would like to correct your beginning statement if you would allow us to do this. Your beginning statement was, you have struggled with intimate relationships your entire life. That is incorrect. You were not born as a baby having a difficult time with intimate relationships, you understand?
Participant 2: I do, yes.
SADO: And so it is important for you to go to the time—we understand this is not your question and we are being once again chastised for not answering the question—we would like for you to understand and go back to the time when you did not struggle with intimate relationships. There was a time when that was not your M.O. And when you go back to that time, you will see what the key is that you continually tell yourself is a reality. The realities that you are living with have come at a very early age. But it is not true of all relationships that you have had since that time.
Some relationships that you have had since that time have mimicked the relationship that created this feeling of not being able to grow in an intimate relationship. But that is because you change who it is that you are when you are not your soul, when you are not your energy, when you are not your belief, when you are putting information and patience and projecting your own feelings onto someone else, there is no way that you have the ability to respond to what it is that you are asking for. You cannot see your own because you are spending the time and the energy on someone else’s needs. When you are able to prioritize what it is that Spiritual growth means for you, and you are able to speak with your partner in a way that is true, in a way that is foundational, in a way that is grounded, and you will make room in your relationship for this growth, that is when you grow together. And that is intimate relationship growth. It is not out of your reach. It is being provided for you. It can be seen and it can be received.
And we would like your acknowledgement that this information is key to your growth and your change.
Participant 2: Yes, indeed. Thank you.
SADO: And our sister, you are welcome. And do not cause us to be late again. [Again, this was Grus and he was informed that this participant did not make us start a few minutes late. He is being helped to see the reality and not have his views be quite so prevalent when they do not reflect the views of SADO.]
Chris: Do we have other questions?
Participant 3: My son’s father, my first husband, stepped out of body in November from COVID and I just have a question. His energy is around me, however I’m not exactly sure how I can support my son in his grieving.
SADO: And so, are you asking about supporting your son in grieving the death of his father?
Participant 3: Yes.
SADO: And you understand that your support of him creates an issue because of the parting of the ways between you and his father?
Participant 3: Yes.
SADO: And so it is important that he be surrounded by those who he feels loved his father as much as he loved his father. It is difficult for you to be able to provide for him all it is that he needs when he feels that you can’t possibly understand what it is that he is feeling, and in a way, he is correct. There is no ability for you to understand exactly the way he is feeling, and at this point in time, because it has been so soon, it is important that he be able to speak with others who, to be around, even without speaking about his father, with others who have the same kind of relationship that he had with his father.
Participant 3: Thank you. That really helps me.
SADO: And you are welcome, our sister.
Participant 3: Thank you.
Edwina: There’s a question in the chat box: “When will we ascend to the fifth dimension? And where has the moon been hiding? It’s not always visible.”
SADO: And we appreciate having the question, and it cannot be personalized, as we are not feeling the energy of the person who would like to have this answer, so we will answer this question generically. And we will provide the information about the fifth dimension, and we would say, what makes you feel you have not reached the fifth dimension? Do you feel that one day a curtain will go up and the entire fifth dimension will be laid at your feet? And we want to make sure that we can still be heard. [They asked this because I had my Airpods in and one popped out of my ear. I didn’t know this or feel it but found it on the floor after the program. During editing, SADO told me why they asked this question.]
Edwina: Yes, we can hear you, SADO.
SADO: And so it is important that you understand that the fifth dimension is a view of the world that you are currently living in. It is not something that was just created. It is not something that was just discovered. It is something that is within the creation. Also the sixth and the seventh and the eighth and the infinity dimensions already exist. They will come about when it is that you have the abilities to understand, to be educated, to be instructed by and to utilize that energy that is coming from that particular dimension. It is a funny word for us to have the ability of speaking about the word dimension because for us, dimension means something totally different.
Dimension for you is a way of visualizing energy. For us, the dimension is out of this world. For us, the dimension is not something that you will experience while you are in body. But we understand what it is that you are saying about dimension and that is what we are answering.
Regarding your moon, you do understand that through the solar system, it has not gone anywhere, correct? You do understand that the moon in the phases has been in this way for eons. Ever since the Earth was created, it has the moon that was created.
There is a possibility that you have not been seeing the moon because the moon does not need to be seen by you. At this point in time, I would be asking myself, why is it I cannot see the moon and what is it that the moon means to me? And what kind of energy do I get from the moon? And if the moon is not providing the energy, what is providing the energy ? Or do I not need that energy at this point in time?
And we would like acknowledgement that this has been answered in a way that is understandable.
Participant 3: Yes, thank you, SADO.
SADO: And we will take one more question.
Edwina: If someone else has a question, will you unmute yourself please?
Participant 4: SADO, if thoughts create, can negative thoughts create as well? Can people create harm in other people’s lives with negative thoughts about them?
SADO: Oh, our dear one, we are very sorry that you are asking this question. It is showing the pain in your heart, and it is difficult for us to know that that pain exists for you, one who gives so much to SADO. The answer to your question is no. It is not possible for you to bewitch another who is in body unless that one who is being bewitched is open to the possibility of negativity, who believes that her energy is not strong enough to not have this being provided. It is important for you to, as this one would say, put in the quadruple shield of protection around yourself if you do not feel that your energy is possible for your energy to be able to protect you.
There is no ability for someone else within body to create chaos for you. That is not a possibility. And we wish for you to take that into your heart and to realize that it will never happen. The negativity that you may be feeling is coming from your heart and it is difficult for us to say that to you—that you are taking this into your heart. Please do not take this into your heart, our dear encyclopedist, you do not deserve to be treated in that way, you do not deserve to have that behavior, you do not deserve to have those feelings, you do not deserve to have the fear. The fear will create. Your fear will create for you. Your fear cannot create for others unless it becomes community- and society-wide. This is one of the issues that is happening within the United States as well as in the world at this point in time where there is a growing fear in the societies and communities that is causing the ravages that are going on at this point in time, but that is happening for those who choose to believe that God is not writing the message of love and health and freedom and choice to be in a situation and a society of truth.
Do not give in to the fear. Do not contemplate the negativity. Stay in the positive. And this one is telling us that sounds very Pollyannaish, but it is important for you to understand that your feelings create. If you allow the feelings of others to create your existence, then that is on your shoulders.
And we wish to thank you for being with us this evening, for bringing your energy into the situation room where we are able to educate you, depending upon the energy of the group. This one has finally stopped asking us what it is that we will speaking about because she now understands that it is dependent on the energy of the group.
We hope you have found the information to be helpful, to be uplifting, and for you to have your orders of march, to see what it is that you are looking for—what it is you want to be provided. And that will allow you to receive. And we thank you for your energy because that which you bring into your heart, you make positive changes in your society and your community. And we are happy that you have taken the time to do this work. And please know that we will be with you as you progress in the education and the information that God provides for you through SADO. And it is enough.
SADO: And we are here.
[Paul is generally the speaker for SADO, however on this night the SADO medical team, as they called themselves, were speaking. The voice was a combination of Dr. Sturgis, Dr. Albert Schweitzer (I had not seen Dr. Schweitzer before and only through meditation following this session was told who he was and that he was indeed part of this medical team), two light beings and Pia, the sprite.]
Lynn: Thank you, SADO.
SADO: And as we peruse the energy of this group this evening, we would like to endeavor into an area that we had the ability to touch on during our last time together. And that is the project of looking at the human body and the soul, and interjecting a system of healing for that entity, or in this case, those entities.
It will be a—what would you call—a medical healing time, but we would also interject that this healing is also mental and emotional, along with being physical.
In order to do this healing, we would like for you to understand there are some foundational pieces of this healing that are important for you to recognize and to be a part of in order for this healing process to become one with the body.
We would like for you to understand that the physical issues in the human body are a direct reflection from the emotional self. There appears to be some question about this, but we will regard it as truth as we tell you that the human body is like a big mirror to what it is that is happening psychologically, socially and especially emotionally. The emotions that you have create a change in the cellular structure of the human body. Yes, that is correct, as this one is questioning how that is possible. It is possible because the cellular structure of the body is at a very low vibration. And it is important for you to understand the vibration in the emotional body is actually higher than the cell structure or the vibrations in the human body. It is very low, and it does not generate the vibrational energy that it could in order for the cellular structure to maintain health.
The health is coming from what it is that the emotional body, the psychological bodies, are putting into the vibrational makeup that is affecting the human body.
We would like for you to understand it like a sponge. Looking at a sponge has many holes in it, does it not? And if you look at these cells, the holes in the sponge, it correlates to the cells in the body. Some of them are empty, and some of them are filled with the soap suds.
The soap suds will fill, but they will not stay filled because the soap suds will drain out or they will dehydrate. If there is a dehydration of this liquid, then that dehydration caused the cells of the sponge to change. The cells of the sponge may get hard, and they will be open. If we look at the soap suds as the psychological and the mental issues within the body, and are created within the body, we understand that they will also change the cellular structure of the sponge, or hence the cellular structure of your body.
It is very clear to those of us who are helping you, who are watching you, who are guiding you, that you do not realize the effect of the psychological and the mental care and thoughts that you have and what this is doing to the body, to the structure of the body. [The medical team showed a diagram of what happens to the cells when we have thoughts that are unloving. These thoughts could be unloving toward others or toward yourselves. The team explained to me that there is a bank of unloving and unkind thoughts that we have had that resemble fat cells. The cells shrink into almost nothingness when we are responding in a loving way, and explode in size and number when we are thinking in an unloving way toward ourselves and others. They explained that these cells, once created, are always there, but are of no consequence as long as we have loving thoughts. I asked them specifics about me, as I know I have had thousands of unloving thoughts through my lifetime, and they were able to show me this “bank account;” when the cells had been fed and when they had been starved. It is something we need to be constantly aware of. They also showed how our participation with the environment (work, home, nature, etc.) also plays a part in these structures. Their closing thought on this to me was, “You are never a victim because you have the ability to think the thoughts about yourself and others in a loving way. You do not need to—and are not expected to—allow someone to treat you badly, but dwelling on it and believing their beliefs is suicide.”]
We wish to give you one more underpinning of this information, and that is that the vast majority of the underpinnings are coming from fear. As this one has long used as a proponent for healing, love and fear are the only two energies. Love and fear are the only two energies. And so if you are not giving the body love, and you are not feeling love due to your environment, socially, in your community, then you are participating in fear.
Fear has many outputs. Forgiveness is a big issue for those who are living in the human body, but it is generally the fear of separation that is causing the body to have the illness. It is not separation from your loved ones who are also in body, or no longer in body. It is the separation that you have manufactured—and your ego is supporting—that you are separated from God. This cannot be, and we feel as if we are hitting this in a way that will say, SADO, you sound like a broken record, telling us the same issues over and over again. But many of you are not understanding what it is that we are saying, and believing what it is that you can never be separated from the ONE. It is impossible. During our last time together, which we appreciate—you being with us—we talked with you and gave you the formula of AIR.
We have written extensively about this within the transcript and within this one’s journaling. The concept of the formula of AIR is to ask, to see and to receive. For those of you who have not read the transcript from our last meeting, you may not understand why it is “AIR” when the I in AIR is not an “s” for “see.” But we asked this one, “What is it that you see with?” And she required us to ask the question again: “What is it that you see with?” And she was able to say, “The eye.” And that is the formula: A-I-R. AIR.
It is easy for you to recognize and remember, correct? Ask, see, receive. When you are asking from the space within your heart that knows you are connected with God, you are asking for the highest guidance that is possible. When you see the answer to this question, only then can you receive it. It is important for you to ask, as God, your guidance, SPIRIT, cannot provide for you until you ask.
It is the law of God for you to only receive when you have asked. And when you ask, be sure to make sure that you are also asking, “Is this in God’s will?” [They’re clarifying: Asking that you and/or your thoughts be united with God’s will. Not sure why it didn’t come out at the time.] If you ask for the lottery numbers, it’s very possible that you will not receive, or see, the lottery numbers, because it is not in God’s will for you to win the lottery. Ha ha ha. And you may say, “SADO, why would God not want me to win the lottery?” Because God understands that would not allow you to do the work that is important for you to do within this lifetime.
It is not that God wants you to struggle. But learning to ask is part of your makeup as a human body. So we ask you to use this formula of ask and see and receive as you are asking for healing of the body, healing of the mind, healing of the heart. It is important that you tap into where God resides within you. Some of you have taken coursework that has allowed you to understand where it is that the soul lives within your human body. This is what we would say “so-so” because it only resides in the place of the deepest meaning that you have within your body, and for everyone, the soul, if you interpret that to be God in one place, and that is in the center of your head. It is not in your brain. It is in the center of your head, and if there is time, we can do more with this information. But at this point in time, it is a gathering of many guidance packs and groups for us to go through the process of doing the healing. [They had me put one index finger above my right ear and the other index finger directly in the top center of my head. They told me that God resides where these two lines intersect. Anatomically, I would say that is somewhere in the vicinity of the amygdala and pineal glands but not really an area that is marked on diagrams. I didn’t ask for confirmation of that.]
We wish for you [Jane coughs]to identify an area of weakness [Jane coughs]as we are showing you within this one. We wish for you to ground yourself and identify a place of weakness within the body. This place of weakness may be within the physical body, may be within the emotional body and may be within the psychological body, but we wish for you to identify. You may also feel a twinge [Jane coughs], a cough, a feeling within this area of the body.
And we ask you now to close your eyes and to ground your energy [Jane coughs]. We are waiting for some guidance to be able to help to ground the energy. [Jane coughs.] And now we are asking you to ask for the healing. Remember to ask if it is in God’s will. And now we ask for you to see the healing occur. And we ask for you to receive the healing.
This simple exercise was done for you to understand that you have the ability to do this healing. We would like for you to understand that it was the wish of this one to participate in this healing. It was important for this one to understand what it is that we were going to be sharing with all of you this evening. We thought it would be interesting for you to have a more visible sign of the issue, the weakness in the body, as well as the healing.
We wish for you to feel the healing in your own body, as this one has felt the healing in her own body. The practice, however, it is not complete. It is important for you now to ascertain what caused the illness within your body. This is the reason why we have brought your guidance forward, so they can help you by hearing you ask for the reason why the body created this illness. We would ask you to ask them to allow you to see the issue that created the mirroring effect in the body. And then we would ask for you to allow you to see the receiving of the healing. It is important that you will do this with your eyes closed so that your spiritual eyes could be opened. And we would ask for you to ascertain this AIR now.
Not only has there been many groups of guidance with us this evening, but many of you have brought loved ones with you this evening that have also joined in the healing processes. We appreciate their energy, and we will use this one as the example so you can follow through if there was any piece of misunderstanding about the guidance and the healing process that we have just encountered.
So as some of you know better than others, this one has been reticent to allow SADO to come through even though it has been nearly six years that this information has been flowing. This one still has a difficulty with bringing this voice through. She understands that it is the place that she needs to be to bring this information through, but there are times when this one feels like she is choking on it. [I’m sorry that this got so personal and I didn’t know they talked about this until I read the transcript. I would be happier if this work could have been without anyone knowing the voice of SADO came out of my body. I don’t like the notoriety and this is what they are talking about. They have told me in the past that I have “choked it down for years.”] It manifested for you this evening as if she were choking on it. She has blamed the sinuses, which is a part of the human body, but it has been a difficult situation for her to be able to understand, to accept and to receive.
This is information that her guidance was able to provide for her this evening because this one asked. This one used the formula of AIR. And it will be interesting for you to hear the change in the volume of the voice as we went through that process. Healing is within your power. Healing is within your grace. Healing is your right to manifest. Healing is a reflection of wholeness. Illness is a reflection and a mirroring of something that is missing, and the something that is missing is always love. Love of self, forgiveness of others, in the present and in the past. Forgiveness of self. The ability to love who it is that you are as you have been loved by only those who know the truth of love, who are not in body.
Those of you who have loved ones who reside with us on this side of the veil now understand and can provide for you true love. Feel the love coming through to your body. That is the true love, because they no longer feel that there is any separation from God. When you don’t feel that separation from God, there is nothing that stands within your way of healing. That is true love. But the ego wants to tell you that you do not deserve the love of God. The ego tells you that the love you are feeling from others who are in body is more important than the love of God. This is incorrect, and this causes illness. It is the sponge. It is the cellular structure that is lacking, that is “hole-y.” Ha ha ha.
We wish for you to take this generous gift of AIR, of healing, and be able to apply it to the simplest hangnail and the greatest illness. There is no difference. There is no difference. There is no difference.
And we will now open this program for any questions that you may have. Your guidance is informing us you may have specific questions about the exercise you have gone through that is about yourself. The SADO group has always asked for all questions to be of a general nature. We are letting you know that we are overruling that at this point in time and we will accept questions that are more personal in nature, as this exercise has been personal in nature.
Edwina: Is there anyone who would like to ask a question?
Participant 1: I would like to ask SADO why I feel like God has me in a desert still and why I can’t seem to more forward.
SADO: And what is it, our sister, that is the foundation of your fears?
Participant 1: I don’t know if it’s fear as much as a lack of being able to move forward. I give a lot to other people as a chaplain and as a minister and I feel empty.
SADO: And if you were to move forward, our sister, what is it that would look like?
Participant 1: Delivering teachings from a pulpit so I can contact more people and writing my testimony in a book so that people will realize that Jesus is alive. I met him.
SADO: And what is the grounding fear with regard to putting yourself out there?
Participant 1: Rejection.
SADO: And that, our sister, is the foundation of your fears—when it is that you allow yourself to understand that rejection is a physical body anomaly and you cannot be rejected by God, that fear will then recede and you will not be interested in gaining the support of those who are in the body, but you will walk the path as Jesus did. And you will put yourself in the place of preaching the word of God without the fear of rejection, and you will feel the love. It is there for you, but there is rejection in your past.
Participant 1: A lot.
SADO: And it is the rejection that you are feeding on. It is a rejection that you are bringing about. It is the rejection that you hear: “You cannot do that.” And that is what you are living on, our sister. And that is what is holding you back. Your guidance hears you asking and they are ready for you to see,……. but there is no equal to receiving at this point in time because you have not allowed yourself to see.
When you allow yourself to see, it will not matter what it is that those in the body may say if you are brave as Jesus and many others who have walked the same pathway. You are loved. You are supported. We see the help that you granting others, and now we would like for you to grant the help to yourself. It is there for you, and it is time to reach into the past and close the door. In closing the door, it allows you to be who it is that you are today, and not be stuck on who it was that you were before, who it was you were accused of being before and to recognize who it is that you are currently and will be in the future, when you see. And that will allow you to receive.
Participant 1: Thank you.
Participant 2: I have a few questions. One is on dreams, and I do apologize if this has been covered in previous sessions. Is it possible that we’re energetically experiencing other lives in other locations while we’re sleeping? Is our soul in travel while we are dreaming? I feel like I live more in my dreams than during my waking hours, and I hope that makes sense.
SADO: This one is asking us not to blow your mind. But it is difficult for us to try to answer this question without blowing your mind. We will try to accommodate this one along with answering your questions, in that you understand that where you are and what you are doing currently, right this moment, is dreaming. This is the dream. What you are doing right now is dreaming. We are all sitting together and you are having a conversation with SADO, really, on our side of the veil. That is the dream. When you talk about sleep, that is when you are awake. Not all dreams from sleep are about being awake in SPIRIT.
There is dreaming that is asleep-dreaming. That is when your subconscious is trying to suggest a healing issue for something that it cannot put to rest and that is in your brain. That is not in the place of God. There is also sleep-dreaming when you are projecting from your world of where you currently, truly are—not in this body, and the projecting is allowing you to see the possibilities that you are not able to have while you are in the body.
And there is time and space within the sleeping time where you are able to connect with other facets of the soul and the essence, that are indeed, as you would use the term, living a life in other places. We would not use the word “living,” we would not use the word “life” and we would not use the word “existing,” but as not to blow your mind further, we will use a terminology that we hope you can understand. This is a very simplistic explanation for your question, and we do not mean to insult your intelligence, but it may be enough for you to start listening to what it is that you are saying about what it is that is dream and what it is that is reality. And do you understand?
Participant 2: I’ve gathered parts of this information from other sources and it’s a challenge to wrap the brain around it, so yes, you’ve blown my mind for this evening.
SADO: Do not—do not wrap your brain around it, because your brain is part of your ego and your ego does not want you to understand the reality. So wrap your heart around the information and keep what it is that makes you feel truth. And when you are able to feel the truth, that is the part that you can hold onto and to build on, as this is a very base and minor building block to the realities of the distance that you feel you have, which we call the dream.
Participant 2: Thank you.
SADO: And you are welcome, our sister.
Participant 3: What can you tell me about angels? What is their purpose? Are they separated from God the way we are?
SADO: And our dear sister, you are an angel. And we feel the energy around you, and you are an angel. The angels are no more separated from God than you are. You are not separated from God, and please pull that into your heart; into your understanding, so you realize that you as the angel are connected to God as well as the angels who are not in human body.
Angels have never been in human body. They can assume a human body for a short period of time to be able to do specific functions. These are the stories that you might hear of someone coming toward you in an accident crash situation where the angel of help was seen and then disappeared. But they took on a human body in order to do that. The angels that will come to escort someone home oftentimes do not take on the human body. They will leave their angel clothes on to usher that soul home.
There are angels—the angels do not have the function—as important as your guidance. The angels are not at that level, and this is what they would like to be able to do—is to monitor and to help. They receive the prayers, they receive the goodness, they appreciate being thought of, and they are heard. Angels are whisperers, and they hear. They cannot change the life plan, but they can hear. They hear when you are asking for help, for support. And they will provide as long as it’s within the realm of God. They have learned the lesson of AIR extremely well. and they will only comply if it is in God’s willingness. We appreciate your question. We are very happy to see that you are here.
Participant 2: I’d like to ask a follow-up to that question. I realize our guides are always with us, but I do find them either inaccessible or maybe they’re busy. Given the national and international situation, are they off tending to other matters? Are they needed elsewhere? Or do I need to check in with myself in another way to be able to hear them?
SADO: And our sister, are you asking for guidance from your guides?
Participant 2: I’m trying to make sure my asking is coming from my heart, but at other times I feel like they’re not there.
SADO: And we are very sorry that you are feeling as if your guides are not available to you because that is incorrect. Your guides may not be providing you with the answers that you want, and so it’s difficult for you to hear the messages when it’s not the answer that you would like to hear. But what your guidance is telling us is that they are waiting for you to take the step of asking whether or not this is in agreement with God. It is the lottery question that we spoke of earlier. If it is not in your best good to win the lottery, if it is not within the terminology of God for you to win the lottery, it is not going to be happening within this dream state.
It is important that you are sure yourself that what you are asking—
Participant 2: Even though I’m out in nature, I feel like I’m not grounded.
SADO: You are welcome, our sister. And we hope that you have been provided with the information that will be beneficial for you in going forward and continuing to learn and continuing to achieve.
Participant 2: It’s very helpful, thank you.
SADO: And we will entertain one final question for this evening.
Participant 4: I wanted to talk more about the meditation healing you just did, SADO, and thank you very much for that. I could not focus on one thing only, so I focused on two things. I got some words about where these issues were coming from and I got: “exhaustion” and “more rest” and “do for myself.” I did the past exercise of trying to bring the white light into my heart to help my injured finger, which is now three injured fingers, but didn’t get the result that I had hoped for. Is there more I should know about how to do this self-healing?
SADO: We appreciate your question and we will gather our energy to be able to respond to this question. We would like for you to respond to a question that we have for you, and that is: If your fingers were working correctly, what would you be doing differently? (Silence.) You would be working more.
Participant 4: Yes.
SADO: And so when you understand that “in God’s will” means that you will have the ability to do what it is that you came into this body to do and to learn, could it be that it was not working?
Participant 4: I would entertain that as a possibility. (Laughs.)
SADO: We would like for you to do that. And we would like for you to understand what it is that your life purpose actually is. And then we would like for you to examine what part fear is playing in you not doing your life’s purpose, and we would also implore you to look at any forgiveness situations that you have not dealt with in this lifetime.
Participant 4: OK. Thank you.
SADO: And it is enough.
SADO: And we are here.
Lynn: Welcome, SADO.
SADO: And the energy has many questions this evening. It is important for you to understand that SADO will be speaking in their normal way this evening, as some of you may have read that Paul is our spokesperson, and that is me. I am the one who takes the temperature of the group and speaks in a way that combines the voices, the ideas, the questions and the comments of the SADO.
We would like for you to understand that this information has been gathered and is being delivered specifically for those who are amongst this group this evening. We would like for you to understand that the healing energy that is provided for you is important for your body. As you know, your soul cannot be changed, and your soul cannot be ill, and your soul, when it comes home, is much more alive than what you would consider your soul to be when it is inside the body.
The energy of the soul inside the body is much weaker and resonates at a much lower vibration. We would like for you to understand that those who are with us want you to feel what it is like for them to be free. So they ask you to think of a butterfly. They ask you to understand the freedom that the butterfly presents as it goes from flower to flower, from plant to plant. It is interesting for us for them to be using this metaphor, as it is a metaphor that many who are in the body are looking to as a prominent grief symbol.
We would like for you to take the metaphor of the butterfly and not look at it quite so literally. Butterfly is free. Butterfly is lighter than air. Butterfly has much less body mass. Butterfly has wings that allow it to catch the breeze. We want you to understand that you have the ability to catch the breeze as well. You have the ability to fly, although again, we are not speaking in literal terms.
You have the ability to have the vibrations at a level where healing is absolutely guaranteed. You are weighed down by the body. You are weighed down by the localized energy, not the non-local energy. And this one is asking us to explain local and non-local. It is a term that many who study spiritualism will utilize, but it also is very popular in the science community. Your energy has the ability to be non-local energy. Your energy has the ability to provide for you within the energy system of the sphere that is around you. Some of you have been studying the energetic egg, or the energetic field that is around you, and that energetic field creates the ability to have and to utilize non-local energy. This one is telling us we are not explaining this well.
[Jane: Here is the explanation they gave me regarding local and non-local energy: “Consciousness is non-local. Non-locality signifies all points in space being equal to all other points in space. It requires an understanding that nothing is separate from anything else. Matter consists of quantum particles, therefore, all matter is non-local and a wave of energy.”]
We would like for you to understand, whether or not you can use the terminology, we would like you to understand that the energy that is non-local is as much for the people around you as if you were within them. Your energy expands out from your body. This energy joins into the energy of others. You understand there is no independent you, correct? You understand that you are all one. You understand that you are one in Jesus, in Mohammad, in Allah, in Martin. [During editing they explained they were referring to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.]
You are all in the energy of everyone else. There is no differentiation between your body and the body of others. You might look different than the body of others, but the energy from your body is the same as the energy of others. You are choosing to see other bodies in the way that they are presenting themselves. But you are also seeing the body in the way that you are comfortable, or uncomfortable, seeing the body.
It would be interesting, and it will be interesting, when you are with us to see what it is that we see of those who are in the body. We see that they are reflecting, that they are mirroring, what it is that they feel their body is going to be looking like. But we see that their bodies are nothing more than energy. So you can create your body to be what it is that you would like it to be. If you would like your body to be sick, or the body becomes sick because of what is in the mind, that is the body that will be presented. This is not to blame. SADO is not blaming for any disconcerting illness that you may feel your body has, but when you are looking at energy healing, it is about correcting the energetic egg, the energetic field that is around the body.
Many of you are studying about the personalities of the body. But it is actually the personality of the field around the body, and it is important for you to include that in your study materials. When it is that you are fascinated with what is going on with the body, you get stuck in a very low vibration. The vibration will not provide for you the information and the structure that will allow it to heal. You need to understand that you are healing not the body, but the energy that is around the body.
This is what our wonderful team of medical personnel that is within SADO has been trying to show for many decades and many centuries. There is healing available to all of you. Now you may be looking at what it is that the healing needs to be done with the COVID that you are dealing with in your society now.
The COVID was brought into your society. It had the ability to take hold because of what was going on within the energy systems of the bodies. That is the reason why it makes the body sick. If it was simply in the energetic field, it would not have gotten a foothold on the body. But unfortunately, the way the bodies have been built, it has allowed it to get a foothold into the flesh. The flesh is what has become ill, and this is the reason why SADO has been telling you now for more than a year and seven months that you must take care of yourself energetically, and when it is that the body has created a way for this COVID to enter the body, you must be using the Western medicine as well as the meditation and the Eastern meditation and medicine that is available to you to be able to heal the tissues of the body and the energetic field around the body.
It is also important, and we will have some who disagree, that the vaccine will be a lifesaver. [Here they explained that the vaccine is not just a lifesaver for COVID, but due to the technology that was “discovered”—and they laughed with the word “discovered”—it will save tens of thousands of lives as the technology will be useful for so many other “diseases.”] We are not happy that this is what has needed to happen, but this is the possibility, the probability and the must. The vaccine is going to be very prominent and it is going to be very helpful, because you will have some who will not partake in this. And it is also the variants, as you say, that are going to become stronger and much more prevalent that you are preparing for. The vaccines will not prevent all illness to not come into the tissues, but it will be beneficial for the tissues of the body to raise the vibrations for the tissues of the body which will also be impactful for the energetic field, or as some of you would say, the energetic egg.
It is not possible for most people who are wearing the Earth suits to be able to generate the vaccine within the body. It is, as you would say, if you have the ability to see that time is no matter, if you have the ability to understand that the Earth is an illusion, if you have the ability to say, “I never need to eat or drink again,” most of you who are in the body do not have the ability to do this and it is not from a lack of trying. It is from a lack of having the life plan where knowing and practicing this miracle-mindedness is not something to be learned, but it is to be lived.
The life plan is something that you created before you came into the body, and the vast majority of those who are wearing the Earth suit did not plan to see time, to see images, to see bodies, as strictly illusions.
If it is not in your life plan, it is not something you are going to succeed at. We are sorry to tell you this, as we understand that some of you have worked very hard to be able to see it in that way. But we would like to give you a break, and how you understand that having a knowledge base of this information is very helpful.
Succeeding in understanding at 100 percent that the world and all you see is an illusion may not be on your life plan. It would be the same as not only wanting but having your car fly. If it was not built with wings, it is not going to fly. Your life plan does not create, does not contain, the ability for you to be free of all judgment and the need to quantify your life with time. You came into the body to understand the element of time. You came into the body to understand that time is limited. You came into body to understand the quality of what it is that you are doing with the time.
So please understand that what it is in your life plan is possible, but you need to also understand that your life plan has much within it that you have not touched, that if you lived to 175, which by the way is possible, you would not be able to complete all that is on your life plan.
It is difficult for some of you to hear that your loved ones were not “finished.” But that is correct, and they were not finished because there is no way that God would have allowed you to come into body with a finite program. There is very much that you can learn, that you can experience, that you can do with. It is on your life plan. So do not feel, “I am done. I have nothing more to do. Everything is wrapped up in a tiny bow.” That is not correct, nor is it supposed to be correct. But you will decide when what it is that you have accomplished has been able to be accomplished. When you have accomplished what it is that you have the ability to accomplish, it is a beautiful thing.
Understand there is always more to learn, and as long as we can learn, the more of our life plan becomes uncovered, and the more time and energy you have to be able to look at the life plan, what it is that you accomplished, what it is that you had the ability to touch into during the time in the body. Be happy, be glad for what it is that you have been able to accomplish. It is a beautiful thing, and as you process information that is coming into you, into your energy field, realize that you are tapping into the encyclopedia of you. And when you are tapping into the encyclopedia of you, that is a good thing, as you are allowing yourself to turn the page of your life plan and to be able to check and see what is there.
Unless you allow yourself to experience much, it will be difficult for you to understand that there is so much more. It is there, it is being provided to you and for you. We, as you know, as this conclave gathers, have access to your life plans. Many times when you are asking questions, your energy allows us to go to your life plan and to look at the pages. We can tell what has been missed, we can but are hesitant to tell you what is coming next, and we can tell you what it is that has been very successful.
We are not fortune-tellers, and as some of you who have had private sessions with SADO, you know that we have given you information of what is on your life plan, and we would like for you to be able to continue with that. We give you this information so that you have the ability to be able to work within the confines of this life plan, a plan you designed, you asked for and were granted support for and a plan that you have the basis of education, knowledge, experience and practice for.
It is not an instruction. It is not something that we are asking you and telling you: You absolutely must do this. It is the ability for you to have a window into the life plan in a way that provides for you the information that will be beneficial, not only for you, but for all of those who you will come in contact with during this lifetime. That which is on your life plan is not only for you, but it is also for those of you who will be in concert with those who will be touched by what it is that is in your life plan.
And it appears that we are having a technical difficulty and we will be bringing this one out of this to remedy the situation at this time.
(Pause for a few minutes.)
Lynn: SADO, are you there?
SADO: And we are here.
Lynn: Welcome.
SADO: And we apologize for the issue of the technical problem. It has been one thing after another as we have gone through this programming and development for this evening, and as our own technical advisors have come forward to benefit all who have joined this program.
And so we would like to provide for you information, again, when it is we have an opportunity to speak with you about the life plan. Again, it is an opportunity for you to have information about what is on your life plan in a way that you have the ability to know and to be able to help others who you will touch. These are also listed on your life plan. All those who you come into contact with are listed on your life plan. This is not an accident; this is not something that was not necessary. This is something that as ancestrals as well as those who you meet in the parking lot—these are all about participants that are gathered within your life plan as well.
It is important that you greet these people who are wearing the Earth suits as if they were not wearing the Earth suits. That might be curious to you, but it is a very important issue because as we have told you, the Earth suits are simply that. They are a covering; they are a case, or as this one would tell you, they are the vase.
It is the flowers that are inside that vase that is most important. And we ask you to see others as the flowers within the vase. We wish for you to understand that you are petals on the flowers as well, and for you to realize they are on your life plan that you are supposed to meet and to be grateful for them, and to understand when it is that they have created a situation that has made a mess for you in your life. Sometimes you are there to help them to learn what it is that they need to learn. And sometimes it is for them to help you learn what it is that you need to learn. And sometimes you are the innocent bystander—ha ha ha—who is playing the part, who is creating the energy that is needed.
We wish for you to breathe through your heart. When you are breathing through your heart, you have the ability to be kind, all-knowing and feeling the energy—providing for others because all others are you, and you are all others. And so we wish for you to understand that our message for you this evening is to understand the energetic field and for you to understand the expansiveness of the energetic field. And we wish for you to greet all others, and as this one would say, the animals as well, as a part of who you are because your energy is their energy, and their energy is your energy.
And we would like to now open this program for questions that any participants might wish to ask.
Participant 1: SADO, when you were talking about the COVID vaccine, did you say it raises the energetic field of the body, or is it just working on the physical body?
SADO: It is working on the physical body and you are asking a very interesting question that we did not address fully and we appreciate your context of this question, because what we would like for you to understand is that the vaccine will not only work on the body that it is actually injected into, but it will work on the energetic focus and the field around the body.
Because of this, it will also provide information to those who are working with this, and it will also provide some limited—this is not a word that our medical team is happy with—it will provide information and healing into the biosphere not only for COVID but for other Earth suit issues as well, and that is what our medical team would like the information to impart. And we hope that has answered your question, and we would like acknowledgment that this is so.
Participant 1: Is it helping the biosphere by reducing fear?
SADO: In the biosphere, it is not fear-related. It is actually providing a strengthening of the individual energetic bubbles around each of the bodies and therefore around the whole.
Participant 1: Thank you.
SADO: And you are welcome, our sister.
Participant 2: Thank you, SADO for your time. My question is about a family member who has some mental-health problems. Her energy just takes over everyone else’s energy. How do you deal with people when they are in your life plan but suck the energy out of you? Is it your life plan or their life plan where the help is needed?
SADO: And we would like the opportunity to answer what we believe the question is, and we would like to make several points. One point is: Mental-health issues that contribute to difficult relationships are usually about connecting with the same kind of energy within those that are being affected. For instance, if someone has a great deal of, as this one would say, clinical depression, it is difficult for those around to be joyful and happy because they become consumed with the depression of the others, and it taps into what they would have in their sphere of depression as well. You know we all have sad days, correct? And that sadness that is inherent in being within the human body can be tapped into from someone whom you might be around who has that as a clinical issue.
So in this way, the energy that consumes all of us is tapped into from those who have a greater percentage of showing what it is that is on that continuum.
We all have a degree, when we are in the human body, of a range of emotions. Some of us are on one end of the continuum, some of us are on the other end of the continuum and some of us are somewhere in the middle. Those who are somewhere in the middle are said to be mentally healthy.
Sometimes it’s not that they are mentally healthy. Sometimes it is the fact that they have become very good actors. And sometimes it is the fact that they have been able to ignore what is actually happening within their body and their mind. When a family is ravaged by mental-health issues, it is because they are not supported, and are unfortunately successful in reaching the same level on the continuum as those who have been “diagnosed.” [By not supported, SADO means not supported by society; medically, emotionally, spiritually as well as mentally. They explained that this creates the family to react at the same level as the one or ones who are struggling mentally.] They exist at the same level as the one who is ill. They cannot be helpful, as now they are mirroring what it is that the identified one is dealing with and feeling.
So what we would say to you, our sister, is for you to understand that if you are bothered by this family member, it might be this family member’s actions are tapping into something that is very fearful for you. Or scary. Or emotionally destructive. It is difficult always to work with somebody whose body has become the science experiment.
It is difficult to not go to the same level and to be encompassed by the illness. We wish for you to make sure that your bubble, your energetic field, is very strong and very guarded before you interact with this family member. And when you leave the family member, for you to understand, being grateful and having gratitude in a way that would provide for you the health of your mind and body. And we wish for you to provide acknowledgment that we were able to provide for you some information that has been helpful.
Participant 2: Yes, SADO. Thank you for your insight.
SADO: And you are welcome, our sister.
Participant 3: SADO, thank you for all your help and wisdom. In recent years, I have focused very much on keeping a high energy level by practicing love and gratitude and forgiveness. And I recently had an incident with a family member during which I didn’t behave in my most spiritual manner, and I regret that. It is very easy to lapse into looking at the past and fearing the future. Can you guide me with some additional tools to help stay out of the fear, ruminating on the past and fearing the future? Thank you.
SADO: And we are very sorry to tell you: You have our greatest sympathies on not being perfect. Ha ha ha.
Participant 3: (Laughs)
SADO: You understand correctly that you have come into this body with a combination of being very high energy, as you say, and speaking and breathing from the heart. And this is a very prominent fact within your life plan. It has not been easy for you to do this, especially from childhood. It has been difficult for you to make a conscious decision, which is what this has been for you, to make a conscious decision that this is the way that you want to live your life.
And we see where that has happened within your life plan, where you have made this conscious decision. And we applaud you for this conscious decision that you have made and we appreciate the fact that you are looking at the energetic code in order for you to continue to behave in this way. What we would like to ask you is, what is it that was tapped into when you had the situation, experience with the family member where you felt that you had not responded in a way that was coming from the heart?
Do you understand what it is that was tapped into that created this behavior, as it was a very conscious behavior? And do you understand what it is that led up to this?
Participant 3: I do. Perhaps I’m rationalizing, but I do believe it was fear of this child’s death and the constant state of tension that I’ve been in regarding these issues. I finally realized that God’s will is my happiness but that I am going to break under this stress. Part of me thinks this is the only way I could deal with it, and yet I wish I could have been more loving.
SADO: You understand, correct, that it was a feeling of being attacked, it was a feeling of being attacked that set you back on your heels? The feeling of being attacked is one that is very difficult to deal with, but as we told your sister, this last question that was asked and answered, it is important for you to not only understand what it is that your response was, but also where it was coming from…
Participant 3: Thank you.
SADO: …where, on the continuum, it was coming from and how to deal with the feeling of attack. We are not seeing on your life plan that this was an ill-advised conclusion. But it was not recognized as attack, and if it had been recognized as attack, you would have been able to very quickly extricate yourself from the situation and realize they were coming from a very dark place. And the darkness was being shared with you, and it felt to you as you were being attacked. And we see that and we understand that and we recognize the attack. For you to be able to deal and see the situation differently, it goes back to what was said at the beginning of our time together this evening, in that it is important for you to know what part you are playing. Are you a supportive character? Is this about your energy? Is this about your experience? Or have you gone into this situation and experience in a way that you have the ability to understand the part that you played, what it is that you need to do to forgive yourself and to forgive others for attacking, as that is the only way that they understood how to express themselves.
And we hope that this guidance has been helpful for you and would appreciate the acknowledgment that you understand.
Participant 3: I do understand, and I am profoundly grateful. This is very helpful and I hope it would benefit others because I don’t want to be selfish with your time. Thank you so very much.
SADO: And we would like for you to understand one more time that your energy is in all, and all energy is within you. You cannot ask a question that is only meaningful for you. And we appreciate your time and your compassion for those who are also wearing the Earth suits, and we say thank you to our sister.
Participant 4: Good evening, SADO, and thank you for your presence this evening. I have several issues to inquire on. In terms of inquiring more into our own life plan, would the best way be to do an individual session with SADO?
SADO: That is correct, although much of the information that is given during the first portion of our SADO session live programs is about what it is that is on the life plan commonalities of those who are present.
Participant 4: I’m at a point where I can approach people in a non-judgmental way and yet I’m challenged around embracing the idea that we’re all of the same energies with people in our lives we have a history with; basically, family or long-term relationships. Do you have suggestions for how to look at life situations through the lens of all having the same energy?
SADO: We would like to break your question down into sections, as we were studying your life plan as it was that you were speaking with your guidance. And as we look at your life plan, we see that there has been much trauma and that trauma has created drama. The drama that was within your family has provided for you a canvas, a canvas for you to paint a particular situation where these … as this one is showing, an experience she believes would be beneficial in this circumstance, and we agree and so we will share, and that is that your job is to decide what the paint-by-numbers picture looks like when it is complete.
And then, allow God to put in the colors that are necessary for the picture to turn out the way that you want the final picture to look like. When you understand that all experiences are not unique, as they have been covered within your life plan, those that you come into contact with are on your life plan. So those family members that you speak about are on your life plan. There is much for you to teach, there is much for you to guide, there is much for you to learn from those who are on your life plan. However, if you make the determination that you will not be learning or teaching or experiencing with a particular people or group from your life plan, that page will be turned, and you will not have the opportunity to be able to interact with and learn from and teach to those who are on that page of your life plan.
But you understand, our sister, there is no judgment here. There is only opportunity. And if your opportunity shows that this is the picture that you would like of your life, let God pick out the colors to go in each of the slots. This is an abstract issue and we would like to provide more information about this, but this is something that we have also worked with this one regarding this, and so it is an ability that this one will have to provide more information about this particular aspect of being in body that is possible, that might be beneficial for you. [The information they wanted me to provide is one that was given to me during another session. We are to live like the paint-by-numbers picture is completed. Look at your life in the way that shows all the outlines of what you want. It can be as full or as sparse as you want it to be. Think about how a paint-by- numbers picture looks before you begin painting. It has all the outlines, but none of the color and detail. By thinking of your life like this, it allows God to fill in the details, the richness and the colors.] And we hope that the information has been beneficial, and we would appreciate acknowledgment that you have understanding of the words that SADO has spoken.
Participant 4: I hear it and will need to process it. I have one more question about this. How do you deal with people, especially family members, who are not at the same level of awareness?
SADO: And it will give you the opportunity to teach, but you will need to ascertain the right way to teach for that particular student. Every student has a different way of learning, and beating them over the head only works for a very few students. Ha ha ha. Other students may be taken on a walk. Other students may have to dig in the mud. Other students may take 15 years to get what another student can get in a short period of time. So patience needs to become a virtue and the ability to teach at the level without appearing to be a teacher for your family and these relationships will be very helpful for you.
And we will answer one final question, as we took time in the middle of our time this evening for the technical issue.
Edwina: Are there any more questions?
SADO: And we are happy to have provided this information for this group this evening. It will be important for us to be back together, as things are changing in your physical environment and your physical world, which we will need to be speaking about in a more specific way as the time goes on, as you would say.
We appreciate you being here and we will now leave and say goodnight, and to thank you for sharing the time with us and realize that all of you have the ability and the need to have this information because it is on your life plan. It is not an accident that you are with us this evening, and those who you feel called to invite to the session, it is because you are being given the information that it is on their life plan as well. And it is enough.
SADO: And we are here. And it is important that this message was given about making sure there is not noise coming in from the background. It is disruptive to this one, who is listening for our voice and when other noises are coming in while we are communicating it makes the process difficult.
We appreciate that you are joining us this evening. This one was concerned with the break that was taken during the last month that it would not be well-attended, but we knew that it would be attended by those who had questions for SADO and also for those who needed to be here.
We would like to dedicate this time together this evening to be able to bring you responses from your questions. However, it was not intended to bring about information to you as a guide. It is important, we believe, however, to bring you an update on the system of the world in which you live. It has gone through much destruction, and it has been through much instruction. The destruction continues with the destruction of understanding. Understanding is always foundational in communication. The communication has been destructed and is destructible through ego and not listening to Spirit. Communication is what gives lifeblood to your societies and communities.
It is important that the communications that you have with your loved ones be thoughtful, be loving, because if they are loving, they will also be joyful. Some of you on this call this evening are finding that communications with those whom you are in loving relationships—or you would like for them to be loving relationships—are, as you might say, a bit strained. It is because the communication, as it breaks down, is like dropping a bomb. The words used can be like bombs and can destroy the foundation of the relationship. When it is difficult or seems to be unparalleled in wisdom to provide information to the loved ones because of how they may react, it does not allow for your reaction and your building of the relationship to be in a way that will promote growth. It is imperative that you understand that while you are in the Earth suit growth is promoted through Spirit. And growth is promoted with SPIRIT.
If you stop growing, there is no reason to stay within the Earth suit. This one is telling us we are pausing for dramatic effect. And in a way, she is correct, but it was a challenge for her to give us that information, correct? She could have been worried about hurting our feelings by telling us we were being dramatic. However, the honesty that is coming about the relationship between this on and us builds trust in our relationship. We trust her to provide the information given to her to be transferred to you and she trusts us to hear the words and feelings that she imparts that makes our communication more palatable for those who are reading and listening. It is important that you understand one of the reasons why you are in the Earth suit is to be able to enjoy relationships with others who are in the Earth suit as well as those who are no longer in the Earth suits.
You understand, correct, that just because that soul has chosen to leave the Earth suit, it does not mean that your relationship has ended. It means the relationship has changed. It means that it is imperative that you discover a new way for communication to create a foundation around this relationship. It is vitally important for your spiritual growth that you exercise this knowing and this practice of communicating with Spirit in ALL forms. Yes, it will be done in different ways—that is for sure. But it needs to be done. It is important for it to be done. And we will help you. But you need to ask. It is imperative that you ask. Please understand that communication that is so important is the building block for joy, and the building block of joy is the building block of trust, and the building block of trust is the building block of being entrusted to the ONE. They are building blocks that start, end and grow the communication.
It is important that this is the message that was needed to come into your lives and into your hearts as of this evening. And now we will open the program up for questions that you may have for SADO.
Participant 1: Good evening. Speaking of communication, I travel quite a bit and recently I had an unpleasant experience where I was staying in an Air B&B, and there was some energy there. I can’t say whether it was entities or negative energy, but I felt invaded by whatever it was. I feel like it followed me when I left there and I had to get someone to clear it out. My question is, how can someone avoid these situations in the future and clear out these types of entities on their own?
SADO: We are very happy that you piggybacked, as this one would say, on the communication topic. We are happy you are with us this evening and we would like for you to understand that part of the initial discussion was due to your situation. You are not the only one here who has had this issue and it will look different for many on this call this evening.
Your question is not only about you, but your question is about others. And that is the love that you have in your heart where you are not only looking for information and wisdom for yourself, but also how it can be generalized.
We wish for you to understand and for all those who are attending this program to understand that the questions you ask will be generalized to all those who are coming from the ONE. The information that you request can do nothing else other than bolster your relationship with the ONE.
You did indeed come into a negative energy in the place that you were. Many people carry the negative energies with them, and this comes out in different times. And usually if it comes out at all in a workplace, it might be seen as an attack. Not necessarily negativity, as that is a different kind of energy, but an attack to someone else who is perhaps not doing what it is that you would like them to do. In your case, however, the negative energy is actually attached to where it is that you were. This is a difficult situation, as we know that those of you who have been in places where there have been many others who have stayed, there are times when the negative energy is allowed to return as the door is left open. This is problematic for those of you who do not know how to clear this energy yourselves before you go into that space.
But we will ask this one to provide for you information that you can use to be able to clear the space, as we have given her this information. It does take time and energy for you, our sister, to make sure that you are very grounded before you are in that circumstance—so taking some time before you go into the area and to make sure that you are grounded to the Earth is important. This one is also suggesting that there be a power grid that is actually surrounding you in a way that provides for you the ability to feel the energy, but not to have the energy impact you in a negative way. [Jane: Desiree Brown created a process around the power grid available to everyone who is reading this transcript by clicking on the “Free Resources” page on her website at]
Looking at the situation, it does not appear that this would have been a restful place for you to be, even with the power grid. The difference would be that with the power grid makes it much more difficult for the negative energies to be around you and to permeate you.
You definitely would also not have brought the energy out of the unit with you. So this was an unfortunate circumstance. We have a question for you, however, with regard to the information that was provided for you at the beginning of this time together. And that is, did you try to communicate with this energy?
Participant 1: At some point, I tried to ask it to leave and that seemed to make it worse.
SADO: Were you asking for it to leave in a loving way or a fearful way?
Participant 1: In a fearful way.
SADO: And when we are asking in a fearful way, whether that is an energy within a body or energy not in or attached to a body, it provides for them more power.
Participant 1: OK.
SADO: And we understand this is difficult. This is difficult when you are coming from an Earth suit to be able to speak in a loving way. This soul is very damaged and it, the soul, has not chosen to be assisted or take the assistance that is offered. And this soul is reacting as if it was attacked during the time of the body, and it spent many times attacking others due to its own fearfulness. It will need to look at the attacks that were actually done by this soul with the assistance of guidance in order to be able to be, to feel the love and the trust and to entrust that energy into the next energy form. It is difficult work, and the one who helped you, as you say, to be rid of this, did open the door again for that energy to also have assistance, but unfortunately it was not accepted by this fearful soul. It will be continued to be shown the way.
But please understand: This energy is not able to come back into your sphere of energy. It has been sent away. You need not fear about that.
Participant 1: OK.
SADO: Do you understand, our sister?
Participant 1: Yes, I do. Thank you very much.
SADO: You are welcome, our sister.
Participant 2: My question is about how I’ve been searching for my path for years, and I just want to know when one is sure to have found the right direction. After retiring, and after several years of depression, I just started doing what I want, which doesn’t harm anyone and I believe helps. But I just want to know how I and others can know when we’re going in the right direction.
SADO: We appreciate you asking this question, because you are correct, it can be very much generalizable for those who are continuing to wear the Earth suits. As we have stated previously in our programs, retirement is the greatest time for learning. We often see and hear those who are in the Earth suits, and those of us from SADO who were also at a time in Earth suits, think that our working life is the most important time for us to be in the human body.
This is not the case; your working lifetime is the most important time to keep a roof over your head. Your retirement is the time to delve into self-knowledge which of course should always be about and through SPIRIT.
It is the time for you to delve into spiritual awareness and awakening. And there are many paths to do this. We have some favorites that we believe have been very helpful for those who continue to wear the Earth suits to be able to have the spiritual awakening and for the information that can be helpful for them and provide for a learning platform for their awakening is “A Course in Miracles.” Some of the other New-Age information becomes very specific and almost like it has to fit within a specific circle, a certain frame of reference which does not work for everyone.
As we have instructed this one, it is important to look at it from a very great distance, and in doing so, what it is that stands out for you will be the creation of the awakening, the creation of the awareness that is important for you to have for the rest of the time that you are within the Earth suit.
It is not a time not to be busy, but it is a time not to “do” busy. Doing busy is when you are creating for the roof over your head. Being busy is when you are providing for your growth, your knowledge—and all of that goes into the soul.
You will know what is right when it feels like you cannot exist without having this part within your daily/weekly plan. It will feel like an arm is missing when it is not within your thoughts. The learning feels right; it brings joy, which, again, leads to trust, which allows you to entrust your soul into the ONE and to understand there is no separation, nor can there be any separation.
Would you like to share with us, our sister, what it is that you are doing to feel fulfilled during this time of retirement?
Participant 2: I’d love to. I have shifted from working with people to working with animals. I’m working on animal communication, and I’m working on my art. I’m teaching to those who want to learn my craft of pottery, which I love with all my heart. I feel like I’ve found peace more in the natural world and among those with four-legs—advocating for them and teaching people about them—mainly horses right now.
SADO: It is a valuable time and energy to be able to work with those who do not have strong opinions that they provide for you. It is an impactful time that you learn to communicate in a different way. It is a time when your soul is brightened with joy. It is a time when you feel grounded into the soul of the four-legged, into the soul of the piece of pottery. It is the groundedness that you know that this is the place you need to be; that this is what is working for you and that this is what is providing for your heart—providing for foundation of learning. Providing for a time that you know that this is what you were always meant to be doing.
The communication that you are giving is not only going to those in the Earth suits, but is also going to the four-legged because they can tell, perhaps not by the words, but by the energy that is being provided by you, what it is that you are giving to them and they are receiving.
And our sister, do you understand?
Participant 2: I do. Thank you so much, SADO. Thank you.
SADO: And you are welcome.
Participant 3: Good evening. My question is about the dramatic changes happening in our world. Could you explain, please, how to make a transition to a new world for ourselves?
SADO: And we appreciate your question, and want you to realize that you understand, correct, our sister, that you are never alone?
Participant 3: Yes, I do.
SADO: And we want to know for sure that you can feel the energies around you, protecting you, teaching you, loving you?
Participant 3: I think I do. I hope I’m not mistaken but I have a feeling about energies around me.
SADO: And you are not mistaken, our sister. Please understand that you are not mistaken. The positive energies that you feel around you are indeed protective around you. It is the fear that creates holes in that knowledge, and the fears that create holes in that knowledge tend to grow bigger with the news, tend to grow bigger with the negativity that you might hear from others. It is important that, again, we go back to the confidence about the way some in the New Age speak; that what it is you want to be feeling, you are feeling. This is incorrect. There is no time. This is incorrect. Truth wins out. This is incorrect.
There is much that is being looked at in a very literal way that is providing some of this information and difficulties within your world that makes you feel like it is being a negative impact on you. It is important for you to decide to choose what it is that you would like to pay attention to, to create in your lifetime. It is important for you to choose what it is that you value. It is important that you choose how you will spend your time. Like our last sister who had the question, it is important that she choose what it is that she is doing. And it is the same for you. Yes, there is much “bad news” in your societies and it is very disturbing to us as well to watch those of you who are frightened because of the bad news.
It is a time of change, and the last year where you have not been out and about, and you see how your environment has changed, and you see what it is that has happened that is positive: There are more fish in the sea, there is more light in the sky, there is less pollution in most of the world, and it is those changes that will help to save your planet.
It will be interesting for us to see how many of those changes in your planet will stay. Or, since there is a vaccine, how much of that will go back to the way it was before and it will be business as usual. That will not work and the changes will go from positive to negative. Many hundreds of thousands of people have seen the COVID virus—being devastating. And we agree. It has created much crowdedness on the Golden Staircase, which we have spoken about in the past.
The Golden Staircase became crowded because the information was given to those who could find the door to leave your Earth suit and join us at home. There are many who were done and were looking for the exit. The exit would have been provided for them in a different way, but the exit would have been provided.
So there is much negativity. There is much, much negativity. There is much positiveness and it depends on—and you have the choice—of what it is that you would like to concentrate on. What would you like to bring into your heart?
You have the ability to do that. There are several on this call who have loved ones who have crossed and those who stay in Earth suits say to SADO, “There is no way that my loved one wanted to leave the Earth suit.” And we say, there is a way that your loved one chose to come home. And they chose to come home not with the conscious part of them, but with the super-conscious part of them that remembered being at home. And many of them, in fact all who are on this call this evening, all of the loved ones have in their life plan to learn to have a communication that continues with their family. So you see, it is not all negative. It is positive. And when you say that you have the ability to feel the energies within you, and around you, those are energies who have in their life plan that they would like to continue to have communication with you.
When you acknowledge the communication in a loving way, then that communication grows, teaches you and also fulfills what it is that they want to do and be provided for as well.
You asked about the timing—how long will it take? That is nothing that we have control over. You have control over this. It is the decisions that you make that will go into that control. It is the decisions of how you live your life that will ascertain the timing, the bombing, the murders [a reference to current events]. How you live your life, what it is that you do when you are thinking, what it is you do in your meditation and your prayers, and your very thoughts—that is what will make the judgment about the time.
Participant 3: Yes, I understand. Thank you.
SADO: And you are welcome, our sister.
Participant 4: Part of my question was already wrapped up in an answer SADO gave, and I wanted to thank SADO for their input. My question was in regard more to the carrots being offered for people to get vaccinated. I am a nursing assistant, and I have been spending the last several years in the nursing field. I feel very comfortable in trusting my intuition about my health and about waiting to be vaccinated. I am getting a lot of pushback and pressure, and I’d like to have some sort of validation that it’s OK to trust life, to trust my intuition and the choices that I make.
SADO: Trusting your intuition is part of being in the Earth suit. But the intuition is always based in the life plan. So what we are saying to you is that if your life plan has a situation, and we are not currently looking at your particular life plan, but we will generalize this and tell you that if your life plan perhaps would have an opening for an exit, you might make a decision that would be different than if your life plan did not have that possibility.
It is the same possibility that someone would buy a race car, and someone else would buy a roller skate. We are not telling you—this one is asking us to look at your life plan—and we will do so only because we have started this information to you. But the information given to you is correct in the fact that our intuition is based in the life plan. Your life plan does not show an exit that is covered in the decision to take, accept the vaccine or not.
We will not provide more information about your particular life plan, as that is not what you have asked. But we will tell you that when your life plan has a setup for particular issues, so we are giving you the example of 9/11, all those who went to the buildings on that particular day had in their life plan a possibility of an exit.
Those who missed their train, or had a dental appointment, or slept through their alarm, or spilled their coffee and had to go home and change, they did not have a plan for an exit.
So you see our intuition is very important and that is the problem with advising others, which again, we are not saying that this is what you are doing, but this is a problem, especially for medical people to advise others on what it is they should do; giving them options is exactly what needs to be happening. And then these options can be weighed by the person that is getting them to see what it is that feels good and right and comfortable and grounded in their intuition.
The decision needs to be made by every person individually. No one has the right to make a decision for those who have the ability to make the decisions themselves. There are those who do have to make decisions for others who cannot make those decisions themselves due to age or infirmities. Your job is to provide options and that is what we see that you are doing.
Participant 4: Thank you—thank you, thank you, SADO.
SADO: And you are welcome, our sister.
Participant 5: Hi SADO, it’s great to be back with you. I’m curious about how much to be in contact with our angels and guides on a daily basis. I’ve had some pretty lengthy discussions with them and sometimes it feels like I’m bothering them or asking too much.
SADO: It was difficult for us to listen to all the questions without jumping in to give you information, so we apologize for the speed of the answer, but it is hogwash. This one is asking us to explain. Ha ha ha. Those in SPIRIT are never bothered. They are never bothered by anything that they are asked to do or information they are asked to give.
That is hogwash and there is a reason why you are being given that information and we will not go into that at this point in time other than to tell you that it has much to do with ego.
We will also let you know that the angels cannot change what is on the life plan. It is impossible for the angels to embellish a life if it is not on the life plan—the life plan you have developed with your guidance. You understand, correct, that the angels do not have information that is on your life plan? That is not their level. They do not have the information that is on your guidance. They do not have the information that is on your medical team. They do not have the information that is on your learning team. They do not have the information that is on the other, as you might say, higher development teams. They do not have the information of SADO.
It is fun to talk to the angels. It is fun to ask how many angels can dance on the head of a pin, but it is not instructive to what it is that you are doing and how it is that you are living your life.
It is important that you speak with your guidance. They have access to your life plan. It is happy to ask your angels to help you to enhance the joy in your life. They would be happy to build on what is already there. They would be happy to show you how they can dance on the head of a pin. They are loving beings. They have never been in Earth suits. They do not have the ability to understand what it feels like to have a life plan. That is asking a kindergartner what it is like to drive a car.
They cannot give you that information. Please understand there are many, many in this lifetime that you have that you can ask for information, but unless they are connected with your own guidance, who is connected with your own life plan, the information that you receive will be not as accurate as you need to be able to make decisions.
Do you understand, our sister?
Participant 4: You’ve clarified the difference between the angels and our guides. Thank you. I have other questions if there is time.
SADO: And due to the time that we are having and the amount of energy, we will ask if you could hold your additional questions to see if there is time at the end and energy and allow one other question to be asked.
Participant 4: Thank you.
SADO: Are there other questions to be asked?
Participant 5: Thank you for taking my question. Do you have suggestions on how to establish relationships with our family members on the other side?
SADO: Our dear sister, we would like to correct and tell you your son did not pass away. Your son has moved to a different plane, but he is not away and he has not passed. And we understand that that is vernacular that those in human body, those in the human Earth suits, would like to use.
But we would like for you to change that so you are looking at your son being in the present. Your son has not passed; he is not in the past. He’s in the present. And when it is that you understand that he is in the present with you in a different way, that will provide for you communication that you will be able to have with him. We are hearing him tell you, tell us, that he is in contact with you and that you are aware of the fact that he is in contact and in connection with you. And do you disagree with that?
Participant 5: I do not disagree with that.
SADO: And so when you are asking about a relationship with your son and he is showing us the many different connections that you have had with him, and that you know you have had with him, why is it that you do not speak to him regularly?
Participant 5: I feel that I do speak with him every day. My grief is just so bad that I wanted to establish some sort of stronger relationship.
SADO: Your relationship with your son is very strong. He shows that you are his heart. You provide for him all justification for ever being in the Earth suit. You have provided for him the love that no one else could provide for him. You continue to provide the love, but what he is telling us is that he hears your thoughts and it is not necessary for you to speak out loud for him to hear what it is. And he speaks to your thoughts. He provides for you. He’s telling us it is so much easier for him to be with you and around you because there is no separation.
This he did not know, this you did not know, when he was in the Earth suit. But he knows this now and he wishes for you to feel him, to see through his eyes as he is seeing through your eyes, to feel him in your heart as he is feeling you in his heart, to know when it is when you feel a little lighter, it is coming from him and it makes him smile to know that you feel this lightness.
He asks for you to understand, however, that when you do not feel the lightness, he understands this. And he understands it is difficult for you to not have his body.
His new relationship with you, however, he says and he tells you that this is not about having a body. This is about you recognizing him without the body.
And that is the work that needs to be done. And it is enough.
SADO: And we are here.
Lynn: Welcome, SADO.
SADO: And we are delighted to see those who have chosen to take their time and join us this evening. There are some who are not joining us this evening and it is due to ill health. And we would like for you all to take one minute of your spiritual energy time and be able to send help to those who are struggling with the body.
It is important that you understand the power that you have as your medical teams are able to join together and the power and energy that they are being able to put together is incredibly impactful for so many. As it was announced, you understand who part of your medical team is through SADO. When you are a part of this circle, the SADO team, the medical team, the spiritual team, are all at your disposal. It is important that you make the decision to be able to be connected with the SADO in a way that gives you access to the extra power and strengths that are available to you. It is not about being exclusive; it is not about being egotistical.
It is about the fact that SADO knows what your energy feels like. It is basically the ability to track where you are and to be able to share the dominant energy and healing that is available. There are several members who are present this evening who have been able to share in this healing of the body, and that SADO has been able to show and has been able to point and has been able to direct this energy to the body of those who have been present and who SADO understands and whose life plans have shown that healing is indeed needed.
We appreciate those of you who attend these gatherings and those of you who are looking at this information. We would like for you to recognize this evening that there are four people in our midst who are studying the transcripts in a way that will do the work for those who have not the energy to be able to go through each of these transcripts. The information that SADO has been able to share throughout this last half-decade plus has been put into transcripts in a way that shares the information. However, this has been difficult and continues to be difficult for those who are continually struggling. There are four who have been chosen and we appreciate this energy more than you can possibly know since you are in the Earth suits.
You would know them by the names of Lynn, Edwina, Kay and Diane. We would like for you each to raise your hand and be recognized by those who are attending this gathering this evening. We would also appreciate all those who are attending to again take a moment to send energy to these four Earth suits who are working on this project.
It is a difficult project and it comes from the love in their hearts to be able to make the time, as you would say, and take the direction of what needs to be done. We, from SADO, appreciate. We understand that those who are in Earth suits will appreciate you, but we are sharing the appreciation that is going to come to you when this information has been in a place that can be more easily absorbed than it is at this time.
We would also like to direct a response to a question that was taken during our last SADO Circle Live program. It was about inoculations—vaccinations from the COVID virus. We would like to speak with you in twofold about the COVID virus, but this first information we believe could be misunderstood from the way that SADO responded to the questioner from the last meeting.
In that program, SADO was asked basically about giving an opinion on whether or not it was to be suggested and supported that others should have the COVID vaccination. It is important that you understand that our response was that it is the imperative request that all should be making up their own mind about whether or not to have this vaccine.
It is improper for one to influence another, one way or the other. Spiritual beings are working overtime to help their charges understand what it is that is appropriate and healthy for that particular Earth suit. It is not the call of anyone else to make this determination. We would like for you to understand that yes, the vaccine was discovered and is being implemented through Spiritual ways. It was time for the vaccine to be given to this population and now that vaccine, as you see, and as SADO has previously spoken, has been able to be afforded to other places on the Earth that would not have the ability to have the vaccine.
It is important that this vaccine be utilized in a way that will allow those who have work to do and who would like to stay on the Earth plane wearing the Earth suit to have the ability to protect themselves from that which they can protect themselves. Those of you who have made it through the pandemic, which by the way has not totally finished, those of you who are standing; those of you who are healthy, those of you who have had the ability are the ones that are staying for a reason. Please understand what it is that SADO is saying to you. If you have the ability to stay, there is work for you to do. There are those who are counting on you. There is spiritual guidance available to you.
There is learning for you to do. It is not an accident that you did not get the virus or had the ability to recover from the virus, but please understand that if you are not willing to take what it is that SPIRIT has developed for you to be able to stay within the Earth suit, you will come home. [Jane: Our encyclopedist asked for more explanation regarding the above statement. Sado explained that the development of the vaccines as well as the development of the monoclonal antibody treatment was orchestrated by Spirit. They likened it to the polio vaccine and our current influenza vaccines. They stated it will save many hundreds of thousands of lives over the course of this disease which will be decades long. This is in reference to a question that was asked in May about whether or not to receive and/or support receiving the CoVid vaccine. They made it VERY clear that it is the decision of each individual as to receiving the vaccine but that it was established and given to those in Earth suits by Spirit.] And at times, you are coming home where there is some learning, some experiences and much teaching and training that will be left on the table that could only be accomplished when you were in the Earth suit.
We always respect the decisions of those who are making them for themselves, but by listening to SPIRIT, by discerning what it is that SPIRIT is helping you to discern, it is imperative that you ask and you listen to guidance — that you ask and you listen. If you’re having a difficult time asking, it would be helpful for you to know why that is and we would say that many of you might be dealing with trust and fear issues, though we would like for you to understand we are with you with regard to the fear, with regard to the trust that you might have. It is important for you to understand what it is that is being said to you. If you are having trouble hearing and discerning, please know for most of you, for many of you, it is not discerning from outside of the ears. It is discerning from inside the mind, but most especially within the heart.
When you feel it from the heart, you know that this is the information that is so important. You know that this is the truth and you know that this is accurate. Please know that there is no reason that you need to fret; that you need to be concerned; that you need to worry; that you need to feel unsure. The assurance of this truth comes from SPIRIT. What you feel is right coming from your heart—that is SPIRIT giving you the information. It is very easy to get caught up into the ego, is it not? And to retaliate and to attack. And to be fearful. It is unnecessary to have those human emotions. It causes you to take the time and the energy from forgiveness. Forgiveness if not necessary if you have trust and if you are speaking from SPIRIT.
When you need to forgive, it is due to the fact that you have attacked. Attacking is coming from the ego. The ego is making up your mind for you. There is no reason why you would ever need to forgive and there’s never a reason you need to work on trust issues if you are coming from SPIRIT. We would like for you to consider this as you hear and see your thoughts, your sights and when you see something that you feel is not to your liking, we would like for you to ask, Is this something that is important for you to correct? Or is this the burden, the choice that is made by another brother and this is not something that you need to become involved in. Please understand we are not taking about abuse issues. We are not talking about cruelty. We are not talking about that which would be disadvantageous, harmful. We are talking about something that you might have a strong opinion about, where you wish to tell the other person that they are wrong. Is that important for your growth—that that person understands that you feel they are wrong?
We would like for you to understand and contemplate your actions, your beliefs, but mostly your behavior. Because your behavior comes from thoughts. When you change your thoughts, your behavior changes as well. And it is important for you to know that behavior can be changed, and that change in your behavior is important for your learning. It is important for your discernment of the ego and it is important for the spiritual advice that you may not recognize as spiritual advice. Advice from SPRIT is not a suggestion. Advice from SPIRIT is: “This needs to happen.” If you choose not to take SPIRIT’s direction, we will love you. We will support you, but we will let you fall down and skin your knees. We will provide for you a way to feel the ouch.
SPIRIT’s direction is always there for you. SPIRIT’s direction is always loving. SPIRIT’s direction is always pure and SPIRIT’s direction is always felt through the heart.
We are sorry for the interruption but there was noise coming through and that is a difficult situation for us to continue the process of bringing you the information that we have planned for you to receive this evening. We have spoken about this before and it is imperative the organizers make sure that this does not happen.
And we will continue by saying to you that there will be a change in the way this information is going to be coming through. It takes quite a bit of energy for this one to have the communication with you and we would like for this communication to be delivered in a way that her energy is not dissipated. In order to do this, by looking at her life plan, we have recognized that she has the ability to bring through SADO’s words and information through her own voice. We are working with her to accept this at this point in time. Again, it was brought up in 2016, but this one was not ready for this process at this time. Some of you who have the ability to be with this one in a way that is not only through SADO programs and SADO sessions know what it is that we are presenting to you this evening, as you have experienced the time when this one has the ability to speak from SADO without it sounding as SADO.
It is a change and this one is not comfortable with change. This is about her ego and she is aware of this ego issue. She is not aware, however, of the speed of information that will be able to be presented when it is not coming through the ectoplasm and the voice box that needs to be generated in order for SADO to be able to speak.
This is a great deal of energy expenditure for her of how that actually works. And so we will be working with this one on a continual basis to be able to have her bring this information through to you in a different way and in a way that allows for less energy to be expended. It is a very important fact and task of SADO to guard the energy of this one, as it is going to be many years that this one will continue to be bringing this information through.
So it is imperative that we make sure that the energy is protected, and this can come to you in a way that could be more understandable and will take less energy from this one to provide for you.
Most of this information has been previously given to this one, but as you can imagine, for those of you who are aware of her personality, which is completely ego-driven, as all personalities are, there is some behind-the-scenes discussion about how and when this will occur. So what we would like to do is to provide for her a bit of a practice session at this point in time and then SADO will address particular questions that you might have and we would be happy to do that from our own voice. So again, this is a practice session and we are going to have her speak to you in the way that we are working for her to do in the future.
Jane/SADO: We will be bringing you information that will provide what it is that you need. This one is hearing but she is not seeing as of yet. And that is all for now. Jane: Yeah, this was an EPIC failure. I’m a work in progress, I guess. More on this in the future, I’m hearing.
And SADO is willing now to take questions from those of you who are in attendance this evening.
Participant 1: SADO, my two main doctors want me to take cholesterol medicine and I would rather not take prescription drugs. Is there something I can do to lower my cholesterol myself?
SADO: It is a very interesting package that you bring, because as you know, the medical professionals are usually discerning your need for prescription drugs in a way that is equal to the testing that they are doing. This is not a fault with the medical personnel at this point in time, but it is a fault of what it is that they are testing for. There are tests that are being given that are very accurate. There are tests that are being given that can help with disease from the human body. It is important, however, for you to understand that every disease in the human body has a component that is about learning. It has a component that is about emotionality. It has a component about what it is that needs to happen in order for the body to respond in a way that is helpful for what it is that needs to happen while the soul is inhabiting the Earth suit.
There is an emotional package that you are living through that is causing a clog. So not for all who have a high cholesterol problem, but for you in particular, there is an emotional issue that is creating a clog. And when we say “clog,” we are talking about the fact that the energy is not moving through the body in a way that allows for the energy of the blood—that is not exactly what it is that we want to say―the energy system of the body is clogged. The energy system is not fluid. The energy system is causing these clogs to form.
And yes, it is in fact a possibility that the medications will clear out the clogs. But the clogs will come back and the clogs will come back because there is a problem with the way the energy is moving through the body and that is much more emotional than physical.
We understand that there is a large part of you that understands what this emotional clog is. And we would like for you acknowledge that possibility.
Participant 1: I do.
SADO: So we would like for you to work toward the unclogging of the emotional and with the proper activities that need to dissipate the clogs that are there, you will no longer have this issue.
Participant 1: Thank you.
SADO: And our sister, you are welcome.
Participant 2: SADO, my son has been diagnosed with prostate cancer. He has researched doctors and various remedies. Do you have any advice for him?
SADO: Our dear sister, it is very difficult for those of us who have been mothers and those of us who have been fathers to be able to watch a child suffer emotionally, mentally, physically, spiritually. So we provide for you energy for your heart. The energy for your heart that would allow for you to be generous with yourself and to realize that worry is not going to be beneficial for you and beneficial for him.
We would also like you to understand that there is an issue with happiness with this boy. The happiness is not as full as it could be. And this is not something that you can provide for him. This is a project that he will need to undertake and this is a strong message for him to wake up and smell the roses. Change your activities. Change the way you feel. Change your heart. Change your relationships. And by changing these relationships, it will change how the body is actually performing.
And we would appreciate acknowledgement from you, our sister, about your understanding of this particular information.
Participant 2: Yes, thank you, SADO, I do understand. Thank you very much.
SADO: You are welcome, our sister. And we would like for you to provide us with one more moment of your time as we would like for you to remember to take very good care of yourself and not put your anxiety and your energy out too far.
Participant 2: Thank you, SADO. I will do that.
SADO: And you are welcome, our sister.
Participant 3: Thank you SADO for taking my question. Over the past year, I’ve been wanting to advance more than I already am in spiritual awareness and am wondering if there is anything else I could be doing?
SADO: It is important for you to be honest about how this spiritual awakening has been generated and has progressed, because as the teacher that you are, it is important for you to allow others to know that there was a reason why this spiritual awakening has occurred for you. It was necessitated because of a loss, was it not?
Participant 3: That is correct.
SADO: And the spiritual awakening you have had is now being orchestrated by the one who you feel you have lost. And when it is that you have the ability to speak, to feel, to project your thoughts and feelings to this one is when you will have even more opening. Right now, it appears that you are waiting for that to come to you and it is important that you turn the tables and you understand that you must generate this energy going out from you. And that is one of the pieces that is missing.
It is important and you will find from many who have this ability that it is not only waiting, waiting, waiting for the next sign—waiting, waiting waiting for the next message—but is also creating creating creating the energy flow for you to generate the message going toward that one. Not only just coming to you. And when you are able to discern that your loved one is SPIRIT, that there is no difference between your loved one in SPIRIT and all other loved ones in SPIRIT, and you open yourself up to those who are one, you will find that you will generate a communication that is equal, busy, full of energy, promise, sincerity, generosity and giving love to you as you have never felt before. There are not specifics for you to do, but it is about being led by those whom you trust, by understanding what it is that has been spiritually beneficial to them and for them. You must also understand that all of your experiences on your life plan, our sister, are different than this one’s life plan.
So you will do things different than this one will do and has done, but beware, there are many who are providing spiritual information that is not at a high level. Some of these are very well-known and some of these are not very well-known. It is important than you always check in any way possible at what level the information and the guidance is coming. And that includes that which is coming from SADO. It is important that you quiet your heart, and you say, “Is this in my highest and best interest? Is this information speaking to my heart? Is this information coming from the highest level? As we have spoken about previously, there is some information that is not at the highest level.
We spoke a bit about this in our last program when we were talking about angels. Angels definitely have their place, but angels do not have their place in guiding. They have their place in supporting, and in loving in a way that you cannot imagine being loved. Angels are angels. It feels good to be with the angel, but an angel will not advise. An angel will not promote a change. So please understand that you need to be aware of the amount and the level of information that you bring into your awareness.
And do you understand?
Participant 3: Yes, thank you, SADO.
SADO: And you are welcome, our sister.
Participant 4: I’ve recently been through a terrible transition and I’m having a hard time adapting to my new situation and caretaking, and I just would like some advice to help myself and others whom I care for.
SADO: And we see by your life plan that you are in a difficult scenario at this particular time. You are being drawn and quartered, as your guidance team is suggesting. Ha ha ha. It is a quarter for here and a quarter for there. It is another quarter for over there, and another quarter for over there. You are being pulled apart in many different directions and it feels to you as if there is very little support for you. This support that you are hoping for is coming from the human factor, and this is very important—that you will ascertain the support from the human faction. There is support for you that you have not been able to bring in at this point in time, and you are between a situation where you are giving of yourself because of the other person not being comfortable with the change.
But the problem here is that the change is going to have to come and it needs to come while you have the ability to be the advocator. If you continue to work the way you are working and put all the needs from all others in front of your own needs, you will not be able to advocate.
It is important that you understand that you have the problem at this point in time of being the adult in the situation. It is not a comfortable place for you to be, but it is a role reversal.
It means that you need to make the decisions now that this one you are caring for made for you once upon a time and had no trouble doing so. And when you have the ability to understand and undertake the role reversal, it is important for you to do that and to do that without having it be as pleasant as you would like it to be.
We understand and we can see, as your guidance can as well, that you are doing your very best to make everyone happy. But the one who has not been happy, who is not happy and who cannot be happy is the one who is providing the happiness to everyone else. This one, meaning you, is being drained by this process and it is important that you understand that the draining is going to lead you to a place where you are unable to advocate. We are asking you to change your ways of being and doing right now.
There is no time to wait. It is imperative that you make these changes immediately. It is not going to get better as you let the calendar pages fly. Sometimes we cannot wait for our life to turn around in a positive way before we make the change.
And we would appreciate an acknowledgment that this information has been heard and understood.
Participant 4: I definitely hear you, you’re definitely correct and I will try my very best. Thank you, SADO.
SADO: And we know that you will try your very best. And we would like for you to understand your guidance is there for you. Please tap into them more than you have, and they will help you make these decisions and change your behavior.
Participant 4: Thank you.
Participant 5: I’ve been missing my husband so much (breaks down)…I’m sorry…
SADO: There is no reason for you to apologize. When you are speaking from the heart, it is important for you to understand that we hear the heart and there is no reason to apologize.
Participant 5: It’s just been very hard. He was my best friend. I’m having such a hard time still.
SADO: We would ask you to change the verbiage that you just provided for SADO and to take the last word that you spoke out of your vocabulary. There is no “still” in grief. There is no “still” in grief. You are missing your husband. You are missing your best friend. You are missing your partner. It is normal to have the heartache when you are missing the relationship that you have had, that you have depended on and that you enjoyed.
You understand, correct, that your husband has not left you?
Participant 5: Yes.
SADO: You understand, correct, that your husband is aware of your activities, your feelings, your thoughts and your words?
Participant 5: Yes.
SADO: You understand that as you speak with him, he can hear you?
Participant 5: Yes.
SADO: And you are aware that you do have the ability to hear him through your heart?
Participant 5: Yes.
SADO: And why is it that the listening to the heart takes more energy than the emotion of missing him?
Because it is unfamiliar to you. As those who wear Earth suits, emotions are very quick. Emotions are worn on your sleeves. It is important for you to understand that that is a practiced skill. It is a practiced skill. Listening and speaking from the heart is not a practiced skill—it is a skill that needs to be learned. It is a skill that needs to be practiced. It is a skill that needs to be generated and loved and supported and fed. When you are missing your partner, it is understandable. When you are seeking him through your heart, it is a new thought. It is a new behavior. It is a new practice. Opening your heart to him will allow you to feel and to know that he is right with you in everything that you do. In every place that you go, in every thing that you say.
We would like for you to understand that your guidance is working with you in a way that will allow you to practice this skill and to become proficient.
Participant 5: Thank you.
SADO: And it is enough.
SADO: And we are here.
Lynn: Welcome, SADO.
SADO: And we are privileged to see those who have decided to spend the time with SADO this evening. As this one has mentioned, we will be converting the voice coming from the SADO group so that it is easier to understand and it does not take as much energy to be able to have it be formed in this one’s mouth.
You will see that as this transformation occurs, you will be able to understand, and these sessions, these programs, that we are currently doing with you once a month will become more discussions. It will be easier for SADO to respond to you when the voice and the words are coming through without the compilation from the 12 pillars of energy that make up SADO.
As you know, these 12 pillars of energy, some have been in human body in the far past and some have not. It is difficult for all the information to come through in a way that entails all those who have been in human body, as well as those who have never had that experience before.
The way that we have been working to make this change with this one will allow for this information to come through in a different way and can be more personalized for the particular group. We are not asking for your opinion regarding this, as it has been discussed that this is the way that this information can come through to this program in a way that has much more longevity.
As we scan the energy of this group, we feel a consensus of how this will work and mix it with the energy of those who are present this evening.
Our topic to begin with is regarding how your energy is related to other energy and how it is that your experiences involve the experiences with all others. All that you do touches all others who share the same energy package. You would call this energy package the human body. SADO usually calls this the Earth suit, but we would like for this to be known as the human body.
We would like for you to understand that the human body is the magnifier of all energy that occurs coming from SPIRIT and attending to what it is that you are experiencing and what it is that you would like to experience.
We would like for you to also understand that the experiences of all are the experiences of each. The experience may be transformed in a way that it does not look the same, but it is the same energy, the same response, the same experience just shown in a different way.
The different way at times can be related to the standard of that particular human body as well as the other personality factors that are being experienced at that time and that place.
We wish for you to also understand that this is being done across time and space. We talk about the time and space continuum and we wish for you to understand that there is no break in this time and space continuum. This time and space continuum is constant, it continues, it backs up, it goes forward. And there is nothing that will stop this even if you make the decision to come out of your body and you’re no longer having your soul within the human body, the time and space continuum for that soul does not stop. [Jane: What they were showing is a machine with a round electronic window. It was showing a wavy line going from the left to the right and then a wavy line under it going from the right to the left. When I asked, they said it looks like an oscilloscope.] It continues on. It can go backwards and it can come forwards and all of this can be done in the same nanosecond. It is important that you understand and you know that this will continue to happen. It is important for you to understand that you will be challenged because of the experiences of others. Every experience that is being shared around your world is also being shared by you. [Jane: What this means, for example is that those who are joyful create those good feelings. Those who are fearful create fear in us, even if there if there may be no reason to feel fear. Everything that I experience affects you, and everything you experience affects me.] All thoughts that you have are impacting your neighbors—and by neighbors, we are not speaking about those who live next door. We are speaking of all who share the existence. The existence that you have as a human being is shared by all other human beings. And not only the human being, but also it is being shared by all who have been in body. This is not something that is written about in your language. This is what you would consider to be new information. All those in SPIRIT are able to experience, to feel, to hear, to see all that you are feeling, hearing, seeing, longing for; all that you are experiencing at this time.
It does not stop with just you being in the human body. Those of you who have loved ones who are no longer in the human body: We wish for you to understand that your loved ones are feeling what it is that you are feeling. They feel the love that you have in your heart for them, and there is no reason why you are not feeling the love that they have in their heart for you. If you are not feeling this love, there is a problem with you feeling like the human body is unable to have that love. Please rest assured that that information is very important for those of you who are with us this evening.
This goes not only for those of you who have loved ones from human body that are in SPIRIT, but also for those of you who have animals that are in spirit. The animals that are in SPIRIT feel what it is that you are feeling. They cannot comprehend in the same way as humans do because they are not equipped with the same ability to feel and to behave as those who are in the human body and who are human. However, they understand that you love them, miss their presence and remember their lives with you.
It is important that we make this very clear, as some in this organization have talked about the law of attraction. The law of attraction is simply the idea that all thoughts create experiences. But it goes further than what has been written about the law of attraction, because not only do all thoughts create experiences, but all thoughts create experiences for everyone and everything whether they are within the human body, or they have been in human body, and now are in SPIRIT.
It is an important concept for those of you who are in human body, but the topic, the title, the category of “law of attraction” is missing the depth and the breadth of what is really meant by this concept. It is important for you to understand that your thoughts are being affected in society, in loved ones, in your animals, in the peace, in communities. All is being manifested and changed.
When we have the political environment from the United States that you are currently experiencing; where there is much discussion and disagreement, that creates even more flow of energy. At times, this flow can be very effective in making positive changes, but that only happens when there is a willingness to listen and when there is a willingness for change. When the ears are closed, when the fingers are in the ears, there will be no change. There will only be heartache. There will only be a backward and negative energy. There needs to be listening. It is important that you understand that your thoughts create, of course, as you have been taught in the law of attraction, but do not allow it to stop there. Realize that it is much bigger than how you have been discussing this possibility and this probability. [Jane: They then went back to the earlier discussion of how the continuum of the waves of energy affect the present, the future and the past. They really want us to understand this. The example they gave was about how everyone on Earth is affected in some way by the world wars, the Hitler era, the civil rights movement—even packaged food. This was all from our past but continues to affect us today and will into the future.]
There are enough of you on this call this evening to make a significant change and difference in your society and your communities with the thought processes of being one with all. That is not a statement that is to be underrated. When you have the ability to be feeling as if you are one, because you are, that will change things. It will change for you, it will change for your community, it will change for your population, it will change for your environment. We would like for you to understand the power that you have and the impact that you have.
We would like for you to understand that you are powerful beings or you would not be on this call this evening. Only those who are willing to learn, to be educated, to change their energy structure, are brave enough to be on a call such as this. We are very happy that you have joined us. We hope that you are able to understand the changes that we are making. Change is not easy for this one, but it is necessary for this one to have the energy in a long-term status; to be able to continue to bring the information from SADO. We are now going to complete the change that we have been working with this one to make. And you will not hear SADO’s voice, but we will be giving her information to present to you.
Many on this call this evening have been present as this has happened. Many have not. But it is time now for this to come full circle and for you to be able to have this experience as well.
JANE: So I heard what was going on and one of the things they’ve been working on is just giving me information to share. That’s where we are now. [When we were discussing this over the last month, I asked them to give me more specifics about how this was going to go and how would it be real for our participants. They, of course, would not give me anything specific other than to say that they would give information that I have no clue about. That is exactly what they did!] They’re asking me to give you information about the biosphere, which is the environmental layer that surrounds the Earth but is unseen by the human eye. It’s something that we’re aware of—and what I’m asking them is, “What do you mean ‘we’ are aware of—they’re saying that geo-physicists are aware of this biosphere. The way they’re talking about it is that radiation is to bounce off the biosphere, but there is some radiation that is coming through the biosphere because of the way we’ve treated the environment over centuries.
This is what is causing the global changes in climate that we are having and many on this call are not going to feel the devastating effects of this, but definitely our children and grandchildren will feel this devastation. They’re saying that many geo-physicists say that it’s too late to do anything permanent to fix the environment, but SADO is saying that’s not correct.
They’re saying the biosphere can be patched and strengthened—that the biosphere can be healed, that it’s like a cut or scrape that has thinned the layer. They’re talking about the visibility of the biosphere, which should be nearly opaque but there are places within it that are not. The opaqueness can be fixed but not at the rate at which we’re preserving the environment.
They’re laughing about how this is above the heads of some, but it’s important for us to understand that just as our thoughts create, not only for those of us who are in the middle of the time continuum, which is where they’re talking about human life being, but it also affects those who are already in SPIRIT and those who have not come into human body yet. They’re saying the same about the biosphere; that our healing needs to be sent there faster than our behavior can tear it down. Without a global practice, this will just continue, and instead of it being little pockets of tears, the whole biosphere will end up getting thinner. Right now, there are pockets of it where it’s thinner, almost translucent. They used the word translucent and said we need to avoid it becoming transparent. The time to act should already have happened. They’re asking us to think about that in a way that makes changes. This is to heal the Earth, and by healing the Earth gives our planet the longevity that it needs. They’re saying there are people on the call and elsewhere who are saying, “I’m just one person—what can I do?” They’re saying: Plant a tree. They’re saying it can be that simple. The more green we have, the better for the environment and the more opaque the biosphere becomes.
What they’re saying now is they’re going to ask for questions, and they’re giving you a choice of whether you’d like the answer to come through in this way or as SADO’s voice. They’re asking me to tell you what it is that I’m seeing, which is one of the reasons why they’ve changed how this is coming through, because I can’t tell you when they’re speaking and using my mouth what I’m seeing.
Those who are giving me the information about the biosphere are the energy pillars that I don’t normally see giving information because they don’t have a mouth—they’re beams of light. This information about the biosphere is actually coming from those three that I would say are other-worldly. And the information that comes from them is what they’re calling a “mind plant.” The information comes into my mind and I’m able to speak it. They asked me to share that.
If you have a question, you can use the Reaction buttons and raise your hand.
Participant 1: I understand that governments and a lot of people don’t believe in climate change. How can we support the healing of the biosphere as a group?
SADO: Your governments are not going to fix this problem. This problem is going to be fixed and the generation of the response from communities will be what will create the opaqueness of the biosphere. Planting a tree was the simple information if people are saying “We can’t do anything” but there is much to be done within the environment, as you very well know because of the practices that you have in your homes. It is also with prayer, with healing—asking for healing. We understand and can see from you that you are a healer. And utilizing the healing modalities that you are an expert in and with—utilizing that expert healing energy that you have to heal the biosphere. Yes, it is like you would be healing a body of a wound. And we are asking for you to generate an understanding of those that you work with and you practice with to also include the biosphere as you do with the planet and the mountains and the waterways and the oceans. It is now needing to expand so that you include the biosphere as well.
Is this the answer to your question?
Participant 1: What you’re saying is to include the biosphere in anything we do in terms of healing?
SADO: That is correct.
Participant 1: Thank you.
Participant 2: My question was asked, which was about using our energy and spiritual-healing modalities in a group and resuming that group to have sessions focused on Mother Earth. That’s all new information about the biosphere to me. If anyone wants to get together, just let me know.
Participant 3: My son passed on July 5, and he was suffering so much that I’m glad he’s gone—sad for me—but glad that he has transitioned, and I’m wondering what SADO might like to share with me and everyone about this. I guess I can pray to heal him and the whole family. What guidance would you give me? What do I need to know or do?
SADO: As this one has shared with the group, we do share with you the understanding that we see and feel the broken heart—the broken heart of those who stay in human body. When a loved one goes into SPIRIT, it’s palpable for those who are in SPIRIT, more so than they are for those who are in the human bodies. So it is important for you to understand that as spirits, we feel the broken-heartedness. This is the reason why we came into the SADO group—because they all had a part to play with the broken-hearted. It is felt by all and understood by all who are in SPIRIT. This one does not like us to use the word “understand” when we are speaking of grief, as she believes that the understanding is much more so misunderstood, as if we are saying, “We know how it is that you are feeling.” And it is true from the SPIRIT side that we have an indicator of how it is that you are feeling. We understand what it is to have the broken heart. We understand what is happening to the human body. We understand the emotional responses that you have even though you are glad that your son is no longer in the body that was causing him so much pain and terror.
However, understanding that it is best for your son does not take away the pain that you have within your heart. And it is important for you to know that there are others who could share this with you as well. They will not be grieving as you are grieving, but they can lend a hand to the healing. They can lend the energy to the pain in your heart. But it is important that you not go “underground”, as your son is telling us you have the capacity to do. He would like you to make sure that you are checking in with others. He would like for you to understand that this is a time for you to step away from the parts of your personality that create isolation, even though this is exactly what you would like to do at this point in time.
Your son is asking us to relate to you that this is not going to be beneficial for you in the long run. The isolation will cause it to be more difficult for him to come through to you. The isolation will create a situation of a negative-energy drain. He will have a difficult time getting through the negative-energy drain and would like for you to understand that that which you do which allows you to have a higher vibration is important for him to be able to get through to you. He already knows how to do this because he has had time to practice before he left the body.
There are times where you will be able to look back and know that is what he was doing. If it is not coming to mind now, it will, and he will help for you to have this experience.
He is providing much love for you and a great deal of thankfulness and gratefulness for all that you have done for him.
Participant 3: Thank you, SADO. That heals my heart. I’m blessed.
Participant 4: (Speaks at length). Can you provide guidance about how we can better understand events and news in our world?
SADO: We appreciate the time and energy you take to formulate your statements and we will do our best to answer a series of statements. The statement regarding utilizing your energy in a way that you feel generates energy for a negative concern from your perspective and your viewpoint is accurate. The more thought process that goes into a question, a concern, a news report, the more energy it’s going to have. So you do need to be careful what it is that you read and especially how long that comes and stays with you.
If you read something and it stays with you for a long period of time in a negative way, then it is like reading the article out loud to many people. Because your energy is being disrupted by the negativity of what it is that you have read. Those who are sending you information that is negative in this way are not your friends. These people who are sending you information in this way would like for you to join them in that response. They would like for you to agree with them. They would like to disrupt the energy flow that you might have in your daily life and utilize the energy for yourself and for their process.
It is important that we would ask for you to understand that the political and health issues that are negative have a place, but not in many hearts. So we would like for you to understand that it is imperative that you use your best judgment on what it is that you need to be informed about and what it is that you know.
As this one shows us, as the nightly news when she was in high school, was filled with all the death and destruction from the Vietnam war, that caused her and her family to have discussions about this and create much fear, as she had several family members that were there. It was impossible for her family not to watch this as it was being covered by the news, but it was not healthy for her loved ones to be watching all the death and destruction.
There is an important fact that those of you who are in human body do need to be informed of those things that are beneficial for you, but it is, what we would say to be watchful, to make sure that you are using a good filter about what it is that you watching and what it is that you are reading. Enough is enough. You can be informed that 40 million people have died once. You do not need to be informed that 40 million people have died 80 times a day.
The second part of your question is what it is that you need to do and we will tell you that this is also on the continuum that goes from never eating red meat again in your life or any animal product to planting a tree. There is a great chasm of what it is that can be done to save your planet, but the anchor is going to be prayer, meditation and healing. Those who tell you, even though your very well-known authors, who tell you to clear your mind, are crazy. It is almost impossible to clear the human mind. You will have thoughts because your brain—not your heart brain, but your physical brain—is going to have thoughts. So do not set yourself up to clear the mind.
It will make you feel like a failure. If you have had times where you have been able to see clearly, repeat those aspects because you have found the key that is important for you. As human beings, you all have different environments and different personalities and different intellectual beings and thoughts and emotions. And so it’s important that you discover for yourself as independent humans what it is that provides for you the feeling of a lack of separateness.
As we have discussed previously, there is mystery in this world and that mystery is not an accident. The mystery of the world of you not knowing everything there is to know about everything is well planned. And we will now move on.
Participant 5: SADO, I was wondering about a newer documentary that’s called Thrive II that talks a lot about healing the planet and people. Do you concur with what they’re saying? One of the things they talk about is a force that is preventing solutions to come to light. I was wondering your thoughts on that as well.
SADO: The documentary that you are speaking about is well worth your time and energy to watch. The implementation of all aspects of this are difficult for those who are in the human body, and they are not as transmittable to an energy change as they would have you believe. It’s important that you see in that documentary or books or papers or speakers that what is speaking to your heart is actually what is going to be best for you to promote and to practice. So, yes, this is one of those abilities that you would have to be able to see what this would be about and as long as it feels as if it rings true to your understanding and to your practices, it is beneficial for you to bring into your repertoire.
Participant 5: Is there any truth to what is almost a conspiracy theory about these solutions being prevented from coming out to the public?
SADO: There is a modicum of truth in many of the conspiracy theories, but they need to be broken down in a way that makes common sense. That theory does not make common sense as there are too many who would like for this change to happen in the biosphere in a positive way and there is information that is not a quick fix. Those who are letting you know that there is a quick fix are pulling your leg.
Participant 5: Thank you.
Participant 6: SADO, could you talk about the Delta variant and what we can expect from it?
SADO: As we told you and informed you many months ago, unfortunately this illness is going to be with you for a very long time and it is going to morph and it is going to change and it is not going to be cured in any particular way. As you know, it provided for the Golden Staircase. But that Golden Staircase has been around the world, as you might say, and it has been open to many who have been ready to go up the Golden Staircase. The Delta variant, as you are saying, and you know, is more virulent than other variants have been. Unfortunately, this is what we are going to continue to see because you understand, correct, that the virus wants to live? It does not want to kill the host; it wants to continue to survive. It wants to continue to live. And so when we have a strain or variant, it becomes easily, more easily communicable, because it wants to live. It wants to survive.
Unfortunately, that is affecting many bodies that have other health issues and who do not have the ability for numerous reasons for it to be killed. And that is also the reason why you are seeing the long-term effects of this COVID—because it wants to survive and it is surviving in very unique ways that your society has not completely been able to understand at this point in time.
The Delta variant will be one in a long line of variants that become more virulent and have more transmission in more ways as time goes on.
Participant 6: Thank you.
SADO: And we will take one more question.
Participant 7: I have a question that I’m not exactly sure how to phrase and it’s in relation to our pets. We had a beloved pet that has been with us for seven years and then decided to go off into the woods to, I guess the only way to say it is, to experience a different freedom. It’s kind of a roller coaster because my husband and I tell him – he’s a cat, Yoda, that he has free will and when he decides to return, he is welcome but yet, there is sadness of not having him around. You mentioned that our thoughts relate to everyone else including our pets and I wonder if you have some input for me.
SADO: The input that SADO has for you is that your cat is being cared for. Your cat is being cared for by other humans and the cat is having a new experience, as if he was in the new cat B and B. We understand that it is difficult for you to have your life without him at this point in time and it is not written whether he will return to your home or not. But what he can tell you is that he is surviving quite handsomely and is being honored where he is.
Participant 7: Thank you.
SADO: He is not an indoor cat in this scenario. And it is enough.
Participant 7: Thank you.
SADO: And we are here.
Lynn: Welcome, SADO.
SADO: And we welcome those of you who have come to join us this evening. We are beginning the session, this program, in a way as we have in the past, but will move quickly into the new atmosphere that we will be utilizing during this time together. In this way, the way we are speaking to you presently, we are better able to take the temperature of the group.
It allows us to look at the energy field around each participant, and to be able to direct the communication in a way that is beneficial for all those who are present.
We would like to begin before we change the communication asking for you to join your hands and your hearts together. We would ask that you ask for thanksgiving, security, forgiveness, the aptitude of knowing for all who are present for this presentation. We would ask that you physically feel the joining of hands throughout this group.
We ask for you to allow yourself to feel the SPIRITual guidance that is brought to you through SADO. We ask for you to feel it in your head, in your heart, in your body. We ask for you to feel it in your grounding. We ask for you to feel it in your surrounding.
We ask for you to feel it going outside of your body and into the auric field where it continues to expand exponentially. All the energy from your body, your heart and your soul mind expands into all others who are with us this evening, whether they are present in physical body; present in heart and present in soul, and those who feel the energy expanding and expanding.
We wish for you to understand that SADO’s attendance at these gatherings is specifically not to give information but to provide healing through the information.
There are many who read the transcripts that come from these programs. The healing is there in the words. However, attending allows SADO to bring forward your healing group, your SPIRITual guidance into the body that you are currently carrying with you and inhabiting.
We ask you to breathe in the health, the power, the energy and the forgiveness of healing. We ask for you to feel this go throughout the body. And we ask for you to feel it completely surrounding your body, providing for you an incredible energy of help, compassion, positiveness and the ability to communicate in a way that allows for your ideas to be understood and for this communication to be healing to all others.
We ask you one more time to breathe in the power and instead this time of allowing it to go through the body, we are asking for it to go into the depths of the SPIRITual mind, which is contained in the physical heart place. Dissecting the physical heart will not show, but you can feel this energy going into that space. We ask for you to feel the heart guidance. This heart guidance is available to all who attend these gatherings, which is one of the reasons why we are asking our SADO group to do what they can to ask others to be present for this time.
As you know, there is no time and space in God, but being here and joining as one creates the communication and the atmosphere and the environment for incredible healing, for incredible compassion and incredible understanding.
This may come through to you by color or a sensation that you have in your body. We would like for you now to make a note of this because it is now yours to be able to use. This group has now been together, the majority has been together, in a way that allows a cohesive bond of the energy. There are some that are missing, and there are some who have not attended at this time, but will. But those of you who are here this evening and about seven others are the core group of the SADO Circle. Congratulations! We appreciate the time and the energy that you have provided, and the healing that we have been able to provide due to your attendance is paramount.
And now, without further ado, we will shift the communication pattern. [Jane: In July 2021, SADO changed how they channel. They were concerned about the amount of my energy it was taking to do this kind of channeling. I now have more access to my physical body while channeling, and I now hear most of what they are saying as they say it. My eyes are open, although at this point I’m not seeing through my physical eyes.]
We would like to have a discussion this evening about and with the focus of karma, as it seems that some of the karmic communication that you have been given and that you are depending on is incorrect.
If we polled the group that is in front of us this evening, we feel there are 12 different definitions for karma, and we wish for you to have the similar communication of what karma is and how it is being used.
We would like for there to be discussion about what it is that you believe that karma is and so we would like our sister Christine to open the group for the ability for those who wish to contribute to this communication will be able to do so. This is not a time for questions; this is a time for communication and discussion about what karma means to you.
And this is one of the reasons why we allow for this person to have access to her body. [Jane: Chris invertedly muted me. I was able to use the keyboard to unmute myself, although I wasn’t conscious of what was going on. SADO used my body to work the keyboard without me being aware of it.] So we would appreciate you being able to unmute yourself and who participate in the discussion of what it is that your belief of karma happens to be.
We will not go through all 12 definitions for this information to be shared, but a few brave souls would be appreciated.
And it appears that there is a hand raised.
Participant 1: The way I understand karma—it’s about the impact and results of actions and behaviors that you do today, or even that your ancestors have done that may impact your life as well.
SADO: We appreciate the willingness that you have created in giving us the answer that we would say is most common. We would tell you that the beginning of your information is rather accurate but not past the first five words.
What we are letting you understand—what you have been told is difficult when you are in the human body. Feeling as if all that you experience is due to actions of your own and due to your actions of perhaps your ancestors. This is not accurate.
The accuracy is that the karma is the energy that you have established for what it is that you would like to be doing during this lifetime. This one has taught the objective of karma as those plans —and she is correcting us—and letting us know that what she taught about karma is inaccurate.
And we would say that at the beginning of her teaching, karma was defined inaccurately, but at the conclusion of her teaching time, karma was looked at a bit differently even though it had a different name. So we will not hash this out in that way, but we will give you the information that many will look at the life plan, and that is not exactly the written plan, but the plan that was created by all who were deciding to come into body.
There are those who would look at the fact that karma is only about that which has already happened during the time in the body. And, as our sister said, possibly also, what has been done by the ancestors. This is a way of trying to explain the color of blue to a blind man. This does not follow, nor is it establishing a way to live the life in the human body.
We would like for you to understand that the word “karma” is better adjusted and better defined as that which you would like to experience during this lifetime. Karma is not a word that SADO would use simply because of the multiple definitions that are available to those of you who are present in your world today.
We would like for you to understand as well that those who live on the planets that you do not understand exist, even though they are in front of your eyeballs, they also look at karma and have their own definitions. But what we would like for you to understand—that those experiences that you wanted to have during this time, during this lifetime, are what others would call karma. But we would like for you to define this as the learning lessons of the life plan. So we have one here who is working on definitions that we have given, and we would like to thank her for her hard work—and with her partner as well, and to be able to define this life plan and to be able to notate that some will use this as the word “karma.”
To our sister, who was brave enough to present her definition of karma, we would like to go back to her and ask whether or not this can create a better understanding of her life experiences and better define the word “karma” for her future.
Participant 1: Yes, it does. Thank you.
SADO: It is important that you understand, all of you who are on this call this evening, as well as those who will continue to read this discussion, that it is a good possibility that you may be also confused with how it is that you relate with God.
There are many who believe that God created you as a separate being, and we would like for you to understand that this is true and this is not true. As many of you know in SPIRITuality, it depends on who it is you are listening to. But right now, since we have your attention, and you cannot leave us, because we would not allow you to do so, that you will have to understand that we are talking to each and every one of you, and we would like for you to understand that you were created by God as an expansion of knowledge, and as we were able to discuss with this one and two of her comrades this week, you are of God, you are from God and you are as God.
And yes, you will all want to go out and get that tattooed on your forehead. Ha ha ha.
But we do not recommend that you do this unless it’s placed where only you can see, as there will be many questions about how dare you feel you are of God and you are as God. Many over many centuries have been killed for even thinking of this terminology. But we wish for you to take this deep into the heart and understand that you are of God. You are from God and you are as God. And one of this one’s comrades is with us this evening and we would like for her to speak of what this came to her—how this came to her—and what it is that she was able to consider when this information was given.
She is quite shy—ha ha ha—and may need some encouragement to come forward, but we do ask that she unmute herself and speak to this issue.
[Jane: This person’s internet kicked her off the call and she was gone when SADO asked her to speak.]
And it appears that her shyness has won out and she would prefer not to or cannot speak on this matter. But we will confirm to you that this has been a difficult conversation to understand what it is and how this would impact your life if you know you are of God, if you know you are from God, which is most likely the easiest for you to accept, and when you know that you are as God, how is it that that can impact you?
And we would like for you to have discussion about this fact with those with whom you discuss other SPIRITual matters.
The last point we would like to make before we open it up for questions, which we will be doing this evening, is to speak about the body. If it is possible that you will accept that you are of God, you are from God and you are as God, how is it that you see and feel the pains in the body?
And we are looking for another brave soul and we are keeping track—ha ha ha—to be able to give us information from those who are living within the body to understand what it is that you feel provides the body a painful message if you are of God, from God and as God.
…And we will be here all week!
Participant 2: OK. I believe that when I feel pain or discomfort in the body or my loved ones are having experiences, that is what it is: They are having experiences that are part of their karma in the sense of their life plan. Also, it could be a way of purging and having that purge on multiple levels includes filtering through the physical level. Knowing that you are of God can help see you through those times.
SADO: And we appreciate the information you have granted those who are with us this evening. And we would like to agree and point out several communications that you have made, and we would like for you to understand the brilliance of being able to correlate the mental images of what is going on in your life, and realize that the mental images create the situation in the body.
There is always a correlation between the mental and the physical. Those of you who have joined us this evening and have a great grief and loss in your life, we want you to go back and remember what was going on in your body when that great grief actually occurred. And for those of you who are parents of children who have now come to us, all the years between when that child came to live with us up to currently, the mental anguish affected the physical body. Is that not correct? That is a great, unfortunate example of exactly what is is that we are speaking about, that our sister has provided for us. And we appreciate that. We would like for one other person who was prepared to discuss this with us to speak now and provide for us the information that she has before we wrap up this topic.
Participant 3: I’m not sure whether it was me, but I believe that often the pain in our bodies is the consequence of emotional issues. If we don’t address the emotional traumas we have, I believe they go into the body. It’s easy to forget that we are of God when we’re caught in the turmoil of pain. How can we remember that when we are in the thrust of pain?
SADO: And we appreciate you bringing this information to this group this evening, and we would like for you to understand as you already know that we are in agreement with you on this matter. And we would like to go one step farther with this and for you to understand, and all who are with us this evening, that the body is separate from the SPIRIT. The SPIRIT knows. The SPIRIT understands. It is the physical manifestation of the SPIRIT, which is what it is that you are living in currently. That manifests the pain, the illness, the sickness, but you are not your body, and we would like for you to understand that you are not your body.
Your body is not of God. Your body is not from God. And your body is not as God. Your body is from your parents—your biological parents. You agreed to accept this body the way it was made, but the body is not of God. When you allow that to come into your awareness, when you allow for that to be the truth that you are living with, that will change how you deal with the pain of the body—the illness of the body.
This will make a difference in your life, and that is what we would like for you to understand this evening. This is an important concept, and one that might take some discussion to understand and to be able to live within the confines of. But please understand what it is that our participants have provided for us, and that is: the mental anguish is reflected in the body. The body is separate from the SPIRIT and the body is not of God. It is one of the occupations of the SPIRIT to take care of the body. When you come to be with us, if the body has not been taken care of, we are going to have a long discussion. It is never too late to take care of the body. It is never too late to work with the mental, the SPIRITual, the intellectual prowess that you have, as much of that will be coming from SPIRIT.
And we will now open this discussion for questions as time remains.
Participant 1: I feel like this is a very basic question and I should already understand this, but—
SADO: You spend a lot of time “shoulding” on yourself, do you not?
Participant 1: (Laughs)
SADO: We would like to begin this discussion by asking you to take better care of the SPIRIT and the body without the shoulding on yourself. Now you may continue.
Participant 1: Point taken. If the body is not from God, why is it so important to take care of it and not focus more on the SPIRIT?
SADO: It is odd for us to hear you say it is a simple question because it is not a simple question. It is a question that should be raised by all who are living in a body, whether that be an animal body, an inanimate body or a physical body. So we appreciate the question and we appreciate the courage that it has taken for you to ask such a “simple” —to use your definition—question.
The body provides the bubble. Without the bubble, you cannot have the experiences that you would like to have, that you came here to have, and that you planned on in your lifetime. Without the body, you do not have the protection from the environment and you cannot do that which humans, those in human body, have the ability to do and to experience. If you were as SPIRIT only, you would not be driving the car. You would not be having the babies. You would not be working to have a roof over your head. You would not be having relationships that can only be had by humans. You would have other relationships, that is for sure, but you would not be having the kind of relationships that those who are in body can and are having. You came, as you know, as we have already spoken with you about, to put a great deal of time and energy into having relationships. Some of these relationships have taught you very well, and when we speak of relationships teaching you well, that does not mean that they were easy.
Please understand that when we are speaking of lessons, they are not always easy, but they are meaningful and we believe that you can speak in a way that shows that you understand that the difficult relationships have taught you more than the easy relationships have taught you.
Participant 1: Yes, definitely.
SADO: And so being in human body has allowed for you to have these experiences. And we appreciate your question, and we hope that you appreciate the response, and please understand that due to your personality and your willingness to learn and your willingness to teach, that often questions that come to your mind are there for the learning objective of the group. Squelching these questions do not provide healing and knowledge to your fellow SPIRITUAL seekers.
Participant 1: Yes, thank you.
SADO: And you, our sister, are welcome.
Participant 4: Thank you, SADO. Could you help me understand the connection between chronic pain that someone suffers and the purpose it might serve?
SADO: We thank you for your question, our sister, and we would like for you to understand that it is always part of their plan. Whether or not this is created by an automobile crash or this is created by chronic illness, or this is created by other unknown circumstances, what it is that our bodies are showing us is an opportunity for us to learn, an opportunity for us to understand, and is an undeniable way for us to communicate.
When we are able to teach and communicate about chronic pain or a heart attack, it is very important that we understand that this is coming from an emotional mental issue first and oftentimes that emotional mental issue is the feel of separation from God. It can be from this lifetime or even a past lifetime, as we have spoken about previously. And we have not spent a good deal of time speaking about separation, but that will be coming in future times.
Chronic illnesses or illnesses that happen for a short period of time—are always there for us to learn from. A headache that you are able to cure with the aspirin in a few minutes is still a way to learn. It teaches you that you do not need to be in pain, and there is help for you not to be in pain. It teaches you that science has found a way to take the pain away, and it teaches you that sometimes a 20-minute rest can be very beneficial for you to be able to think and to go through that which has been bothering you that has caused the headache in the first place.
Participant 4: Thank you so much for your comments. Thank you.
SADO: And you are welcome.
Participant 3: I have a question about life plans. They include all the lessons that we want to learn this life. What is the impact of past/future lives on this life?
SADO: We appreciate your question, and we understand that a great deal of thought has gone into this confusion that you are feeling. And so we wish for you to understand that as we provide the information for you, we are also holding you up with the cloud of SPIRIT.
There is a lot of information that you may have come into contact with through religious groups and also through SPIRITual readings. But we will tell you there are no coincidences and there are no accidents—that all you have experienced in your lifetime has been provided for you in a way that this helps for you to learn what it is that you came to learn.
Many look at karma as the precursor to what it is that is happening. This is a precursor from those who have gone before, and from other lives that you have had, and this also becomes a longer discussion, but we feel that it is very valued and therefore we will go into this discussion at this time.
We would like for you to understand that the lessons that you would like to learn—you have created these with your SPIRITual companions. Some of these SPIRITual companions have come now into your SPIRITual guidance team because they know what it is that you would like to experience and to learn, and they can provide for you those occasions when the learning can be happening for you.
However, when you talk about past lives that you have had, this is where the discussion becomes long because it is the truth that all of who you are, which is only SPIRIT, it is not body, has never been all of who you are today before.
Let us try to break this down: The SPIRIT that you have, which we will call our sister Diane, who we gratefully admire and thank for her hard work, has never before been all together as our sister Diane of today. The SPIRIT of the sister Diane, and again, we are not speaking of the body, we are speaking of the SPIRIT—the SPIRIT that is of God, from God and as God, has never before been in human body. There are pieces of the SPIRIT that have lived many times, and there are pieces of the SPIRIT who has never before walked the Earth’s atmosphere. And there are pieces of the SPIRIT who have never been in any body. There are pieces of the SPIRIT who have only been SPIRIT.
The pieces of the SPIRIT of our sister Diane came because they felt that they would be trusted, protected and taught by the other elements of the SPIRIT that was going to come in this lifetime as our sister Diane.
There are many pieces that make up all SPIRITs in all bodies. The only time there is a pureness of SPIRIT is when you are in the place called SPIRIT. If you were to come into body as pure SPIRIT, you very well might be in a body that has no ability to function without medical apparatus. You very well may not be able to speak, to hear, to talk, because you would not have the abilities to put this together in a way that provides all that it is that you need to make it in a body on this plane.
On other planes, there can be less complicated SPIRITual entities that go through the learning and the education because it is not as difficult as it is on this particular plane. We know this is not what you want to hear; we can feel the energy of disagreement around you. Your SPIRITual guidance also understands why it is that you need to hold onto this belief structure. But we would ask for you to understand that we are giving you what it is that you need to be able to take the next step. If you look at your children, you will see that they are many-faceted, and the many facets that you see are different parts and different entities of SPIRIT. And we would hope that we would be able to have more discussion about this in the future with you, but we would ask for you to ask your own SPIRITual guidance—not all that you follow—these questions, and lead with the SPIRIT energy in your heart. And we are being told by your SPIRITual guidance that you have had enough for this evening, so we will end this answer. And we appreciate your questions and it is OK with us that you do not agree with SADO, but you will come around.
And we will take one more question this evening.
Participant 5: If our SPIRIT is of God, as God, do we necessarily have to like the bodies we were given?
SADO: There is no reason for your SPIRIT to have a judgment about the body that you came into because the body was given by the parents, by the family that you chose to provide the body for you. The idiosyncrasies of the bodies are ones that you agreed to be in, and to have, and to provide for you the learning opportunities and experiences that you would like to have.
Participant 5: Thank you. That helps clarify it in my mind.
SADO: And we are happy that you have gotten information that has been beneficial for you this evening, and it is enough.
SADO: And we are here.
Lynn: Welcome, SADO.
SADO: And the energy of the group is powerful this evening, and, as such, we would like to begin our time this evening with your ability to heal yourselves, heal your community, heal your planet and heal all those who need healing, whether they be animal, vegetable, or mineral—ha ha ha.
The group that has assembled this evening is closer to the core group, and we are missing four this evening. We are putting into their minds to read the information that is coming forward in the transcripts, and we are very grateful that these transcripts are being translated from our voice into the written word. And we appreciate the time and energy that it has taken for this to be done. It is a lengthy process and a difficult one, as we are not always so easy to understand.
We also would like for you to realize that this one, who the messages are coming through, has sometimes a difficult time in forming the words that we are asking her mouth to form. So oftentimes, the word may not be exactly correct. But during the editing process, we are able to make those changes and again, we appreciate the time that that is being done and the effort that the—as this one would say—T2B group/committee are actually working on providing the next step. This next step will be to provide the information to a greater, broader audience in a way that will be beneficial for them. These books will be in subject matter, and this is what is being worked on at this point in time. We wish again to thank this group, this committee, as this one would call it, who are working tirelessly on this next project.
We appreciate those of you who are with us this evening, as when you assemble, the energy that is providing is going through the transcripts. So those who are working on the original transcript as well as those who are working on coding the transcripts can feel the energy that is coming from this information.
We do appreciate that, as will your world. We would like for us to be able to provide for this group a healing energy. And some of you will be utilizing this physically, and some of you will be utilizing this in an emotional way, and some of you will be utilizing this in a spiritual way. And so what we would like for you to do at this point is to ground your energy, for you to open your heart, for you to feel the energy coming through your body.
When we are doing healing work, we are feeling the energy in two ways: We are feeling the energy coming down from the 11th and 15th chakras. We are feeling the energy coming up from the sub-zero chakras, and we are feeling the energy come into the heart. As we will speak more about, the heart chakra is where the soul is speaking from. Some of you have done work about where your soul resides and you may have been taught that it can be in many different areas of the physical body. This is incorrect. The soul always speaks from the heart area, and we will talk more about that in a minute. So as you inhale through your nose, if possible, we would like you to bring the healing energy, which is the color of gold, up through your feet and up through the lower extremities of your body and up through your torso and arriving in and surrounding in the heart area.
And so we would like you to continue to breathe naturally and normally, and we would like for you with each inhale to be bringing the golden light, the golden energy, up through the lower extremities of the body. You understand of course that it is not the physical body—it is the auric field that the golden energy is coming through. And we would like for you to feel the golden light coming up through, coming through the torso, and pooling in the heart.
And now we would like for you to concentrate on the 11th and the 15th chakras, which are 3-6 feet above your physical head, and we would like for you to bring down the healing energy from the spiritual realms that are provided through those chakras, those energy centers. This energy will be green; it will be the color green, and we would ask you to bring this green energy down from 3-6 feet over your heads, and bring this green energy down through your physical existence to the auric field and into the heart chakra.
With each inhale of your breath, more and more of this energy will pass through the auric field and into the place of the heart chakra.
We wish for you to see the mixing of the golden light with green light, where you understand that these energy sources never completely mix because if they completely mixed, they would lose their potency and become a different color and therefore a different energy. But instead of completely mixing, the gold and the green intertwine like cords in a rope. They keep their own integrity and yet, they combine to be the most powerful healing that can possibly heal.
There are many advantages to doing this exercise on a regular basis, but the power of the group that is here this evening provides for this healing to be incredibly strong. We ask that you practice this when you feel moved to do so. We ask that you use this when you have an ache or a pain, whether they be physical, spiritual, emotional or mental. We ask that you practice this when you are informed of another in an Earth suit that is also experiencing, as you would say, illness, pain or incompatibility with the Earth suit.
We would like now for you to take the combination energy and allow it to provide for all of you—for your entire auric field, and allow the energy to surround you, to feel you, and to allow you to apply it to those you love. If you are applying it to those who are continuing to wear the Earth suit, they will feel it. If you are applying it to those who are no longer wearing the Earth suit, they absolutely will feel it, identify with it, empower it to the point of sending it back to you tenfold.
Allow yourself to imagine the gold and green tenfold. Allow yourself to imagine it completely surrounding you—completely feeding your health and your ability to withstand the issues that come from being in the Earth suit. Know that it is completely providing everything that is needed for you to survive and to thrive.
And we thank you for taking part in this energy and we thank you for enjoying and we thank you for using and we ask you to continue to practice this healing technique, even if you do not believe that there is any healing necessary for you.
We ask for you to tap into all those who are attending this meeting this evening, because whether or not they are on the screen, they are a part of your energy package because you have met them, you have heard them, and you are connected with them. All are one, as we have told you in the past. You are your brothers’ and sisters’ keepers. You are their heart and they are yours. You are their mind and they are yours. You are their consciousness and they are yours. You are their protector and they are yours. You are their guilt and they are yours. This one is telling us that you get the point so we shall move on. And we will now transition to our newer way of communicating, as this way is very draining for this one.
Her process this evening will be to divide the content into three categories. We would like for you to understand where it is that you are speaking from, where it is that you are feeling from and where it is you are acting from. We wish for you to know that you have a choice in all of these categories. You are either speaking from the ego, or you are speaking from the place of the soul, the heart.
You are feeling either fear or love. You are acting through separation or unity. If you are speaking from the ego, feeling the fear, acting through separation, it is a difficult life that you are living. If you are speaking from the soul, if you are feeling love, if you are acting through unity, it is an easy life and one where the lessons of life are being learned. These will promote your choices to not repeat this existence. It is the way that is needed and as it was meant to be before you believed in the separation. We would like to impress upon you that every statement that you are making is either coming from the ego or the soul and you are making a conscious decision of either speaking from the ego or speaking from the soul.
Your charge, should you choose to accept it—ha ha ha—is to make a determination of where you would like to be speaking from. Would you like to be speaking from your ego? Would you like to be speaking from your soul? Do you understand the difference? Do you know what it sounds like to others and to yourself?
Can you imagine living your life in a way where you are speaking from your soul and quieting the ego? It is a quite a task to be asking and being committed to understanding, hearing and listening for what it is that is being formulated in your physical consciousness. Your spiritual consciousness will always have the speaking contribution from your soul, your heart. Your physical brain will always have the information speaking from—and through—your ego.
We would like for you to also put the same consciousness through what it is that you are feeling. Are you feeling fear? Are you feeling love? Do you know what it feels like to feel fear? Do you know what it feels like to feel love? Can love ever feel like fear? Can fear ever feel like love? We challenge you to think from theconcept at the soul level of fear, and to discern whether it is fear or whether it is love.
And if you are speaking from fear, why is it that you are speaking from fear? Can you choose love? The act of living in this world and the Earth is not the only place that you can work on this last category, the category of separation and unity. Are you living in a way and are you acting from a place of separation with God? Are you acting from a place of unity? The litmus test for this is if you feel good about hurting another, you are certainly acting from a place of separation. Because if another is hurt by your words or your thoughts or your deeds, that hurt is not only hurting them, but is hurting you because you are unified with all other souls. All souls are unified under God. As we have spoken about in past sessions, you are as God, you are of God, and you are from God. There is no other possibility that you can possibly come from true understanding of who you are and where you come from.
You are as God, you are of God and you are from God—and because of this fact, you are unified as energy with God.
The above is a very difficult lesson, and we have been waiting to provide it until our core group is with us. Although we are missing four of our core group this evening, we are hoping that they will be able to join in the future, but we will make sure that this information comes through their path.
It is important that you understand that we are challenging you because being able to speak from the soul, feel only love and act from unity will change the world. And when we talk about the world, we are talking about all worlds, all universes and all energies. If your heart goes out to another human being, understand that it goes out to the other human being because you are living in and feeling unity. Living in and feeling unity is working from the feeling of love and speaking from the soul.
We would like for this challenge to be undertaken by all who are present this evening, and we would like for you to make a paper with a horizontal line that says “ego” on one end of the line and “soul” on the other end of the line and the words “speaking from” directly under the line.
Further down on the paper, we would like for you to have the word “fear” and at the other end of the line, we would like for you to have the word “love.” And directly under the line, we would like you to have the word “feeling.” And towards the bottom of the paper, we would like you to have a third horizontal line with the word “separation” at one end and the word “unity” at the other end and the word “acting” directly under the line.
And we would prefer for you to have this reminder in a place that you would see many times a day, which would give you the challenge to think about how it is that you are speaking, how it is that you are feeling and how it is that you are acting.
This is the challenge. We will be with you to create the information that you need for this challenge. We will be checking on you regarding this challenge. We will be supporting you, and some of you will be able to maintain speaking from the soul, feeling love, acting from unity in an easy way; and for some of you it will be very difficult. For those of you who feel it will be difficult, you are very smart. And we will tell you that we are with you, we are providing for you, and it’s difficult to live in this way, but we will guarantee you that it will change your life, the lives of those around you, your community and your world. And this one is telling us this discussion is very heavy this evening and we need to lighten it up or we’re going to lose our audience. Ha ha ha.
We have been waiting a long time to have this discussion and we would like now to open it up for a proper discussion, where you can provide information to SADO about your thoughts and feelings regarding this challenge that we have provided for you.
She is saying that, “You’re seeing that I was right. You have scared them all away.”
And it does appear there is a question.
Participant 1: This is very powerful information and thank you. I was hoping you would have some suggestions on how to work on discernment. For me, personally, I’m struggling with being too giving and maybe being taken advantage of rather than making some tough parenting decisions that need to be made. Also, what about when your guidance gives you information that you can confuse with fear?
SADO: We appreciate the question that you have offered, as it is going to be extremely beneficial for others that are here this evening. We would like for you to remember that the feeling from fear and the feeling from love is not only about those who are outside your Earth suit. It is important that you understand that the self-love provides for you the base of the unity. It provides for you the base of the soul. It provides for you the ability to do the “difficult parenting” that you speak of.
When you love the part of you which is the only part that is in unity with God, it provides for you the strength of character to be able to do the tough parenting. You understand, correct, that children were not placed in your life to be your friend?
Participant 1: Yes.
SADO: Children were placed in your life to be raised in a way that they can be proud of themselves. They can learn to speak from the soul, they can learn to feel love and they can learn that unity with God is unity with all others, and therefore that will provide for them a way to bring perhaps their own children into the physical body and at least connect with those who are no longer, or have never been, in physical body.
Discernment is a practiced skill. It will take, as this one would say, baby steps, and when you are able to say, “Ah—I was just speaking through my ego when I was feeling badly that my child does not appreciate the information that I have given,” that is coming from your ego. If you put that same information through your soul, your soul will not lead you astray. But if you want to be your child’s friend, that is ego.
Does that give you some information that may help you on this particular challenge?
Participant 1: Yes, thank you.
SADO: And you are welcome.
Participant 2: Hi, SADO. When you find yourself acting out of fear, what should your first step be?
SADO: And as our literacy professional, what is the opposite of fear?
Participant 2: Love.
SADO: And so if you find you are acting through fear, being able to work toward changing that to love will provide for you the learning that needs to happen and to provide for yourself.
Think of an example of when you have been fearful, and if you are able to, turn that situation and look at the possibility of love, how would that situation be different?
Participant 2: I would be feeling it differently.
SADO: And there would be less anxiety, and there would be less confusion and there would be more happiness and there would be more grounding and there would be more unity. You understand, correct, and we are speaking to the group here, that all of these three horizontal lines, when they are in balance, provide for you the ability to live a life that provides the experiences that you would like to have, and you have planned to have within this lifetime. When these are out of balance, it is a struggle.
It is an incredible struggle that takes a big toll on the human body and takes a big toll on relationships with other humans. And we hope that that has provided some information for the inquisitioner.
Participant 2: (Laughs) Yes, and thank you, SADO.
SADO: And we will now open this program for general questions.
Participant 3: I’m wondering about conditions that run in families that are not genetic. I’ve been reading about this concept of morphogenetic fields, and I’m wondering if that plays a role in conditions that run in families.
SADO: We appreciate your question and we would like to respond to it in a very specific and highly intellectual way. And the answer to your question is: Yes. Ha ha ha. We would like for you to understand that there is much about diseases, illnesses—physical, emotional, mental and spiritual—that do, as you say, run in families. Much of this is learned through generations. It is learned in a way that provides an environment that creates the anxiety. And sometimes the anxiety creates a difference in the brain health, brain cells and brain chemistry. But this can then be diagnosed by your professionals.
We have spoken about the illnesses in the past, but it is important to understand that all illnesses come from an emotional base and cells are very susceptible to energy. All illnesses come from an emotional base. It is difficult, getting back to the conversation on discernment, to speak specifically about how those illnesses are created and how they are discerned.
But if you look at those in your own life, if not yourself, you may see that it was a difficult situation to speak for what it is that was necessary generationally in the family. This often causes a problem—a physical, mechanical problem in the body and in which the energy that is created can change and morph the cells of the body’s tissues and organs: Emotional issues that arise from not being afforded the privilege to speak; having the ideas not appreciated would change the energy field which would in turn change the cells. When this happens, it changes the molecular structure of the body. It changes the chemical structure of the body. And many issues arise from this.
If you think of many of the issues with what your doctors might be calling “gut issues” at this point in time, oftentimes when we look at that generationally, we find that those issues are caused from anxiety, or as we spoke about this evening, feeling from fear. This defines what happens in the morphogenic field, does it not?
And many of the gut issues can be corrected by feeling from love. The scenario and equation that we have given you this evening are providing for you exactly what it is that is needed by not only the physical body, but also by the body of all of those who are working through and working with that family. That family can be extended, not only in this lifetime, but generationally.
It isn’t until many have crossed the transition point that they understand how this is working, but SADO is bringing this information to you because you have the ability to start to understand this, and to work with this and to balance the equation so that your body can be healthy and you can be provided with the experiences that you wanted to have in this lifetime.
And we are hoping that that information that SADO has provided has been beneficial to you, our sister.
Participant 3: Yes it has, thank you very much.
SADO: And you are welcome.
Participant 4: Thank you, SADO. You were talking about balancing the equation, and I’m a little unclear on that. Could you explain more what you mean about the equation?
SADO: We appreciate your willingness to pose the question that many on this program this evening are contemplating. You have been able to put into words some of the confusion that has been generated with the information that has been given.
Unless the questions are asked, the transcript will not provide all of the details that may be needed. It is important for you to understand that it has been a very long time, to use your human terms, that SADO has been in the physical bodies, and therefore, the work that we are asking for you to do may not be as simplified as it needs to be.
What we would like for you to understand is that the lines on the paper that we were speaking about, you can see them as continuums with the words on the left side being “ego,” “fear” and “separation,” and the words on the right side being “soul,” “love” and “unity.”
What you will find, our brother, is that as you are thinking about those thoughts that you have during the day you will be able to show on the continuum of how close those thoughts are from coming from your ego and how close those thoughts might be coming from your soul level.
So say you do the continuum of 1 at the level of ego and 10 at the level of soul, and you find that the thoughts that you are having on, at that particular moment, you would show that they are about an 8. So they are very close to coming from the soul. And if you take that same thought and you say, “Hmmm. Is it coming from fear or is it coming from love?” And you say, “That is about 50-50.” And so you have the line midway between the word “fear” and the word “love.”
And you take that same thought and you put it through the litmus test of separation, or unity, and you look at this much closer to feeling separation that you have a 3 on separation. So you have an 8 on the first continuum, a 5 on the second continuum, and a 3 on the last continuum. That gives you a total of 16, correct?
And you see that your top number could be 30, if it was at the 10 level for “soul,” for “love,” and for “unity.” You see the amount of work that needs to be done in each and every category for you to be living in the way that you would like to be living.
We would also want you to understand that for some people, living at the level of 9 as a total is good enough. And you will find many who are willing to not live a life that would be closer to the 30 sum of the equation. But what we would tell you is those who are rated at the 9 as opposed to those who are rated at the 30 do not have the ability to have the experiences in this lifetime that they could be having if they were to balance the equation.
We appreciate your question and we now ask whether or not this has provided you with some information that clears things a bit.
Participant 4: Yes it does. Thank you, SADO.
SADO: And you are welcome and again we appreciate your question.
Participant 5: I am on the rebound from a devastating health incident I did not see coming that has physically flattened me as a result. I received aid and healing from the SPIRIT world in the form of a woman I know who lives in another state and it was completely unexpected.
I’m wondering if you have anything to say about the unexpected sources of help that show up for us in life.
SADO: We are very pleased that you have been able to accept the healing that has been provided for you, but we want you to understand that this healing can come from many different sources. There is not only one person that can heal you. SPIRIT continually sends those to Earth to be able to heal the physical body, realizing that it all comes from emotions. All healers are from SPIRIT if they are truly healers. Some you will find believe they have the gift of being a healer are trying to heal the physical body without looking at where the illness, the sickness is actually coming from.
You were right in being able to hear and to feel and to trust that this healing was coming toward you, and you were going to allow yourself to be positively impacted by it. One of the main issues that we see from our side of the transition—across the bridge to your side of the transition—is a lack of trust. A lack of trust that this challenge that we have indicated for you this evening can be filled. And a lack of trust that SPIRIT is working with you in many different facets.
We are happy that you have been able to feel this love, and please know that you are correct that it is coming from your love. It is also coming from your trust of unity, your trust of love and speaking from your soul.
Participant 5: Thank you.
SADO: And it is enough.
October 14, 2021
SADO: And we are here.
Lynn: Welcome, SADO.
SADO: And we appreciate those who have joined us this evening for this very important gathering. As you will see as we progress through the evening, we have a new format that we will be using this evening during our time together, but it is not the format that will be the usual.
To begin, we would like for you to be able to connect with the vibrations of the SADO group. And you will do so by closing your eyes, relaxing the body, grounding what you would consider to be your tailbone at the end of your spine. We would like for you to be able to move the energy from three or four feet above your head down through the body, down through the spinal column. Move that energy down into the center of your planet, as you need to be grounded to the planet that you have chosen to have your experiences on.
Now we would like for you to come to the solar plexus of your body. And we would like for you to understand the gathering of energy that is in that part of the body. And we would like for you to bring that energy from the solar plexus of the body. And we would like for you to bring it up through the top part of the body, through the top of the head and all the way to the 11th and 15 chakras.
(Sound of sneezing)
And it appears that one of our participants has not ended the volume control[JB1] [KD2] .
We appreciate the ability not to have the extraneous sounds, as it changes the vibratory rate that we are instituting. We also understand that you may not be aware of how the human body’s noises will decrease the ability of the vibrations to move in the direction we need for them to move in order for you to have the experiences that we are hoping for you to have.
And so we have asked for you to gather the energy in the solar plexus area, and that energy for many of you may look like a golden-yellow color. And we would like for you to bring that color all the way through to the top of your head, and for you to be able to have it join with the 11th and the 15th chakras that are above your head. The 11th and the 15th chakras will allow the energy to move in two ways: In from SPIRIT, and out from your body. And as you breathe in, we ask you to feel the energy from three feet, minimum, above your head to come down through the 15th, down through the 11th, and all the way down through the body to the solar plexus level.
And we ask you to breathe that energy through the body, feeling the pressure on the 7th chakra at the top of your head, and feeling the pressure as it goes down into the 6th chakra—the third eye area—and down into the throat, and down into the heart and down into the solar plexus. And as you breathe in, we would like for you to feel the concentration of energy coming from down in through the body. And as you exhale, we would hope that you can feel this energy gathering strength as it comes from the solar plexus and out through the 7th, through the 11th, the 12th, the 13th, the 14th and all way through the 15th chakras.
And as you breathe in the energy now, we would like for you to follow it down to the solar plexus, down to the sacral area of the body. And one more time as you exhale, to feel the vibration increase as you take the energy from the sacral area and move it up through the body, and feel the pressure lift in all areas of the body. And inhaling, bringing the energy down from the 15th chakra, feeling the pressure on the head, feeling the pressure on the forehead, feeling the pressure in the throat, feeling the pressure in the heart, feeling the pressure in the solar plexus, feeling the pressure in the root of the human body.
Now feel that energy leaving the human body and going down from the auric field, down into the center of the Earth, gathering the strength and coming back around, this time instead of into the human body, see it covering and completely filling the auric field. And you understand that your auric field is in connection with all other auric fields, and as we have impressed upon this group: We are co-healers. We are co-experiencers. We are co-knowledge gatherers, and we are all within the ONE.
And now we ask you to ask for healing for all those who are connected by this energy stream.
And now we ask for you to accept the healing that has been provided for you from this energetic group.
And we thank you and appreciate the energy that you have placed within the vibration of all who are seen and all who are unseen that are affected by this energy group. There is much power in this group—also, we continue to miss several of the core group members—there is quite a lot of energy within this group and we appreciate your time and your energy in providing for the healing for this group who are present, whether within the body or those who have left the body.
The energy that this group has been able to provide is substantial in their knowledge, their experiences, and especially in helping them to move forward.
The lecture that we provided for this group in this past month is a turning point. As we have shared with you, this information is the way that we would like for you to work on living your lives while in physical body. There is a group from our side that has been added to the SADO group that is particularly interested in the maintaining of and providing of the energy that is needed by this particular group.
This energy will be of a constant healing type and will provide for you knowledge about how it is that you are living your life in the human body. As you know, and we have expressed for you in the past, coming back into the human body is not the preference. We would like for you to be able to adjust to the experiences that you have during the time that you are in the human body so that you have the ability to feel complete oneness when you leave the human body.
Feeling the oneness is the bank of trust. It allows for you to have the information, the feelings, the knowledge, the trust and serenity to be able to make the transition into the SPIRIT world, where the strife and the experiences that you feel you can only attain through the human body are no longer necessary. This is a project that will take for you the remainder of the time that you are in the human body.
We will now shift to the new format that we have been sharing with this one, although without the details, as she asks too many questions. Ha ha ha.
Jane: SADO is very definitely here, but so am I. They’re going to lead this discussion but in a different way than they normally do by presenting the information that I’m going to hear and then repeat. Let’s see how this works. Welcome to the experiment.
They’re asking me to bring up the chart, so let me do that. SADO says you can see the chart. First, they’re thanking The Inquisitioner [mentions the name of one of the participant]—they call her that. They’re telling me to stop ad-libbing, so I’m going to do that. [PLEASE SEE BOTTOM OF THIS TRANSCRIPTION FOR THE CHART]
This chart that you’re seeing is the depiction of what they talked about last month. [Jane: From this point onwards, SADO took over because I was asking too many questions and telling them their explanations were not going to be clear.] We understand there were some questions about how to utilize this information as a way for you to be living your life while in body.
As you can see, the words at the left edge of each bar are those that you may see as having a negative or contrary meaning, but we would like for you to understand that these words are not negative. They do not have negative meaning; they are simply experiences that being in human body you are able to have. When you have left the physical body and you are “living in SPIRIT” and understand that you no longer have the body, you will not feel the feeling of fear. You will not act through separation, and you will not speak through ego. For some, it takes the consciousness, in your terms, some time to understand that you no longer feel, act or speak in a way that is not a part of the whole. The part of the whole is the feeling of love, acting in complete unity and speaking through the soul.
As you can see, the way this chart has been designed, with our help as well as The Inquisitioner’s, the darker colors on the left are experiences that are completely human. As you move toward the right, you will see those are words are directed into and from the lighter colors. Lighter colors come from higher vibrations, and therefore, this is what you are working toward. You’re working toward feeling through love, acting through unity and speaking from the soul.
So—this is Jane—I’m asking a question. They’re laughing and I don’t know why, but they are. I’m asking them to give an example and Amanda, I will tell you that I’m feeling very schizophrenic at this point. [Amanda is a mental-health counselor with whom I’ve been in practice for many years. I knew she would understand the schizophrenic reference.]
We will give you an example for each of these bars. If you are feeling fear, you are wondering about the future. You may also be feeling fear specifically about the present circumstances that you are in. When you understand that fearing the future is actually bringing that fearful activity, behavior and outcome to you, that will help you move to the right on the bar, where you can see that the color lightens and moves through and toward love.
If you are feeling love, then you are not looking at the present or the future in a way that is fearful or sad. You’re able to connect into the SPIRITual revelation, and you are able to feel immune from fear. This is quite a battle, which is the reason why we asked The Inquisitioner to put this bar in this color. It contains fear, but it also contains anger, frustration, confusion and an inability—a feeling of being unable—to make this change.
When you are feeling love, you know that all is right in your world. But it is your interpretation of these behaviors that make you feel fearful. When you are not allowing yourself to feel fearful, and you are catching yourself with fear, that gives you the opportunity to move to the light. It gives you the opportunity to move to love. If we are acting through separation, we are seeing ourselves as individuals. As you can see on this bar, if you are moving toward unity, the energy and vibrations shown by the color become lighter and lighter.
When you know that you are the same as all those around you, this provides for you the unity and allows for you to make all actions in a unified way.
It is the premise of “love your neighbor.” It is the premise that all lives matter. It is the premise that you are of God, as God and for God. It is the difference of being angry at another driver who has, as this one would say, cut you off. It is acting out on what you feel has been done to you. When we understand that we want to act from a stance of unity, then we are able to forgive, and we are able to try to understand what it is that that person is acting through.
It is not about, again, as this one would say, giving that driver a pass. It is about saying, “I do not understand what they are feeling, but I am feeling united with all God’s children. And by feeling united with all God’s children, I do not need to act through separation. I can act through unity”—which may be to get out of the way.
In speaking, and we have spent much time and energy working with the ego and the soul, if we are speaking from the ego, it is a combination of fear, frustration, confusion, anger and separation. All of those things are created when the ego is speaking. The ego may say, “I hate that person because they are different than I am.” That is separation. That is fear. The soul would utilize the love and the unity together, so that when the soul is speaking, it understands that that person is the same as. And when we have the ability to speak from love and unity together, it is always the soul that is speaking. It is always the healing. It is always the perfection. It is always listening. It is always allowing the other human or animal to not feel separated. It is a unifying mood. We provide this chart to you to, as some have already done this evening, which is to print it off. Or some have it available to be able to judge—and that word is not being used in a way that is negative.
You are able to judge where you are in your life plan. This is the way we would like for you to be able to work. The work that you would be doing from this life plan will make a huge difference when you leave the human body. It also provides for you an energy boost for those of you who have loved ones who are with us. Because when you feel from love, when you act from unity and when you speak from the soul, that is what is felt by those who are no longer carrying the Earth suit.
When you are feeling from fear, acting from separation and speaking from ego, they cannot feel or be attracted to the vibrations that are at that low level. We wish for you to understand that fear and separation and ego are not negative experiences. They are simply experiences. So do not chastise yourself, do not judge yourself—simply recognize yourself. Recognize the fear, recognize the separation. And recognize the ego.
We also would like for you to recognize the love. Recognize the unity and recognize the soul. That recognition will be what will drive you into doing more for yourself. We have needed to give this information to this group for several years, but it has not been sanctioned by influences that we answer to. It is now being sanctioned to this particular group. We would invite you to share it, and we would invite for you to live it.
We are going to leave this chart on your screen and we will accept questions that are particularly about this chart and what it is that we would like for you to be doing with this chart.
We will also tell you that it is elementary and it will expand and it will grow as you progress through your ability to live within this way.
And we will now open the session for questions about this process.
So, you are all experts?
Participant 1: Can you give another example about what you mean by unity?
SADO: We will give another example of these three categories. We have given the example of fear in a way that particularly may not be understandable for you, so we will provide for you a different example. So if you have fear of a spider in the corner of your room, it is very difficult if you are not able to kill or release the spider from your home. You may not be able to sleep because you are fearful that the spider may come and get you when you are sleeping.
But when you are looking at the spider with love, and you say, “Spider, I would like to release you. I understand that even though you have six legs and I only have two, we are the same and therefore I love you.” And you will then be able to capture the spider in a much easier way and release the spider out of love.
Now that is a silly example, this one is telling us, but it is an example of being fearful of something and letting it ruin your day, your week, your month, your year, or loving the situation into submission. You love what you can love, and when you are actually able to feel the love, whether it be working in a car situation like the example before was given, or you are looking at animals or you are looking at fear of your own health or are looking at fear of losing your job—when you turn it to love, and you’re able to see that by loving the situation, the situation will love you back, that will create the feeling that we are speaking about.
Acting out of separation, the example that is given is going back to looking at it through individualization or unity. As many of your spiritual books will show, there is a circle with a dot in the middle, and all within that circle, which is everything and everyone, is unity. There is no separation. Any separation is made up in your own mind. When you are speaking from the ego, when you are speaking from the human body, when you are speaking out of fear, when you are speaking not coming from love and unity and not coming from your soul, ego is coming from the conscious mind. It is not coming from the soul.
Has that been beneficial to you?
Participant 1: Yes, very much so. Thank you.
SADO: And you are welcome, our sister.
Participant 2: Thank you, SADO, for bringing forth this chart. I’m sure this is no surprise to you, but I was speaking with someone for three hours today whose life is basically taking place on the left side of the chart, and tried to explain the right side of the chart. I wasn’t trying to twist arms, but rather to explain where I was coming from. So I wanted to thank you for the validation that I feel around heading in the right direction with how to talk to people about this.
SADO: And we hope that you had the ability to feel us within you as you were making these concepts to someone who does not want to feel these concepts. We hope that you felt the power of the spiritual realm within you, and we hope that you understand that the unity that you have with the spiritual realm as well as the physical realm was with you and patting you on the back for trying to get these points across.
You bring up a very good point, and that is that there are some who do not want to be living on the right side of the chart. They want to be living on the left side of the chart. The unfortunate part of this is that the only way you can experience the left side of the chart is by being in body. And this is the reason why we have so many who will repeat coming into the human body and onto this planet, which is not the most pleasant experience to have. When we are living on the right side of the chart, it allows us to move into the spiritual realm and not be dragged back to this planet, but allows us to experience other things and be helpful to others.
There are those who are living on this planet who do not want to learn to live in this way. And as you can see, our numbers do not increase very clearly for these once-a-month meetings. And that is because it is difficult to generate interest for those who would like to spend their time and energy in physical pursuits rather than making the changes that you are attempting to make. So we would like to thank you for loving and feeling unified with those whom you are speaking with, but we would like for you to understand that as long as you are feeling the love and you are feeling the unity, that you do not get caught in their confusion and their anger and their fear.
So when you can stop the conversation, make sure that you take the moment to send them love. Send them the guidance of unity and send them the ability and the hope to speak from the soul.
Participant 2: Thank you, SADO. I’d like to add a question to that: Should I not try to meet them at their level but rather understand the level where they are?
SADO: That is absolutely correct! When you try to meet them on their level, you have to speak their language. And their language is fear; their actions are separation and they are speaking from the ego. And this will not work, and it will change your vibrations into a way that your spiritual connections will have a more difficult time in maintaining the very, very strong connection that you do have, and you may find that as you are trying to meet them, your frustration grows and that is a clear indicator that their low energy is coming into you.
Participant 2: Thank you.
SADO: And you are welcome, our brother.
Participant 3: SADO, building on what you were just saying, do you have guidance on how to teach this to, for example, my children—who may not necessarily be interested in living either to the left or to the right of the chart?
SADO: Oh, our sister, there is nothing beyond you living it. There is no greater teacher than you being the example. There is no greater feeling for your children to see you feeling love, acting through unity and speaking from the soul that will not have the impact on them. But please do not judge when they are fearful; they are coming from separation. And they are coming and speaking from ego, because they are learning when you have the ability to show them what it is that you are working on, they may take an interest now, they may not take an interest for quite some time. But your example is the highest guarantee that that is going to be beneficial for them.
Participant 3: Thank you, SADO.
SADO: And our sister, you are welcome.
Participant 1: SADO, would it be appropriate to ask our guides for lessons about this until we grasp it or is it something we have to totally figure out on our own?
SADO: We believe that the question is whether your guides can provide for you experiences and examples to be able to live through. And we like for you to understand that the Earth’s environment is the one that is constantly providing you fodder to be able to go through these experiences, giving you information in a way that will allow for you to do this, providing for you the ability to feel and act and speak.
It is not your guides that will provide for you information to live by. It will be the experiences of the world that you have chosen to live in. You certainly may ask your guides to give you information when you are feeling fear if you are not able to recognize it, or when you are feeling separation if you are unable to recognize it—or when you are speaking from ego, if you are not able to recognize it. But giving you examples is unnecessary.
Participant 1: Thank you.
SADO: And you are welcome, our sister.
Participant 4: As a human being, can you really get to a place where you would always be in that love, unity and soul? Or is our experience about getting us there, to the right side of the chart, to the extent that we can?
SADO: And you, our sister, ask very good questions, as well as The Inquisitioner, and we would like for you to understand that it is important that it is a work in progress if you are living within the Earth suit. There have been those who have lived upon this planet that have been feeling from love, acting from unity and speaking from their soul. Some of these individuals you would consider to be disadvantaged in some way. But these people, you would say, do not have the ability to not feel from love, not act from unity and not speak from the soul.
Of course you also have others who also have been able to do this in a most great way, and those you would call your messiahs, and from there you can see what it got them. And what it got them was coming out of the body. So this is a lifelong process for you to do. Again, it’s not negative on the left and positive on the right—they’re all experiences.
When you are doing your review, when you are out of body, you will be able to recognize when you were feeling those issues that caused you to have fear. When you were acting out of separation, and when you were speaking from ego, and our process this evening, and also last month, was to help you to move the bar over to the lighter side. Do we have an expectation that you will be at the very end in all categories, as this one would say, 24/7? No, we have no expectations for you. We are simply providing for you the opportunity to know what it is that will allow you to move on from this world.
Participant 4: Thank you.
SADO: And you are welcome, our sister. And we will answer one more question.
So we will close this evening by asking you to close your eyes once again, to ask God to help you to listen, to learn and to do.
And we appreciate you being with us this evening. And we provide for you the feelings of love, the actions of unity and the speaking of the soul. And amen
November 11, 2021
SADO: And we are here.
Lynn: Welcome, SADO.
SADO: And we appreciate those of you who have made the decision to join us this evening. There are ones here who we are happy have joined us because they have not been able to join us for the last several meetings. It is important for you to know that as you are one of SADO gang, your energy is planned for during these sessions. We do do some preliminary planning before it is that we meet with you. Also, we do not share that information with this one, as we like to drive her crazy. Ha ha ha.
We would like for you to understand the importance of lending your energy to this group. You are a group of healers, and it is impactful for all those who are present for the vibration to be raised to the point where that healing can come through.
As we take the energy temperature of the group that is with us this evening, there are some questions that are hanging in the air. And we would like to acknowledge the receipt of some of these questions, and we would like to be able to begin our time this evening bringing you this information.
Several questions are concerning the pandemic that you have most recently experienced. And you are still in the mode of the pandemic, even though many of you might feel from the actions and reactions of your community that it is over.
Unfortunately, it is not over for your planet, but it is on the run, as we might say, mostly because of the vaccines that are available to those who are living on your planet within the body.
It is important for you to understand that it is a positive plan for your loved ones for you not to present yourself in a way where the illness is passed to those who may not have the same healthy body. And so it is imperative that you isolate yourself completely from all others if you decide that you do not want to follow the science of the vaccine. Of course, this is your prerogative about what you would like to do with the body that is, you are inhabiting at this point in time.
But if you decide that that is something you would like not to participate in, SPIRIT will honor that, but it is imperative that you understand that it is like driving a car with no brakes. You might be fine because you would be able to stop in a different way, but it’s those who would be around you who would be most affected. So it is important that if that is the decision that you would be making that you would isolate yourself from all others, as you could have the disease and could pass it on to those who may not be able to withstand the illness.
We would like for you to understand, and as we have schooled this one, in many ways and many times, that this COVID, as you call it, will be with you now for many decades. It unfortunately was not extinguished at the time that it could have been extinguished, and most of that is because you are world travelers, and there are many countries that do not have the ability to be able to afford the vaccine for the members of the country.
So it is important that you understand that this is going to be with you for many decades, and at this point in time, you will need to learn to live within the confines of this illness.
And what we mean by that is by, for those of you who choose, to be vaccinated, to stay up with the science and to make sure that you are utilizing the vaccines in a way that provides the most help and health for you, but also for the members of your community. It is very important that you make sure that you are providing others in your community the same opportunities for life and for experiences. It is very important that you make the decision on how it is that you are going to live your life, and that that allows SPIRIT to help you have the experiences that you would like to have.
But it is imperative that you know that the decisions that you make impact all others, because as we have told you many times, you are one. And your behavior impacts others—all others, because there is no true individuation. There is no true individuation.
It is important for you to understand the meaning of the chart and the words that we have put in to explaining to you how it is that SPIRIT would like for you to run your life. One more time: That is not true, it will be many times, we again will try to bring our words through this one without moving her out of the way. We have been working on this, as it will impact her energy in a positive way. And so, for this evening, and to work within the confines of the chart that we have created for you, we will bring her through to facilitate the discussion on how it is the experiences that you have been having living through the information of the chart.
Jane: We’re going to try this again. They want to bring the chart up on the screen and ask you whether there are questions about this chart, and any experiences you might like to share over the past month utilizing this information.
Edwina, I’m not able to see the gallery, so you’ll have to see who might have something they want to share or ask.
Edwina: Would you please raise your hand if you would like to speak?
Jane: They’re saying it might be difficult to do what they’re calling “cold calling” to have people talk about this, so they’re going to provide a bit more information, and they’re starting with this: Please use the reaction button if you’ve used this chart during the past month.
Edwina: Lynn, would you please unmute yourself and share your comments?
Lynn: I definitely have used it. I’ve had two illnesses in the last few months, a fall and also bronchitis. I felt all along that darker side of the chart: the fear, the separation, ego because I felt it was only affecting me. Until I could bring myself out of that, it affected me a lot. I don’t have a question about it, but that’s my experience.
Jane: What they’re saying is that it wasn’t moving to the right or to the lighter side of the chart that gave you fewer feelings, but that it was a higher-vibration feeling, and when you’re feeling love and unity and the soul, you’re not weighed down. When you’re feeling lighter rather than feeling stuck in cement, it helps you find time and energy for other things in your life.
For you to realize that the fear and separation were weighing you down allowed you to feel the love and the unity that provided for your healing. When you are weighed down in that heavy way, the healing vibrations that are coming from the ONE are not easily able to come through the body. And so, it was not allowing for your healing. It was only allowing for feelings of fear and separation.
The lightness and feeling you were acting on happened because you could name the fear and name the separation. That allowed for the healing of your body.
And do you understand that?
Lynn: Yes, SADO I do, and thank you for those words.
SADO: So what we would like for you to do because you do have illnesses in the body, we would like for you to stay within that lighter side of the love and the unity and the soul, as that will provide for the healing of the vessel, the healing of the body that has, that is the holder, in some ways of the SPIRIT energy. And so this is a practice for you to be able to do in healing work as well as what you might consider your emotional work.
Lynn: Thank you, and I will work on that.
SADO: And you will be provided for.
Participant 3: I’m part of a wisdom circle with a group of friends. A minority of this group is lately speaking from a place of fear and separation—they’re speaking strongly from that point. I guess they believe they are coming from a place of SPIRIT—I’m trying to leave judgment out. There is a majority that is coming from a place of love. Sometimes we get into heated discussions which brings me out of a place of balance. My solar plexus, for example, feels like it’s in a knot by the time these sessions are over.
SADO: We would like to respond to your statement, if you would be willing to hear what we have to say.
Participant 3: Of course.
SADO: We would like for you first to answer the question for yourself, if not for us, of what makes you think this circle is wise. Ha ha ha.
If this circle does not bring for you balance, does not bring for you the ability to practice and share your wisdom, but puts you in a situation where it might feel as if you are being challenged, the challenge is not about challenging SPIRIT, it’s about challenging the human. And that is not your intention of being in this group.
And so we understand and appreciate your ability to not judge that which others feel is necessary, but we would like for you to understand that if it is not providing for you wisdom, if it is not providing you the ability to learn and share in a way that is not judgmental, and in a way that is not being unduly challenged, you may have grown out of this particular group. So we will, we would like for you to understand that we have been privy to the information that is coming from this group. And you also know that much of the information that is coming from this group. And you also know that much of the information that is coming that causes your solar plexus to get clouded is coming from ego. And the ego that it is coming from is ego that is wanting to have notoriety in a way that would be impressive to other humans. And that is not where you are coming from, and we are well aware of that. But we would like for you to understand that when something gives you, as this one would say, angst, it may not be the best place for you to be putting your time and energy into growing.
Participant 3: Thank you, SADO.
SADO: And you are welcome.
Participant 4: SADO, I’ve been away the last few months traveling the world—and not spreading COVID. My sister lost her son recently, and the celebration of life we had for him was phenomenal. I was feeling the love and unity, and the next day in a group text everyone was talking about how wonderful it was. I’m thinking this is ego, but I was telling myself that I totally failed 10 years ago when my own child died, and I’m feeling separation. I’m wondering if keeping quiet and tending to my own soul is the right thing to do.
SADO: We have missed you in these meetings and we are very happy that you have rejoined us this evening, but there is no apology that is necessary. We understand that while you have the encasement, the human body, the Earth suit, you have experiences to work with and work through. And we appreciate the time and energy that you have afforded SADO.
We would like for you to know that you can only experience what it is that you can experience when you are ready to experience. The experiences that you had when your own child died were what you could have at that time and at that place. And now your experiences, because of who you are and what you know, are different for your sister’s child.
It is not the same relationship, and so it is important that you look at these events as different. They cannot be the same. They will always be different because if we are doing our job, we are learning and we are growing and we are changing. And this changing and this morphing will allow us to have the different kinds of experiences that are on our life plan. We do not plan to have all experiences in the first five years of our life. We do plan to have those experiences throughout the time that we can be residing within this Earth suit.
So we wish for you not to punish yourself for your feelings, your emotions and your actions, but to understand that how you are feeling is how you are feeling and you have the right and the responsibility to look at those feelings and to adjust and to understand whether or not those feelings are in your highest and best good.
If those feelings take you more to the lighter side of this chart: the love, the unity and the soul, then you have the most opportunity for growth and for learning. If they are moving you to the left side of the chart—to the fear, the separation and the ego, then there is even more opportunity for you to do the work that will change what these experiences feel like and how it is that they impact you.
Participant 4: Thank you, SADO.
SADO: And you are welcome, and we are very happy that you are with us this evening.
Participant 5: If we can give an example of how we used the chart, I’m going through a very long separation from my husband and the divorce has not been finalized. It’s been an opportunity for me to put the chart into practice. Recently, even though it was a difficult marriage, my husband offered to buy a house for me and our kids in order to put us in a better situation. Initially, my ego was angry because I don’t want his help. I want to do things on my own, but I can’t. I had to let go of the idea of trying to execute justice and just accept a gift that is being given.
SADO: And we are very happy that you are with us this evening and that you have provided this fodder. If we will go back to our brother speaking, this is an opportunity that he has in his wisdom group to find out whether or not it’s providing wisdom for him, and therefore for his community. There are always activities and behaviors and experiences that others have that we are connected with during this time that will allow us to feel the challenges and to make some decisions. All decisions are experiences and lead to other experiences as well. So being able to understand that you were going into ego, and you were more concerned about what it was that others would be thinking of this person, as opposed to what it would be providing for you and for your children—that provided for you the ability to understand that that is not the way you want to live.
We would also like for you to understand that because of your belief, and because—mostly because—of your practices, that is the reason why the universe has opened this door for you. So if you want to take the person out who’s holding the purse strings of purchasing this dwelling, please understand that you can replace that person, that grief with energy from the universe. Because the universe has created the gift. The father of your children became the face of the universe, because if not he would walk into the bank, as energy, and say, “I want to buy this house for my children,” the bank would not give him the money. Ha ha ha.
So we wish for you to understand that the universe will very often put a face on different objects that will provide for them the work that they would like to have done.
Participant 4: Thank you, I’m very grateful.
SADO: And we are very grateful that you are with us, our sister.
Participant 5: I’m being guided to help people where they are, and always have. But I’m feeling not supported and am looking for more.
SADO: Our dear sister, we have several areas that we would like to address from your talk this evening. First and foremost, we would like for you to know how much we appreciate your energy being with us this evening. You are definitely part of the core group, and when you are not here, it provides a hole in our energy exchange. And we would like for you to understand that the second point is: As you know, your son does not look at his incident as an accident. He looks at it as an experience and he would be most appreciated if you would also look at it as an experience.
The third point is we would like for you to know and to understand that there are different happenings and different experiences that move people along a continuum of what their life plans have created for them. If they do not move along the continuum, they do not grow. And therefore, they do not have experiences that they have been attracted to the body inorder to have.
You will find that there are many in the field of child loss, which we would never define it in that way, who remain glued to child loss. It is all that they think about, and they do not allow for it to expand to what else might be in their experiences.
It is a way of moving into other kinds of experiences that are on your life plan and that you would like to have during this time that you are in this particular body. However, if that becomes the only identity that you have, then it creates an issue where you are not able to move and to share and to feel, and it is like we talked with our brother, who you mentioned in your question, and that is the fact that it is not working with you. If it did not bring you unity, love and soul, it is not a place for you to be. It is not about judging what others are doing or hearing or thinking or planning. It is about what it is for you to do. The experience of your son transitioning was a moment in time. We do not want this to sound as if we are minimizing the incredible feelings that you have with this incredible experience.
We are not minimizing that. But we are letting you know that it is for many people a jumping-off place in order for you— (Jane sneezes).
Participant 5: Bless you.
SADO: And this one appreciates it. It is a quite a rush for SADO to have this happen in the brain of this one, but it does happen on a regular basis this time of year. Ha ha ha.
So we would like for you to understand that as we told your brother, it is important that you take the information you are being given and to be able to feel the feeling of this information, and the feeling that you are getting when you are acting in this. When you say that it is something that you need to be able to do differently than what you are being asked to do, does that put you in separation or does that put you closer to unity?
Participant 5: Closer to unity.
SADO: Exactly. So what we need for you to understand is that when you feel unity with SPIRIT, you are on the right road. When you feel it is a struggle, when you feel that the challenge is not providing for you the experiences that you would like to have, that puts you in separation. That does not allow you to grow.
That does not allow you to have the experiences that you were meant to have. There are some within this group that you are speaking about who will always stay in the separation and the ego, and they are not bad people. They are staying in these feelings because it provides for them ego. And again, that is not judgment. That is reality. If the identity that they have feeds the ego, it will not allow them to be connected with soul. It will keep them separated from the experiences that they would have on their life plan that leads them to the knowledge, belief and behavior of the ONE.
And it will keep them in fear that if they let go of this identity, they will not be whole. So they’re looking at this information as love, but it is fear. They are looking at this information as unity, but it is separation. And they are looking at this information as soulful, and it is feeding their ego.
You have the ability, as this one would say, in your gut, to know what it is and how it is that this is affecting you.
Trust your gut. Because yes, you do know the information and you do know the answer. And now it is time for you to decide through your actions if you are going to be more in separation or more in unity.
We would like to bring up a fourth point. And the fourth point, from the information that you provided for this group, is the fact that: Are you ready to have your experiences be community-wide or do you need to take some time to be able to provide for yourself, to feel the love—feel the unity in your heart with SPIRIT and make sure that you are speaking what it is that your spirit and your essence and your soul need to be hearing and feeling and discovering.
Participant 5: Is this a question to me or to the group?
SADO: This is SADO speaking to the Beth. We are telling you, our sister, that we know that you are tired. We are telling you that we feel the exhaustion in the body, in the heart, in the mind—physically, emotionally, mentally, and we would like for you to take the time that you need to feel strong and then make the decisions that will not create confusion within you.
Participant 5: I have no confusion. I just want validation for all I’ve left and all I’ve gained. I just want to know I’m on the right path.
SADO: And do you feel—do you feel at this point in time that you have been validated and that you have the ability to now move forward in a way that provides for you what it is that you know that you need and the direction to follow?
Participant 5: Yes.
SADO: And we appreciate your questions. We appreciate your experiences. And again, we welcome you.
Participant 5: Thank you.
SADO: And at this point in time, what we would like to do for you is to provide the next assignment. We have produced this chart for you. And we would like for you to work through feeling love and acting through unity and speaking from the soul.
And we believe that you now understand the dichotomy between fear and love, between unity and separation and between soul and ego.
And we would like for you to bring back to the next meeting—we would like for you to bring the list of words that are between fear and love for you, between separation and unity for you, and between ego and soul for you. So for instance, is anger a feeling that is closer to fear than it is love? Is tolerance closer to fear or closer to love? Is being alone closer to separation or closer to unity? Is communing with SPIRIT closer to separation or closer to unity? Is selfishness closer to ego or closer to soul? Is feeling worthwhile closer to ego or closer to soul? So what we would like for you to do is expand on the words that you are dealing with. Because at this point in time, what we are finding is that you are very dichotomous in your practice. You are saying: “It’s not fear and it’s not love, so I don’t need to be concerned about it.” “I’m not acting through separation, even though it’s not unity.” “I’m not speaking from ego, even though it’s not soul.” So we would like for you to bring back the words to be placed on the chart in a way that allows you to know that even though it is not fully fear or fully love, it is a feeling that may be closer to one end of the chart than the other.
And we know that this is a big assignment for you, but it is the way to move into what it is that SPIRIT would like for you—to make your one and only practice of atonement. Feeling love, acting through unity, speaking from the soul will all create oneness, atonement.
And it is enough.
December 9, 2021
SADO: And we are here.
Lynn: Welcome, SADO.
SADO: And this group assembled here this evening has very good energy for the project of tonight, of being answering the questions that are in the forefront of the minds.
We would like for you to understand that we feel the heart energy that is coming from the questions that you have asked. We know the questions that you will be asking, for the most part. There are questions that you may change or may be coming from a question that is asked by another member, and those questions are floating in the atmosphere.
We would like for you to understand that there is specific information that we would like for you to have, and we will be piggybacking, as this one would say, that information so that you will be able to have knowledge and experiences that will be pertinent for your health and your welfare.
It is not surprising to those who have transitioned, as well as those who have stayed in the SPIRIT home, that you are once again, again, again working with the COVID virus, as you call it. As we have shared with this group, and we have shared extensively with this one, that information is going to be recurring. There is no way for this virus to be ended until all have been vaccinated. This is not a political statement. The vaccine stops the morphing of the virus. The morphing of the virus is what is causing the variants.
You need to understand, however, that this is a problem because there is not a way to make sure that every person in every country has the ability to be vaccinated. There is no vaccine. This is a problem that the SPIRIT world was hoping that the more wealthy countries would be able to understand that it is for their own survival that they make sure that this vaccine is available to all throughout the world. This has not happened, and so the disease continues to morph, it continues to spread, and not for this particular variant, but it will continue to be stronger.
We would like for you to understand that it is imperative for your loved ones and for your animals, and this has not been well documented at this point, but it is important that you are protecting your brother and your sister, and you are protecting your furry ones. You do not want to have the feeling within that you caused another to be ill. This is also not a mark that you would like to have on your spiritual record. So please think about how you wish to live your life. Please think about how you wish to feel about your time in body and please think about the way that you protect your loved ones. Do you ask them to wear a seat belt? The vaccine is a very strong seat belt. And again, we are urging you to do this for your brothers and your sisters.
You may have an immune system that does not allow you to even know that you have the virus. But it does not mean that you cannot transmit it on to someone who is more vulnerable. Unless you are testing every minute of every day, you cannot have this information.
This one is telling us that is enough said. So we will move on.
We would like for you to accept healing energy coming into you this evening. So we would like for you to make yourself comfortable and, if possible, close your eyes. And if possible, to breathe in through your nose and breathe out through your mouth. And we would like for you to take some deep breaths, inhaling energy from the ONE and exhaling all that does not belong within the human body that is your Earth suit.
And we now want you to see or to feel or to hear the energy that is coming into the body through the inhale, through the nose, and we would like for you to feel and accept that energy filling the body.
With each inhale that you take, please feel the energy go up through the head, up through the crown chakra, joining with the energy of SPIRIT. And on the next inhale, we ask for you to feel the energy come down through the throat and into the lungs, into the heart, down into the solar plexus. And with the next inhale, we ask for you to feel the energy go down through the sacral chakra, down into the root chakra, into the hips, down through the legs, and with the next inhale, we ask for that to go completely down through the legs, through the ankles, down through the feet.
And with the next inhale, we ask for the energy to go down through the feet, and all the way down into the center of the Earth. And we would like for you to gather the energy from the center of the Earth. And we would like for you to gather the energy from the center of the Earth and trace the steps coming back up through the body. With each inhale, we ask for you to bring that energy further and further up through the body. And we ask for it to then join the energy at the top of the head going into the SPIRIT.
And we ask for the energy that is mixing with the energy from SPIRIT to shower down on the body that man has made. And we ask for your body to accept what the soul is asking for: We ask for the body to regenerate itself. We ask for the body to listen to the soul. We ask for the body to understand the plan that the soul has made for the experiences that will provide during the time of the body. We ask for you to say these words: “I am healthy. I am abundant. I feel SPIRIT surrounding my every word, deed and action.”
Now we ask for you to recognize the colors that are contained in this shower from SPIRIT around the body that man has made. Some of you are working to see these colors. We would ask you to hear, to feel, to smell these colors. What do these colors taste like?
Do not be inhibited by only that which you have learned through your human body. Now we are going to give you an instruction and we want you to stay in a position that you are currently in. But when we ask for you to do this, we want you to turn on your camera or look at the body that is next to you, and whoever it is that you see first, you can then turn off your camera and we want you to shower that person with this energy from your color, from your body, and we would like for you to do that now.
And we would now like for you to shower your partner in healing light—the same light that is currently showering your body. Feel the energy that is being given to you. See how it mixes with the energy that was provided from SPIRIT. Feel the way this heals your body, your mind, your psyche—and also provides for you a foundation of healing for others.
And we now ask you to take a deep breath through the nose and out through the mouth, breathing in the energy that surrounds you, breathing out the energy that surrounds you. And at this time, you are welcome to keep your eyes closed or to open your eyes, and we will open the session up for questioning, but we are going to once again work with this one to answer the questions as we give her the answers. We would like for her to be more present, and the only way for this one to be more present is for her to hear us, hear our words and provide them for you.
As you know, if you continue to be with us, this is a project that we have been working on with this one, and we will do so now.
Participant 1: What happens when a soul first passes? Where does it find itself?
SADO: We appreciate the ability to ask that question in a way that is very succinct, as The Inquisitioner would categorize it.
When the soul transitions from the physical body, this happens, you understand, before the physical body has stopped working, correct? You understand that the transition happens in a way that many in the room with the human body will not recognize.
When the transition happens, the soul energy is immediately showered with love, supported and joined by spiritual beings. Most of these spiritual beings will be known to the one who has transitioned, but there may be some who they do not recognize immediately, as they have not had the experience of connecting with them when they are in human body.
So they are never alone. It is not exactly a place, as you are asking: “What place do they go to?” It is a sense. It is a comfortable experience. It is a familiar, happy experience for them. They still see themselves as having a body, even though the body has not gone with them, and at this point, they don’t know how to recreate the body, nor is there a reason for them to create the body at that particular time. So they are energy, which allows them to get out of the human body very quickly, and allows them to get out of the human body before the human body has stopped working. So it is not a place, but it is an environment, it is a consciousness, it is an experience of well-being and of love. They are never alone. There is no fear, there is no sadness. There may be a bit of confusion as they may not realize that they are leaving the body, especially from a, what you may consider, a crash, but it is a situation where very quickly, in human terms, they realize that the body did not come with them and that is worked with them through their SPIRIT helpers.
Does this provide the information that you were asking for, our sister?
Participant 1: Yes, thank you.
SADO: You are welcome.
Participant 2: My question has to do with birth families— the feeling of never fitting in and feeling like you don’t fit in?
SADO: It is interesting for you to use the terminology “birth family” because you understand, correct, that the family that you chose to born you, to birth you, was your choice. There are many reasons why this choice occurs. Some of these choices are made because of who will actually raise you—it may not be the birth mother or the birth father. It could be someone from a different generation—a grandparent or other caregiver that the birth family will have provided for you.
It also may be a particular sibling that you have asked to come into this lifetime with, and it was more their choice to be able to get their work done to be involved with that particular birth family.
We will tell you, however, that it is never an accident. The birth family that you are born into provides you with the opportunity to do experiences that you would not have any other way. Sometimes those experiences are to understand that toxic situations are not valuable, and so you make the determination to provide for yourself in a different way, and for you to have the experiences that you need and want in other than the birth family. But please understand: There is no accident. There are only consequences for the way that you have made an interpretation of what the family is.
Does that provide for you the information?
Participant 2: It does, thank you.
SADO: And you, our sister, are welcome.
Participant 3: SADO, I have a friend who is going through a difficult time right now. And yet dealing with this friend makes me feel drained energetically and emotionally. I have distanced myself a little bit, but then I have second thoughts because I feel like I’m being unloving toward this person while trying to balance being loving toward myself. How can I best navigate this situation?
SADO: You understand, our sister, that there is no difference between you and your friend, correct? And relationships are always brought forward for learning. And when you have learned that the friendship in this particular case is not changing that person, then you know why it feels frustrating for you and why you feel as if this is not good for you, and why it feels draining to you.
All of those things are happening because the relationship is happening in two ways: 1) All the information that you are pouring in goes through the bottom of the bucket, and it can be very draining for you to continue in that particular relationship pouring more and more of yourself into the bucket, just to have it drain out of the bottom.
And second of all, for you to learn that due to her path, this is her path. This is not your path, and SPIRIT continues to say: knock, knock, knock, our sister, and to let you know that this is not healthy for you, nor is it healthy for her because the frustration, even though you do not feel that you are, and you do not want it to be shared, the frustration is being felt through that energy as well. And so it is important that we are all one, which you very well know, and you practice this in a very wise way, except for this particular circumstance—and two others—for you to be able to say: “I love you enough to know that I am not being helpful to you. And by not being helpful to you, I am not being helpful to me. And not being helpful to me is not being helpful to you.”
And so we would like for you to love her and love yourself enough to stop the craziness and to provide for yourself in a way that also provides for her. And have we responded to the question in the way that has been helpful to you?
Participant 3: I’m very grateful. You have, and thank you.
SADO: Because we have also responded in a way that is also very helpful to us. Ha ha ha. You see how this works?
Participant 4: My question, SADO, is about the human heart. Is it known what causes the heart valves to leak?
SADO: It is interesting for the different organs of the body to be given emotional consequences and identifications. The human heart is known to be the center of love, is it not? But a human heart has nothing to do with love other than for the body that it is loving enough to keep running and active.
It is very well known, medically, why the human heart valves leak. It is a breakdown of tissue. It is the same as other parts of the body who get a bit flabby, shall we say, and the human medical community is well aware of this.
It is not related to love. It is not related to a punishment. It is not related to emotion. For some, it is a step into a process of aging, of the possibility that the body might be willing to make a transition in the next five decades; it may be a situation where it is a knock, knock, knock so that the wearer of the human heart has the ability to do other kinds of health-conscious practices that will be beneficial for the entire body. Staying in the body will provide you, as you would say, time to have other experiences.
However, we want you to understand that the body was not made to last for an eternity. Now we understand that there are some groups who believe that the body has been designed to last for centuries. And we will tell you that there are no spiritual people who want to stay on the Earth’s surface for centuries. Once it is felt and known, usually done while still in the spiritual realms, it becomes a process for people, then in human body, to understand what it is they can accomplish on the surface of the Earth. Everyone must also learn when it is that they are ready to make the change from Earth suit back to spiritual life. This is somewhat preordained by you before you come into body. You plan exits you may take if your life, your society, your possibilities no longer allow for the learning that you would like to do in this lifetime to take place.
So, our sister, does this answer your question?
Participant 4: Yes, SADO, thank you very much.
Participant 5: Hi, SADO. If we feel stuck or find ourselves not taking action, what should we do?
SADO: Ah, it is The Inquisitioner, which, we appreciate your questions, as they come to the heart of many who are in attendance at these meetings.
When you feel you are not taking action, what is it that you should do? The first thing we want you to do, and this is for the group at large, is to discern what it is that is causing you to not take that step. Sometimes that is simply about not knowing what step to take. It is impossible to be able to break steps down into 1-2-3 and ABC if you do not know what the end result is you would like to have.
So if you were going to decide to build a house, you would need to know what you were going to build the house out of, and you could not know that until you decided what you wanted the house to be at the end of the project.
So it is important for you to know what it is that you want the resulting action to stack up for that will provide for you the end result that you would like for it to have.
It is discernment that we would like for you to spend the time and the energy. You have a great mind, as we have told you in the past, and we know that you have the ability to search for the end result. But you are a doer, and doers often get busy doing without knowing what the doing will provide for them. And our sister Inquisitioner, does this answer your question?
Participant 5: Yes, thank you, SADO.
SADO: And you are welcome.
Participant 6: Hi SADO. My question tonight pertains to empathic souls and the ego. Some spiritual teachings out there suggest quieting the ego, while others guide people toward raising their ego. What can you say about this?
SADO: We appreciate your question and we want you to understand that you are bringing up an area, a subject, that we will be spending—and providing experiences for—in your year 2022.
We have shared with this one, who has shared with some others that are present this evening, that we would like to provide for this group additional information regarding spiritual subjects that they have studied in, through other channeled and intuited material.
This one has presented this information as “corrections of,” and that is an incorrect word. We would simply like to shine a light on, and provide information that might be a bit divergent from information, channeled and intuited information, that you might have been studying through other sources. One of these topics is the ego. And there are some in this group who study that the ego is insane. And we would like for you to understand through your question, our sister, that it is not that the ego is insane. The ego was provided for protection for this body. The ego was provided for the ability for this body to have experiences. The ego was provided for having experiences while in this world and, as some have spoken about this evening, the relationships that you are experiencing—why it is that you are in this body.
Without the ego, you would not have these relationships. And so you are asking about taming the ego, or encouraging the ego, and what we would like to present to you, at this particular time, is, as this one would say: It depends. There are some, as you say, empathic humans, that have a very significant and strong ego, and this is more utilizing a psychic ability than it is a spiritual ability. And yes, we see and determine that those are quite different. So if there is a psychic model of thought, a psychic model of thinking, a psychic model of experiencing, they are pulling information from the person that they are working with. This is fine. This is not the problem. But if an empathic person, as in Edgar Cayce, who is actually able to feel what is going on in another human body, that is not psychic information. That is coming from SPIRIT. Now we understand as well that our dear Edgar was not listening to SPIRITual information about himself, which is the reason why he returned so quickly to us.
But that is the difference between empathic through psychic thinking and experiencing, and the difference of the ego, who is utilizing that psychically and determining that it is a SPIRITual understanding and work.
We understand this may feel like we are going, as this one would say, around the world, but it is a very deep subject, and one that we will be spending time with in this next calendar year for those of you who are living on the Earth plane.
We would like to open this question back up to the questioner to make sure that this information has been understood by you. If you understand this, it is being understood by the group, and if you have questions, they’re questions from the group. So we would ask that you trust yourself and determine whether or not you have clarification needs.
Participant 6: I think I understand, SADO. Thank you so much.
SADO: And you are welcome, our sister.
Participant 7: Hi, SADO. I just wanted to ask whether it’s true that no man or woman is an island?
SADO: We do not find that that is a silly question. But we can answer it in one word, and that is: no. No man and no woman is an island, and we can answer it in one word: yes. All women and all men are an island. Because, you see, the island is the island of energy coming into human body. It is the island of all spiritual beings because all energy that is created by God is joined forevermore. And even though there is an individuation of the body, when you are coming into this particular atmosphere, there is no separation. The energy is continual between all. But the body makes it look like you are individuated. And that, again, as our last questioner asked, is the ego. The ego helps for everyone to know they are individuals. Spiritually, we see that that is incorrect. But when you are in body, it’s important for you to know that you are an individual—that you are not completely combined because your body is individualized, but the energy that created the soul within the body is not individuated. The soul is always a part of the ONE. The body individuates the experience of the soul so that all that is learned from the one experience of being in the body for that particular lifetime can be captured as learning by that particular soul and that learning is then combined with all learning of the ONE when the soul returns to SPIRIT.
Does it seem as if we are talking in a circle?
Participant 7: (Laughs) Thank you.
SADO: And you are welcome. And we think we have confused. And it is a difficult subject, and again, one that we will be spending more time with during this upcoming calendar year.
Participant 8: Why did my son die by suicide?
SADO: Well, this is a question that is on the mind of many bereaved. Why would my loved one choose to come home instead of staying here with me?
Those who make the choice to come home, whether it be by chemicals, whether it be by crashes, whether it be by placing themselves in dangerous situations, whether it be ignoring their health, whether it be by creating great illness within them—it is all a way to escape from being in the body.
There are times when this is done for a particular purpose, and that particular purpose might be to teach. It might be to teach the medical community; it might be to teach the mental community; it might be to provide specific information that will be very beneficial for others.
But oftentimes, those who make the decision to leave the body in a very certain way, it is one of control—that they have the ability to control this, and often it is a situation where their ability to be fulfilled and their ability to deal with life in a body, and their ability with the environment of the Earth is unbearable. And so they take the choice because many times, many times, this one is asking for specifics: 94.6 percent of those who take their own life do so because they know what it is going to be like in SPIRIT.
They have seen and felt the relief of not being an individuated soul. They know that their relationship with their loved ones, if permitted by their loved ones on the surface of the Earth, will allow for, as this one would say, continuing bonds. They know that they can be in communication with, they know they can love, they can share their love, they can protect and provide. They have all of this information, consciously sometimes—12 percent—unconsciously, the vast majority of the time they have this awareness, and they know that when they are out of the body, their experiences will allow them to learn and love in a deeper way than they have the ability to do when they are inside the human body.
Does that answer your question, our sister?
Participant 8: Yes, that was very enlightening. Thank you, SADO.
SADO: And you are welcome. And we are sorry for the pain that this act has created for you. But we wish for you to know and to understand that the bond continues and always will.
Participant 8: Thank you for that confirmation.
SADO: And you are welcome.
And we will accept one more question from this group this evening, as the energy has been inspiring for this one.
Edwina: My question is about spiritual growth. Why does it seem to come at such a great cost? Isn’t there a way for it to be easier?
SADO: There is a very good way for it to be easier, and that is not wait until there is a great loss creating a great cost. The time and energy that is spent after a great loss could very well have been spent before the great loss happened. But it was not a priority and it was not a priority because you were living your best life.
It is the same with all who are inhabiting human bodies. You do not move on a change until it is imperative. Unfortunately for most of you, a great loss is the only way that you can survive if you develop the spirituality. But spirituality was always there, was always provided for you. The knowledge has been there. It did not come—it did come, it did not need to come as the result of a great loss. So we are asking you, our sister, is that correct in your life?
Edwina: Yes, it is.
SADO: And we appreciate the question. And we will take one more question, as we understand there was another hand that was ignored.
Participant 9: Thank you, SADO for being here with us tonight. I need some advice on healing an estranged relationship that is hurting me. I’m wondering whether now is a good time to repair it or if I should wait a little bit longer.
SADO: We appreciate your question, and we will answer it in a way that may not be what you are hoping or asking for, but we will do our best to bring this information to you, and that is: Relationships are very difficult.
As we have talked about with one other member of your group this evening, it needs to come from a place of wholeness within you, and so if healing the relationship creates a feeling of wholeness for you, then we ask for you to do this work now. But only under the suggestion that you make sure that it is not creating a devastation in your energy.
You can heal a relationship one-sidedly, but then the relationship is not what you would consider, being in human body, as whole. If you can say, “I have done all that I can do and it feels right to me. I have done as much forgiveness as I can find, I have created as much acceptance as I can find, I love the soul of this person even though I may not like the actions.” As a mother, you know that we always love our babies, but there are times when we do not enjoy their behavior. Relationships are the same—that we can love the soul, but we cannot appreciate what it is that the ego is doing.
We will also tell you that part of the ego discussion will be protection; that the ego is there for protection. Oftentimes, it is misguided protection, but it is protection.
So it is imperative that you also take The Inquisitioner’s question and realize what action are you expecting for yourself, and what are the consequences of that action? And if you find you are not able to continue to have action, look at the final and the ending consequence, and maybe that will need to be changed.
This may not be a person that you invite over for a glass of tea. This may be a person that you send love from a distance.
And does that provide for you the information that you were hoping for with regard to this subject area?
Participant 9: Yes, thank you so much. It has answered some questions for me.
SADO: And we thank you. And it is enough.