January 11, 2024
Jane: SADO is very definitely here. This is an introductory session to the 2024 session year. SADO is going to correct me when I’m giving you information that they want me to change in some way.
This is the ninth year that SADO has come through. Not all of those have been public years. In the nine years, or in the eight past years, they’ve had their own agenda. Sometimes that has changed depending upon who happens to be joining for that particular session. 2024 is going to be different. They have announced 12 topics they are going to be bringing information about. Some of this information you very well know, you might know, and some of it might be very unique and new to you. As normal, they are going to also be looking at who’s attending to make sure that any needs those in attendance might have regarding this particular topic they will bring through.
Before we go through these topics. Two things, first of all, they said that 2023 was the year of healing. That is the reason why they set up the healing exercises and the healing rooms. They want you to utilize that information from 2023, either through the exercises that are written in the transcripts on the website, or, on the YouTube channel that Chris has managed. ( Please know, they are saying that those areas that we have generated through the healing exercises they have provided for us, they are manned. And what they mean by manned is that either your guidance, direct SPIRIT, or SADO themselves will be in those rooms anytime you need them. Whether that happens to be in 2024 or 2085, it doesn’t matter. They will be there. They are letting you know that they are there, that healing work has been given to you. I was going to say done, and they are saying, no, it is never done. The healing work that you can and must do in the caverns that you created is important and necessary. That is the reason why it was done on an individual and kind of an independent level so that you are able to access your guidance to be able to create that healing center. They are asking you to use that center often. We will be going through one of their topics which is healing, and we will be using that room. Because you’ll know when that topic is going to be presented, you might want to review through the YouTube channel before they present it. If you are new to SADO, you can follow the YouTube 2023 exercises and that will allow you to develop your healing cavern as well. Please share these exercises with anyone you know who would like to learn about and be able to access their own healing center at any time.
As we go through these meeting topics for 2024, they are asking you to see what comes up for you. Using your guidance, using Spirit coming through you, using your own curiosity, if there is another topic you would like them to work on, work through, give you information about, there will be a time at the end of tonight’s session where they will be asking for your choices. So, just please keep a note of those yourself.
These topics are not in an order, I don’t believe yet. They are written in the order that SADO gave me when preparing for tonight. I don’t know which one they are going to do and in what order the others will follow. The reason why they are not stating that is because they need to know what the needs of the group are. You know that SADO is a group of high order, very high order beings. They have the ability to connect with your guidance and to know what is going to be most important for the group that is going to be actually attending that particular session, which of those topics is going to be advantageous to present that particular night. That information will go out on the Monday reminder. For those of you who may be new, there is a Monday reminder before the Thursday meeting, and then there is a Thursday link letter that goes out. They will be deciding what the topic is before that Monday and definitely before the reminder email comes to you.
Here is the list of topics they will be presenting throughout 2024:
§ The Afterlife.
This was one that they did not flesh out as much as I hoped they would. It is not a yes, there is an afterlife. That is not going to be the information presented that night. They are going to be, from what they are telling me now, giving really specific examples of what happens during the afterlife, how it is different for different people. They will be responding to: What happens with our pets? What happens to animals in the animal kingdom? What happens to our trees and bushes? What happens to different generations? How does death occur? What is the impact of all of that on the afterlife.
§ Euthanasia, Suicide, Death of the Physical Body and the Processes.
This is different than the afterlife. This is the way the body actually dies. Of course, your soul never dies, but these different kinds of deaths, and the processes those deaths actually experience, how that really happens within the body, and what happens to the soul during those particular experiences. They talked about euthanasia, they talked about suicide, but they said there are many, many more issues that they will be talking specifically about.
§ Making Connections.
So, they will be talking about making the connections with guidance, Spirit, your loved ones, historical figures. I struggle with this. For example, if we want to connect with Abe Lincoln, all we have to do is ask to connect with Abe Lincoln? They are giving me a different concept of that. Some of that has to do with the hologram. Some of it has to do with what they call incarnation, we call reincarnation. They are saying that there is a lot of really good information from historical figures that we can learn a lot from. They are also saying that some of you in this room are very connected to particular historical figures and they will be bringing that information through to you. Which might make a lot of sense. I’m not getting anything else about that, except they are laughing at me. So, there you go.
§ Grief Properties.
This topic will include the trajectory of individual’s grief and also gaining relief from grief.
§ This next one, they started out calling Healing and then they xx’d that out and they took it back to the beginning. They renamed the topic Gaining Peace through healing of the Physical, Mental, and Emotional bodies.
They look at the process of healing as gaining peace not only for the soul, but also for the ego. They are working on putting that together. That will be one where we will probably use those caverns that you have set up so you will have the option of using that particular exercise to heal the physical, mental and/or emotional bodies. They are talking about the peace that comes from those three and how great that will be, and that they are in order of difficulty. So, the physical body is the least difficult to heal and gain peace from, the mental body is second, and the emotional body is third. The emotional body is the most difficult to gain peace and it is the one that needs healing the most. Without the emotional body healing/healed, the mental and physical body doesn’t have a chance. So, we will be working with that as well.
§ Hope.
They define hope as the true desire of our hearts. So, I would call that more joy, but they are saying joy is something very different than hope. We will be looking at what the true desires of your heart are, and how it will and can change who you are and how you work through this lifetime.
§ UFOs, Extraterrestrials, Pleiadeans, and Friends from other places.
I almost put that in quotes, but then they said, you would need to put the whole document in quotes. I don’t have a lot of information. Just me personally, UFOs aren’t something I’ve ever been very attracted to knowing about. I’m sure there are a lot of you here that may have a lot of information about the subject. It is not that I don’t believe, but I just don’t have much information or find myself needing much information. As much as I would ask and have asked them about this in the last couple of weeks, this is the information that I get about that topic.
§ Power of Intentions, and how our thoughts really are very creative for our own life as well as the life of others.
They are giving the example of watching the news. They are saying that if you believe in the power of your intentions and your thoughts then when you are watching the news, you are actually taking away your choices because you are getting involved in the negativity of that story. That is causing that story to have more power not only with you, but with others. They are saying being aware of is not the same as being caught up in. So, they are saying be aware, yes. That is perfectly fine and true. Being caught up in, being angry about, being anxious about; that is fueling negative intentions.
§ Externalizing our Power Through Spirit and Energy Creation.
I asked how this was different than the one before with the power and intentions and they said, it is very different and the key word there is externalizing. So, I don’t have more information about that.
§ Forgiveness.
Their definition is it is a gift to others which leads to ourselves. They want to talk about the forgiveness of ourselves, and for you to think about before attending that particular one, or listening to that particular one, to choose something about yourself that you feel you have need to forgive or is needed to be forgiven.
I think you can probably see that there a great deal of the 2024-year SADO sessions that will be about your own growth, and your own ability to make some changes in yourself.
§ The last one they have indicated is Separation.
They want us to know how that happens, and why it happens because from the moment time began, when we had humans on Earth, there has been separation. And, so, they are very interested in helping you to discern why and how that happens and then how to correct it. For most people, who have a spiritual knowledge and a spiritual searching, those people are on the edge of being able to understand separation and the ability to at least correct a small part of it.
Those are the topics they are planning to bring to us during the 2024 session year. What they would like now is for me to take a dictation from you about things that you would like for them to add to this list that they don’t have.
Participant 1: I would like to know more on the topic of time. They said time was ego. We know that it was created by man. How do we use it in our physical world?
Jane: Okay, how do we use it? They are coming through Participant 1 saying, or how should we use it?
Participant 1: That is such small semantics.
Participant 1: I think I would like the word “do”. How do we use it?
Jane: Okay, well, they are going to add to this. They are asking you to be more specific; Do you believe that time is related to ego? They are talking to you personally.
Participant 1: I find that to be an accurate statement. Yes.
Jane: SADO is saying, why do you care what ego does with it? If you know that you have the ability to control ego, who cares?
Participant 1: Okay. I don’t have an answer to that.
Jane: Well, you will, because they are going to work with you on this, but they are saying leave it here. So, they are not battling against you and saying that is a stupid idea. They are saying, this is a deep thinker, this is somebody we need to have more information from.
Okay This is also coming up from SADO; Those of you who are making some suggestions, we may come back to you for further details about your needs regarding this topic.
Participant 1: Great idea.
Participant 2: Yes. I would like to have a topic on the transformation of our society. Our institutions, certainly a lot of people are talking about collapsing, and what is the role we have, but also all these children that are coming in? What roles will they have? And how is this going to evolve?
Jane: So, they said, does she want us to get out our Ouija board?
Participant 2: Yes, please.
Jane: Transformation of our society, our institutions collapsing and what is the role we have in all the children coming in? What are their roles and how is this going? Okay. SADO says, you have fleshed that out enough for them and they appreciate it.
Participant 3: And another topic, maybe. But maybe it is, you know, they talked about death of the body, the process of the transition itself. Is that addressed in the afterlife topic?
Jane: Yes, that is addressed there.
Participant 3: In the afterlife?
Jane: Yes. The process will be a little bit different regarding walking into the afterlife and leaving the body. So those are two different processes, but they will be joining those in that topic.
Participant 3: Yes. Okay. Thank you.
Participant 4: My thoughts are about the creatures other than humans, all the animals, the plants, the rocks. I would like to know more about their role and their fate, and I feel like animals are higher evolved than we are emotionally, spiritually. And I’ve been working with communicating with them on their level. I just want to know where that kind of fits into the whole plan with humankind. Does that make any sense?
Jane: Yes.
Participant 4: Okay. I’m glad it does to someone.
Jane: They are saying, yes, that they will very definitely work that in. Although they are kind of giving you the information that this higher than humans…Hmm.
Participant 4: I don’t, I mean more evolved.
Jane: Yeah. So, here’s what I’m hearing them say. And that is, think of the word decide. And think about suicide, and homicide, and herbicide and genocide. That is all the death of something. And the word decide, is also the death of other ideas. So, when we make a decision, if we decide that creatures other than humans are more highly evolved, it doesn’t leave room for the possibility of a difference. It doesn’t leave room for gaining more understanding about a particular species. So, they are saying that is kind of an underpinning to this whole year, if you have decided like this one has about UFOs, and extraterrestrials, then you don’t leave any room for other possibilities. We are asking you to leave lots of room for other possibilities, because that is the way you learn.
Jane: Thank you very much, SADO. I heard you.
Participant 4: Okay, I did too. Alright.
Jane: Okay, great. Thank you, Participant 4. I appreciate that.
Participant 4: Thank you. I’m looking forward to delving into this because my heart and mind, I don’t know, are with the animals.
Jane: Okay, good.
Participant 4: Thank you. Thank you, SADO.
Edwina: Participant 5 has her hand up, too.
Participant 5: Yeah, this is personal, but also not. I am wondering if they have some wisdom about all the children that are coming in with autism. The statistics are astonishing, like one in every 35 are born now with autism. I’m just wondering, is there a special reason? Is there going to be? Do they have a special place? That this can fit in some other topic? That would be fine. I just, I’m so confused about why there are so many.
Jane: So, I’m going to tell you that what SADO is saying right now, do they have a special place in your heart?
Participant 5: A special place in our society? Is there…
Jane: Do they have a special place in your heart?
Participant 5: Yes. Obviously, my grandson has autism.
Jane: So, do they have a special place in society?
Participant 5: Yeah.
Jane: But they said they will delve into more to that. But that is what they want you to know is that when there is a group of souls who has a special place in another group’s heart, they already have their place in society, their special place in society. They are also talking about how they are looking at this i.e., is there a reason why this population is growing? Does that encapsulate it a little bit?
Participant 5: Yes.
Participant 6: I would like to learn more about intuition. And trusting mine or one’s own intuition on any number of subjects, because I’ve heard, you know, how does your body react? And I just have a very hard time hearing my own intuition and trusting that I’m hearing it.
Jane: Yeah, they are saying you don’t have a hard time, you do not have a hard time hearing your intuition. You have a hard time trusting your intuition.
Participant 6: Correct. How do I learn to trust it?
Jane: And do you want an example?
Participant 6: Sure. Why not?
Jane: Okay, so you talked to somebody today that you did not know before. And they gave you an opportunity to teach them something. You poopooed this, and it was just another kind of off-the-cuff conversation. But it was extremely meaningful, and there was a lot of learning that happened for that person. You did not pay any attention to this at all. Where were you today?
Participant 6: In terms of somebody I didn’t know before, I went to a man that Participant 1 encouraged me to go to who is a combination physical therapist/acupuncturist and rehab specialist. But I had picked him years ago, and I didn’t want to go back, and Participant 1 and I sort of have a monetary bet going about whether I shall be helped this time, because one of his partners actually injured me in an adjustment.
Jane: Okay.
Participant 6: That is why I hadn’t gone back. So, but I knew him before. The woman at the desk, I hadn’t seen before. We went out to lunch. I didn’t know the waitress.
Jane: No, this is absolutely the man.
Participant 6: So, it was Dr. Tran.
Jane: That you said something to him, that really has shaped a consciousness that he’s not had before. And you passed it off. And you are, are you remembering it?
Participant 6: I, you know, we talked about a couple different things. I talked about refusing to stay on a particular drug.
Jane: No, this was personal. They just don’t want me to shout it out. So, that is the reason why I’m poking you.
Participant 6: Can you, can you like email me that Jane because I’m really curious?
Jane: Yes, it was about an association you have with someone else.
Participant 6: With Participant 1.
Jane: There you go. And it was something that you told him about that he was not considering. And it opened his eyes up to some things that are very different for him to have a realization about.
Participant 7: I am having a little bit of difficulty putting this into words, but I’m going to try. I’m loving this trip through developing all this knowledge and awareness, but I’m having trouble living with the fact that I don’t know where I’m going. So, I’m wondering, how you get past that and sort of have a broader picture. It is not a matter of trusting the process, but maybe it is just a matter of interest in knowing where I’m going.
Jane: Okay, how they redesigned your thoughts is inside of life’s design. How do you get a handle on your personal life’s design and know that you know that you know. Is that ok? Is that putting it correctly?
Participant 7: Okay. Yes, that is okay.
Jane: Okay. All right. Great. Thank you. All right, Participant 6. I see you are back.
Participant 6: Ah, finally. Yes, very interested in the new AI intelligence, and how it is going to affect mankind and consciousness.
Jane: Alright. So, you know how facetious they can be sometimes?
Participant 6: Yes.
Jane: Here’s what I hear. Well, how do you think it is going to affect mankind?
Participant 6: Well, I know, I guess I’m more concerned with the ability that will eventually be part of consciousness. Or, will they have the ability to involve themselves not only just in the intelligence that we have given them as mankind, but also access consciousness on their own.
Jane: Yeah. What I hear them saying is, they will very definitely present on that, but it depends.
Participant 6: Okay.
Jane: It is going to depend on what we do with it. You know?
Participant 6: As far as what our controls are as our government, or humans, or how we use it?
Jane: Yes. Wow, they are saying, it is like the atomic bomb. It depends. You know, we split the atom in the 30s. But, you know, then when it came around, what we would decide to do is create the atom bomb. So, we could have done a lot of other things. But our DNA started to change in the 30s because of splitting the atom. That is something that they’ve talked about before. So, yes, so they will definitely talk about that.
Participant 6: Great. Thank you.
Jane: Thank you. Participant 1, I see your hand up again. Is that right or not?
Participant 6: Well, it is actually both of us again.
Jane: Okay.
Participant 1: All right. I’ll try a more general question. I’m interested in… I would like insight on our planet, on Gaia, God. It is changing now, and it is reacting to what we’ve done to it. And we’ve been told that the Coronavirus was created by Gaia as a reaction to what we’ve been doing. So, I would just like some insight on our, on what’s going on with our planet.
Jane: Okay. So, What I’m hearing, in a nutshell, is that Coronavirus was not developed by Gaia. It was developed by the greater celestial bodies (some rising from Gaia’s offspring) of energy to create a golden staircase to bring many home. So, what I’m hearing them talk about is that they want you not to feel like there is a punishment. And oftentimes Gaia is the one who is attributed to the push back of that punishment. This was created because of what we’ve done to the planet. This is created because, and they are saying, the spiritual beings would not allow for a single unit, which Gaia is a single unit, to have that kind of power. That is something that is much more SPIRIT wide developed. And so, there is no, it was not developed as a punishment because of what’s been done. It was created as a way for the golden stairway to be widened and opened for those who didn’t have another way to convince their egos to let the body go.
Participant 1: Oh, that is interesting. And then climate change, the tornadoes, hurricanes, fires that we’re experiencing.
Jane: Yes, right. And they have, that is also an earlier one that they are going to be putting it in. But I’ll add it here just to make sure we don’t miss that.
Participant 1: Great.
Jane: Thank you. And Participant 6, you had something as well?
Participant 6: Yes. But now when I look at page one of that, which is funny, because Participant 2 told me to scroll up. He said, it is probably already there. And I said, yes. But I’m not the one typing. So, I can’t scroll up. Okay, we thought it was funny.
Jane: It is very funny.
Participant 6: So, the making connections with guidance. I would like to be able to really connect and hear my guides and my family without the use of a medium. And it is something that I’ve been trying to do since Pete was killed. You know, and I don’t know, will that be part of what that topic is?
Jane: Yes. I’ll just give you a piece of this, because I talk with SADO pretty significantly and pretty often about this one. They are giving me more information on how the two hemispheres of the brain actually need to work together in order to bring that guidance in a more specific and logical, is the word that they are using, way. So yes, they are going to talk about that one in a very significant way. Making the connections how and why. Why these connections are necessary. So yes, thank you.
Participant 6: Thanks.
Participant 8: Hi, thank you. What I have written down overlaps a lot of what SADO already outlined, as well as what everybody else has put in and I think it is absolutely phenomenal. It coincides with my latest delve down the gopher hole. So, one that caught my attention and initial intro, you mentioned about the DNA and all the things that are happening. And a term I’ve come across is the new sciences. I’ve been following Drs. Dispenza, Lipton and Braden as well as many others. They are labeling this the new sciences. I know we don’t need to go into all this, but it makes, it comes into play with what’s going on today with our shift. One of the things they talk about is the DNA aspect and how our aspects follow our thoughts. There is an aspect about these new sciences and what SADO has mentioned; the robotics, the integration of this, what do they foresee the integration of all this, how and when, and the messages to the world. It falls into 1) what’s our individual role, besides holding space in this, and 2) about Heart Math. When is the shift going to happen? How is it going to happen? I’m just really curious about the shift, when, how, where, and our role, and what they perceive?
Jane: Thank you, Participant 8. SADO says, not yet. But in the next three lifetimes. So, you know, say we each live 100 years, in the next 300 years, we will be seeing that significant shift. But you know, it takes a while. So, it is coming. It will come as long as we continue our work, but yes, they will be talking about that. But they will also include in this, information that has been written thousands of years ago, basically asking the exact same question that you just asked. And showing how that has changed as we have gone along. But it is, it is a slow change, and it is supposed to be a slow change. Because that is why we’re here. We’re here to learn. We’re here to initiate these changes. So, thank you, Participant 8. I appreciate that.
Jane: They are giving you the choice to choose the February topic. So, I am going to go through this fairly quickly. The Afterlife, Euthanasia, Suicide, Death, Making Connections with Guidance, Grief Properties, Gaining Peace, Hope, UFO, Extraterrestrials, Pleiadeans, Friends from other places, Power of Intentions, Externalizing our power through Spirit, Separation, Time, Transformation of our Society, Creatures other than humans. Wisdom regarding who’s coming in with Autism, Intuition and Trusting one’s own Intuition, The New AI Intelligence, Insight on Life Design, Insight on our Planet, and the New Sciences.
Chris: Okay. So far, the top ones; 7 Afterlife, 5 Making Connections, 1 Aliens, 1 Transformation, 1 Peace, and 1 Euthanasia.
Jane: Okay, so the afterlife is the one that got the most votes.
Chris: It did. Correct.
Jane: We will be doing afterlife in February. If you have specific areas about the afterlife that you would like them to cover, please email me. And you can send it to You can email your questions or your thoughts or what you would specifically like to be covered in the afterlife information. And they will be working on that now all month. So, if there is something in particular that you would like for them to spend some time and energy on, please send that to me in the next 10 to 14 days. Thank you so much for being here and for giving SADO the opportunity to connect with you and what your thoughts are, and how you would like to see this. Again, they are the ones who are making decisions on what 2024 is going to be all about. They want to thank everybody for being so positive and providing such strong energy for them. This year is all about the ways they can best help you. And they are saying, And it is enough.
February 8, 2024
Lynn: We call upon the unseen forces that have surrounded this group to strengthen our bond and protect us in our flight. We ask that our vibration be raised to the level needed to receive clear and meaningful communication. We ask that we are guided to the next level in our journey to discovery. We ask this in God’s name. We are thankful to be chosen for this honor. Your guidance and goodness is appreciated. We feel your love as you walk us through the many questions we have about this life. Your presence is felt in our hearts, heard in our bodies and embraced in our souls. Amen.
SADO: And we are here.
Lynn: Welcome SADO
SADO: And we wish to welcome all the participants this evening and know that you are here to feel and exchange the love for all who are in attendance, and all who have gathered throughout the entire consciousness. This topic is of the Afterlife. We wish to give you the information now that you have the foundation of the many areas that we have brought to you over the last nine years. For those of you who have not been with us on a regular basis, please know that all words have been transcribed and they are on the website that the SADO group maintains. Unfortunately, these transcripts are not in subject order, they are in date order. The team is now working diligently to create information for you coming from SADO that will give you the information in a subject-oriented way. This has been an incredible amount of work for them and time as you would call it. SADO is working with the teams to bring you this information as it is important for you to have it from the consciousness.
Tonight, we discuss the Afterlife. And as we have our sister Desiree putting on the invitation that you received for this evening, we want to provide for you information that this one would call “fodder” that would help you to understand what the meaning of Afterlife is for you.
You understand that the Afterlife is very much according to what it is that you feel it will be. But to help you become started with this information, we would like for you to answer for yourself: “Are you a body with a soul? Or are you a soul with a body?” There is no right or wrong answer to this question, but it will make a difference on how the Afterlife is spent by you. For instance, if you feel you are a body with a soul, then you would come under the category of form. When we’re looking at the category of form, we would like for you to understand that form is the physical makeup, the outer appearance – that is the form. If you feel you are a soul wearing a body, or as we say, the earth suit, then we are talking about your essence. Essence is the intangible part of you that we call the soul. It has a body or a form around the essence while you are on this plane. But whether you feel you are a body with a soul or a soul with a body that will not go with you, the body will not go with you into transition. No matter if you feel you are a body with a soul or a soul with a body, the form will not go with you. If you believe you are a body with a soul, you will see this body when you cross the veil, when you transition. You will create this body. You will see this body as in flesh and blood. You will think that you have transitioned with the body that was created by humans here on the earth plane. If you believe you are a soul with a body, you will not discover having a body, a form, a humanness when you transition.
Now, there is one caveat to that. If you are having a difficult time adjusting to the transition, you may have your guides give you your body, your form, so that you can feel a bit more comfortable until you understand that you have transitioned. For many, this comes when the transition is very, very quick. Most of you will have the opportunity to be released from the form, to see the form no longer being needed. This can be after a long illness. This can be after short illness, but only when you are truly ready. This is always the case if you believe you are a soul with a body. When you transition and you no longer need the form, you no longer need the body, what will you do? What will it be like for you?
What if you are living currently the Afterlife? What if this is the place on this plane where the learning happens? What if this is the true reality and what we consider as the Afterlife is simply an appendage to this called “real life”? What then? Well, it is as you wish. It is as you believe. It is as what is in your heart. We want you to understand that the essence of you, whether you believe it is secondary or primary, the essence of you is what holds all of the knowledge, all of the experiences, all of your identity, all of your intentions are all held, are all held by the essence or the soul. If you believe that the Afterlife is not on this plane, and the only way that you can be in contact with the Afterlife, then you cannot hear SADO; and you cannot connect with those who have transitioned. It is impossible. So we will not belabor this point because you would not be here this evening if that is what you felt.
When you are thinking about the Afterlife, it is important for you to use your imagination. We have worked long with this one regarding imagination. Our sisters, Alex and Sally, have heard this explanation. And it is important that you realize that imagination is extremely important for all that you are living. You cannot make a plan without imagination. You cannot make connections without imagination. You cannot live a full life without imagination. And here is a “scoop” as this one would say. The Afterlife is dependent on imagination.
If you are like this one and would enjoy a bowl of ice cream when you have transitioned, how will you get that? Will you go to the ice cream shop and have someone bring it to you? They cannot do this. You must use your imagination and then the bowl of ice cream will appear. You will use your imagination to taste the ice cream. You will use your imagination to feel it being creamy and sweet and cold. The imagination is a part of your essence. One of your primary lessons that you need to understand from this plane to develop and to attain as much experience as you possibly can is to work with your imagination. We have yet to rid your school systems from chastising little ones who have imaginations. It is very sad for us to see this happening and we would like for you to carry the flag that imagination is consciousness given. Imagination is your right and imagination is your true Savior. We hope that you can understand this and that you understand that by using your imagination, this is what helps you develop experience, intend, and prepare yourself for transition whether that preparation takes 100 earth years or 30 minutes. We hope that you understand that this is very important information for you to realize and to work with during this time.
We want to move on now to another area to let you know there is only one change between walking on this plane and walking on transition. Many of you are saying exactly what the answer to this is. And we will clue the rest of you in. (hahaha). The only change is vibration. The vibration that you have now is very dull. It is very slow. It is very paused; it is very sleepy. And it is very difficult for those who you would like to be connected with to connect with you when your vibration is on the earth plane. It takes some time and some skill to be able to change the vibration in a way that connections with those who have transitioned can be complete. There are many ways to do this and we will discover together in our time when we speak about making connections. We will be talking more about that and giving you more information about that.
In transition, there is a very important area and it is called the Learning Center. You may have heard those who you are connecting with who have transitioned as the Library, The Hall of Books, the Castle of Learning. Whether this is done through osmosis, as we would say on this plane, or whether this is done by studying, which is a very different way of studying, as we can hear some of the groans from those of you who are present this evening. It is not the studying the same as you have done when you were in school here on the earth plane. But all information is available to you. This may not be available to you at the very beginning of your stay in transition because you will need to be able to honor the information and understand what it is that would be most powerful for you to know, and what is shareable with those who have not transitioned and what is not shareable with those who have not transitioned. You may be asking why? What is the time? Why can some information be passed down and some not? It would be like a kindergartener in the public-school systems on the earth plane who wants to know where babies come from. (hahaha). They may not know or want to know about the “birds and the bees”. They may be asking what city they were born in. Sometimes passing information along, if we don’t understand what the true need is from those who have not transitioned, it is not helpful. It can be very confusing, and it can create problems.
So, the Learning Center will be for you. It will be for you to study anything that you would like to study. And if your imagination would allow, it can be learned in earth now. Or it can take 100 earth years for you to learn. If you imagine, this would be very difficult, it will be very, very difficult. If you imagine this will be calm and cool, and that you will get it in a very rapid time, you will get it in a very rapid time. But we ask for you to understand that thinking about the very best time of your life, this life, the very, very most fun, the very time that was for you, joyful, happy, filled with wellness, filled with love, filled with happiness. We would like for you to multiply that times 1000. You have now seen 3% of what the Afterlife can be. If you allow yourself to imagine, if you allow yourself to bring in, if you allow yourself to understand that your essence is there, and it loves the imagination of 1000 times the happiness that you could have ever felt here on the earth plane.
Transition will provide for your soul whatever is needed by your soul. However, sometimes human interaction is requested to be helpful in the transition process. Some of you will understand the word “prayer”. And prayer is asking, and prayer is thanking. When you pray, asking, thanking, imagining what you would like for that one who has transitioned, not only can they feel that, but their guidance who is walking with them every step of the way, can also feel this.
Trauma can cross with the body. If the soul is based in their essence, trauma does not go with the transition process. However, if the belief is a body, a form, the essence is there, but is wearing the earth suit, because that’s where they are comfortable. Your prayers of questioning “What can I do for you, I hope you know how much you were loved, we miss you but understand. And the thankfulness; thank you for being my child, thank you for being my love, thank you for appreciating our time together and thanking the guidance; thanking the consensus of information that crosses; that will help immensely.
There are other times when higher order beings which we call the “rescue squad” can be called in to help someone who is very definitely having a difficult time, and this is usually due to feelings of guilt. Helping that transition helping that soul because we understand what is there, the essence is there. They have probably put back on their body, their form. Many times, those souls will go into a recovery area. But let us assure you, they are never alone. Even if they want to be alone and they might even feel like they are alone if that is what they imagine. The team is standing by, gathering all information about what is truly in the essence; what is truly needed by that particular essence.
The best line (this one is telling us to get to it, hahaha), is that we all come in to love. We all come in to accept love, and when our heart is full of as much love as it can possibly hold, we go home. Children have an easier time passing through transition because they have just been with us, and now they are full of love. And whether it be an accident, whether it be a crime, whether it be a sickness, it does not matter. They are so full of the love that has been provided for them that they come home, and they want to come home. It is not that they want to leave you. It is they know in their heart, in their imagination, that they are not leaving you. They are leaving the form. They are leaving the physical, but when you pray, and you imagine you are with them, that just brings more love to them at every step.
Many of you have in your hearts, information gathering about life review. This happens only when this soul is ready for the life review to happen. We want you to be assured that the life review does not need to happen before you cross through the pearly gates. The life review can happen many times, over many eons, looking at different facets of the life review. But what we would like for you to understand is that we all experience the life review, all of the interactions, all of the effects that we had on everyone that we have come into contact with during this time.
Our entire time that we are in the form, that we are in the physical form, every single interaction that we have had is in our life review, but it is not about what we did. It is about how the other person felt about our intentions, about our experiences. We judge ourselves by and through our consciousness. We judge ourselves through consciousness. Now you may say “Where is God in all of this? Where is the judging God that some of us have grown up with?” And those of you who know that SADO is made of some beings who have had some lifetimes on the earth plane, we have also grown up with a judging God. And we are here to tell you that consciousness is the energy information that is contributed to by all within the soul family. We will get into much more detail about soul families later in one of our other sessions, but it is important for you to know that consciousness includes all essences, all souls, all spirit. Consciousness is the All, Consciousness is the One, Consciousness Is. Consciousness Is. It is an important concept for you to understand that Consciousness Is.
We want to get back to the judgment of how you are actually judging yourselves. And it is a unique opportunity because you have the ability to understand what your intentions were. Those intentions may be very, very different from the outcome of the experience. But the intentions are what is so important. If there is a father who goes into a bakery and steals a loaf of bread because his children are starving – what is the intention? Is the intention of stealing from the baker so the baker does not have the loaf of bread to sell or is the intention to remedy the starving bellies of the thief, as you might call him? What was in his heart? Was it fear? Certainly. Was it love? Most definitely.
And so, in the review of the life, you will have an opportunity, you’ll be able to see the intention that was causing you to have the experiences that you have had. It is important for you to think about this when we are working through the forgiveness session that will be happening in the next six months. We would like for you also to understand that we have a limited power when we are in body and the limits of the power that we have create anger, create guilt, create fear, create problems, create sickness, create ill health. But what we would like for you to understand is that if there is a limit of your energy, it also limits the perception of possibilities.
We would like for you to use your imagination to expand the limits of perception that you have during the time you are in this particular body. When you have the ability to expand the energy, you have the ability to understand your intentions; you have the ability to understand your behavior, and you have the ability to work within the confines of love of the form. There is love of the form while you are on this plane. There must be, otherwise you would not have the advantages of learning and experiencing. This is not a discussion about how quickly you can leave the form and be pure essence and come home. Your stretch is to determine how long you can be within the form, how many experiences can you have while you are in the form. How many others who are also in the form are you able to share your love with? We would like for you to understand the perceptions that you have the power to have while you are in the form. Please understand that the Afterlife is what you imagine it will be and much, much more. If you would like to control some of the Afterlife, it is important that you use your imagination to create intentions and experiences that are on the loving side of life.
In summary, we would like for you to consider understanding and working toward separation, understanding separation, and understanding how this separation works with your essence and your form. How much time and energy comes from your essence? And how much comes from your form? And how is it that you would like to divide up the essence and the form. That is within your control. And it is the balancing act of the essence and the form on the scale. And as we have shown this one, we want the essence to be in much greater quantity than the form. And we are sitting on this one’s shoulder, helping her to find the essence in as many situations as possible. And we wish for you to be able to do the same. And we will now have the energy to take a few questions from souls who are here, but we beg for you this evening to make the questions succinct as the energy is waning.
Participant 1: So we cross over, I get it that you know.. how you think …If you think you’re going to see your form you will, but that’s not really who we are. So my question is when you crossover how do we see each other? What does it appear.. when you don’t see form?
SADO: We appreciate this question, our sister. And we would like for you to understand that the word “see” is a very different concept than what it will be when you transition. When we “see” with our physical eyes, we are able to describe in physical terms what it is that the other looks like. “Seeing” on the transitioned side is what the other person feels like. We will know their heart and not the physical heart. We will know their true being, their true essence, of who they truly are. And this you will understand when you think of when your son came into the room, did you feel his presence before you heard or saw him with your physical eyes?
Participant 1: I felt.
SADO: And that is exactly how you will know those essences who have transitioned.
Participant 1: Thank you.
SADO: It is a seeing, but not with the physical eyeballs that you currently use. When you are able to open up and you are able to use more of your essence, you will find that this particular skill will come in very handy while you are in the physical form. You already have this. You know when someone is going to be pleasant and someone is not going to be pleasant before they open their mouth for you to hear or you see a scowl on their face. You are using your essence.
Participant 1: So in some way is essence, what you just described, it’s like intuition? Would that be another word for it?
SADO: Intuition comes from the essence; it is a part of the essence or part of the soul, whatever word you would like to use. That is true. It is a part of it. Yes, without the essence you cannot have intuition.
Participant 1: Thank you.
SADO: And you, our sister, are welcome.
Participant 2: Back in 2014, I read books by Michael Newton and Robert Schwartz that really changed my perception about almost everything. And I believe it was like “Journey of the Souls” or “Lives Between Lives”. How accurate were those books about the Afterlife?
SADO: The accuracy comes in all writing by what it is that the writer will allow to come through. As our sister Diane, our sister Kay and our sister, Edwina have found in going through the nine years of transcripts, this one was controlling much of the information that was being given. And so some of that information, while not incorrect, was not as this one would call “fleshed out”. This is when the hearing of the channeler, this one, was taken away because it was being guarded and it was being filtered. If an author is filtering because of their own belief system, you may find that the information is not as accurate as you would like it to be. But you also may find that the author is using their imagination and that is what their imagination is bringing forward.
There is a difference between using your imagination to create what it is you want as the experience in the future and listening for those who are having your best interest at heart. As we have explained, prayer is questioning and thanking and meditation is listening. When we use meditation to listen and meditation for connection, and we do not have perceived, (here comes the perception again) perceived information, it will only fit within the confines of our understanding. That information can be well intended but inaccurate. As we have also explained, the Afterlife is an individual process and depending upon what it is that you believe you will see and experience that comes from the imagination and from the perception. So it is very possible, and we know these books that you are picking up, and they are very well intentioned books, they are coming from, as all most books come from, good intentions and the perception of the author.
We would suggest that you broaden your base of understanding by reading many different accounts of the Afterlife from many different authors. We find some who transition to be very disappointed when they have only spent time with one author.
And does that provide the information for you that is helpful?
Participant 2: Yes, thank you, Sado.
SADO: And you, our sister, are welcome.
Participant 3: It seems I’m hearing more and more people discussing near death experiences. Is this something that has happened all along and we’re just hearing about it because of the internet? Or is there a reason why people are going to heaven or wherever you want to call it and then coming back and a lot of times being almost a different person.
SADO: The answer to your question, and we appreciate your question, is a bit complicated. The first question is, “has this been going on all along?” And we would tell you yes. Near death experiences have been happening for centuries. It has been happening since the beginning of time. Is it due to the internet? Yes and no. The stories have even been written on the inside of the pyramids. So does it need to have the internet? No. Does it need to have a cultural understanding? Yes. There are many people who have had near death experiences as well as shared death experiences that have not talked about or been publicized due to cultural influences and unbelievability. So your population now is much more aware of, and cognizant of, and agreeable to, having near death experience stories being told and looking at it in more of a mainstream way, as opposed to, as this one would never say, that the person is out to lunch. (hahaha)
And we hope that has helped with your question.
Participant 3: Yes, thank you.
SADO: And you’re welcome our sister.
Participant 4: Thank you so much for this experience. I don’t know how exactly to word my question except to say, “How will I keep my handle on my reality? How will I know what is real and what is not when I transition?” I guess I’m making an analogy between losing my mind here in the physical versus being lucid and aware of everything when I transition. How do I keep my grip so to speak? Can you help me understand that?
SADO: We appreciate your questions our sister, and we will tell you again that you will never be alone when you transition. It is important for you to know that you will be so surrounded by love, and it will look very different than the reality here. You will know that even if you have put on the earth suit, there is no weight to it. It does not become hungry or thirsty. It does not become cold or hot. It does not have other bodily functions; that will be a clue. But you will also have those who will travel this path letting you know what is happening with you so there is never a fear unless you want there to be a fear, which we can see in your heart that you do not want, and that is important. We want you to understand that this is the land of illusion. Your transition is not in the land of illusion. Your transition is in a place of love and wellbeing. And it will be very, very prominent in your awareness that it is love like you have never been able to feel on this plane. Do not be concerned that you will have impressions or context that you have “lost your mind”. In reality, you will have lost your mind because it will stay with the body and the pure essence of you will be there. And you will see more clearly than you have ever been able to see.
And does this help with your question our sister?
Participant 4: Oh, very much. Thank you so much.
SADO: And you are welcome. And we will accept one more question.
Participant 5: I want to say thank you. I’ve enjoyed listening to your sharing tonight SADO. Oh, my question is, you mentioned about imagination and perception from a human perspective. What about on your side? There are many collectives and channels here. Do you also, as collectives whose objectives are to help humankind in various ways, do you also have bytes of individual perceptions that you bring to Earth?
SADO: You ask a very important question and we are very glad for you to join us this evening. There are several who we have been waiting for and we are happy that you, as one, have joined us. It is improper for me to speak to you with regard to levels. There are not levels per se as you understand it. However, SADO as you may or may not know, is a group of higher order beings.One of the issues that we have as higher order beings is going through the physical body of the channel. As the energy splinters it is difficult to have the flow of information be as concise as we would like it. So, please allow us to begin the answer to your question from the beginning.
You ask a very important question and we want you to understand that which is written in some of your publications about levels is true and not true. There are levels of beings, as you say, on our side and the levels of beings will provide what their abilities might be. For example, a level 1 being would not be channeling into a human form. They do not have the experience. They do not have the ability to be helpful. As these levels change, the higher the level the more experience and more information can be imparted. So SADO, being a group of higher order beings will mean for you to understand that it is not the same beings every time, every session with all of you, or sessions just with this one, because the needs are different. When there is someone within our organization’s session who needs information on a particular issue, as you may have just heard, someone who wanted to speak about levels came through to give that information, but it was not going to be channeled in a way that could be helpful and understood.
The higher order beings that are able to channel through their human are many. There are some who are channeling an individual person and this can be very helpful and it can also be very difficult.
Some of the information can be misconstrued and it may not be the intent of the giver of the information, but a lack of understanding of the receiver. If that information is coming through and it does not feel right to the human, the only way that channel can continue in a way that will be healthy for the human is for the human to ask their own essence whether or not this is a healthy process. It is also important for you to understand that if the channeling that you are doing is causing upset or causing a problem with your health, it is not a good channel. Does that provide the information that you were looking for this evening, our sister?
Participant 5: Yes, thank you.
SADO: And it is enough
March 28, 2024
SADO: And we are here.
Lynn: Welcome, SADO.
SADO: And we are delighted with the group that has assembled before us this evening. We have a large group on our side of the veil as well. (Jane: there were at least 30 energies comprising SADO this evening. Many of them stated they were loved one of the SADO Circle Live members present this evening. Others were “specialists” regarding the topic. The energy was powerful, and it was a bit difficult to hold the energy back enough to hear the speaker without the energetic noise of all who were so excited to speak to our group.) The topic that we have chosen for this evening on making connections is very important to us. We would like to provide a time for you to be involved with this topic. It is important for you to have the information, especially at the time when you are wearing the Earth suits. You will hear from many from the scientific community, the etheric community, as well as those of us who have previously been in the Earth suits and have walked somewhat the same plane that you are currently walking. So, without further ado, we would like to ask those of you who are brave enough (ha, ha, ha) to provide information on why you believe it is important to have a connection with those who are in the spiritual world, as you may call it. The question is, why is it important for you to have a connection? We would like you, for organization’s sake, to raise your hand, either through the computer buttons or by simply raising your physical hand so that the SADO group can recognize you. We would like to hear from your heart why is it important for you to have a connection with the spiritual world?
Lynn: Does anybody have an answer that they want to say? Okay. Participant 1.
Participant 1: I have a few reasons for it. One is for my own path here to have feedback from family members or my guides. The other is to be able to talk about things that need to be finished or cleared up or resolved, because I know on the other side, it’s clear to those family members on the other side, but not always clear to us. I think that for me also, it’s an easing of my heart.
SADO: What we have heard you say before the big guy speaks, is that it is for relations, it is for unfinished business, and it is for personal growth. Do we understand you correctly?
Participant 1: You do.
SADO: And we thank you for your information. Now we will hear from the big guy.
Participant 2: The connection is important to me because the Spirit, those in Spirit can look at everything from a larger perspective than we’re able to here on the Earth plane and able to share that perspective with us, to help us learn and gain new insights into all that there is.
SADO: So, we would like to out the big guy and let you know that for him it is all about higher learning. This SADO circle member is always interested in expanding consciousness. That is a bit different than his little lady, but it is no less or no more important. And we appreciate the information.
Lynn: Okay. I guess we’ll hear from Participant 3.
Participant 3: Yes. Connection with the other side for me is about enriching my life, getting guidance when I need it, and it’s feeling good when I connect with the loved ones that crossed over. I try to really listen, and sometimes I’m not really good at it, but I try to listen to what they have to say and certainly try to follow guidance.
SADO: And we appreciate the information. We understand what you are saying, again, is for your personal growth, but also for relationship, and also for closing loose ends, and also for higher learning. And we ask you if that is a correct assumption.
Participant 3: Yes.
SADO: And we appreciate the information.
Lynn: Okay, next we’ll hear from Participant 4.
Participant 4: Yes. I want to be able to continue my relationship with, basically, my daughter and other loved ones that have passed and to know that there’s something beyond this Earth that I can achieve with higher learning.
SADO: And we appreciate that information, but we wish to question, “continue the relationship”. When is the relationship with your lovely daughter changed now that she is in Spirit?
Participant 4: Yes, I believe it has as far as, not the love, but the general communication and feeling her presence is so much different in a way of communicating than her being present in her Earth body at home.
SADO: Thank you for that information. And what we hear you say, it is about higher learning. It is about your ability to understand how your daughter is different on that plane across the veil than she was on this plane. You are correct in the assumption that she is, has different knowledge, has different personality, has different taste now where she is than what she was boxed into on the plane of the Earth. Getting to know her, allowing yourself to understand the changes, and mostly to accept these changes is very important. And we appreciate the information that you have shared with this group this evening.
Participant 4: Thank you.
Lynn: And we will hear from Participant 5 next.
Participant 5: Hi, SADO. I have two big overriding reasons. One is the truth. I’ve always been a truth seeker, and I don’t always buy what humans are saying or selling. The other is that I feel like my soul posse, most of them are in Spirit now, and I relish those connections, and that’s what keeps me going. So, my daughter and my mom and a lot of other people. Thank you.
SADO: And we appreciate the information that you are looking for the truth, and we would again, categorize that as higher learning because you are right. When you are listening to those who are on this plane who may not put much credence into having a relationship across the veil, you may not understand how it connects with your truth, but you are listening to their truth. So higher learning is a very important piece and a reason to make and have a work through connections across the veil. And I do appreciate your information.
Participant 5: Thank you.
Lynn: Next, we’ll have Participant 6, please.
Participant 6: Yes. In my earlier years, when I just depended on my ego to get me through my life, my life was nothing but chaos and heartache. And so now that I’ve learned to depend on the guidance of you, the entities from behind the veil, my life has smoothed out so much, and so I depend on that guidance to get me where I need to go and have a more peaceful life. Thank you.
SADO: And we appreciate that piece of information because that is the foundation of our conversation this evening. We would like to now pause the communication for the SADO Circle members and provide for you some information that we feel will be very important. You see, the quick answer is why not? Why not have a relationship with your guidance? Why not have a relationship with your loved ones? Why not have a relationship with those who have gone before you? Why not tap into the All? Why not allow yourself to be loved from those who know nothing other than love? Why not make connections? Why not make it your life purpose to have connections? Why not be provided with the grace of those who love you unconditionally? Why not accept the learning from the higher orders? Why not be proven or disproven your truth or someone else’s truth?
That is step 1, your own answer for why and why not. And we ask for you to wonder and process the question of how do you make a connection with those entities that we have just illustrated for you to have relationship, higher learning, solving the mysteries, providing for closure of unfinished business. How? How do you do this?
SADO: Come, come.
Lynn: Alright participant 3.
Participant 3: Well, how do we make connections? I use Loving Heart Connections® for one. I connected with my mother and grandfather and a child. I do meditations. I actually do a lot of SADO meditations. When I do sessions also, I connect with my Guidance. So, there are different modalities and different ways you can connect, but I try to do it every day.
SADO: And we appreciate the information. SADO has given much information on how it is to connect. You are providing information about a specific modality that Spirit has given this one to provide aid and comfort for those who are grieving, some who have been traumatized, and all who would like to understand the connection of who and where their loved ones are at this point in time across the veil. We may come back to you to give us more information about that particular modality, but at this point we will be moving on to someone else who may have a different way of connecting and we appreciate your information.
Participant 7: So, I would like to share my answers initially, and then also as to what you’re talking about regarding connection. For me, it frequently isn’t in specific practices. It’s in literally the daily activities that I do and the way that I move. It’s a very physical, physiological experience. It’s the feeling of being a wire on the ground and then when I move and I actually connect, then I have capabilities. So, my first response to your first question would be because that’s the only way I can truly be alive, is to be connected. There’s a very different physical experience in that. I think that’s enough said. That’s what I felt compelled to say.
SADO: And we appreciate you giving us the information, and we hope that you appreciate us helping you find the unmute button. Ha Ha Ha. And we would say that what you are speaking about, others in this circle program would call grounding. And that is what we would call it as well. Grounding is not the opposite of meditation. It is a prime part of meditation. And what you are experiencing is feeling the groundedness that allows you to soar. And we appreciate you sharing that information with the SADO program group.
SADO: Does no one use those that you call mediums?
Participant 1: Yes, I was going to say that I use a transmedium, and that’s how I’ve connected with family members when they choose to come through at that circle that I attend.
SADO: What is it that they have that you do not?
Participant 1: The only thing that I can think of is if the right word is resonate, that they resonate at a higher vibration or that the transmedium has said that they have been trained to be able to do this. I’ve heard over and over again that we all have the ability to do that, and I just have not… I do not feel that I have been successful in doing that. Once in a while, I feel like I might get one or two words from a family member, but I’ve never been able to have a conversation like I do using or as coming through a transmedium. I just figure my vibrational level is not high enough.
SADO: We would agree and disagree with this information. When you are meaning to connect with a loved one, it is difficult to heighten your vibration because of the grief that you are feeling not having them in your physical life at this particular time. But in normal circumstances, you would have the ability to connect with those who are on the other side, as you might say, who are across the veil, who are in the Spirit world, because your vibrations are plenty high. This is a misnomer and one that we wanted to speak about this evening. So, we appreciate you bringing this subject to the attention of the SADO Circle Group.
There is much debate in your society about whether or not everyone has the ability to make connections with those in the Spirit world. We would say to you that this information is not correct in the fact that everyone has the ability to make these connections. We would tell you that information is very correct, that everyone has the ability to make the connections. The connection is not the most prevalent or powerful or prioritized subject. It is not the connection that can or cannot be made. It is who the connection is with. That is the priority. That is the information that is important. You have the ability to be able to connect with those who are on our side of the veil very easily. You have a difficult time in making connections with loved ones of yours that are on our side of the veil. So, what we would ask for you to do is to allow yourself to be open to any information that would come to you and through you. This is where you start, and this is the reason why SADO has brought this information to you this evening. Because beginning to develop this insight, being able to develop the hearing, being able to develop the inner thoughts, oftentimes are started or planned or thought for you to be able to connect with your own loved ones without a modality, as our sister was speaking about a few minutes ago. When you allow yourself to be open, to be open to hearing the thoughts of anyone who wants to provide information to you, that is in your highest good. Please know that it is important for you to say, “That is in my highest good.” And allow yourself to build your abilities from that. Allow yourself to feel. Allow yourself to hear. Allow yourself to see. Allow yourself to interact. Allow yourself to experience, not with your loved one, but with those who love you that you most likely have not known during the time you have been in your body. (Jane: While the speaker of SADO was giving you this information, another faction was explaining the difference between illusion and reality to me. On the whiteboard they showed how being in the illusion is working within the confines of ego and being in reality is listening and becoming one with Spirit. They showed that physical illnesses are being in the illusion and realizing the symptoms without ownership is being in reality. They showed that when you are in full connection with Spirit, you feel the joy of being on the Earth plane without the body being the primary point of your realization. This was a fairly long discussion and fascinating to me.)
Does that provide information to you that may change how it is that you are living your life of connection?
Participant 1: Yes.
SADO: So, we would appreciate all of you understanding that as one of the members from the SADO circle explained during introduction about this one and the channeling and it being a unique process, we will say, you should have seen the mess we were in eight years ago. Ha Ha Ha. Learning to provide this information in a way that is not hampered, challenged, corrected, funneled through the human psyche takes much time for this one. It may not take much time for you, but it has taken much time for this one to allow this information to flow. The information, as you can see, is flowing well. But there are still times when this one would like to control what it is that we are providing. This is about making connection, no? This is about providing information for others from Spirit, no? This is about providing for you the way for you to attain the knowledge that is necessary for you to have the higher learning while you are in the Earth suit. For you to be able to have this power. And it is power because it will change your lives. Make no mistake. It will change… your… life.
Why do you want your lives to be changed by connections? We have spoken already this evening about higher learning. We have spoken about relationships and how they will change. One part we have not spoken clearly about enough during this particular program, is how your life is different when you are connected to Spirit and when you are not connected to Spirit. If you are connected to Spirit, will you live forever? No. And why would you not live forever? Because when you are connected to Spirit, you don’t want to live in a human body forever. It provides for you the grace to know that you have things that you want to bring, to experience, to help, to show and when you have the ability to do those things, the quicker you can leave the body behind. However, you have a long, long, long list of that which you want to accomplish during this time in the body. There is no one, including Jesus himself, that completed the list. Do you believe that Jesus and men like him, and women like him, completed all the tasks, and that is the reason why they were released from the body? The answer to that is “no”. They were released from the body when they had experienced all that they could experience during that particular life plan. You understand that those you meet have an impact on you. It may be just a word. It may be a smile. It may be a tap on the shoulder. It may be a long-lasting relationship. It may be very positive. It may be somewhat negative. All relationships allow you to gain higher learning if you allow yourself to listen, to make the connection with your spirits, your guides, those who love you. When you are sitting in your rocking chairs and are bemoaning the fact that it was a difficult day, it was a difficult relationship, it was very hard, you are grieving, and you do not allow yourselves to hear why the relationship happened, that is where the learning comes from. Why did I have a relationship with this person? Why did this relationship not provide for me what it is that I needed? Why did that person run into the side of my car? If you listen, you will learn. If you listen, you will grow. If you listen, you will understand. There are many experiences that you can have during this lifetime, but as this one might say, “it takes two to tango”. What that means is that the others in your life have a part to play as well. If one of your issues that you would like to learn is to be able to help someone who is in a mental health crisis, and that person decides not to get help or not to be in the place where you can provide that help, you will not be able to fulfill that experience, at least not at that one time. You might be able to fulfill that experience at a different time, perhaps with a different person. If you would like to do only that which fills your heart, you may be losing out on a number of experiences that would help you understand and see what it feels like to be lost. You may not be able to go into, to experience, all of the nurturing opportunities, because they are not presented to you by those who you perhaps contracted with for this lifetime, because they have decided they’re not going to play that part. Or they have decided that they’re going to be living in Guatemala and not in Denver, Colorado. So, you see all experiences are not complete from the list when you decide to leave the body. Make no mistake, all souls who leave the body have made an exit plan for that particular experience. Make no mistake in knowing, it may not have been the first exit, and it may not have been the last planned exit, but it was an exit. Those who cross the veil and who have the worry from those who are on your side of the veil said, “Oh my gosh, they must have been so frightened because this happened so suddenly”. That is incorrect. When they pass through the veil, they are shown that exit, and very quickly, they are able to see all exits. Those they may not have encountered, and those that they chose to pass by. So you see, you have much decision to make, and you also have the ability to understand, and to learn, and to experience by listening, by learning, by growing, by being provided the equation of what it is and how it is going to provide the signs and co-signs in order for you to be where you are in the body at this particular moment. If you want to understand, it is important that you develop the ability to listen. I would like to go back to our sister and ask her to give you some specifics about the modality that Spirit provided for this one that has been very impactful for many who this one has worked with, to provide them the power to listen and expand. This also, by the way, has been very meaningful for those that you call mediums. They have found that this modality has been very helpful and instructive in expanding their abilities, expanding their practices, expanding the practices and experiences of those they are working with. So, our sister, we would like for you to provide a specific but summarization of the modality that Spirit has given.
Participant 3: So, it’s a modality called Loving Heart Connections®. It’s a protocol that uses eye movement and tapping to allow the person that is trying to connect, to connect with their loved ones. There are several phases, and it’s really helping you through the tapping and the eye movement to get to a state of listening and really open to the loved ones on the other side. It could also be guidance. There are several different ways to connect, and certainly more so people to connect with, guidance, loved ones. And, most importantly, once you have connected, you do not need to use a medium. You can do it on your own. You can recall the technique and the protocol, and it allows you to actually connect when you want and as often as you want. From the experiences that I had with different people, it really helped them be very much in contact with the loved ones or their guidance on a regular basis.
SADO: Our sister, we appreciate you giving the information to the group. We would like for you to know that this information was controlled somewhat by this one who demanded that the modality be, as she said, “a one and done”, as she had many people she was working with who were going back for general information for those who were grieving. This was agreed to by Spirit to create this modality as a way to use higher abilities so that the problem with vibration, that our sister spoke about earlier, do not exist. So, we thank you, our sister, for providing that information. It is a help for those of you who would like to provide this information, the learning and the love and the connection, because you now understand why and how and what. While the energy remains, we would like to open this section for any questions that might be on the tip of your tongue to ask SADO.
Participant 1: Well, if I can just ask, I am interested in learning more about the modality or the technique. How would I find out about that or do that?
Lynn: Participant 3, do you want to answer?
Participant 3: I’ll put in the chat the website where you can find the information on that modality.
Participant 1: Thank you.
Lynn: And the name of it is Loving Heart Connections®
Participant 3: Yes, Loving Heart Connections®.
Lynn: Okay.
Participant 1: Thank you.
Lynn: Okay. Does anybody have a question that they want to address with SADO tonight that’s on the tip of your tongue? Okay, Participant 8.
Participant 8: Yes, thank you. Thank you, SADO for this evening. When the messages come, I find that they come sometimes in my treatment room as a Reiki master. I’m always questioning whether it’s information that I need to share with the person that I’m working with or not. So, is there a way to discern that, or will I, as I learn to listen more, be able to discern that for myself?
SADO: Our dear sister, we appreciate you bringing this question forward. Do you have a signal that you are given when guidance is coming through, giving you the information?
Participant 8: I do sometimes.
SADO: And you understand that you can ask for that signal to be more consistent?
Participant 8: I did not.
SADO: And do you know that if you are concerned about whether or not to give, as this one would say, your “client” the information, that you can ask?
Participant 8: No, I wasn’t aware. That’s great.
SADO: The information that is coming through to you is what we would call a two-way street. You are providing information through your energy work, and the information is coming back through that same channel. As you understand that energy coming through and going back, it allows for you to have the two-way communication. This is also a part of the modality our sister was speaking about because it trains you to have the two-way communication. However, for you, with the Reiki background and the electricity that you have, and you do have, very genuinely, the electricity of working with the energy systems. There is no reason why you should doubt that the information is coming through you and back, and through you and back. And what it is that your particular guidance is suggesting is that you work on this when you are out for a walk and you get information, and you give information, and you get information, and you give information. For you, much of that will be question and answer. Simple. Like,” Spirit, why is that tree not having leaves?”
Participant 8: Yes.
SADO: “What is the squirrel digging up? Why is that flower blue?” Wait, listen, and learn. When you particularly are walking, it is a very grounded place for you, which gives you the best ability to be able to learn and listen.
Participant 8: Thank you very much for that.
SADO: And you are welcome, our sister.
Lynn: Okay, I think Participant 9.
Participant 9: Thank you. Since I’ve started making connections, there are times when people who I don’t know are coming to me and want to make connections, want to talk. I don’t know what they want. I don’t know who they are. I think it would be okay, and it’s not a matter of fear. SADO, help me. What do they want?
SADO: We are very happy that you brought this information up to us this evening, and we are happy that you are able to voice this while we have the energy to be able to respond. As you might have heard us speak earlier, it is important that you put up a shield of highest and best. This does not mean that an evil spirit may tell you to jump out in front of a moving vehicle. This just means that all information is not going to go into your learning or your love. So, the intention of having it be whatever the information comes through, being in your highest and your best, that is most important and should never be skipped to begin your time in communication. We have schooled this one to not open her eyes in the morning or close her eyes at night without the intention of every experience, energy, and connection is in her highest and best good. And we would like for you to agree to attempt this change as well.
Participant 9: Thank you.
SADO: And you are welcome. And we will take one further question for this evening as the energy is waning.
Lynn: Okay, Participant 10, would you like to ask your question, please?
Participant 10: Yes, sorry, my camera isn’t working. SADO, thank you. I have a question. I want to know if it’s okay if I don’t have an expanded purpose in my spiritual connections with my loved ones. I remember them, I remember their faces. I speak about them. I mock my grandparents still in a loving way. I joke, and I can feel them at times. It’s not forced. I smell them, and I feel their comfort. They are still active, I feel, in my life. But I am wondering, should I be more purposeful or respectful, or is it okay that I’m just very happy that these are connections that I didn’t lose?
SADO: We would like for you to be very happy with the connections that you are making. What we hear from your loved ones, and especially your grandparents, is that you are connecting with them as part of your past. If you would like to expand your knowledge, you will need to connect with them in your present and your future. You understand that your grandparents have much more information now than they certainly did when they’re carrying around the bodies. It is much easier for them to have a much-expanded information base than they had when they were with you in the physical world. However, if you would like to stay connected with them, with the past memories, the way they looked at that time when you remembered, they are perfectly happy with that. SADO does not see that you are missing out on opportunities as that learning could be applied from not those that you knew in the past who had physical bodies, but those who you are getting to know as in the SADO. And we would like to know if that answered your question.
Participant 10: Yes. Thank you SADO.
SADO: And we appreciate all who have attended this evening, and it is enough.
April 11, 2024
SADO: And we are here.
We are happy to see those of you who are attending this meeting this evening. As this one has told you, we have gathered your Guidance to be present during this time. With the information they provide to us about you and the information we provide to them about you; it is a happy marriage.
We have made the decision to speak with you this evening about the process, as you would say, of dying. We would not use the word “dying” as in your vernacular you will have that premise as not only leaving the body, not only having the body no longer having life, but also all of your presence being gone. This is incorrect, and we would like for you to change the meaning of dying or to use a different word. There are many words to use in your language, but we would like for you to understand that the word “dying” has a societal meaning which we do not find in most of your hearts. Leaving the earth suit is a premise and language that we have used for many years with the SADO group. It provides for the opportunity for the meaning to be brought forward when the body no longer exists, but all that made the body act, react, love, emote, is still with us.
It does not make a difference to SADO, to those in spirit, to your Guidance, whether or not you are having those experiences within the physical presence or you do not. Actually for your Guidance, it is much easier work for them when that part of you leaves the physical presence because it is easier to work with your spiritual energy when it is not encumbered by the physical presence. The ability for the spiritual presence, or as some of you may call the soul, to act and interact, to learn and to experience. When that piece of you has the ability to understand that it is separate from the body, that is an important step. You understand, correct, that the body is the housing that allows you to experience this particular atmosphere? If you were in other atmospheres, the physical housing would look different. In this place, that you call Earth, is the only place where the physical presence looks as it does. It is built to deal with the atmosphere and the gravity, the climates of this particular place that you have chosen to come. We want to make sure that you understand that you have made this choice. You have made the choice to come, and you are the one who puts the final stamp of approval on leaving.
When it is time for the spirit, the soul, the energy to discard the housing, it will do so. This may come from many different appearances. It may come from the ability the first time it is offered. It may come many times after that, but it will be the right time when you have experienced all that you can experience while you are having time in the body. There are some that have written that you have a certain day, date, and time to leave the body. We regret to inform you that this is incorrect. You will be able to stay and experience in the body until there are no experiences available to you in the body, or the spiritual part of you that is housed in this body no longer wishes to stay.
The soul, the energy, gives the final stamp of approval of when it will separate from the body. Many times, this will happen before the body, as you might say, takes its last breath. Many souls have been in the experiences with the body many times and do not wish to have the experience of the housing, the body no longer operating. It is not painful for the spirit. It is not painful for the soul. It is just another experience that does not need to be repeated.
So many times, if there has been a crash or has been a decision to leave the body, the soul and the spirit will have left the body at the minimum of a nanosecond before the body stops having life within. Sometimes the soul and the spirit leave the body many hours and sometimes many days before the body ends its ability to have life.
There are other times when the soul has made the decision that it no longer wishes to stay within the body, but the body is a good one. The body, the housing, is able to support another soul, and a deal is made between the spirit who wants to come home and the new soul that would like to come in the body to have particular earthly experiences. This is not done lightly. This is done in, as you might say, a contractual way. If the body is going to go through a particular experience of, say, rehabilitation from a physical wound, and there is a soul who would like to experience that, and the soul who was in the body does not need or want to experience that a soul exchange can be made. This soul exchange is very important, and oftentimes, the family and loved ones of that body will see and notice and be very confused about this change. This change does not have to come only at a time when the body has stopped allowing life. It can occur at any time. It can occur before a crash. It can occur before an attempted suicide. It can occur the moment of death. It can occur when the time is right for the old soul, we would say, to leave the housing and the new soul to enter the housing. Many times, when there is a discussion about what you may call near-death experiences, there is a contract that is happening that may not be taken because the old soul wishes to return to the body because now they can see the opportunities that are available to them to have experiences that are very needed for their growth. When some near-death experiences are reported, they are reported from the new soul as the old soul has left the body. You will know in the stories that you hear, especially if the soul has done something completely different after a near-death experience than what they were doing before. That is being generated by the new soul who would like to come into the body to possibly complete work and growth experiences that they had when they were in a body before or if they have been waiting for a body to simply be available for them to come in to have perhaps a shorter experience of life in the body than a normal lifetime would give in this particular atmosphere.
The process of dying is very unique to this particular planet and this particular atmosphere. It is unique for each spirit and soul who decides to leave the body. It is an important chance for growth to come through the process of dying and having the body basically disintegrate under the soul. There are some who want to live to be 115 to experience all the different developmental stages that are possible while in the body. There are others who want to only go through the pregnancy phase and may only want to experience part of the birth or the whole birth, and then they have experienced what it is that they wanted to experience. It is a unique situation if a new soul would come into the body of a newborn baby.
We are necessary to work with the soul to get them through the process of birth. And when you go through the process of birth, it does create a download of learning experiences and growth experiences that can happen. So babies are not generally an old soul coming into a new body. Babies usually have a plan for their experience if they go through the birth process for however many weeks or months or years they would like to be able to continue to learn.
The process of dying is not painful. The process of dying is not traumatic. The process of dying is beautiful. There is never a time when the soul leaves the body that they are alone no matter the circumstances of the soul leaving the body. There is never a time when the soul is alone or fearful because their Guidance will always be there providing for them whatever it is that is beneficial to them. Do not be concerned about your loved ones who have made the final determination to leave the body. They are better than fine. There was no pain. They made the decision that they could not have more experiences that would provide for their growth.
This one is asking us to process with you how that can be possible when it is a young person who has made the final determination to leave the body. You see, we all have a different timeframe in which we believe that our experiences in this atmosphere can be done. And it may not seem possible to you that a 10-year-old, a 15-year-old, a 19-year-old could possibly be finished with a life worth of work. But we will tell you that life worth of work does not mean it will take 115 earth years. We come into the body with a purpose, many purposes. When those purposes have provided for us the growth and the experiences that we would like to have, we are like all children and want to go home. It is not about we want to leave our families and our loved ones. It is about we want to go home. We miss our home, and we want to be there. So please do not look at the fact that so many of your friends and neighbors might say, “Oh, they are missing out on so much.” They are not missing out on anything, and they will be there for you when you make the final determination.
We would also like to tag on to this discussion, euthanasia. It is something that your society has a very big problem with. There are different schools even in the spiritual realm, about euthanasia. The body has the ability to get out of itself anytime it wants to. These may be difficult words for you to hear. By not taking in nutrition and not taking in water, this will allow the body to not sustain life. It will not be able to be the housing for the soul and the spirit. All the laws and all the chemicals that are in use for the process of euthanasia are only shortening what the lack of water and the lack of food can bring in approximately a week depending on the state of the body. Is it necessary? For some, it is necessary to have the chemicals available not to go through that week. But you see, your bodies for this planet are made up to not experience hunger and thirst after a number of hours, not to have those experiences. There is no suffering. There is no suffering.
We are not making a judgment about euthanasia. We are letting you know there are different possibilities for that process, and that process is in the ability of the body and soul who wishes for that to be a part of its’ experiences and growth.
We would like for you to go back to the beginning of our speaking with you this evening and recall the information about the spirit and the soul which are separated from the body. We would like to provide for you information about the separation that never occurs. There is no separation from SPIRIT. There is no separation from God. There is no separation from whatever energy bank you believe you have come from. There is no separation whether you are in the body or whether you have decided to go to your permanent home. There is no separation. There cannot be a separation. If you are feeling a separation as our guest spoke of this evening before SADO came through, that is ego preventing you from hearing. They cannot prevent you from listening because your mind, your spiritual mind, is much stronger than your ego. Your ego strives to keep you in illusion and your spirit strives to allow you and support you to be in reality. Your ego can prevent you from listening. And so, as one of our guests spoke of this evening, it is important matter to understand that settling and grounding oneself will allow all the listening that he is doing to be heard. He makes a very good point, and we would like for you to understand that he is not alone, that many of you have a difficult time hearing. And as this one said, it is a practice. It is a very worthwhile practice to learn to hear and learn to understand what it is, that SADO, that Spirit, and your Guidance are providing for you because that information is very important for your growth and your experiences. The feeling of love is incomplete without your ability to hear with your heart and with your mind and with your spiritual energy that is within you.
We appreciate, kind Sir, you bringing that information to the group for this evening. Some believe that the simple quotations that they offer are inadequate and unimportant. We hope we have proven to you that the information that you shared is very important to all who are with us this evening as well as all who will read the transcripts after they have been processed and placed onto the website.
We appreciate all of you being with us this evening, and now, if you would have any questions about these topics or any other topics, we would be happy to provide information that might help your growth and your experiences.
Participant 1: Yes. Could you give us some information on when a spirit gets what we believe to happen, stuck in the astral plane, what we refer to ghosts, or a wondering spirit that hasn’t completely transferred over to the other side.
SADO: Kind Sir, we appreciate your question. And we would like to provide information with regarding this in a simplistic way, and that is, they are not listening and they are not hearing. There IS no being of energy that is “stuck”. There are beings of energy who have made the choice, usually due to fear, to not join the spiritual realm. Those are unfortunate souls who at any time could join the spiritual realm if they would allow their guidance to be able to provide that mode of transportation for them. But as we have also explained, no soul is ever alone, even those who feel they deserve to be alone. No soul is ever alone because when the Guidance is assigned by Spirit, that job never ends. The ghosts, as you say, are ones who have the ability to join, but they have chosen not to. Some of these choices are because of erroneous information that they were given when they were in the body.
These ghosts have no ability to communicate as SADO does and as many others who you have heard from have the ability to do. They can create some effects, but when you are able to connect in with their guidance, and you Sir, are able to connect in with their guidance to say, “I’m not interested in the experience of having this energy around me at this time,” they will make sure that the energy does not have the ability to impact you. And we would like to ask for the follow-up question.
Participant 1: When we do transfer, when we do make a transition directly to spirit realm, does that happen quickly? Do we take it slowly? Do we take our time doing it? Sometimes we’ve heard of the spirit hospital where other spirits will help make a slow transition. I assume that has a lot to do with our beliefs as we are right now, the type of information that we’re sharing as to how quickly or easily we would transfer over once the body is done.
SADO: So, we are going to shake our finger at you for a nanosecond and say to you, “you refer to time when we are speaking of spiritual energy?” There is no time as we do not measure time as you know it. There is no day and there is no night. There is no need for meals and there is no need for sleep. There is only infinity and that is not measure. The transition happens in a shorter amount of measured time than you are aware. The ability to become comfortable in the new situation might do what you say about measured time, as the convalescence happens, where the soul energy is able to look around and see where this new life is going to be. It is not about transition as the transition has already happened. It is the adjustment from one atmosphere to another. And we ask if that was helpful to your understanding?
Participant 1: Yes, thank you.
SADO: And you are very welcome.
Participant 2: I have a question about shootings in schools. Is there a contract between the shooter and the victims? Was that a decision of these children to leave at this time, in that manner as an experience?
SADO: We appreciate your question, and we also appreciate your very hard work in bringing SADO’s message to the masses. Please know that you are guided by special light with regard to all of your time and energy which you are so graciously providing.
We would like to reiterate that there is always an agreement of the soul energy about when the termination of the energy within the body will happen. Most of these determinations are not set in stone with regard to the day and the time. So if a shooter has decided on June 1, 2099, to take the lives of innocent children, would it be on the children’s spiritual calendar that on that day they would return home? The answer to that is generally no. What you would find on the child’s contract is that, if at some point in my lifetime, I could have the opportunity to advance civilization by providing a true experience for my family, my loved ones, society as a whole, I would be willing to do this.
There is not a contract between a school shooter and a child necessarily. And when we say necessarily, this one is balking and asking for more specifics. So we will say it is possible that the shooter and a particular energy that might be residing in a child has a contract to be able to help the shooter have a significant lesson, but this could also be when the child is a physician and the shooter is all grown up and goes to that child who is now a physician and the child is able to help him cross over and transition.
Normally, that is not the situation. But those children who have been involved in this kind of, as you would say, traumatic situation, will those children have the knowledge? No. Will the soul say, “Yes, I can transition because I believe that the experiences that I have had, I have no more experiences in this particular body that I would like to have”. It may be damaged beyond repair; it may be disabled to a point that that child can no longer be able to do what the child wanted to do and experience and grow in their lifetime and again, it may be a situation where the child sees that the extinguishing of their energy is going to benefit society as a whole.
We ask you if that was helpful in your understanding.
Participant 2: Yes, thank you.
SADO: You are welcome, our sister.
Participant 3: So it sounds like this is speaking to the idea that there is not necessarily a conscious in the body recognition that it’s time to go, necessarily. The soul pretty much knows everything. But in the body, they may not have been ready in that moment or may not have been conscious in that moment of what’s coming. Is that correct?
SADO: That is correct, and we appreciate your question. We would like to tag some information on to that though, our sister, and say that if the consciousness of the body within the housing, within the earth suit, has the ability to hear, has the ability to listen and hear. At times, the consciousness becomes aware of the possibility that their time in the body is close to being ended. Oftentimes, you will know of souls who have spoken through their bodies to say, “Oh, I am not going to be around next year, or, that car is too fast for me to drive, or I feel like I am ready to go”, or some comment in that way that the family then has, in hindsight, to know that there was a consciousness of that soul within the body that was “predicting” the end of their experiences and growth. And we ask if that was helpful to your understanding?
Participant 3: Yes, thank you so much.
SADO: You are welcome, our sister.
Participant 4: Yes, I have a question. I have been doing hospice shift for many, many years. And the question that we always get from the family is, “When is my loved one going to take her last breath?” Now, I sometimes can sense, not necessarily the exact time, but yes, it’s with… We think there’s time. We think sometimes it’s 10 days, sometimes it’s 4 hours. And I totally understand, SADO, and thank you for that, what you have explained, because it helps me personally. But how could I make a family member understand that?
SADO: We will thank you very much, our sister, for all of the hard work that you have done over these years in spreading SADO’s message. We would like for you to accept the words from this one, and that is, it depends. Part of what it depends on is your relationship with the family that you are speaking to. Oftentimes, the energy that is within the housing is waiting for the family of loved ones to give it permission to separate from the body. And that is a difficult conversation to have with the family of a loved one who is dying. But if the relationship that you have allows for that conversation, it can be very useful. Sometimes when there is a delay in the dying, the separation, the contract for a new soul is being worked on. Sometimes if the body is not going to be utilized, there will be other souls who want to feel the extinguishing of the body, and they will pop in and out of the body to have the experience of what it feels like to die of a terminal illness, whether that has been a long illness or a very short one.
So you see the body is being used for many different purposes, but it is always used until it takes its final breath. What we would like to affirm with you, because you already know this, is that oftentimes the soul has left the body, but may still be in the room communicating and feeling the love of the loved ones who have come to experience the death from outside the body. That is a very important time, especially for those who have not felt the unconditional love that often comes at the time just before the death is happening, whether that be days or weeks. So you see, it depends. And we would I would like to know if that has been helpful to your understanding.
Participant 4: Yes, SADO. Thank you so much. I’ve had examples of those last moments or words that were said from a mother to a daughter. So thank you.
SADO: And you are welcome Our Sister, we would also like for you to know that the forgiveness that is being given from the one who is still in the body to the one who is leaving the body can be very helpful for the continuing experiences and growth of the one who is not separating soul from body.
Participant 4: Yes, and I totally understand that. Thank you.
SADO: And you are welcome, our sister. And we will take one final question as the energy is waning this evening.
Participant 5: Yes. When you talked about another soul stepping in to experience our earthly life, are we aware of that, or does the old soul come back, or how do we know if and when it has happened or if it’s happened many times in our lives or life here right now?
SADO: Thank you for asking your very good question. And we will say it is a difficult answer to provide because all of the scenarios that you have just presented are possible. There are times when the soul will come back to inhabit the body. If the new soul wants to experience the rehabilitation of the body, and the soul who came in with the body at birth does not have that interest, there can be a change then. If then after that situation, the body has rehabbed, then the old soul could come back into the body. Do the souls understand and know this is happening? Absolutely. Does the body understand this is happening? Not normally.
Participant 5: Okay. Because after going through cancer treatment and all the things that have gone on in my life, I can see them going, I’m out of here.” Just joking. But I was just curious, different times and different stages. I felt a little shift or something, and I don’t know.
SADO: The shift that you are speaking about may have more to do with the incredible growth that you have gained and created and been able to bring in from the experiences that you have had.
Participant 5: Okay, thanks.
SADO: And you are welcome.
And we appreciate your attendance this evening. And we hope that the information that SADO has been able to provide has been beneficial to your growth and your experiences. And it is enough.
May 9, 2024
I will be giving you this information but is was dictated by SADO. This is in essence their words so comes to you in bold type to indicate this. SADO wants us to be thinking about what our foundational beliefs are about reincarnation. As I wrote the word “reincarnation” they scratched off reincarnation and put incarnation all in capital letters. Their belief system and teaching is about incarnation being a unique process, and there not really being a reincarnation. They will explain that as we go through this material.
SADO explains that in our world there are common beliefs regarding three different kinds of incarnations. One is linear, one is circular, and one is spiral.
Linear reincarnation portrays one life following the next, and those lives are sequential and each life is better than the last. You don’t inhabit the same personality. You don’t inhabit the same body. And for most of you, you won’t incarnate into the same circumstances. It will be a unique experience for you, for your soul, for your energy. This life will follow the last life that will follow the one before that life. It is a linear incarnation. Each life will be better than the last, and there is and will be more learning in each life, and each lifetime is more evolved. (Jane: I asked about that evolution, my question was, so each life will be better as far as what our ego believes?) Evolvement does not mean betterment. Evolved means that you will be on a higher educational area or plane. You’ll have a higher educational experience, and you will be able to learn more about your life, your spirituality, how you are actually going to be learning and developing. This particular incarnation believes in karma; what you give is what you get. This sometimes is confused with spiral incarnation, but we’ll talk about that as the third paradigm. In linear reincarnation, the focus is on you and how you’re actually doing in this lifetime. Depending upon how evolved you are in a particular lifetime will make a difference in how your ego is actually involved and how your ego sees this learning; this particular lifetime.
The second belief is called Circular incarnation, and this is what Seth talked about, that all lifetimes happen at the same time, and that the focus is on the higher self. The higher self sends out soul fragments, and we are each one of these fragments. Lots of fragments come into this circular reincarnation. It is the method of expansion of who you really and truly are. (Jane: And that’s one of the things that they talked about would be super helpful for you to think about. How do you see the expansion of yourself? And how do you see that expansion as you came into this lifetime?) There is no karma in this circular incarnation. Karma does not exist here. What you do is not what you get. What you do is what you do, and what you do is your experience and your development and your evolvement.
The third process is called the spiral model. It focuses on who you truly are. This is external, perfect, and limitless. It’s the true expansion of self. This is as opposed to the higher self. You are who you always are and always have been. You are a member of a soul group, and that soul group does not change.
A member of our group who is here tonight has a good deal of information and memories of what he considers previous lifetimes. He has information regarding these previous lifetimes and believes he has had the same kinds of experiences, lifetime after lifetime after lifetime, but in totally different ways. He’s done enough study that he’s been able to find that golden thread that hooks them all together.
He knows he is the member of that soul group. He’s always been a member of that soul group, and all of his development stays within that soul group. As he develops, so does the soul group. And that’s the same for all of us in this spiral model that we are all the members of the same soul group, lifetime after lifetime. (Jane: Their problem with the word reincarnation is the fact that there are people who believe that reincarnation means they come back as the same person. They have the same experiences, almost identical. And what they’re saying is that is not correct. You do not reincarnate into the same body. You don’t reincarnate into the same family. You don’t reincarnate into the same job. You don’t reincarnate as in the similarities of how you actually see your life.) There could be thousands and thousands of souls in this soul group. Everyone that you meet, you come across, you learn from, you experience with, are very definitely in your soul group. Some think that this means that that’s only positive experiences, and that is incorrect. All souls have positive things and negative things that go on in their lifetimes, and your soul group is still part of that learning process. All members feel and think and experience what every other member feels, thinks, and experiences. If you are really angry and negative on any particular day and you don’t really know why, there is probably a member of your soul group that you’re very connected with that might have had, might have gotten fired from their job, or might have had a significant loss, or might have had an issue with a mental illness or something. There are always reason for your feelings. Sometimes when we have that sinking feeling or that depressed feeling, it’s a really good idea for us to be able to not only keep it to ourselves, but realize that there could be somebody else in our soul group who’s having that experience, having those feelings, and we can spend some time in meditation and in prayer for them. We don’t have to have a name and a face. We can just talk about it as a member of our soul group. This information is synonymous with that from Silver Birch, Seth, and Michael of the Michael Teachings, just to name a few.
There are thousands of different soul groups, and the mind of Source is in each soul group. There is creator energy, and that creator creates all members of all soul groups, and you are always going to be one with that creator energy. You can’t get away from that. You have that energy; you will continue to be that energy. Everyone creates everything. So, your soul group creates everything. They create the rainbows that they all see in the sky. They create the wars, the conflicts, the laws that are made. They create everything. We create everything and we incarnate on the Earth only once.
Those who do past life regressions, you’re actually seeing members of your soul group not yourself, not your spirit in those particular past life regressions. Some of them are very real, aren’t they? We can see ourselves there. We can feel the feelings. But if we go back a couple of steps to what they were talking about, we are part of that soul group. Everything that our soul group feels, we feel, and we experience it. We all have had many incarnations in lots of other dimensions. Lots of other dimensions. The members of SADO that have never been in physical body before on the Earth plane have had other experiences on other planets, but they’ve never been on Earth. (Jane: I can see those who will back up and back out a little bit when somebody is asking a question about their physical presence on Earth. They won’t speak about those experiences because they haven’t had those experiences, which is interesting, right?)
Expansion is an expansion of choice category. There’s no Earth school, just expansion. It doesn’t matter what planet you’re on or what energy you decide to take in during a particular lifetime. There is expansion available to you. That expansion is also available to you if you’re out of body. You don’t have to be in body to have that expansion.
The spiral is the sacred geometry which appears in so many of our experiences. Sacred geometry spiral starts in the middle and it’s like a snail and it just gets bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger. We might be at the top of the spiral at one point in time and then right in the middle at another point in time. But it stays all within that energy flux. When we know that we have utilized our energy to be in this body in this lifetime, that’s within that energy spiral. We can only know what our soul group knows and has experienced. We use the example that this one would love to know what it feels like to walk on the moon, but that’s not within her soul group experience. She can see somebody else having that experience, but can’t live that experience. If she was in that soul group with John Glenn she would be able to feel that in dreams, or maybe feel that through meditation, or maybe feel that through reading his story and his words and about what he has done. Without being in that particular soul group, she won’t be able to really have that relationship to really understand and feel what that’s about.
Those are the three that they talked about, linear, circle, and spiral.
SADO: And we are here.
Lynn: Welcome, SADO
And before we go into any questions that you might have. We will not be choosing to correct any of the information that this one provided for you. However, we would like to make sure you understand that reincarnation coming from many on your planet is a common thought process, and these thought processes are not accurate. Many in your life experience will give you the information that is opposite of what this one provided for you, for you to know that it is correct that you do not come into the same bodies. This one is questioning that as there seem to be children who have vivid memories of those who have passed from their bodies many decades before the child was born. This is simply because the one energy who has experienced the life many decades ago chose to be involved in the child’s life in a way that allowed for the memories of that individual to be placed into the child’s life. Yes, there have been many stories and many books and research done, but much of that research was done about reincarnation and not about afterlife. If the belief in afterlife was looked at more thoroughly through this research, they would understand the power of those who have the ability to reach into the child’s psyche and give them the information about that which they have experienced. This is for children who have come with this on their life plan to be open. Many of these children have grown through the years in a way that has allowed them to have continuous communication with those who are no longer in the body. And we will participate now with the questions that you may have.
Lynn: Okay, Participant 2?
Participant 2: Thank you, SADO. I was wondering, you talked about three types of incarnation. Linear, circular, and spiral. How does the soul choose between those types of incarnations? Or is it a choice or is it an obligation?
SADO: That is a very good question. With the question that was given to all participants before coming into this meeting, about your thought processes regarding what your foundational beliefs are in Reincarnation, SADO was hoping that by you thinking about what your belief system is, you would say, I believe in linear reincarnation, or I believe in circular incarnation, or I believe in spiral incarnation, without possibly having those titles at hand. However, what we would like for you to understand, and we did not give this one this information, there is no linear and there is no circular. There is only this spiral model. Your belief, your reading, your education that has led you to believe in the linear or the circular has some parts of these theories that are accurate. But in putting them all together, the truth is, the spiral model is the only one that is accurate. We are sorry to burst the bubble.
Participant 2: To me, it makes sense, because I believe in the soul families and the soul groups. So yes, it makes sense. What you just said makes sense. Thank you so much.
SADO: And you, our sister, are very welcome.
Lynn: Okay, we will take the next question from Participant 3
Participant 3: First of all, I just want to say thank you because as you already know, that was exactly where my momentum in my day was going. And as I live through a human lesson, it has been a really intense week and it’s been great, and it’s been hard, and it’s been a spiral. And I just had a session yesterday where I feel like my energy was shifted, and the energy work is so very important because I literally feel like today I’m a different vibration, which makes me capable of being able to receive more of where I want to go, which is to evolve into a life flow and to be able to express those things back and forth, but to allow others, my soul family, to act without me reacting or to get that balance a little bit better. And this clarification literally helped. And as you were talking about it, I saw things from that other soul. When you said the piece about the soul families, particularly today, I’m living that and experience that at the same time. And then I heard this tonight and I’m blown away. So, thank you.
SADO: And we appreciate you coming to this evening and sharing your thoughts. Would you be open to us making a small correction?
Participant 3: Of course. As long as it’s funny.
SADO: We would like for you and several others who are with us this evening to realize there is a difference between soul family and soul group. Soul family are those who you chose to come in with that have had the greatest power of teaching you inside of this particular incarnation. The Soul Group is there to support that learning, to allow you to expand that learning, and to have your back. That back might be for you to have a realization, a different kind of experience, the power and the control to move to the outside of that soul family and to be received by this soul group. We ask you to be careful about the terminology of soul family and soul group. We ask you to be thoughtful about this, and we ask you to prepare in your mind what group you are referring to, so that the family group does not accept the power that you have been willing to give it. This is not humorous, but it is very important for your development for you to understand that you have the ability to control your feelings about the family group and convert that somewhat negative, hurtful energy into the soul group so it can be digested and explained and learned from, and most especially dissipated. We ask if this information has been helpful to you.
Participant 3: Just a little bit. No, I’m just kidding.
SADO: And we appreciate your humor.
Participant 3: Thank you. I love you, SADO. Thank you.
SADO: And you are so loved by us and your entire soul group.
Lynn: Okay, we’ll move on. Participant 4.
Participant 1: Yes, good evening again, SADO. That was quite sneaky, putting three options, one of which was the true one. I would have signed up for number one, the linear incarnation routine. That’s what I’ve always typically believed in. So, there we go again. Something new and surprising. My one question about the spiral model; I believe you mentioned that we only physically come into existence one time, and all of our other experiences are someone within our sole group. Could you define that a little bit more?
SADO: We appreciate your willingness to allow us to use you as example and for us to hear your question and again, as the answer of the question, to use you as the example. We would like for you to tell this group, if you are willing to do so, about your belief of having the experience of being a Roman soldier.
Participant 1: The Roman soldier. I remember during the Roman Empire, having a number of lives where I would try to rebel against the Roman rule. I always thought I had a better idea that I knew a better way to do things in the Roman things. I always got caught. The doors knocked down, our group got there, and I was tortured and killed many times in many ways. The Romans were very good at that type of thing. That period has given me a certain paranoia of authority throughout the ages. That’s what I would say about the Roman period.
SADO: Thank you. And now we would like you to retell your story with the understanding of the spiral incarnation model, where you understand that those memories are depictions of what happened, not to you, but to your brothers and your sisters in your soul group?
Participant 1: With a spiral connection, I would remember that I belong to a spirit or a soul group that is technical in nature and is always looking for answers, always on a quest for understanding. Given that and the fact that we live in the oneness and that there is no difference between any of us, past, present, future, those experiences that I thought were my own lifetimes, could simply have been others of like-minded vibration and energy which were testing the bounds of the authority at the time, the Roman Empire’s authority, and were not successful with it. Again, it was a quest for knowledge, it was a quest for information, and it went against the political system. I would very much be able to experience by being part of this particular group, which has always been the same since creation. By being part of that group, I would be able to experience the incarnations of others within my group and understand intrinsically what they went through. And by that, our whole group learns and grows as a unit within the oneness.
SADO: BRAVO! Very good, our son. We would like you now to re-ask your question with that knowledge.
Participant 1: I still am a little confused at the idea that we only have one lifetime. I mean, I remember lifetimes on other planets and other dimensions. So, are you stating that the other experiences that I remember were not physical incarnations, but they simply are the energy and vibrations of others within my soul group, and this then, therefore, is the only time that I have a physical experience?
SADO: Eureka!
Participant 1: Wow, that’s very different. I guess in a sense, it makes no difference at all. It’s still the same thing, isn’t it?
SADO: That is correct. But now you have the power. You have the power to see yourself within this soul group as having problems with authority or learning that you have the experience to understand that this is not about you. This is about your ability to teach others about authority, about the authority that is being utilized correctly and authority that is not being utilized in a way that is best for the entire energy system in this soul/sole group.
Participant 1: I would have to say that’s rather profound, and that is not the same as experiencing other groups. That puts everything back on me as an individual as a responsibility to the whole, the greater. That’s actually going to take quite a while for me to process that. That’s quite an insight. Thank you.
SADO: And we would let you know that you are able to do that within seven months. (Jane: this is a private joke between this member and SADO.)
Participant 1: Okay. All right. Got it. Your humor is highly appreciated, and it’s quite cutting. Thank you.
SADO: As is yours, our son.
Lynn: Participant 5, please.
Participant 5: Hi. Thank you all. And thank you, SADO. Wow, this is tipping the apple cart. I just saw participant 1 shaking his head. I agree, participant 1. I’m thinking this is lots to ponder, and so I’m going to feed off of participant 3. I’ll look forward to rereading the transcript to do additional processing of what’s been presented so far. So, by the definition that you gave, SADO, of family, the family, soul family and soul groups, I’m visualizing that there can be an overlap in those two, both family and group. And I just have a strong curiosity. So, our soul family is beyond our genetic inherited family in this lifetime? And I’m curious if there’s a quantifiable number to our soul family and our soul group as pure curiosity. And big curiosity question, can we identify just for kicks or for an interesting networking who is in our soul family? And presuming my grasping in our soul family is smaller than the soul group. But can we identify if our soul family is, like I said, I’m interpreting it’s larger than our genetic family? And is there a way to identify that, to have a different kind of a bonding with these people as we go through this particular life? And asking those questions, I’ll just say, you’ve opened up a whole new, quote unquote, can of worms, which is going to be fun to discuss with others. So, thank you very much, SADO. It’s been a quite interesting presentation.
SADO: And we appreciate your questions. Your soul family is not your genetic family, although all members of your genetic family are in your soul family. This soul family is not only your genetic family, but also those who come into your life, as we told our sister, participant 3, that they are people that you learn and support you, but also those who challenge you greatly. Your soul family is easily identifiable by all those who you have a significant encounter with. It could be someone who you help to carry groceries across the street and without you knowing that person would have tripped and fallen with the groceries that would have changed their life. Your soul family is all of those who have significant impact on your life in body. Your soul group, to quantify as you have requested, can be in the thousands, and are all of those who you come into contact with, even if it is for a second of what you would consider time, these are all that you have the possibility of impacting with and being impacted by. All that you meet on the street, all that you smile at, all that you have any interaction with will be amongst your soul group.
It is important that while you are in body, that you keep that in mind because you don’t know how you are impacting others, but they are in your soul group. There are others who are in your soul group that for one reason or another, you may not have a significant contact with. They may live in a different area of the world. If you have opportunities to visit that area of the world or they have opportunities to visit where you currently are and they pass by that opportunity, they are still within your soul group. You may be able to feel them, but you may not have a physical connection with them. We hope that that has answered your question.
Participant 5: Yes, those initial ones. I said, yes, you’ve opened up quite a bit, so I look forward to our future discussions, and as this continues to layer and opening up our understanding. But yeah, I’ve opened up more. But yes, thank you very much, SADO.
SADO: And you our sister are welcome.
Lynn: Okay. Participant 6, did you have a question? Your hand was up before.
Participant 6: It was, but I thought I wouldn’t ask it, but I will now. But I received spiritual response therapy or SRT. There’s a mention of past parallel lives, and I was just curious what that might be if it is something.
SADO: The SRT that you speak of was given by Spirit to the founder, Robert Detzler. He is with us tonight. It is a good program. Unfortunately, it has not evolved in a way that has been keeping it available and modernized to provide for this time and space. The information regarding parallel lives is simply, and we are glad that you answered this because it goes into the incarnation information, wherein those members of your soul group may not be in physical body at this time on this planet. You could very well have parallel lives, meaning members of your soul group who are having other experiences, on other planets, and/or other wavelengths, as you may say. Parallel lives is not a specific life about your specific energy, but can be a member of your soul group who you are able to have experiences of memory, of relationship, of energetic feelings because of what it is that they are experiencing.
Participant 6: Thank you, SADO.
SADO: And you are welcome, our sister. And we will take one more question this evening.
Lynn: Participant 8, I guess you’re next.
Participant 8: Hi, SADO. So just to clarify, if I understand what you’re saying. The soul group is always part of your soul forever since creation, but the soul family can just be part of you in this incarnation. Is that correct? Just for learning?
SADO: You are simplifying a very complicated scenario, our sister, but we will do our best to uncomplicate it for you. You have the ability and the responsibility to make decisions on what it is that you would like to experience during the time that you are within the physical body. There are some that you will surround yourself with during this lifetime that can help to engage in those experiences. There are those who will be able to support you, and there are those who will be able to challenge you in this lifetime that you have chosen what it is that you would like to experience. In this soul group, in this spiral model, you are so able to have experiences of thousands of other souls who may, as the last sister spoke of, may be on this planet, may be on others, may be on other wavelengths, and you may definitely be able to have experiences of those who are in your soul group that you can see and you can follow and you can be a part of. The question of the family, soul group, is only for this lifetime, correct? (Jane: SADO further explained to me that the soul group is from the creator and has come together to provide for your benefit of learning and experiences for the time you are going to be in this lifetime. When you cross you will be able to access other members of other soul groups because the necessity of the soul group for your learning is not needed across the veil. The soul family is no longer together as a soul family when you cross the veil for the same reason. Of course, you can be connected to the soul family but the relationships will not be as they were when you were in body because they aren’t necessary or even possible across the veil.) Because you will only be in the body for this one lifetime. The soul group is a group of souls that you will be with during this lifetime and many others. There is a caveat to this which means that when you cross the veil, you will have the opportunity to connect and reconnect with other members of other soul groups that have had unique experiences to your own. You may be able to have acquaintances and learning from them. But please remember what our brother has schooled you in knowing that we are all One. We have always been One. We will always be One. What you feel, I feel. All of SADO feels. What you experience, I see. And all of SADO sees. That is how we understand what it is that is needed in your conversation of this rule? That is how we plan the topics. It has nothing to do with this one. We would like for you to more than anything understand that you are one with the Creator. The Creator who is not human, who has never been human, who will never be human. You are one with the energy and therefore one with all energies; man, woman, animal, plant, mineral, vegetation.
And it is enough.
June 13, 2024
SADO: And we are here.
Lynn: Welcome SADO
SADO: We will continue to be present this evening, and we welcome you for the interpretation of our chat with you last month. We hope that you have found questions to ask to clarify the information that was given, and we appreciate you returning for more confusion. Ha ha ha.
But first, we would like for you to receive the information from this one on the work that we have been doing for her for the last six weeks. She would like for us to provide this information to you, but we feel strongly that her interpretation of this information will be more helpful. We will be here, as you know, to provide the information to her if she gets off track. Ha ha ha.
Jane: About six weeks ago, I had a mammogram and it was considered a “bad” mammogram. They found something on the mammogram that they were very concerned about and wanted/needed to do further testing. A couple of weeks after that I had a biopsy that also did not prove things to be normal. A couple of weeks after that, I had a lumpectomy. Before the lumpectomy, three different radiologists from three different facilities and two different pathologists had all decided this was a malignancy and something that I would need to be dealing with through surgeries and treatments.
What most of you don’t know is that 38 years ago, I had breast cancer. Accordingly, it would have been almost impossible for them to say this was a recurrence due to the amount of time elapse from the first cancer. However, the test results that I received 38 years ago are null and void according to the information we now know to be true. There is a complete incongruence between the type of cancer diagnosed and the sensitivities it had. I was either diagnosed with the wrong type of cancer or it did not hold the sensitivities, namely that it was not estrogen positive. We don’t know. So that would rule out any possibility of it being seen as a recurrence.
The surgeon completed the lumpectomy and was “pretty certain” that it was malignant. However, five days later I received a phone call from the surgeon saying that the tissue was clear of any malignancy! Although you might think that’s the time to celebrate, for me it added a lot more confusion. We use the Cleveland Clinic here in Ohio. They had sent it to two different facilities; one being the Main Campus, and both pathology centers got the same results.
This brings me to the reason SADO wanted this story shared with you. I have been struggling for probably eight months with the guidance from many sources that there is no separation. It just doesn’t fit well in my brain. I’ve been working with SADO regarding that confusion. When this scare happened, I again went back to SADO asking how can there not be a separation? I couldn’t find a reason why my body, whom I believed was only taking orders from my soul/spirit could be growing this disease? I couldn’t be any happier, I couldn’t be any more fulfilled in what’s happening in my life. Our kids are healthy and great. Our grandkids are healthy and wonderful. I just couldn’t understand it. When I had cancer the first time, I changed almost everything in my life except for my husband and two kids. This time, there wasn’t anything to change that I could find. And so again, that set me up to have a lot of confusion about the separation – that there is no separation.
I started concentrated work with SADO. Through the weeks and months SADO prepared me through foundational information that there is indeed separation. The information that we have received – there is no separation is not true. The difference is partially connected to our meeting in May in the fact that the spark that’s in each of us cannot be separated from The One, from Creator. That’s where the statement, there is no separation has total validity. But there is a separation when we take on a body. The body is not always connected with what happens to the spark. And that is a unique idea and thought process to me. I have always felt that it was the same; that our thoughts create whatever is going on for us in and by the body. What we need to change and to do if the body is ill is to go back to the spark; to work toward atonement. Basically, we are undoing the ego’s thought system and aligning with the divine, with SPIRIT. What SADO has talked with me about is that there are times when our body shows a specific issue that may not be connected with the spark that is of The One.
SADO explained that our bodies can have things that happen that are caused by environmental and genetic issues. Illness doesn’t always have to be connected to the mentality of the present. It doesn’t always have to be connected with where we are spiritually. Now when I go back into my initial training of S.R.T; Spiritual Response Therapy and Spiritual Restructuring, it makes more sense because we can be working with the body realizing the illness has not been promoted by the spark, by The One.
This might not be news to you. You may have already gotten this, thought about this. It sits well into your own plan of what it is. But for me, this was a different way to think about it and a different way to heal. It allowed me to work on healing the body and getting that spark, that Oneness involved in healing the body, but not the healing of the spark, not the healing of the Oneness.
That’s the information that SADO wanted me to share with you which is a little bit related to what happened last month, but I think hopefully it’s helpful to someone who is here tonight. And with that, I’m going to go back to “sleep”.
SADO: We appreciate the information that was shared by this one because it will be helpful for those of you who are working within the confines of the physical body and will help you to heal in a way that may be a unique part of healing for you. This is also seen in the, although modified, religion of Christian Science. Everyone seems to have a piece, but it needed to be explained so that you will have the option of knowing whether the physicality that you have in your lives is related to this spark; the mental health, the spiritual health, the emotional health or if it is coming into the body who has perhaps gotten some mixed signals on how it needs to work within the mitochondria as well as the DNA. We would be happy to take questions and comments about that process, and we are also open to questions and comments regarding the incarnation material that we provided for you at our last meeting.
Chris: Participant 2, go ahead.
Participant 2: Thank you for what the medium just shared with us. That’s quite profound. While I’m trying to process that, I would like to go back and discuss the spiral reincarnation concept. A few of us have discussed it and we found it to be difficult. As you know, I’ve been very obsessed with my last lifetime, which I perceived to be my last lifetime as a German soldier. SADO even gave me homework on processing that. I put that uniform on again and played that part in World War II reenactment. I met myself still standing in the woods where I was shot through the heart and helped myself go to the light. So, I, this time, met myself in the past. I was still standing there from shock. I found out who the sniper was that shot me. It was First Sergeant Rosa Shanina, a woman, and I have a plaque of her and all the medals that she won on my wall. My point is, I can go on and on and on. That experience was so real to me that I’ve done a great deal of processing in this lifetime of that. I also remember many, many…
I have vivid memories of many lifetimes going back through the ages. It seems odd to me that those would not be me, my spirit, having a physical experience because they seem so real. According to your spiral theory, this is it. We get one physical shot on Earth which really falls into the Christian doctrine. And then within the Oneness, we experience these through our soul group. It’s difficult for me to accept that. Could you give us some more insight on that concept?
SADO: We appreciate you coming forward with your questions and the story of how you have been working to interpret. We will say to you, Sir, that it depends. Your coming into this lifetime has been to be of service. You may perceive that you have been in service to your family, perhaps to your job, perhaps to your parents, perhaps to your siblings, perhaps to your friends. But that helpfulness, that service, is only a drop in the ocean. The service that you are providing for those who have had the experiences that you own as your own because they are so real, we would like for you to think about if and how you would accommodate those stories that needed to be solved and put away if they were not real for you. There are others here this evening and others that will come at some time, who would do this work, this service in a much less real way. But that is not the way that you process life. It is not conjecture. It is not through coincidence. It must be proven to you. It must be real. It must be bigger than life. All of these aspects of your personality were created by you to be able to do this service during this particular lifetime.
We would say that when you dispel the possibility that you are doing this for someone else, that it is not possible for you to put the time and energy into this unless it was in particular about just you! And we would say to you, our kind brother, that is where your ego gets involved, and that is how you get stuck. Because when the ego speaks louder, then as this one would say, the spark, it does not serve you well in understanding the concept of incarnation through spiral means.
Participant 2: I’m not sure what to do with that information or if I understand it. I’ll have to study the transcript and meditate on that, I guess.
SADO: I would like for you to answer our question. And it is, “Is it fearful for you to know that you are in service to others?”
Participant 2: I think I’ve come to accept that idea, that concept, that that is a primary function of what I’m doing now. So, I do believe that.
SADO: And if this information about being a German soldier and being shot through the heart, you were NOT doing in service during this physicality and that it actually happened to you, would that be frightening?
Participant 2: My belief is that I did that entire lifetime to learn the difference between humility and arrogance, that that was the lifetime of humility by going through that process. And then by ending that lifetime when it was, I did not see the rebuilding of our country and the financial success that it created. It stopped at the lowest point possible. I believe that that had an effect, that that was a lesson for me of ego versus humility. I think that was very powerful. And I believe that was the purpose of that entire lifetime.
SADO: And what is it that keeps you from believing that this lifetime is your work through humility?
Participant 2: Keeping me believing that this lifetime is… I
don’t have an answer to that question.
SADO: You will, and we will make sure that you will.
Participant 2: Good. I look forward to that then. Thank you.
SADO: And we appreciate you coming, our brother.
Chris: Participant 3, you want to go ahead.
Participant 3: Yes. Thank you, SADO, for being here tonight. I’ve been struggling with the comment or the idea that we only incarnate on this Earth once. I guess I struggle because there’s so many past lives of not only those, including children that remember their past lives, but also have proven to have physical body markings or whatever from another past life that they remember. I guess I just need some more information as far as, as we grow and learn, if it’s not all on the Earth plane, is it on other planes that we continue to do that?
SADO: And we appreciate your question. And we would like for you to understand the stories of the children who remember a past life and have body markings ‘proving’ that the past life is being carried into this life. We would like for you first to understand the research, namely by Ian Stevenson, was looking for proof of reincarnation, not any information about the afterlife. What if these children have a mark on the arm where they were ‘shot’ in a “previous life”? We would like for you to consider, as our past brother has spoken, that if this information was about that child doing the service that needs to be done for the one who is in the soul group with the child, that the child has agreed to bring this forward in a way for that individual to process what has happened.
As our last brother spoke, we understand that the difficulty with the German soldier was that he was not able to progress. What if the child that you are concerned about takes that on as service to help the one who was shot in the arm progress. You see? It is a gift to be able to help those who have lived in this life in a way that is difficult for them to cross. If you go to the circular concept of incarnation or even the linear when all things are happening at the same time, there is no possibility for afterlife, and there is no possibility to work through those experiences, and there is no possibility of growth. The only growth that can be obtained is when that has been worked through service. It’s like you’re going to school as a first grader, and someone hands you a book and says, “read it”, without any help knowing how to read.
Those children that you speak of are progressing their inner selves, their spark, their Oneness by the service that they have agreed to do. You will also find in looking at that research that most of the children who have come in with that type of service to complete and have done so by either saying goodbye to family members, giving others an explanation of what happened, asking for or receiving forgiveness, will move on, and the child will no longer have those memories. Many will say, “Oh, they have grown out of it”. No, they have completed the service to that soul.
Participant 3: That helps, definitely helps. And gives me some more thought process on that. Thank you, SADO.
SADO: And you, our sister, are welcome.
Chris: Participant 4, You want to go ahead?
Participant 4: Thank you. Thank you, SADO. I have spent a lot of time in my head thinking about what I heard last month. And if I understood correctly, this unique incarnation on the Earth plane is a one-chance deal. And the memories that we have ascribed to past lives or deja vu or something else is our experiences of those in our soul group. If I have understood that correctly, my question is, how do we know that what we see, feel, and hear in this incarnation is really our only incarnation on Earth, or are we experiencing the experiences of others in our soul group? And I guess the question is, does it really matter?
SADO: Ah, our sister, your questions are a breath of fresh air. You have thought about this possibility and you have learned, and we appreciate you bringing this information into this group.
You are correct in saying, does it matter? But at some points, it does matter. As our brother was speaking first this evening, it is important for his ego to move out of the way and for him to be this servant who is helping others in this soul group. None of these stories that he is processing are coming randomly. All were agreed to before he came into the body. We would like for you to understand that there is a process of learning, of explaining, of experiencing these developments and work of those from the soul group that you have agreed to do, as opposed to hearing the tweeting of the birds in the afternoon and saying how much you enjoy. You learn from being of service to others, and you learn from all that you experience during this lifetime. You have that within your soul, and it all is passed through to all others in your soul group. And in that way, they also take a step forward in their spirituality, their ability to be graceful in the spirituality, their ability to teach others, and their ability across the veil to share and to teach and to gather in the experiences in a way that promotes who they are and how they are going to spend their experiences. This one was trying to get us to say time, ha, ha, ha, across the veil.
Participant 4: I think I understand what you said, but I need to absorb that. Thank you.
SADO: And we appreciate you coming, our sister, and providing this information that will also be helpful to others.
Chris: Participant 5, do you want to go ahead?
Participant 5: Yes. Hi, SADO. My question relates back to Jane’s conversation earlier about the spark and the separation. I was wondering if a health condition was caused, if there was a health condition that was not connected with the spark. Am I correct in thinking that that’s something that would not be on someone’s life plan but would rather be more of a random event because we chose to come down here in separation.
SADO: Our sister, you use the correct word, which is event. The event that caused the body to have this reaction is not the experience. The event will not provide for growth. It will not provide for teaching. It will not provide for helping others, who the pathologist, radiologist, and surgeon to use, to be helpful to others. The event is what has happened in the body that was not caused by the spark. The experience is what happened within and outside of the event. All learning comes from experiences. The experience that this one had with this event has been very helpful to those who are in her circle of soul group, including the professionals, and including those that she has shared this with, although reluctantly. It is more beneficial for her growth to have this information shared, but she finds it rather egotistical, which is the reason why this one wanted us to share it with you, but we insisted. And you know, when we insist, there is no question it will be done, ha, ha, ha. We hope that has helped you to have a better understanding of this element.
Participant 5: Yes, it has. Thank you.
SADO: And you are welcome.
Chris: Participant 6, you want to go ahead?
Participant 6: Yeah, I’m trying to put words on what I’m going to say, so let’s try this. There are several of us here that are practitioners of Jade or S.R.T. And we have charts that have items such as past lives and parallel lives. We were thinking that we were living these lives. But in the spiral model, what I think I understand, is what comes up in those charts are actually experiences from our soul group that I think still impact our lives in our current life for lessons or because we’re in service to heal a situation that occurred to some other soul. So how far am I from what it’s supposed to be?
SADO: We appreciate your thoughts on this, our sister, and we will tell you, you are right on the button. We would provide for you one other piece of information for you to perhaps include in your work. One is to ask how this is going to be beneficial to you. Is it going to help your growth or is it going to be most beneficial for the soul in your soul group who actually experienced it? Do you need to know? No. We are familiar with the process as it was given to Robert Detzler, and now used by you. Neither of you have the full story because, for Robert, it did not quite match what he was thinking at that time. For you, the information will continue to be gained as the society, community and other practitioners are able for it to be so. It is a living system. Being able to “clear” the event is the way that our brother, Robert, spoke about which is to grant the experience breathing space so that it could be remedied and so that soul could move on. The difference between the modalities, this one would say, and what our brother is doing is that you do not have to experience the pain and the trauma that was experienced by the member of your soul group. You are able to have the knowledge without having the experience, but both will provide growth for you and growth for the member of your soul group.
Participant 6: Thank you.
SADO: And you are welcome, our sister.
Chris: Participant 1, you want to go ahead?
Participant 1: Sure. So, SADO, I would like to talk about what Jane talked about at the beginning. I’m really trying to wrap my brain around this and ask for your help if my thinking so far is clear because this is really a lot to take in. So as, having the experience of a second breast cancer, years after an initial one, may or may not be connected to this spark within us and may actually just be a separate event. And the event could be because, let’s say, environmental issues, or as someone answered me when I said, why are so many more women seeming to get breast cancer now? I was told it was because about basically an attack that we are experiencing to femininity or women in our current lifetime. So, what I’m sitting here trying to wrap my brain around is, I was a 21-year survivor. I was told it was not a recurrence. I don’t know, and I’m trying to figure out, was this something that I chose to do or an event or experience that I took on in order to be of service to others? Am I interpreting what’s been said so far correctly?
SADO: We appreciate your ability and willingness to speak about the experiences that you have had, and we want you to know that the first incidence for you was definitely coming because of the discordance that was in your life at that particular time. If you don’t mind us being personal, there was much going on in that life that was creating an imbalance in many areas of your life, mentally and emotionally especially. It also provided for you, that was the event, but the experience provided much learning for you which you have put into play throughout your lifetime.
We do not disagree with what you have been told, but we will add to that information by letting you know that your first incidence was because of the imbalance that was created in your mitochondria. Currently you are experiencing a different incident, and it is not related. It is a process for you to again make some changes, but it is not about others. It is about you. It is about this time in your life and what it is that you have the ability to do to allow yourself to have the fulfillment in this part of your life in a very different way.
We will also tell you that you are in the same category as this one. We did not give her the information from pathology as there was an opportunity for growth through the experience and from the event. But she shared with her surgeon the statement, “oh, I guess my body just grows weird shit”. The surgeon did not laugh but agreed. It was her ability to reach into her book of understanding, to see and acknowledge the frustration, the fear, and not take it in an arrogant way. We have some bodies that are living on this Earth plane that have physical anomalies that medical science has not accurately depicted but will be able to do in the future.
We would like for you to know that your guidance, who, of course, is with us here this evening, has been guiding you into your treatment phases and has helped you make good decisions to protect the tissue that is in the body so it not be negatively affected as you have much learning to share. And we appreciate you being here this evening, and we would like to provide more information to you with regarding this if you have more that you would like to ask.
Participant 1: Like everyone else tonight, it’s a lot to process. And regarding the decision making and protecting the tissue and my guidance, I just made some decisions about dropping one kind of health care program that I felt wasn’t helping me and beginning a couple of new programs to build my body back up. So, I am guessing that you’re referring to that. Also, I made a major decision in my daily life about my work situation, which I assume, I’m guessing, is also coming. You’re talking about my guidance and helping me to make that decision to make that separation because, as you’ve told me, my path here is peace, to come to a place of peace.
SADO: And you are so correct. We are happy that you have been able to put that together and understand that you are being guided and led into what is going to provide for you the healthy foundation that you will need for this peace to be enacted and to be continued.
Participant 1: Thank you.
SADO: And we appreciate you, our sister.
Chris: Participant 7, you want to go ahead?
Participant 7: Yes. Hi, Sado. You know what I’ve been up to. I just wanted to go over some of the terminology and concepts of, and I don’t want to take too much time, of Jade process, but it’s continuing to evolve. And so, we use the term “soul” as soul being everything that SPIRIT is. And we use the term “aspect” as being the unique energetic package designed for this particular lifetime, the package that makes up me. And then we use hologram for physical body. And it is my understanding that guidance is working on all of those levels when I’m facilitating for a client.
The past life and the energies of others totally resonates with me, and I think that’s why we have a Soul Family Chart series. And if I had more time, I would want questions about the Soul Family categories as well. But I’m thinking that me, the unique energetic package that makes up me that’s experiencing on the Earth plane, that is it. When she’s done, she’s done. The last dance is the last dance. The soul is changing because SPIRIT is always changing. So, the configuration possibilities are different because the ocean is constantly changing from everybody’s uploaded learning. So, could another aspect of my soul live on Earth again? Or am I the only experience that my soul can have on Earth? I don’t know if that makes sense. I’m going to stop because you probably can answer all of everything in my head.
SADO: We appreciate your information. We appreciate your question, and we would like to first make a correction. Your process, Jade, is complete at this time from where we stand. It is not developing today. You are, however, getting the information when you are ready to receive it and when your Earth plane is ready to receive it. But it is a completed modality at this point. When you say the energetic package of you, it is not the energetic package that will disappear at the end of this physical life. It is the body. The energetic package will always be, and you have proof of this, as many who are on this call this evening have proof, if they have ever been in touch with a loved one in Spirit. You can go back centuries and connect with anyone who had a body and lived on the Earth plane. Can you not?
Participant 7: Absolutely can.
SADO: That is the reason why you know that the energetic package always exists. You are using terminology in a confusing way to us, because this soul is what remains forever. The soul is what gains the experiences, the education, the intellectual properties of all experiences that have been had by all of the soul group that exists in that container. So soul, energetic package, hologram; to us, the hologram is the part that can be connected with in a million years from now. The soul is the connection with The One. The energetic package is what we would say is being used to fuel the physical body. When you are with those that you have seen leave the body, the body is lifeless. The body cannot move. The body cannot see, it cannot hear, it cannot feel; it is hollow, or as we would say the beginning of the hologram. So, the energetic package belongs with the soul. It is a part of the soul. It is the part of the connection to The One, but it goes into the body in a way that energizes the body. When we look at the soul, the soul is the cable that runs between the body connecting the energetic piece and The One.
Participant 7: That makes sense. Thank you.
SADO: So, we appreciate your help with the SADO projects. And we will take one more question this evening.
Chris: Participant 2, you want to go ahead?
Participant 2: All right, so I’m going to come back for the follow-up. So, what I’m gathering is what I perceived to be my past life as a German soldier, I connected very strongly with a member of my soul group. It wasn’t me physically. I did that as service to help them process the end of that, particularly when I found that particular individual standing in the woods 80 years later, still stuck and sent them to the light. So, to really fully appreciate what happened, I need to not take that as an ego lesson. It’s actually more powerful if I do it as service rather than me doing it for myself. I learn more, and the soul group learns more by not being tied into the ego, and I can sort of see the power now that it gives us more or greater possibility by having these experiences for others within our group and for the whole of the group rather than us thinking in linear terms that this is me and I’m doing this for me and look what I used to do and that’s why I am now and all those kind of things. Is that a better way to look at this?
SADO: We are very proud of you. You have taken very little time to put this into a process that makes sense to you and that you can find helpful. We have one wish with this understanding, however, and that is to spread the good news to your fellow man. You have the understanding. You know that this is true because it feels right in your gut. That is not a statement that we can make to all on Earth, but we can make that to you. And we are pleased, our son, with your learning and with your ability to express yourself in ways that will be very beneficial to others.
A question was asked that SADO wanted to answer after the program finished. The question is, why did SPIRIT choose to use a spiral as a physical description of incarnation.
SADO: The spiral is seen in many places in your society and means continuous movement from the center point. The center point is the soul, the energy package and the connection to the One. Each point on the spiral provides an opportunity to be of service to yourself, your soul family or soul group member. Each point is an opportunity for growth and shows how all learning experiences go back around the spiral into the center to feed and nurture all whether in a body or in spirit. There is no other symbol that quite so superbly shows this movement and synergy of events, experiences, growth and development. We appreciate the question.
And it is enough.
JULY 11, 2024
SADO: And we are here.
Lynn: Welcome SADO.
SADO: And we appreciate the time you have given to experience the information that we would like to bring to you this evening. This is the perfect group to be with us this evening and we are happy to be speaking to you regarding your needs, for information, for growth and for experiences. We would like to take you on a journey this evening to provide the foundation for what it is that we would like for you to learn about. This is going to be information that will provide for you the ability to receive and give peace. This journey that we will be taking you on is one that you will be able to use in the coming days, weeks and months. All of you appear to be from places where the political unrest could be part of your future. It is important now that you have the ability to gain peacefulness in your heart and in your soul so that you have the ability to tamp down the energy of the ego. The ego would like for you to become involved in unpeacefulness, in unrest, and we would like for you not to give in to that and to learn ways for you to have and hold the peace in your heart and in your soul.
So, we ask for you to become comfortable wherever you happen to be and if it is safe for you to close your eyes as we will be asking you to picture, to experience, to feel that which you will have a greater ability to do with your eyes closed this evening. So, we ask you to take a deep breath in and out. And we ask you to feel the breath coming down from the top of your head down into your heart chakra. For those of you who may not understand that terminology, it is in the center of your chest. The heart chakra for many who are inhabiting the human body, at this point in time, is the residential part of the soul. We would like you to breathe from the heart chakra and breathe into the heart chakra. And we would like for you to keep your focus on the heart chakra and to generate and recognize peace in that part of the human existence as well as the spiritual existence. Let peace come into the body, and peace be welcomed by the soul. Feel the peace and what it is that peace feels like for you.
Is it warm? Is it cool? Does it feel smooth? How would you describe this feeling of peace within your body to someone else? What does it feel like? Now listen. Listen for the sound of peace. What does peace sound like? Is it a voice? Is it a tone? Is it a song? Is it a sound? Now what is it that it feels like? What is it that it sounds like? Are you able to recreate the peace? What is it that it smells like? We ask for you to memorize how this feels, what sound it makes, what does it look like? Does it have a color or an intensity? Memorize peace within your own body and within your own soul. Memorize. Now we ask you to complete that memory and put it in a treasure box that you will be able to access at any time during your life. You see, the peace comes when there is no conflict and no chaos. Your ego would like for you to carry conflict within your heart chakra, because it gives the ego control. And as we have spent time together, the ego’s control is not beneficial to you experiencing what it is that you have the ability to experience in this lifetime.
Your treasure box is guarded, and the ego cannot use what is in your treasure box. What else does your treasure box hold that brings you peace? Does it hold pictures from your heart? Does it hold memories? Does it hold feelings? Does it hold mindfulness? Does it hold energies? Now pack all that holds peacefulness for you into your treasure box and find a safe place for your treasure box where only you can access it. Knowing that you can utilize the energy from your treasure box anytime you do not feel peacefulness in your heart, in your soul or within the physical body. Not having peacefulness in this lifetime creates illness of the mind and of the body. We would like for you to take another deep breath in and out. And think of a scenario, at this time, that you have experienced within the last few days where you were reaching for peacefulness or you were experiencing conflict or you were feeling you needed peace and you did not have it. Now bring that back to mind in all the detail that you can. Open your treasure box, utilizing the energy that is contained within to rethink that experience, bringing peace and no ego into your body, your heart and your soul. You see, having peace within is your ability at all times. When you are not peaceful, your thoughts are somewhere with your ego. It might be anger, confusion, it might be conflict, but you have the ability to use the energies within your treasure box, to bring the peace into your life. Peacefulness is required for you to have health in this world, in this physical body. You have the ability to shut down the ego and as we tell this one, the ego is noise. When you are experiencing noise internally or externally, it is the ego. It may not always be your ego. It could be noise from your group, your soul family, your soul groups. It could be ego from your next-door neighbor. It could be ego from any number of choices, but you have the ability to turn it off by changing your thought, by changing your thoughts to what is in your treasure box. This is how you generate egoless peace. The ego is tricky. It wants you to believe that it can provide peace. But if the ego is providing peace, you will also find conflict. You will also find judgment. And that is not the peace that will heal your body and your mind. The peace that will heal your body and your mind is the peace from Spirit, the peace from your soul, the peace that runs through your heart chakra.
Now we request that you breathe in and out as a cleansing breath, one more time. And we ask you now to pay attention to how it is that you can provide peace to those around you. It is not only about providing peace for yourself, but it is also having the ability to provide peace for those who are around you. Your treasure box, as we have said, provides peace for you. You having the peace in your heart allows you to provide peace to others. Feel the peace welling up into your heart chakra and release it as a ball of energy to the front of you, right in front of the heart chakra. You might be able to feel the peace with your hands. But either way, you would be able to sense that the ball of peace is there. Now think of someone else that you would like to share that peaceful energy with and push that peaceful energy to that other being. It might be someone in your same location. It might be someone in your soul family or your soul group. It might be someone who is far away. Peace knows no bounds. Not physical, not mental, not emotional, not spiritual. Peace is always available to you and to anyone you would like to share it with.
Now go back to the heart chakra, generating the peaceful energy there. And this time, push the peaceful energy to the one or group that you used as an example of someone or something that you had a conflict with, someone who created anger or confusion or conflict. You have the ability to help provide peacefulness to the least among you. How does it feel for you to provide the peace to another? Not knowing what it is that they are feeling or experiencing, but just knowing how you have been able to provide peace for others. And we ask you now to breathe in and out. And when you are ready, you may open your eyes and rejoin with all the souls who are in this group this evening. And we would like for you to use this group only for this part of the program. We would like for you to gather the energy in your heart chakra and push it to someone you see on the screen that you do not know. And we ask for you to feel the energy that we, SADO, is pushing from the “heart” of the SADO to you. We ask you to feel that. This energy is always for you. It is always strong. It is always available.
We wish for you to know that we are always sharing the energy of peace, peacefulness, non-judgment, love, forgiveness from our heart to yours. We would also like to provide for you a bit more detail on how your thoughts can be used to provide peace for you. The first objective is to realize you are not in peace. When you are able to realize that you are not peaceful, you can put the plan into effect to generate the peace within the heart chakra and allow it to flood through your body. When you do that, some of you may get a little, as this one would say, push back but recognize that it’s coming from the ego and when you are able to use this lovely energy of peacefulness, the ego becomes weaker.
Having a weaker ego is a good goal for you to have. And we would like for you to think about that, own that, and most especially practice that. Our sister Christine will be putting this exercise on the YouTube channel. So, you will have SADO’s words to practice this exercise. It is a very good idea for you to become very efficient in doing this particular exercise for the next several months.
And we thank you for the opportunity to be able to work with you in this way for this time. We would like now to open the group program for any questions that you may have. We understand there is still some confusion about the program from two months ago, and we would like for you to feel free to ask any questions you have about any subject that you believe that SADO can be helpful to you.
Chris: Participant 1, go ahead.
Participant 1: SADO, thank you for that exercise tonight. And I have to say that my ego really got activated when you announced what you were doing. And now at the end, and it’s because of the political situation in the United States, and I’m trying or working very hard to be peaceful and not get caught up in what’s going to happen here. And I’m wondering if you would be able to tell us any more or any detail about what we might be expecting between now and the election in November. Just to be a little bit more prepared, not be blindsided by it. And I will definitely be practicing this exercise.
SADO: We are very happy to hear from you this evening, as this exercise was especially created for you and several others who are in attendance this evening. It is helpful for all who will have the opportunity to learn and practice this. But it was especially created for those who have strong egos who would be very well helped by tamping the energy of the ego down. So, we appreciate your question.
We would like for you to hear one of the developments that we have had to interject into the heart and the mind of this one. And that is to not judge but adjust. It is going to take much adjustment for those of you who live in this country to work through the changes that will be happening for the next several months. One day you will hear that one side will win. The other day you will hear the other side will win. This is not a game where there are winners and losers. Everyone wins and everyone loses. No matter when we say that if your candidate wins, you will lose because you will lose the opportunity for spiritual advancement in dealing with that which you don’t agree with.
You see?
Participant 1: Yes.
SADO: So, it is important that we look at all as exercises and experiences that you will be able to obtain while you are wearing the Earth suit. At this point, it is not written how the people in your country will provide for themselves. The ego can be very strong, and those who do not understand the way of peacefulness will create much anxiety and chaos. We bring you this program tonight so that you will have the advantage of not entering into that mode. It will not benefit anyone to be chaotic in feelings, in thoughts, in worries, in anxiety, in brain activity. No. Finding ways to be peaceful is what needs to happen now and for the future.
SADO will always be with you. You have experienced this, and we ask you to speak from your heart about times when you know SADO has been with you, times that could be very chaotic for you.
Participant 1: I’m not sure what you’re asking me. If you’re referring specifically to the political situation?
SADO: No, we are speaking about the health situation.
Participant 1: The health?
SADO: Yes.
Participant 1: I have a lot of physical symptoms going on right now that are, I’m figuring are all because of the distress and turmoil that I am surrounded with on a daily basis and conflicts with how to respond to people or not respond to people. My upset that people would be willing to put a sexual predator into the White House, which is a very, very emotional subject for me, that women, that so many women are so accepting of being marginalized, that they would accept someone like that leading this country. And I think, though I’m not a crier, I’ve lately been feeling like I’m on the edge of tears for many things coming up. It just; this situation makes me feel very vulnerable.
SADO: And so we would like for you to provide us with information, if you were able to generate peacefulness in your heart this evening?
Participant 1: I did get, finally get to a place of feeling calm in my heart. It took a while.
SADO: So, what we would like for you to understand is that finding the peacefulness in your heart also provides for your body the ability to heal and the ability to not have your energy being utilized in ways that do not provide for you. We would like for you to understand that the fretting is not going to change. We are not saying to sit on your hands, but we are saying to understand that the worry is expecting a negative outcome. We do not want to put energy into negative outcomes. Trying to understand the unpeacefulness that others have creating chaos is a waste of your energy and is counteracting the healing that SADO works to provide for you.
Participant 1: Okay, I hear you.
SADO: and we understand that your heart hears as well.
Participant 1: Thank you.
Chris: Participant 2, you’ll have to unmute yourself.
Participant 2: Yes. Thank you. Thank you, SADO. Embracing peacefulness, incorporating peacefulness leads me; I see the lessening of ego. I feel it translates into a message and a need to willingly relinquish control. To understand and accept that I cannot control the actions, the thoughts, the existence of anyone else, and sometimes not even of myself. That leaves me in a very peaceful, albeit, almost empty place. Not sad empty, but just empty. And my question is, when you reach that point of peacefulness, where do you go after that? How do you deal with the fact that your life has been planning and doing and reacting? I don’t know if you understand what I’m asking. I’m not able to verbalize it in any different way.
SADO: You have done an excellent job verbalizing nirvana. Why is it that you feel you need more than nirvana?
Participant 2: Only from 71 years of hearing that I should be accomplishing more. Only now I don’t really care. So, I’m not sure I do need anything more.
SADO: 71 years of hearing ego.
Participant 2: Yes.
SADO: And working so hard for the past 71 years. Also, of creating space so you can recognize ego, but you do not have to be judged as having negative ego, but not allowing ego to create the chaos and tuning ego out is providing you with what we call nirvana. If you feel like you are empty and need permission to spread the nirvana around, you my dear, have our permission to so, to teach, to experience, to provide for others. They may not know what it is that you are doing. They do not need to if you’re spending time pushing that lovely peacefulness from the heart to others. What an incredible job, profession, gift you are giving to others. Not only just those in Earth suits, those in your soul group, and your soul family, to those in the wood, the animals, the plants. All can use the peacefulness that you have expertly learned how to have.
Participant 2: Thank you.
SADO: And you are, sister, we thank as well.
Chris: Participant 3. Go ahead.
Participant 3: I would like to ask the same exact question Participant 2 asked in a slightly different way, because it’s something I’ve been trying to consider or think of solutions to for many years. So, we all understand what it’s like to be ego driven and that’s how we accomplish things in the world, or we do what we’re supposed to in the world. Then we move into the spiritual realm, and we find peace, a lot of peace. And I found that when I moved into the, into peace, it was so nice being there that I really didn’t care about accomplishing anything. I don’t really have the same drive or motivation to do the metaphysical projects, which I have a desire to do. But I haven’t been able to find what exactly to replace the ego drive with within the oneness or the spiritual aspects. Some insights on that, perhaps.
SADO: And we so appreciate you, our brother. We would like to take a second to do our ha ha ha as you tickle us with your words and your thoughts. Finding peace is a great activity. Having peace is a great experience, however, and those you have accomplished. However, utilizing peace, you have not accomplished at this time. If you were to set your sights on a particular, as you say, metaphysical challenge, and you brought peace I, and instead of peace being only found and usable as you were in strong meditation or taking a nap, but to see it as an energizing activity which would provide for you all that which would accomplish the metaphysical task. You see, you have learned to feel it, but you have not learned, yet to use it. And that, our kind sir, is now your duty. You have passed test number one, and you are ready for test number two.
Participant 3: That’s fascinating. And I did want to raise my hand, so I’ll give you a chance to once again laugh at me because I find that to be humorous also. That is a, that’s an excellent insight and suggestion that I never considered. So, thank you for that solution. That’s actually great.
SADO: And our dear brother, we will never laugh at you, but you do provide for us much frivolity.
Participant 3: I’m happy to be of service.
SADO: And we to you.
Chris: Participant 4 you want to go ahead and unmute yourself.
Participant 4: Sure. I thank you, SADO. I’ve had some questions since we started talking about how reincarnation, more about how that works. And so, I’ve been wondering, so when in the soul families, are they. . . because I’ve noticed the people around me, we seem to be going through, we seem to be facing similar challenges and learning similar lessons. And I’m wondering, are soul families grouped to work on certain, like, themes? You know, issues with certain themes?
SADO: It is important that you ask this question, and we are happy that you have been able to put your questions into words. This soul family is closest to you, and there are very well may be themes, as you say, that are similar. There are very possibly items for you to experience in one way and someone else in the soul family to experience the same, but in a different way. So, the experience of having a car break down on a busy street may be an experience that both of you have decided to experience, with one being very calm and peaceful about needing to have the car moved and fixed, and the other one finding much chaos in this kind of experience. That is, as this one is chastising, a very simple example. But most often you will find that situations that are not similar as far as the car on the side of the road, but the lessons coming out of different experiences are similar. So, it is not that you would have planned that on this day, in this year, at this time, you would both have a car breakdown on the busy road. You would be looking at the lesson that you each want to derive from whatever situation is brought forward. So, it is not unusual that you would have similar lessons within this soul family and within this soul group. You might be having experiences that is very beneficial for someone in your soul group to have the lesson. So, your soul family and your soul group, are, have different experiences and different lessons that you may be involved with. Does this help your question?
Participant 4: Very much. Thank you. Thank you, SADO.
SADO: And you are welcome. And we will take one more question this evening.
Chris: Okay, Participant 5, you want to go ahead?
Participant 5: Hi, SADO. Thank you very much. As you know that’s where I’m coming from right now, my challenge is to put it in a question and/or statement on a question. So, in looking at what would be quieting the ego or getting the ego to go in its own corner for us to embrace that we are not separate, that we are all one. I’ve been contemplating this aspect of embracing our oneness to eliminate judgment. All emotions that are unhealthy for us or are detrimental to us, such as being unpeaceful and harsher things that we experience as a human in embracing this, that we are all one. Do you have any input, other suggestions? Or maybe tonight’s exercise on our little treasure box is the key that I’ve needed. Thank you.
SADO: And we appreciate your question and appreciate the difficulty that you have in addressing these issues, as utilizing the English language for these concepts is difficult. So, there is no need to apologize. Peacefulness is a part of oneness. You cannot feel total nirvana or total peace without experiencing, without having the concept of oneness. Because if you feel separated, there is only a part of peacefulness that enters into the soul. Because you give weight to the physical self when there is no weight available in the physical self. So, when you are able to say that, “I feel the peacefulness”, that can be replaced with the word oneness. That can be replaced with the word completeness. That can be replaced with the word truthfulness. That can be replaced with the word forgiveness. So going through the practice, utilizing other concepts as what it is that you are feeling and what it is that you are experiencing will all lead to more feelings of oneness. Is that beneficial for your question this evening, our sister?
Participant 5: Very much so. You were able to interpret what, what I, what’s been heavy for me of recent and trying to figure out. And so thank you very much for providing meditation and condensing where I’m at. So, thank you. It does. Thank you.
SADO: And you are welcome. And we appreciate all who are with us this evening. And we hope that you have gotten the message that practicing the peacefulness, sharing the possibility of the peacefulness with those you love and those you are in contact with is a worthwhile project for you to do. And it will increase the healing for you within your physical body and within the spiritual heart.
And it is enough.
August 8, 2024
SADO: And we are here.
Lynn: Welcome SADO.
SADO: And we appreciate your abilities to offer this time to your brothers and your sisters. We are happy to see you here, and we wish for you to know that we have also gathered your own guidance to be with us this evening. It is rare for all spiritual guidance teams to come in at the same time, as you would say, but it is important for this particular time, this particular meeting, this particular information that we wish to share for your guidance to be with us this evening.
Before we get started with the main attraction, we wish to call on our sister Diane, who will bring for you information that is coming through, being utilized and being placed in what you might call subject area books. So we would appreciate you, our sister, to unmute your button and give us an update on this information.
Diane: Thank you, SADO. So you all know that Jane started channeling SADO in 2015, and the material on the web is by date. SADO, about four or five years ago, asked that the material be put into topic-specific books to expand their reach. They really want to reach many more people than just this group. They want their message to be broadened. So all transcripts were read, and content was put into topics such as oneness, reincarnation; there are about 15 of them. The important thing about the books is, for example, if Jane one day gets on a podcast and is interviewed, the books would be a backup. I know that probably she would die before doing that, but, you know, it would be a great way of just giving the message much more visibility. So now the exciting part, the first book, “SADO and Our Connection to Them”, is now complete. It is using only SADO words. It will be published in an e-book format, available on our website. And we think that this book will be published by the end of September. The second book is “Oneness and Atonement” and the publishing date for that one will probably be Q1 of 2025 before your taxes are due.
It took a group effort to really accomplish this and I want to thank everyone who was involved. They’re here tonight. They are Kay, Lynn, Edwina who isn’t able to be with us, and myself. It was three or four years of reading transcripts, and obviously, we always had the support of our favorite channel, Jane. So very exciting that these books will come to life. If anybody is interested in helping us with the launch of these books, we would appreciate that. And please don’t hesitate to contact me if you are interested. Thank you.
SADO: And we appreciate all of the work that, as this one says, the T2B, Text to Book Committee has been doing for so many years. Our sister Lynn, our sister Chris, our sister Edwina, and this one have spent years transcribing the early days of the information that this one was willing to have come through. Then they got smart (ha, ha, ha) and listened and formed a committee where our very special sister Diane was chosen to lead the charge. It has been a work in progress for several years now and believe it or not, SADO has been able to help with the questions they have had. SADO has been able to get the information to them in several different ways. They will say it was through this one, but part of our program this evening is showing you a difference to that particular objective.
So, as you know, this evening’s topic is prayer, meditation, getting information, and being connected to your spiritual guidance and connected to Spirit. All of these different words have different meanings in the English language, but in the spiritual vernacular, all those words have the same meaning.
There is no difference between meditation and prayer. There is no difference between Spirit and your spiritual guidance. There is no difference between prayer and spiritual guidance. So you see, all of this information that you so wish to have can be sought and can be received from this same practice.
So our sister Arlene has become very proficient, especially in the last month, meditating. Our sister, Arlene, we would like for you to provide information to this group about the consequences of you being able to do that particular meditation.
Arlene: Well, first, I really appreciate you, SADO, that you gave me the meditation or prayer to do. I have, for the most part, when I utilize it, can bring peace in and get to a really calm place. I had within the last month, maybe only one or two days where, even though I did the practice, I couldn’t quite tap into it to get peaceful or calm enough. I do it in the early morning hours when I have insomnia. During the day, if something comes up and I feel that I am starting to get anxious, I will do what we were instructed last time, with bringing in the energy through my crown chakra to my heart. Every time I listen to the meditation, I get more out of it and I hear more from it. It is a gift. So thank you.
SADO: You Sister are a gift. You are a gift to this group, and you are a gift to your society, and you are a gift to community, and you are a gift to Spirit. You see, what our sister has been sharing with us is that she has, through the prayer, and yes, we heard her say prayer or meditation, but we have already described for you that prayer and meditation is the same. Have we not?
Arlene: Yes.
SADO: So through prayer and through meditation, Spirit is able to bring for you exactly what is needed. At times, as this one has shared with you previously, the ego would like to be special. The ego would like to be publicly noted. The ego would like to be fawned over. The ego would like to always be right. But when the soul has the ability to hear from Spirit through their communication device, as our sister said prayer or meditation, and we will continue with that, gaining information, gaining access to Spirit, receiving spiritual guidance, when the soul is allowing those different energy systems to come through yourself and go to the ego which resides within the physical body, it has the ability to “quiet the ego”. It has the ability to “quiet the ego”. Sometimes this “quiet” is more about taking a breath, feeling grounded, feeling at peace, clearing the mind, hearing the rustle from the leaves on the trees. When you are able to quiet the ego, you will hear and always recognize the connection with Spirit.
How many times have you been driving your vehicles and all of a sudden look to the right or look to the left or simply look up and you see what could have been a dangerous situation for you to be in? How many times do you say in your heart, I need a parking place, I am late for my appointment, and a parking place is granted? How many times are you in a situation with a member of your community and you say or think, or it just happens, that the right words for that community member comes out of your mouth?. You see, you are all connected. You are connected with Spirit. You are connected with your guidance. As the One, you have the ability and have the willingness to hear what is needed for you to hear. You have the ability to see what it is that needs to be seen. You have the ability to run your life knowing that the angel is sitting on both shoulders, not just one, leaving a place on the other shoulder for you know who. When you quiet yourself, when you allow yourself to feel grounded, that is when all of the communication, the information, the love comes through. So even though we have suggested and compromised with the T2B Committee to have different aspects of connection with Spirit, with guidance, through prayer, through other connection modalities, through meditation, it is all the same.
Last month, we provided for you a meditation, a prayer, a method of connection to help you to feel the groundedness and feel the spirit within you. This is what our sister Arlene was speaking about. During the questions and answers portion of the time together in the program, our brother Alan and our sister Judy, and our sister Wendy, asked questions that were very profound. Our brother Alan took it upon himself to provide for you additional information. When he completes his chat, we will add an aspect to this that we do not believe he has covered, but we will cover for you. So, our brother Alan, please provide the information that you were contacted about earlier.
Alan: The question was, “If you reach a state of peace and you release the ego, what do you replace the ego with?” We spend so much of our time driven by ego and accomplishing by ego. Ego is a great thing in a way because it is good enough to move mountains if you want to do that. But when you reach peace or you move into the spiritual realm and you no longer have the ego, how do you get anything done? That was the question that we asked last month. What I discovered was that when we are in the ego mode, it is almost like we have a ball of energy around us. We have a shell built around us. And within the ego, we are fully within the illusion. And within the illusion, we accomplish, we move things around, we do stuff. But the effort comes from inside of ourselves pushing outward. And once we move out of the ego space or in a moment of clarity,we do not actually have to reach peace to do this. But in moments of clarity, moments of calm, like SADO was talking about, the dynamic changes. The shell goes away that the ego creates. And what I got was a vision of a spider web. It looked like a spider web, except it was in three dimensions, it’s actually pan-dimensional. It transitions space and time, as well as all the dimensions. And the spider web reaches out. What it does, it comes from the center of us, and it goes out into all over the universe. There is no limits to where it goes. And what it does is it’s simply that the spider web is created, or the web is created and it is based on our intention within clarity of what we want to do, what we want to accomplish, our desires, and what our path is. And it reaches out and it touches all these potentials in the universe, all these little points of energy that we are then connected to. And those points of energy, the field of all possibility, they will collapse and become real and manifest in physical form and give us what we need on the earth to accomplish. That is the visual. Basically, what I am saying happens is all of a sudden now, when we are not driven by ego, when we are out of that space, we are then able to create in a different way, backwards from our normal, from what we understand.
Once we are connected with the universe, once we are within a portion of the All, the universe then conspires to provide us with everything that we need and desire. It is actually an amazing thing to witness. So we do not have to worry “What am I going to do? How am I going to create this happening?” The universe brings it all to us easily, automatically. All those little random things line up, all those things that appear to be chances, all of those connections that look like coincidences or something. All of that is organized by the universe. What we have to do is stand up and do the work, is take advantage of that opportunity. We do need to take action. We do need to move into the space, but we no longer have to be in charge of it. It does it. The universe does it for us. It is a very peaceful way to be, and it is, in a much more like SADO said last month, it is an energy and a place to be that is much more powerful than anything we have within the illusion, because now we are working within the reality. We are working within our ability to be co-creators with God, and everything will flow to us. It is almost effortlessly; it is almost magic. And that is what I saw in a vision, and that is what I have actually experienced. I can go through some examples, but not at this time. That is what I have experienced. So it is a great place to be. It is easy when you are in peace, but you can also do it without having to be in peace when you are in a state that SADO was referring to.
SADO: And our brother, we appreciate the information that you have so expertly given to your brothers and your sisters during this session. We appreciate the visualization that just came to you. We would like for you to answer one question, and this is coming from your own spiritual guidance team and SADO. Where did that vision come from?
Alan: I saw the vision when I sat down. After I asked the question, you gave me the homework to look up, I saw it in deep meditation. I was able to go… In all honesty, one of the few times I was able to go in and actually turn off my mind, move into a void which is actually the quantum flux in the universe, and then allow the vision to come to me within the meditation. It was instantaneous, and it made a lot of sense.
SADO: We appreciate your response, and we will use a follow-up question and say to you, “Where did that vision come from?”
Alan: The vision. Okay. I would say the vision came from Spirit, from the All, from outside of my… certainly from outside of my ego.
SADO: And we appreciate your response to the question. And we would like to ask a follow-up question. And the follow-up question is, “All of the information that you have just shared with your brothers and your sisters, where did that information come from?”
Alan: At this point, I guess maybe I do not know the answer. Perhaps you could tell me?
SADO: And we appreciate your response, but we would like to ask a follow-up question. “Where did the information come from?”
Alan: It did not come from my ego. I guess it came from my higher self. I will take that as a guess.
SADO: And we appreciate your response to this question (ha, ha, ha). We would like for you to define for your brothers and sisters, “higher self”.
Alan: Higher Self, as my understanding, is a part of me that does not reside in this physical plane, in this physical body. The higher self is independent, is a part of us that is eternal, immortal, resides in the spirit realm, and actually has a greater view of what we are doing, and what our path is, than we do here in our limited vision in the physical body with the ego on earth. So it would be the aspect of myself which is connected with the All. In that sense, it is the All. There is no difference between that and the greater realm of the All, which is actually God. I gather that I was able to touch that aspect and that is where the vision came from.
SADO: And we so appreciate you working through this with us this evening. What you have described is your spiritual guidance. Your spiritual guidance works very, very hard. They are always trying to get information through to you. That is the same with all of you. They are trying extremely hard to get information through to you. And what stops the information coming through to you? Your ego does not want that information to come through to you. That ego wants you to not touch the poison ivy. That ego does not want you to wreck the car. That ego does not want you to be harmful unless you are harmed. So you see, the ego has the ability to take all mind thoughts and close the iron doors against your spiritual guidance, the All, the One, your higher self; it does not matter. And please allow us to continue to tease our brother. It gives us much jocularity. We would like for you to understand that no matter what words you use for your guidance, it is still your guidance. Some of you may use the word Muhammad. Some of you may use the word Jesus. Some of you may use the word God. Some of you may use the word Higher Self, but we are here to share with you the information that it does not make a difference who it is that you want to hear from. It makes a difference with your invitation to invite them in. It makes a difference on what you allow yourself to believe. You know there are many, as we have told you so many times, there are many who are doing this channeling.
For the most part, the majority, it is their spiritual job to provide information to those who have the ability and the willingness to hear, but also to allow their bodily, physical systems to share the information coming directly from that guidance. But you all have this ability. You do not need to come to this gathering because this information, if you can close the iron doors on the ego, this information is provided for you. Sometimes you need to ask the right question and quiet yourself to hear the answer that you are ready to hear. If you gain information from other channels, you may find that the information becomes unbelievable to you. That tells you either the information is incorrect; the information is coming from a lower source of intellect does not mean they are not smart. It just means that they have not progressed to the level of what you are able to hear and believe.
Oftentimes, we have those who are summoned to us, who we see as very famous and very learned, and some things come out during a session and you say, “That is not something I can believe”. It could very well be that, as you would say, famous person does not have the ability to receive all the information from the very highest sources. So it is valuable for you to settle yourself after a session where you have allowed yourself to hear spiritual guidance and go through the information and say, “What do I believe? Well, I do not believe that”. Then ask yourself where that information came from? Work with your spiritual guidance and ask them to close the iron doors on the ego and provide the information that would allow you to expand your knowledge into the spiritual world. You all have the ability to hear and to provide the knowledge to your brothers and your sisters from your spiritual guidance.
It may be a worthwhile adventure to ask about the abilities of your spiritual guidance. But we will tell you all who are working with us in this group this evening, that your spiritual guidance is here working with SADO this evening, and we have made a pact with them that we will educate them to a higher degree if you are able to accept that information. If part of your learning is to process the information that you are receiving, you will be left with doubts and questions. You can always connect with SADO, but as this one and our brother Alan has informed you, it can be a difficult process to reach nirvana.
We appreciate you being here this evening and would like to open up for questions about any topics you feel would be helpful for you to know and gain information about.
Christine: Participant 1, go ahead.
Participant 1: SADO, thank you for being here and for all that you are doing for us. So my question…I have two questions, actually. What I am finding is, it doesn’t happen often; it is very occasional, but I end up with these anxiety attacks, like an anxiety attack, increased heart rate, butterflies in my stomach, like I am waiting for something to happen and sitting on the edge of my seat like, “Oh, my God, what is going to come?” And nothing is happening in my life. So what I am thinking is that this would be maybe somebody in my soul group that I am reacting to. And if it is, how can I support them? What do I do during the periods of these anxiety attacks?
SADO: We appreciate your question and we appreciate your willingness to include and inquire about your soul group. But we would tell you that in your case, it is not about your soul group. It is about the fact that you are getting very close to recognizing the ego and the ego does not like that. You see, when you recognize the ego, you are better able to control the ego. The ego does not want to be controlled. So the anxiety that you are feeling, as you said for no reason, is not for no reason. It is a very important step for you to be able to take to say, “That is my ego trying to control me. I am closing the iron doors on the ego, and I am inviting my spiritual guidance to hold me in their arms and lift me up and out of the anxiety.” Does that help your question to be answered, our sister?
Participant 1. Absolutely. Thank you so much for that.
SADO: And you are very welcome.
Christine: Participant 2: Go ahead, ask your question.
Participant 2: Thank you. I have a question about the ego again. I feel that when I do sessions or when I work on SADO information it all seems to flow really well. In my private life, my normal life, I feel like I am blocked. I do not hear as well, so I know it is the ego. What do I do with that? What are the tools I can use to kind of let it go?
SADO: We appreciate you sharing with the group this information. We would like to ask a question of you, and that is, “Why do you believe the SADO information is coming so fully and flowing so easily?”
Participant 2: Well, when I am working on SADO material, it is just that I am so involved in it, and I just do not have any… I guess I do not have any… my ego has nothing to do with it. I am just flowing with it. I am not sure if I can explain it very well.
SADO: Because you are working with 100% spiritual energy. Spiritual energy flows when it is not blocked by the ego. So when you are working with SADO, the information flows because you know the ego has no abilities against SADO. In your, as you say, private life, when you feel distracted or you feel that it is not available to you to have the flow of Spirit coming in, is right when you say it is coming from the ego, because yes, it is coming from the ego. So what we would like for you to do is to imagine what ego for you looks like. We would like for you to walk the ego into the metal building with metal doors. Give it a nice pat on the head and close and lock the doors. Step away from the metal building. Take a deep breath and invite in your spiritual guidance. You may have to wait a few minutes before that happens, but when you become less aware of the feeling of cold or hot, the feeling of the grass, the hearing of the wind, then you will know that you have positively invited Spirit in, and you can work with Spirit.
At some point during the end of that time, that session, you may need to go and rescue the ego, who will then try to manipulate your thoughts about what it is that Spirit guided you. But you know better. You know what the ego is trying to do. They want to be recognized. They want to be popular. And remember, they always want to be right. This one has the ability to bring the information from SADO to you directly without us having to take over the physicality, but she will not allow this to happen in a great amount of quantity because she is afraid that her need to be right will circumvent the words of SADO. As much as we have instructed this one that we will not allow that to happen, she is not ready to believe that. But we keep trying, and we keep working, and we will continue. Our sister, has that information been helpful to you?
Participant 2: Very much. I will do that and repeatedly, and I will see how I can get to this place where it always flows which is what I really want. Thank you.
SADO: And you will be joining Ms. Wendy, Mr. Alan, Ms. Arlene, and Ms. Judy in nirvana.
Lynn: Thank you. Okay, I recognize that Participant 3 had her hand up. We are going to go with Participant 3 next.
Participant 3: The subject tonight is very appropriate for what I have on my mind. I am going to be downsizing from my family home to a retirement center, a two-bedroom apartment. And I am looking for guidance in what to take with me and what to dispose of and what to look for in a realtor to sell my house. I had no idea that the ego would be involved in these decisions, and I need some guidance if SADO would be able to give me some.
SADO: We appreciate your question and recognize what a difficult time this is for you in your life. We would like to give you advice on what to take. Your computer, so you can come to SADO (ha, ha, ha). We would like to support you through this process, and we again recognize it is a difficult process for you to go through, especially when the ego is running around your house. Take this, take this, take this, take this. You need to take what you need.
At times when you are taking what you want, that is a clear indication that SADO is more powerful than you would like for SADO to be. When you are thinking about what you want, the ego is more powerful than your spiritual guidance. So think about what it is that you need to live comfortably in your new home, and it will be your new home because it will be a safer existence for you. It will be a healthier existence for you. It will provide for you opportunities to learn more about yourself and more about others. Your house will be sold by the realtor that you feel most comfortable with in your heart. However, there are legal questions in your community that you need to make sure that you are being provided with the utmost professionalism that can be. So you may want to receive help from your adult children who can help you read through the paperwork and find the right person that matches your heart and matches your brain. Our sister, has that been helpful for you?
Participant 3: Yes SADO. Very helpful. Thank you so much.
SADO: And you, our sister, are welcome. And remember, SADO is working with your spiritual guidance to provide for you.
Participant 3: Thank you so much.
Christine: Participant 4, you want to go ahead?
Participant 4: SADO, I wanted to go back to me doing the prayer and practicing that every day. And I think that Participant 2’s question and your answer, may be what you would tell me. I’m just wondering if there’s any more that I should be doing when I’m doing this prayer, this practice. The more that I do it, I am starting to drift more during the process and start thinking about other things. I know it is ego, and I’m still going through occasionally telling my ego that I’m talking with my guidance. Yesterday, it is my body that is also keeping me or creating I guess, not how they put it, how I am, that negative energy that keeps me from getting to that place of peace and calmness. How can I stay on track with doing this practice?
SADO: We appreciate your question, and we will say that the information we are giving is not only to you, but to others. When you practice something to a point of it being rote; if you ask a first grader what the words for the Pledge of Allegiance are, they will not be the same words that you are using because it becomes so rote for them that they are saying it without thinking about the words and their meanings that are actually there. If you ask a child about a prayer that they use before meals or they use before bedtime, you will find the same scenario. So what we would like for you to do is to transcribe the meditation prayer that you were given in last month’s program, and we would like you to read it one sentence at a time, stopping at the end of the sentence to take a breath. Read the next sentence, stopping at the end of the session to take a breath. We are convinced from your spiritual guidance team that that will provide for you the ability to use the prayer in a way that will make more impact. Our sister, would you agree to do this?
Participant 4: Absolutely, yes.
SADO: And we will be right with you.
Participant 4: Thank you.
SADO: And we will accept one more question for this program, and then our sister Christine will provide information to you with regard to the meditation from our last program.
Participant 5: I would just like to know, as we are asking for guidance and the ego likes to step in and fool us to think that we are hearing guidance sometimes. Are there some common ways that we can know that it is actually Ego that has given us the guidance and not Spirit?
SADO: That is a very good question, and we are appreciating that you are offering this ability to learn this evening. Any time you are feeling, “If I do this, I will be special. If I do this, I will be right. If I do this, it will not matter what the other person thinks or needs. If I do this, I will be popular. If I do this, I will be the strong one. If I do this, everyone will know how smart I am.” All of those are the Ego speaking.That is a giveaway to what is happening when the Ego is there. If you are pushed to do a project that you do not feel you have the energy, the money, the know-how, but you are forging ahead to do this, that is the Ego.
Ego comes out of balance. You will never find balance with Ego. Any time you feel out of balance, it is Ego. Is that beneficial for you, our sister?
Participant 6: Yes. Thank you.
SADO: And we appreciate all of you being with us this evening, and we will meet again. And we, as SADO, would like to thank you for coming this evening. But please stay to hear the words from our sister Christine. And it is enough.
September 12, 2024
SADO: And we are here.
Chris: Welcome, SADO. Thank you for coming.
SADO: And we would like to welcome those who are with us this evening. We would like for you to know that the information and education that will be coming to you is for your highest and best good. We have opened this evening’s meeting for you to be able to ask that which is on your heart and that which is in your mind. We understand the problems that some have, the troubles that continue to create issues in your life. But please remember, these issues are simply coming from the time when you are in your body. When you are not in your body, whether or not your body exists, you will find that the troubles are always on the side of fear. If you have troubles, they are on the side of fear. Your ego remains on the side of fear. And it is important that you are able to separate that which brings fear to you and that which allows you to feel only love and the love of the one which is coming into and feeling all of you. The less fear you have, the more opportunity you have to feel the love. We would like for you now to close your eyes to visualize the true you or what you may call your soul.
Visualize the liquid center of a thermometer moving upward. We invite you to visualize where the fluid in the thermometer is. We would like for you to understand it is showing you the love that you hold in your body. And we would like for you to fill the body with love and allow the thermometer to show you how it rises to measure the love, to bring the fluid in the thermometer all the way up to the very top. And for you to realize that this is running through the chakras and allows the feeling of love throughout the body. Please now visualize the love, and visualize it filling your entire body and knowing that your soul is feeling the love.
The more love your body is feeling, the less ego and fear you have a place for. See the love, feel the love, accept the love. Gather the love in. Breathe the love in. Feel the fullness of your body and make a memory of this feeling so that you can go back to it and reproduce it at all times. Amen, Amen.
And as this one has given you the information regarding the format for this evening, we will open it for questions that you may have on your heart.
Chris: Participant 1, do want to go ahead and unmute yourself and ask your question?
Participant 1: Yes, I do. Thank you. I have it all figured out tonight so I can get through. SADO, my question and I know I’ve kind of addressed this in the past, and you address it all the time, is about ego. I understand that the ego’s job is to protect the body and that is it’s main goal, so to say. But my deep question is, where does it come from if it’s not from SPIRIT? Because my belief is everything comes from SPIRIT.
SADO: And we appreciate your question and we will tell you, you do not have a question as you have answered your question in that ego comes from SPIRIT as well. If we think about all that is reason for you to be in this body ego has been a part of your existence when you made the decision to come into this body. Ego is there to help you for multiple purposes, safety being one. But mostly it is there for you to recognize the difference between ego and love; between fear and love. If we don’t know night, it is hard to know day. If we don’t know up, it is hard to know down. So, the ego provides for you a way for you to experience and to learn and to recognize through duality that fear is within you so that you can adapt yourself to the love, so that you can feel yourself with the love, so that you can be dependent on the love of the One. And understand that the ego state is fear. And when you have the ability to not have the ego fear within yourself, that takes you to a much higher level that is almost impossible to experience while there is a body.
And we would like to know whether or not that has been more confusing or has appropriately given you something else to think about?
Participant 1: Thank you very much, SADO. It really does. I guess I needed a concrete definition for ego and that does clarify it for me. And the reference you made to darkness and light, love and fear, I do totally, totally get that and I really appreciate it. Thank you so much.
SADO: And we appreciate your question. We would like, because you have been able to give the information that what has been spoken has been helpful to you, we will give you an example and we will ask you to think about the life of Jesus. Jesus was born with ego. By the time Jesus left the body, there was not more than a hair’s breadth of the ego left in him. You understand, He was filled with love. He had no fear. And that shows you and proves to you that it can be done.
And we thank you for your question.
Participant 1: Thank you, SADO.
Chris: Do you want to go ahead, Participant 2?
So, my question would be karma versus ego. So, we know that with an ego we can overcome that and we can move away from it or not give it power. In theory, karma comes into our existence from something that we have supposedly done in the past. And then we’re supposed to work through it or we don’t work through it and it’s a learning lesson. So basically, comparison and contrast between karma and ego, especially a definition of karma. Since we got one for ego.
SADO: We will placate your need for definition for karma. Also, many here this evening will not need to go there. When we ask you to define ego, what is one word that you can give us as a definition of ego?
Participant 2: Separation?
Let’s use the word fear just to stay on track with what we have been creating this evening as the basis for the format. Separation does create fear, but the best is fear. Fear’s best, not separation. You understand?
Some karmic experiences, as some would explain, are not fearful. Some karmic experiences are relational, but not fearful. They are do-overs, but not fearful. They are a reason for happenings, but they are not fearful. You might take the time to understand from the spirituality that we have shared with you for the past ten years that SADO has a difficulty with the word karma because it does not exist other than through fear. So, to talk about the differences between ego and karma, is like looking at the difference between fruit and apple. Karma is a kind of fruit, but it is not the only fruit. So, karma is a type of fear, but karma is not the only type of fear. We are placating the usage of karma because this is something that you have information about that you believe, and because we have the ability to understand what it is that you believe, we are giving you this answer to expand your knowledge and your understanding and your education. And so, have we totally confused you at this point in time?
Participant 2: No.
And there appears to be a big question mark after that very small word.
Participant 2: I don’t understand.
We are asking you whether or not this has created confusion for you.
Participant 2: I guess it. okay. Yes. The theory is that karma is something that we come into this life with.
And whose theory might that be, sir?
Participant 2:
That would be the collective, or that would be the belief of …That would be the standard belief put forward by people who use the term karma, that it’s something we carry from lifetime to lifetime. Then when we arrive with it, one theory is that we’re supposed to repeat, or we’re supposed to fix the mistakes from the past or things that we didn’t do in the past that we wanted to. Karma will give us the opportunity to do it this time. I don’t necessarily believe that. I believe karma is more of a teaching opportunity or learning opportunity. It’s something we can or cannot, or we have a choice to do or do not. I can’t believe that karma would overcome our free will. But it still seems like it’s something different than ego. That it, I guess you’re saying that it’s just a different aspect, or it’s the similar thing to ego. What is the difference?
Ego is the identification of many feelings, all coming into the next ranking of fear. So, ego is the heading, fear is the subheading. And, all of the elements under fear that are made up of fear are because of the ego. The people, as you say, who believe in karma and have worked very diligently to identify and define karma are at somewhat of a lower level of development. That is not a judgment, nor does that cast aspersions on their abilities or their love. But they may not have been able to search their experiences or have the experiences that they have needed to have, to understand what true karma is. Karma is just a word and without an explanation or definition as it depends up on the belief system of the individual. But as you explained it, having the experience to grow does not need to be put under a heading or a category. It just has to be a possibility of learning. That learning can be coming from love, no matter the experience, and not fear.
Participant 2: That’s good. I like that. That makes sense. So, it is different, and we can choose what to do with karma or not do with it. It’s simply an opportunity for us to experience in a different way. It’s not mandatory.
SADO: And we will provide a pat on the back for you for coming to that conclusion, because it fits in what is in your mind. It is not the definition we would utilize, but this is not about us. This is making sure that what it is that you learn fits into your mind and that you trust that information, our son.
Participant 2: Good. Thank you.
And you are welcome.
Thank you Participant 2. Participant 3?
Participant 3:
Participant 3:
Thank you, SADO. Now, I’m very confused because when we talked about the models of the different lives, you had the linear and the circular and the spiral, and in the spiral model, I did not think that karma existed per se. So, maybe I’d like a little bit of a refresher on those three models, or at least the spiral.
And that is what we were working very diligently with our brother to let him know that the concept of karma does not come from a high level of understanding love; understanding what the experiences need to be for those who are living within the Earth suit. You are correct. And that is why we have given you the information that from SADO’s point of understanding and knowledge karma does not exist. There is fear. There is love. There is possibility for education and learning and that can come through fear or can come through love. That is your choice. So, you are right to be confused by this information. But you hear the words that were given to our brother for him to understand what it is that his brain can make sense of because of the educational opportunities that he has had in this lifetime. Your educational opportunities are somewhat different, no?
Participant 3: Yes, certainly are.
SADO: So, we are talking with you and giving you information that makes sense in your brain, with your experiences, with your learning and what it is that you can bring into your heart, bring into your essence, bring into your soul level. And we would wish for you to give us that information about whether or not this piece of educational information is helpful to you for your understanding.
Participant 3: Yes. The information that you just gave me really clarifies, because I do believe that we can have experiences that are based on love and/or fear, depending on where we are, or we’re very much in our ego, or we’re in a place where the soul is more, I wouldn’t say in control, but present. And, I have examples of things that happened that I feel that it was either, or, and sometimes both in one experience. So, thank you so much. That clarifies what I needed to know. Thank you.
SADO: And we appreciate you, our sister.
Chris: Participant 3, thanks for asking that. Participant 4, do you want to go ahead?
Participant 4: Sure. SADO, I was just thinking about, if I heard you correctly, I believe you said earlier that the more love we feel, the less fear we have. And I was wondering if before we can feel that love within, do we need to first look at our fear and let it go?
SADO: That is a very good question, and we will answer it with a very good answer. And the very good answer is No. When you were a tiny baby, all you could feel was love. There were no other feelings that would be allowed to enter other than love. But as you grew and as you developed, you were then able to sense the fear that was coming in. “Oh, I’m never going to eat again, I am starving, I am crying, I am begging.” And in pops the mommy to provide you for the food that you need, and you feel love.
Then you have a nightmare, and you feel fear. And in pops the mommy who says, “It’s all right, you do not need to be afraid; there is no boogeyman”, and you rest assured and go back to the sleep in love. But as the negativity builds, as the self-doubt builds, as the age builds, we develop more and more of a repertoire of fear experiences that push down the fluid in the thermometer, taking more energy and more space and leaving you less room for love. When you are able to exercise the ability to recognize that there is fear there, and the fear is taking over places for the love, that allows you then to think about putting the fear to the side, and replacing it with self-love, self-actualization, essence, flow, and the reality that you have the ability to generate all the love that is needed. And, as you do that, the ability to feel the love comes forward and provides you more rest, more processing of education, less limits and doubts, and higher levels of learning. And do you understand this information our sister?
Participant 4: Yes, but I was wondering if you could expand on how we would go about using our ability to generate more love.
And we would be happy to give you that information our sister. And that information is; you look for love in your life. Are you able to look for love in your life?
Participant 4: Yes.
SADO: Are you able to find love in your life?
Participant 4: For sure.
And are you able to feel that expanding within yourself?
Participant 4: If I focus on it.
And now you have the answer to your question, you focus on it, you allow it to multiply. And mostly when you feel fear, you tell as our sister, Arlene has become very astute at doing, go away ego. You bring me fear. I only want to feel love. And has that been helpful, our sister?
Participant 4: Yes, very much. Thank you so much.
SADO: And you are welcome.
Participant 4, thank you for that. Participant 3 do you have another question?
Participant 3:
Yeah. I know that with a spiral model, we have one life on Earth. And maybe in my belief system, I believe we choose our parents and our siblings to help us experience, maybe, what we come in with, which may be a problem with our worth, feeling unloved, or does that not even apply?
SADO: And we appreciate your question. And we will say to you, you choose your biological family up to a point. We will often make sure that those around you will provide for you the opportunity to learn what you have come into this lifetime to learn, to discover, to be educated on. Sometimes that is done by the parent; sometimes it is done by those who raise you; but may not be your biological parents, some will be your siblings; some will be your friends; some will be those you create a relationship with. So, it’s not only your parent; it’s not only your siblings; it’s not only your friends; it’s not only those who raise you; it’s not all those you are in relationship with. It is ALL experiences. Many who are in attendance this evening have had experiences with those who could have taught them significant lessons and provided much fodder for understanding. But they did not take the bait. They allowed that coincidental, this one is laughing, association to go by the wayside. It was not something that you wanted to spend your time on. It was not something that you felt was going to be beneficial for you. Every relationship you have, whether it is momentary or whether it is lifelong, has the opportunity to teach you. It has the opportunity to provide love for you. And some have the opportunity to help you understand fear and ego. The quicker you can identify the fear and that is ego, the quicker you have the ability to shut it down. So, all relationships, whether momentary or lifelong, have the ability to help you to learn and adjust and provide lots of opportunity for love and some opportunity for fear. Does that provide the information to make this more clear for you our sister?
Participant 3: Yes. Thank you.
SADO: And you are welcome.
Thanks, Participant 3. Participant 5?
Participant 5:
SADO, you’ve given us a lot of information tonight about ego. You gave us that great meditation for tamping it down. There are things you talked about tonight that I have been realizing. I don’t know if it’s for the past few days or since you gave us the tamping down the ego meditation, and maybe you can help me with my question. I had begun to understand my reactions of fear, which have, boy, when they hit, they hit really, really hard. I do my version of the meditation so that I can tamp down the fear. I guess I’m asking for help with my question. Is there more that I can be doing? Am I on the right track? And I guess that’s the question, because I think that the fears that have been built up in me from the time that I became aware of, you know the fear-based things that you talked about after you’re a baby, and then when they start to build are, have been fairly intense. And when I think since I started doing that tamp down the fear meditation, tamp down the ego, that I am becoming more aware, but I’m still not at a place where I’m feeling like, if you can feel the anxiety in me right now even asking it, I’m not at a place where I feel like I can move it as efficiently or quickly as I like. And in a conversation with Participant 2 today, he talked about, well, and this might be contradictory to what you said tonight, is, do you ever really? Well, yeah, you did say you get a tamp down very low. Okay, how am I doing? What do I need to do? And do you know what the heck I’m talking about?
SADO: And we appreciate your information and your question. We want you to realize that we are with you as you go through this journey. You are making good progress with, as you say, tamping down the ego. And what we would like for you to now do is another step. And the next step is for you to, as this one would say, learn to reparent yourself. Tamping down the ego and having it go sit in a chair in the corner is a good first step. But then you are left feeling there is a hole where the fear was that allows the fear to come back in. What we would like for you to do is to not have the hole, but to parent yourself in a way that is soothing. That is what we are bringing to you at that time. We are bringing the energy of the soothers to your body. We are bringing this soothing energy into your essence and into your soul. It is there. It is providing for you the ability to feel the space from the ego, the space from the fear, and fill it with love. Find, as we told the other member about looking for love in your family, looking for love experiences in your life, and dwell on those Spirits that are bringing you the feelings of love and allow them to completely fill yourself. Allow them to take all space. Allow them to provide for you in the way that only they can do. Provide for you the love so you feel it is completely filled. The body, the mind, and all of the essence is completely filled with love.
Participant 5: Thank you.
SADO: And so, does that provide for you the imagine that you needed to have our sister?
Participant 5: Yes. Thank you very much. Thank you.
SADO: And you are welcome.
Participant 6: Yes, SADO, what is the relationship between stress and fear? Is stress just another form of fear?
SADO: Yes, we will give you that information that stress is another category of fear, and we believe that you have been able to identify it as such. It would be helpful for your bodily health, for you to be able to identify that a bit quicker. It would be helpful for you if you could say, “oh, I feel stressed. Oh, wait, what is it that I am fearful of?”
When you make that identification, that it is fear, you will have much more control of it going away. And you being able to dissipate the stress and feel the love.
And does that provide for you the information that can be helpful?
Participant 6: Yes, it really does. Thank you, SADO.
SADO: And you, our sister, are welcome.
Chris: Participant 7, did you want to go ahead and ask your question?
Participant 7: Thank you. Hi, SADO. I’ve got a question or discussion on a little bit larger scale. So, in listening to everyone’s input this evening and your responses, what comes to mind for me is what comes through a Course in Miracles. I’m dabbling as a student in a Course in Miracles, and I realize Course in Miracles has had a lot of students since it was channeled from the teachings of Christ, from what I’m understanding. So, on this bigger scale aspect of, and like I said, the correlation of so many of the questions this evening, discussions to me go back to what I’ve been grasping coming through the Course of Miracles. So, my direct question to you is, is there a foresight, I don’t want to say a prediction, but a foresight of a Course in Miracles being adopted in, quote unquote, organized religion to get it out and for more people to see the teachings or be introduced to the teachings in the future?
SADO: And we appreciate your question, our sister. And we would say to you that in your world, in your society, organized religion is having a difficult time. It’s having a difficult time, (this one is controlling) because it has been misrepresented; it has been misused; it has been critical; it has been untruthful; it has been controlling; it has been, unfortunately, spoiled. So, putting the Course in Miracles into place of an organized religion is not looking probable at this time. Could that change in the future? There is a very small possibility that it could be changed in the future, but the probability is low.
Participant 7: Okay, thank you. So, so we got to answer my own question or to be able to spread the message, of Course in Miracles. Of course, I’m a beginning student, but as I meet people in conversation and I guess the possibility of to bring up a Course in Miracles and encourage them to, if they have any interest, to pursue it on their own. It’s just been, I’ve just been just really interested in the resistance of, I guess, a lot of its people where they’re at and, you know, this quote unquote, available time in their life. So, thank you. It was just a hope of mine that it could be spread.
SADO: Part of the resistance of a Course in Miracles is that, again, it was written in a way that makes it difficult to understand. And because of that, the dedication that is needed to process and understand the wholeness of a Course in Miracles is difficult. It is an uphill battle for those who do not wish to have the dedication and for those who would like something easier to be understood.
Participant 7: I agree. Thank you very much.
SADO: And you are welcome. Our sister and we will take one more question this evening.
Chris: Does anybody else have a question? Okay.
Participant 5:
SADO, Last month you had talked about working with our guides on us progressing on our path, I think, which is how you put it. And all we had to do, I guess, was say yes, that we wanted to do that. Do I have that correct?
SADO: And you have very much proof that one of your guides was the answer to your questions this evening.
Participant 5: Okay. Is it important for me to know which one it is?
SADO: It is not important for you to know which it is, but we will provide you with the information that he has provided us, and we will tell you it is the medicine man on your team.
Participant 5:
Thank you.
SADO: And we will now take the question from our sister Christine as the final thought for this evening.
SADO, thank you. Participant 3 had asked the question about the different levels that you had talked about in death and dying. And so you talked about we only incarnate once, but we incarnate many other times on many levels with other energies. Can you help me understand that a little better? I understood it, but there’s still something in there, because I have memories of other lives, and I don’t feel it with only one life.
SADO: We will give you the information that we can as the energy is running low this evening. But we will say to you that the memories that you are experiencing do not bring forward the all-ness that is our sister Christine in this body, in this lifetime. The memories that you have, have been chosen for you as ways for you to understand the abilities that you have to learn in this lifetime. And they are, as you may see them, threads of other lifetimes, of others who are with you, not in body, but in energy during this particular lifetime. You may be finishing some work that you have agreed to do for them. You may be piggybacking on their experiences for you to have with your experience. It may be a contract that you are working through with that particular energy. Do you understand how this is different than having all the energy that is within you at this time, in this life, in those lives?
Chris: I do and thank you so much SADO.
And we appreciate all who are with us this evening. And it is enough.
October 10, 2024
SADO: And we are here.
Christine: SADO, so good to have you here. Thank you.
SADO: And we welcome those of you who can be with us here this evening, and we wish for you to know that you are not alone. Your guidance has made entry into our group this evening. It is important for you to understand that your guidance is meant to be here, that your guidance understands what is in your heart, that your guidance understands the spiritual feelings and thoughts that you have. It is important for you to understand and truly grasp that there is no way for you to be alone in any time of trepidation or any time when you are feeling fearful. The feeling of fearfulness is coming from the ego, and we wish for you to understand that that is not appropriate, it is not real, it is not important, and it is not something that we would wish for you to lean into. We would like for you to understand that the meaningfulness of your life is coming from the soul, that which perpetuates anger, anxiety, fear, guilt is coming from the ego. And we understand we have spoken about this many times, but it is important for you to know that we will not stop speaking about this because being able to deal with fear, being able to anticipate the pridefulness of the ego in your life will help you to discern what is actually going on.
It will help for you to balance what is happening in your own life, and with knowing the balance, it will allow you to extinguish the fear, the anxiety, the guilt, and to appreciate the fact that you do not have these issues in your soul. The part of you that stays with Spirit is the part of your soul. And when you lean into the soul, the separation that is fed by the feelings of the ego is not appropriate and will not be affecting you. So we would like for you to understand that this repetition that SADO brings to you is for your own good. It is for your learning. It is for your ability while in this body to gain great learning, to gain great acceptance of what this soul and this lifetime is coming to be. It will provide for you the ability for growth that you would not normally have. So we wish for you to lean into the balance, lean into understanding what part the ego is playing for you, lean into the joy, lean into the knowledge that you are with Spirit, lean into the unfathomable peace, joy, and hope. Because hope is the true desire of your heart to reach fulfillment.
Hope is the true desire of your heart to reach fulfillment. We would ask you each now to search your heart for what is “hope” for you. What does it mean to have hope? What is the fulfillment of your heart? And we would appreciate your responding to this. What is hope for you? What creates the fulfillment in the heart?
Our sister Christine, we would like for you to begin this response.
Christine: Thank you. That’s interesting because I’ve had an issue with hope because it’s almost like handing your courage, your strength, to something else. And I realize that something else is a higher power and my spirit group. Hope is what gives me courage, what gives me strength.
SADO: For you, the courage that you feel in your heart is what is hope.
SADO: We thank you for your response and would ask you to allow others to respond as well.
Christine: Is there anyone else that would like to go ahead and you can raise your hand and let me know? Participant 1, go ahead.
Participant 1: The word that comes to my mind is peace, peace in my heart, the hope of having peace in my heart, which then allows me to live my life in a more peaceful way, more connected to my higher self, more connected to the divine.
SADO: And we appreciate your offering of this gift to this group this evening. And we would like for you to understand that when we see you having peace, it is a fulfillment of your heart. When your heart is fulfilled with peace or courage or happiness or joy, it brings peace, hope, fulfillment to the physical body as well as to the spiritual body. You see, hope is two sides of the same coin. One side provides for the physical body, and the other side is fulfillment of the spiritual body. You can have the face of the coin and a blank on the other side if you are not creating hope, and if you are not feeling, and if you are not creating, and if you are especially not recognizing the hope. It is there. It is important for you to know what it is that fulfills your heart.
That is hope for you. It may not be hope for your neighbor, for those you are in relationship with, but it is a very good discussion to have with those you love. What is your hope? What does this feel like in your heart? When you don’t have hope, what is the feeling in your heart? And we wish for Participant 2 to give us this answer. What does it feel like when you don’t have hope in your heart?
Participant 2: You feel lost.
SADO: And very empty.
Participant 2: Yes.
SADO: And we see that and we feel that coming from you. And we would like for you to know that hope is never lost. We will provide that for you. We will provide the energy that you need to have hope in your heart. We will help you to find the peace. We will help you all to find the joy. What we would like for you to understand this evening is that for each of you, your hope is unique. What isn’t unique is you not finding it because you are not looking for it. You must look for the fulfillment of your heart. You must look. You do not have to agree, but you must look.
And if you feel it needs to be changed, we will provide for you the power for it to be changed. SADO is here for you. SADO changes. SADO works with your guidance. But SADO can also work independently of your guidance. Know that you are loved; know that you are guarded. Know that your fulfillment of your heart is always within reach. It is always within your reach.
So you all have an assignment to do, and that assignment is for you to recognize, understand, identify, what creates fulfillment in your heart. SADO may ask you to report back in the future about what this assignment has been like for you. You might depend on that (ha,ha,ha).
We would also like to provide for you information about grief. We bring this up for you this evening as the grief that many of you are feeling is for those who have become less fortunate due to weather patterns. This one is saying that cannot be prevented. And we have spent much time working with her, saying, they can be prevented. And they can be prevented by changing climate change. And again, we have spoken about this process in the past.
These storms that you call them are a huge wake-up call that something needs to be done immediately. We need to help you to consider all of your actions in order to prevent more destruction to your planet. We are very sorry for the devastation, and we would never, ever choose for you to experience this devastation. It is, however, an unintended wake-up call. So please use this information, use these experiences to be able to change the way that you are creating or preventing this from happening. What can you do that will improve the environment? There are many things. There are many ways, from very small of recycling to massive; watch who you are voting for politically. It is very important that you understand that do not feel helpless. Do not feel helpless. You have the abilities to make changes. No one is helpless, from the tiniest baby to the greatest population. No one is helpless. Please, think about your environment. Think about your global welfare. Grief comes in many ways. It comes from personal loss, and it comes from global loss. So, it is very important that you understand grief because grief is not an emotion.
Grief is a disbelief. Grief is the belief that you have lost something. You have not lost something. It is important, however, for you to learn a different way of saying “hello”. It is not about saying goodbye. It is about learning to say “hello” in a different way. It is possible. It is important. It is necessary. It is impactful. It is life-changing, saying hello in a different way. That is what the word grief means. It has gotten a bad rap. It has gotten a bad rap. But see if you can make inroads to change it so that you have the ability to school and educate and explain that grief is learning to say hello in a different way.
And so we would like for you now to have information about the way that healing modalities from Spirit have come to play. How did this happen and what are a few examples? We have asked one of our sisters that is here this evening to be able to give that information about several modalities that she has been given from Spirit. And we would like for you, our sister Christine, to allow Participant 3 to speak.
Christine: You want to unmute yourself?
Participant 3: There are two systems that I work with: Loving Heart Connections and Jade Process. They are two spirit-given energy energetic self-healing systems designed to provide ways for us to heal on all levels: the mental body, the emotional body, the physical body, the spiritual body. Each system is unique. Loving Heart Connections offers a way to directly connect with loved ones in spirit, spiritual guidance, and the soul. This eliminates the need for a medium. As the client learns, during the Loving Heart Connection session, how to use bilateral stimulation; touch, sound, eye movements, to build a bridge of connection, which can be used during the session with the facilitator and which can be continued to be used by the client after the session. This empowers the client to directly communicate, to directly receive healing and information, to strengthen alignment and connection with soul and spirit, and continue bonds and relationships with loved ones who are no longer in the physical body.
After one session, the client has all the information needed to continue to use Loving Heart Connections, and this is a beautiful and powerful gift of spiritual energetic self-healing that Spirit has given us to use and to learn.
The second one, Jade Process, offers a way to optimize and maintain the energy field, which is also known as the multidimensional being. This system covers everything from before soul creation to the current lifetime and experience, and all of the energies, experiences, lifetimes, memories in between. As we know, we can have memories from our soul and from others that are having a direct impact on our energy field, our experiences, our learning, and our growth. Jade Process also provides a way to put supports in place for learning in progress, current challenges, and provide support for future learning and challenges. The energy field includes all the data, information, factors, systems, including the chakras and the meridians and bodily systems. Every physical bodily system has an energetic blueprint, if you will, and spirit works on all of the systems. Jade Process provides a way for us to release, to heal, to transform, and to transmute the energies, memories, attachments, and connections that are not supporting our highest and best good.
This includes not only other lifetimes and experiences, but also soul family, soul group, ancestral, collective, and planetary connections. Jade Process is a comprehensive and powerful spiritual energetic self-healing system given by Spirit to help us to heal, grow, and help others. You can learn more about Loving Heart Connections and Jade Process by visiting our website,
There are other spiritual energetic healing systems as well. These are two that I work with, and I hope that I explained them well enough, SADO, and feel free to add anything that you want to add. Thank you.
SADO: And we appreciate your thoughtful presentation of the information. The reason why we have asked this one to speak about these two is that there are many, this one is saying several, different modalities that have been given by Spirit. Another is Reiki, which has the advantages of processing what is going on in the body, and we have found that it has been extremely valuable for many people who are able to pull in the information and especially the energy without having the knowledgeable discussion of what is happening. Reiki is the energetic system that works on the body, and therefore, it is a far superior energetic system than other things that you might see that have a more logical process, say acupuncture. Acupuncture has the processing of releasing the energy in the muscles or gaining energy throughout the muscular system that can make good and appropriate changes in the physical body. This is done when there does not need to be a great deal of information shared, but the modalities that this one, our sister (Desi) Participant 3 has given us and talked with you about those modalities will give you more information about what is happening and why it is happening.
So we would like for you to keep that in mind. Meditation, or as some on here call it prayer, is incredibly valuable, and it, too, was given by Spirit. Now, unfortunately, there are some modes of prayer that have been pulled from the spiritual side and are not as effective. But we would like for you to think about how prayer feels in your heart. We would also like for you to think about the way that meditation feels in your heart. When you are able to meditate, to connect with spiritual guidance, that is an incredible gift, and it is a modality that is spirit-given. We would ask for you to consider utilizing only the spiritual modalities that are spirit given because those are true, and they will provide the fulfillment in your own heart. And that is what we started with this evening, is it not? So we would like for you to consider knowing and understanding what it is that spirit is bringing to you, bringing to your environment, bringing to your group, bringing to your intellect, bringing to your education. And following this. This will also provide for you the fulfillment and the health and the peace that you are looking for.
And we would now open the room for any questions that you might have regarding the subjects from this evening or anything else that is on your heart this evening.
Cristine: Do we have questions?
Christine: SADO, I’d like to quickly ask if nobody has their hands up yet. Is this a time of opening up the golden staircase? I know you talked about the reason why the storms and the weather right now, but is that another possibility of an opening to the golden staircase at this time, too?
SADO: And we appreciate your question. The golden staircase, which you referred to, is always open, but it became much larger and much brighter during the years of COVID. That is when there were thousands who were ready to come home, but were not able to do so themselves in a significantly short period of time. They did not want to go through a long illness in order to reach the golden staircase, and many of them had very strong bodies. So, the golden staircase was, as you might say, lit up during the COVID years, and it remains lit but not in the same way that it did at that point in time. Does that help your question to be answered, our sister?
Christine: It does. Thank you so much. Participant 2, go ahead.
SADO: You are welcome.
Participant 2: Thank you, SADO, for checking in with me earlier. I’m sure there are lots that have anxiety about the upcoming election. And besides prayer and the aftermath, what suggestions can you give us to help us go through that journey of what’s going to happen?
SADO: We appreciate, and knowing this is a very difficult question for you to wrestle with, with all else that is going on in your life at this particular time. We could be very facetious and say, vote. That is what needs to happen, is you need to vote. But we understand that your question goes much deeper than that facetious answer, and we did not want to create any hurt by our silliness this evening. It is a very difficult time that this process is going on. It is a time of difficulty for either side to understand the reason for those opposed to your way of thinking. It is difficult to understand why you would want four more years of what you have been experiencing if you are of that ilk. It is very difficult to understand why you would want to go back four years earlier to what was going on at that point in time.
So, the reason why you are having this back and forth push and pull, positive and negative, Republican and Democrat…the reason why this is happening is for you to understand, and all of you to understand that there is much that is happening in your country of origin to show you that there are very different opinions of what needs to happen. The reason why this has not been sorted in the last four years is because of the constant upbringing of the same information which many will tell you is untrue. Rehashing and rehashing and restating and restating has not allowed the country to get its’ feet on the floor and make positive impact on what needs to happen in the populations at this point in time. So it is important that you are asking this question this evening, and we will tell you that it is heartbreaking for those of us in spirit to see the animosity that is thriving with these arguments. It is heartbreaking for us to watch brother against brother. It is so difficult for us to try to get the information out that would allow you all to move forward.
We understand the tears. We understand the pain. We understand the lack of hope. We understand the issues that are going on. It is not one person that is causing this. It is a mentality that is causing this. And unfortunately, that mentality is mostly ego-based. So what we would suggest and what we would like for you to do is to separate the ego from the soul for you to understand that the ego’s fear and anxiety is creating more dissension.
And we would like to know if that has responded to your question and has provided any peace for you.
Participant 2: Yes, it does. Thank you so much, SADO, and I do like your silliness.
SADO: ha, ha, ha.
Christine: SADO has shared a lot of information. Is there anything that has struck you that you wanted to ask about?
SADO, it looks like there may not be any other questions. Interesting.
SADO: Well, perhaps we have placed fear into the hearts of our participants, and they are too afraid to ask any more questions (ha, ha, ha). And we will say to you, good evening to you for this evening, and that we appreciate you being here and look forward to spending time with you again in the near future.
SADO: And it is enough.
November 2024
Jane: Unfortunately, we forgot to turn on the recording at the top of this presentation from SADO. This error has caused us to have the recording for the wonderful meditation that SADO did. We apologize for our neglect.
SADO: We would like to call on some of our members to report on how they are processing this newest political development. First, we would like to ask our brother, Allen, to report on his thoughts, feelings and adjustments.
Allen: We now have an opportunity to witness the expression of pure ego and darkness on a large scale. As light workers are in our spiritual paths, it would be important for us not to buy into this. This is not subtle, it’s not some personal issue. This is going to be so big that we have to recognize it. My objective is to be a pillar of stability within this new chaos that I assume is going to be coming. And, also, to use it for personal growth, because it will be a great learning lesson for us. I think that the beginnings, the coronavirus started this process, and what the coronavirus did for us was it started to break down all the rules that we’ve lived by for the last 100 years. It started to break down systems on a global basis. We moved into a point of chaos. The results of this election are going to continue that chaos and probably take it to a very large extent. It’s going to really spread. We’re going to see darkness and chaos come in. We anticipate that. What that’s going to do, it will finally unravel all the systems that we have, which have not really been working that well for us.
It’s time for something new. So as the old order falls away and is disrupted, we need to keep to ourselves. We need to maintain our connection with Spirit, do our inner work, and design a new way of being. Even within our own minds or our own manifestations, we now have the power to create. We are all going to collectively have the power to create a new way of being. The new way of being, it is up to us, particularly, to figure out what that’s going to be on an individual level to start with, and then collectively. What do we want society to look like? Basically, instead of being freaked out by this election or upset by it, I am now excited. This was actually as of yesterday. I’ve actually become very excited because this is an incredible opportunity to remake the world because we don’t have to fight the existing order anymore. The existing order is going to go away. We just have to focus on our power. As we know, we’ve been told we have the power to transform and to create with our co-creator selves and within the oneness, we can create tremendous things. This is an opportunity. It’s an exciting opportunity. For me personally, it’s important. I was very obsessed with the news, and I followed it closely. I have gone into a news blackout, because I want to be aware of what’s going on, but I don’t I need to participate. I don’t need to be in it anymore. It’s going to do what it needs to do. What I need to focus on is moving out of the ego and moving into our spiritual awareness, our higher levels of being, and take that opportunity and then decide and help to manifest the wonderful things that are going to come, probably quicker than any of us realize. It doesn’t have to be this lifetime, the end of this lifetime. It doesn’t have to be our kid’s lifetime. It can be now. I think it’s going to happen very quickly, especially within the Age of Aquarius which is coming. I’m excited by the potential that we have been given and that we helped create with this election.
SADO: And we appreciate you, our brother, for processing the way that you have, as well as being able to communicate that processing in a way that will be very helpful for others. So, we appreciate, and we thank you for your service. Our sister, Diane, does not know that she is called on this evening to share with us her processing of this event. But we would like to ask for you to do that task. Will you agree to do that, our sister?
Participant 2: That is a surprise. I will try. I’ll try. I started off being very angry and disappointed on Tuesday night and Wednesday. I tried very hard to understand what that meant for us. Most importantly, I knew that this was all about ego. This was all about the way our society has been driven. So, I’ve been really going inside and trying to be as peaceful as possible. I’m avoiding, as much as possible, the news. But I know that things will happen that will be difficult to see, for me. Obviously, for other people, it may not be an issue. But for me, it was about getting back to peace and getting back to a place where I can be happy and see the beauty of what is around us. The sun is still there. The light is still there. The flowers are going into hibernation, but the fall is beautiful to look at. So, I’m trying to look at beauty and certainly being in a place where I can be as peaceful as possible and as calm as possible. I don’t know if that answers the question, but that’s where I am right now.
SADO: And we appreciate you giving us this information. You see how your process was different from our brothers? And that is one of the pieces of information that is important for us to be able to give at this point in time. It’s that your processing is different. Your task is different. Your wish is different. Your abilities are different. That is what is going to provide the most help for all of you. It’s to recognize that the way you are processing, if it does, as our sister said, bring peace, if it does, as our brother said, bring the challenge of what comes next. We would like for you to hear the processing, and again, this will be a surprise from our brother, Randy, about how it is that he has worked through this news.
Randy: Well, like most people who are on the spiritual path, I was saddened to think that so many people were …they drank the Kool-Aid, and they swallowed every drop of it. I believe in divine order, and I believe that there’s a plan here that we cannot yet see. But I have learned as a teacher of divine metaphysics to trust life and go with it, because if you don’t go with it, you suffer. Right now, I have suffered for the last few days, and I’m coming to peace with it that I have to trust the process here. I share my love and light with the collective consciousness of these United States and many other parts of the world, and I will trust in a higher order that we will not be damaged or hurt and people won’t be killed. I believe that the light will overcome the darkness.
SADO: And to our dear brother, we appreciate your take on this information, because it is the hope that is important for us to dwell on and to feel. And last surprise for this evening is to ask our sister, Wendy, to provide this information to us about the way that she is continuing to process this news.
Wendy: That certainly puts me on the spot, because as I’ve been sitting here, I was wondering why SADO didn’t want to hear from someone who honestly presents themselves as, I will not say that I was celebrating, but I was obviously in the minority from the people that we’ve heard from in terms of my reactions to the election. But I will tell you that despite the fact that the actual results mirrored what I had hoped, I have a profound sadness that has continued since before the election. And that sadness is that I saw a lack of awareness of our countrymen, as a whole, that we are all going to end up in the same place, and that spirit, God, universe, whatever you choose to use as a phrase to identify, has a plan in mind that includes all of us. And there is a reason, regardless of how things turn out, that we are all to be following this path. I have had, I’m sure, as much difficulty understanding the perceptions of the people who I don’t agree with politically, as all of those people have had understanding me. And that is where the sadness comes from, because we are all one, and somehow there is commonality in there, and it saddens me that we have to go through so much pain in order to find that commonality. I don’t know if that’s a good summary. I don’t know if any of that makes sense. That’s really all I can say at this point.
SADO: And we appreciate you giving us that information. And it is not that SADO did not want to hear “your side”, but we were looking at the belief structure of those that are within this community and making sure that we could present the information in the same percentages that are remarkable for this particular community. We appreciate you providing that information for us and providing a good basis for our processing the information that it is imperative that there be understanding of both groups, or, shall we say all groups, who have voted, listened, thought about these issues.
This one also had a very difficult time with the information that what was to be in the regime change of the government. Indeed, it has taken this one much time and soul-searching and many angry moments to bring to you the voice of SADO about how to deal with that. But let there not be a mistake in knowing that both sides of this issue will have considerable work to do during this next time period. The basis for this will be love. It is important that you understand that the only way for this to go forward is through love.
If you have love within yourself, that is good, but it does not shape opinions, conversations, and most of all, change. When two or more are gathered and love is the ultimate, that is when change, understanding, forgiveness can come and can work. It is invaluable for you to begin to allow the circumstances of what is happening in your country. Allow those circumstances to be understood. Allow and hear and discern what is different between ego and essence. There is no right or wrong, but there is ego and there is essence. When you are able to discern the difference between those thoughts that you are having and discern whether or not they are coming from your ego, that allows you to understand them differently. And remember that most of ego, the basis for most of ego, is fear. When you have fear, no matter what your political beliefs are, when you have fear, that is ego. This one had quite an issue with that statement. As her primary fears were for the immigrants and the people of the country of Ukraine. And her argument was, “that is not my ego, SADO. That is my intellect. That is my knowledge. That is the unfairness of those groups of people”. SADO said, that is incorrect. That is coming from your ego, because you feel what it is about those groups. You feel you are correct, you cannot know that you are correct if you are coming from your ego. You must listen for essence. You must listen from the soul. You must listen for Spirit’s voice and understand that what you believe, as non-egotistical as it seems to you, may be ego. This is imperative that you see this and be able to work toward understanding, forgiveness, but mostly love.
We would like now to open this discussion for any questions that you may have. And please feel free to address your questions to those who have provided information for us with regard to their process. And SADO asks for forgiveness for those of you who have presented your process in not asking you to agree to this before this session.
Participant 1, you want to go ahead?
Participant 1: Hi. Hello, everybody. Thank you, SADO. That’s an interesting follow-up. I guess, maybe to bring through Allen and Wendy particularly, what occurs for me is I’ve been having a lot of, what would you call it, presentations coming at me on the ascension, the coming of the new world from the old world. And so I feel like I may be reading between the lines with both Allen and Wendy with their processing of the topic from last week, that this is, this is a phase to me.
What’s standing out to me is the Ascension and new world is a catalyst to me. It’s the happenings and everybody’s feelings. I’ve got several very close friends who are just totally distraught on the results last week. And yet, I don’t have a relationship with them into their spiritual aspect as far as the Ascension, the old world, new worlds. I don’t go into that realm with them. Like I said, to me, it’s like, oh, wow, this is a catalyst for all this to happen. I guess for an aspect of conversation or question to SADO, I know we can’t do fortune telling, but I’m just curious what SADO’s message may be of people processing this towards the catalyst of this Ascension. So that’s my point of it all. So, thank you very much for listening.
SADO: And we appreciate your statement. And we would like to go back to our brother, Allen, to respond to that. As he has pointed out in his processing, what it will take in order for us to get to the next step. Our brother, Allen, could you speak to that a bit more?
Allen: I think what this means to me is that we all know that we’ve all struggled with the ego. Living in the world, we are constantly, as you say, bombarded by things that make the ego look so real and so powerful. A good example being that we feel that we have no power to affect what happened this week. It’s beyond us. It’s mystical. We can’t understand it. So, I think what this means is that it’s time. It’s a message for us to step back from the world. To step back from the darkness that we assume is going to come or the events. I think darkness is very judgmental. As SADO would say, it’s a very judgmental term. So, we need to be in the world. We need to continue doing our work, but we need to learn to not engage so much with it. To observe but not give energy and emotion to this event that has just occurred. And in that sense, the event is something it is, to use your word, catalyst. It’s a catalyst for us to take our next steps spiritually. We’ve all been working on the spiritual stuff. We’ve all been on that, but we’re still very much in the world. We’re still very much in the ego space. We’re very much within the illusion. And now the illusion has grown so strong, so powerful, so overwhelming that we can recognize this thing outside of ourselves, and we can step back. We need to be the point of stability. We need to be the points of calm in the midst of the storm. So, now the hurricane has arrived. Now we need to stand in the middle of it and we need to be calm and enjoy the Majesty of nature. We really are going to have to learn and incorporate all the things that we’ve been told, all the things that we’ve been studying for these years. We need to take those things, internalize them, not disconnect, not go off in a mountain in the cabin somewhere, but really truly think, recognize the ego, recognize the insanity, and then what is it that we want to manifest in its place? What is it that we really would like to do with ourselves, our life, and with society, especially? Then we’re going to take that energy as co-creators, and when the time comes, we’re going to bring it back out into the world, and we’re going to share it. We could share it tomorrow, we could share it a year from now, whatever is appropriate. To summarize, this is a learning opportunity for us personally to demonstrate everything that we’ve been hearing from SADO and from spiritual stuff and incorporate it now.
SADO: And we appreciate that information, and we agree with you that looking at it as darkness is a judgment and that is not helpful. And we appreciate the words of co-create, because this is where the community of all the participant 4’s and all the participant 1’s will work together to co-create the world order that we would like for you to experience. You have not been engaged in this co-creating for quite some time, and it now has an opportunity for you to be able to do so. We would like for you to skip the rhetoric, skip the assertions with the messages on them, shaming one side or the other. We would like for you to search for neutrality about the sides, and for you to do as our sister, Diane, suggested, and that is to look at the here and now. And what our brother, Randy, schooled us in, to be able to make use of the information from your heart and from your mind. This is the opportunity. You have now an opportunity that you did not have before. But it is important for you to understand the word and the process of co-creating, to co-create. So, I thank you. And are there other questions that you would like to pose?
Participant 2: I’m asking for help in this moment rather than anything else. I want to come to a place of understanding the balance, or what currently appears to me like balance, between not engaging with what I feel is not where I want to be and not how I want to live. But more importantly, I truly do feel it is important for me to say that to know the depth of the change that has been coming from way, way, way back before COVID and just as COVID started. As COVID started, it was intended to be the first round, the first major shift. And, to now know that we’re in the second major shift, which will be exceedingly uncomfortable, like the first one, but different. As a mother, as somebody who feels it is my responsibility and my gift and my pleasure to connect with my children as they walk through. This feels important to me. Though while I know where I stand, I find it almost reckless to not say that there is a danger, that many of us may be physically in danger, and some of us may lose their human rights. And women are literally not in true control of their bodies. That needs a response that, yes, is love, but also requires a truth that can be shared about how that is unacceptable to me as a woman, as a queer, as a spiritual pathfinder. That is a no way. I just can’t get, nor I’m sure that I wish to be the place where I disengage while my brothers and sisters and my children and my family are already experiencing immense blowback. And he ain’t in office yet. That’s all. Please speak to me because I want to hear.
SADO: We appreciate you bringing these very heartfelt concerns to this community. Please know that it is important for you to find the places where you feel you can be yourself and be safe and be protected. We would like for you to allow yourself to stay in the present. There is much rhetoric out there that shows what is going to happen and being said with very much authority. But we do not know the future because it hasn’t happened yet. It’s important for you to know that the ego-driven response is sometimes at the very last moment. It is not something that is decided. But we would like for you to know that there are many, many, many who are very concerned, worried, angry about these possibilities. But please know they are possibilities, not probabilities. You see?
We would like for you to not bring that negative energy into your body where it can do harm to you. We would like for you to step into the spiritual guidance of love, of loving yourself, and not to, as this one would say, stick your head in the sand. But to understand that there is a great deal of fear around the issues that you speak. We understand that some of those issues are very true at this point intime, but let’s see. Let’s let the future unfold, and let’s do what it is that is necessary to bring the peace and intelligence and the spiritual goodness around those issues. Can you work toward that?
Participant 2: Yes, I can do that. Thank you.
SADO: And we will be right there with you, our sister.
And we will provide for you support and positive energy. Listening to your essence will provide for you the healthy response that is necessary for you to be who it is that you want to be. And we appreciate your question this evening.
Participant 3: I’m having a really hard time. I feel like I’m really caught between a rock and a hard place, because there’s a part of me, and maybe it’s the essence part of me that understands that we needed to come to a hard place inorder to get to a better place. But like participant 2, there are things that I’m having a really hard time reconciling. It’s the women’s issues. It’s what’s already been done to women through Roe versus Wade. It’s before I got on here, I saw a thing come across my phone that he would like to put Robert Kennedy Jr. as head of HHS. I guess, from an ego or fear place, this is really insane. And, my concern, and what I’m trying to make peace with, is how much worse does the treatment of people on this planet have to get before we have positive change? And, I have family members that I will not speak to again because of how they voted. And it’s for very personal reasons. So, on a spiritual level, I get what I agreed to come into when I came into this Earth suit. I mean, I get that. But then I don’t understand why there are not enough lightworkers among us on this planet, not just in this group, but so many other groups that can’t have this come together in a way that supports everyone.
I went through a lot of turmoil, like everybody else with this election. In the last couple of days, I’ve really been at a much more peaceful place. I don’t know where I am. I want to stay in the light. I want to stay in a place of peace, but I can’t wrap my brain around people that would support a man that would treat women and minorities and those that are handicapped in this way. But then on a spiritual perspective, I get, well, you have to look at that in order to bring about the change. And, I think the best at this particular moment, which I may feel different after this is over, is that I can forgive myself for not being able to forgive some other people for their choices.
SADO: And that is where it begins. The self-forgiveness has to be imparted and has to be concrete to move to outside. So self-forgiveness is very important. And you are right, it is the first step on the wrung of a ladder. It is important for you, as you know, to gather around as much peace as possible. We again would like you to understand and to try not to go into the future. Remember, you have three different branches to your government, and the executive branch is only one.
I think you will understand from what you have been seeing that there has become an additional party in your politics. It is an additional party that is more midline than the far right or the far left. And, as you know, that one, five, 25 people will not be making the very important decisions that will go into what it is that you are most afraid of.
As we told this one, it’s going to be a bumpy road. It is going to be a bumpy road, but it is not a road that is unsurpassable. There are reasons for the bumps in the road, but please know the potholes can be filled. They can be made passable. It may take you on an alternate journey, but it is not a total deadend.
We would like for you to stay away from that which is upsetting for you to hear, and understand how your government works with the necessity of going through the different branches to gain the jobs and the changes. Do not catastrophize, but wait and see. And while you are waiting, do not sit back. While you are waiting, discover what it is that you want. How do you want to live your life? How do you want to prepare? Stay in the here and now. Do not get caught up in the ego’s fear. Is that possible?
Participant 3: I will work on it.
SADO: Again, we will be with you in working on this.
Participant 3: Well, I will be calling on you.
SADO: And we will always be there.
Participant 3: Thank you.
SADO: And we will entertain one final question for this evening.
Participant 4: Has the universe presented for the first time in my years of recollection, such disparities to force us into this situation of depending on dealing with our personal ego and our personal spiritual path in order to lead us to overall humanity-wide peace, ascension, whatever you want to call it, which we hope is coming. Is this all… I don’t know if you can give us this secret, but has this all been intentional?
SADO: And we appreciate your question. And we would ask for you to think of another time in this country where it has come to a fevered pitch where this the same scenario has been called to play out?
Participant 4: I don’t remember, and I remember a lot of different circumstances, but I don’t remember any, and maybe it’s just because this is the current one. I don’t remember any that have been this intense, this divisive, this hurtful on a personal basis of person against person.
SADO: And we will provide for you an answer to that question, and that is your civil war. Remember this is where you had brother against brother. You had half of your country feeling one way, and half of your country feeling a different way. You had all of your country willing to bear arms for what it is that they believed. You had half of your country saying the other half was crazy, immoral, unethical. And how did that work out? Where are you today?
Participant 4: We’re still here.
SADO: Because of your civil war. Where you are is having the kind of government that you have, that can make changes, that is not allowed to go rogue. You had decades of time when those who have so-called lost the war, did not agree with the new administration. But today, you are stronger, more ethical, more moral than you were at that time. We are not saying, please do not misunderstand us. We are not saying that this is a time to bear arms. We are saying that in the society that you now have, it will be a different kind of fight, and it will be a hope. It will be an opportunity. It will be a new practice of understanding, forgiveness, peace, fulfillment if love is the basis for the change.
We hope that this evening has provided you with information that is helpful. We also understand there are more questions that you have, and we would like for you to send those questions to this one. We are able to provide for you the response that you need when the energy is greater. We welcome further discussion, further answers to your questions, and always help from Spirit to you.
And it is enough…
To hear you Sado is very comforting. Your words have given me hope and structure. I can remember “mentality is ego based” and to “separate the ego from the soul”.
This discussion has brought me hope. This is the time to draw upon all that we have been taught. Thanks to all who have facilitated this transmission of wisdom.